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SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM OUR STUDENTS Detail the procedure of the Sukha Purvaka. What is its purpose? The Sukha Purvaka Pranayama

is a four part breath: inhale, hold, exhale and hold. The rhythm is in equal parts, beginners usually start with a 6x6x6x6 or a 8x8x8x8 count. Blood temperature falls while doing this Pranayama, reducing the incidence of blood fever. Holding the breath also goes against our animal nature, and helps us to gain conscious control of the breathing mechanism. This Pranayama means the simple breath that must be mastered before proceeding to more difficult Pranayamas. Why do we perform Jattis, Mudras and Kriyas before doing our Pranayama practice? Moving excites our animal nature, so that we can then sit still and concentrate. Why does Amma say that the basis of all Yama and Niyama is Swadyaya. If we know ourselves

totally, both in the highest and lowest sense, then our behaviour will naturally be appropriate at each instant in time. What does Samradhya mean? Perfecting the art of human relationships, it is the sweet adjustment to other peoples’ needs. What does Sadharana Karana mean? It is the delicate balance between distance and nearness necessary to objectify emotions. We need to learn not to take our own emotions personally or seriously. What significance does “Satya” have in day to day

living, as well as in ordinary encounters and relationships? Satya means truthfulness, however this doesn’t mean that you should blurt out everything that you think or feel to be true. One must use discrimination so as not to hurt others. If a child makes a painting, and although it might be ugly you wouldn’t truthfully answer as this would be hurtful to the child and there would be no benefit to that. Of course one must also choose the right way to say the truth without hurting others. Narrate any one story associated with the Lingashtakam. Brahma and Vishnu were arguing as to who was the greater devotee of Shiva. Shiva appeared as a column or a Linga of fire, and he said that whoever could find the beginning or the end of the Linga would prove that he was the greater devotee. Vishnu transformed into a boar and began digging to find the end of the Linga, and Brahma transformed into a swan and began flying up to find the beginning of the Linga. Then a

flower fell into Brahma’s hands and he said that this was his proof that he had found the beginning of the Linga. He flew back down to show Vishnu ‘that he had won’, which of course was a lie. Then Shiva appeared to confront Brahma in his lie, and this is the reason why to this day there are very few temples dedicated to Brahma. Describe the qualities of the Guru as expounded in the Guru Strotra. The word guru is commonly used for every kind of teacher, however the right usage would be to the highest spiritual teachers of humanity, a person who has united his lower and higher Self, who voluntarily renounces the privilege of Nirvana and remains behind to serve the less advanced. It is the one who will not enter the place of peace so long as a single one of his fellowmen remains to be served. What physiological benefit occurs when we move a body part consciously in Kriyas and Jattis, especially in relationship to the circulatory system? There will be an increase in blood circulation in that body part. If there is an increase in blood circulation then there is also an increase in the amount of Prana going to that part of the body. The cells bathe in Prana which means that there is a deeper cleansing and relaxation that occurs. Name three ways in which devotees have praised Sri Kambliswamy in the Kambliswamy Stuthi. King of Ashtanga Yoga / Light of the 4 Vedas / A deity fit to be worshipped by the whole world Living in a close family group structure creates what kind of challenges to Ahimsa? Ahimsa is usually understood as not causing any physical harm, but we must remember that we can also cause harm with our words and thoughts. If others hurt us, we must put that space between the incident and our reaction, so that we can react in an appropriate way and not in a hurtful emotional irrational way. List the 12 names of the Sun and give the meaning - quality associated with each one. Mitra – friend of all Ravi – one who is praised by all Surya – guide to all Bhanu– bestower of beauty Khaga– stimulator of the senses Pushan – nourisher of life Hiranyagarbha – promoter of virility Marichya – destroyer of disease Adidya – inspirator of love Savitu – begetter of life Arka – inspirator of awe Bhaskara – effulgent one Why is the sun called “Marichya”? Marichya means destroyer of disease. The sun nourishes and heals he body, stimulates and balances the glands and lymph systems. Without a well functioning glandular system it is impossible to be healthy. Why is the sun called “Mitra”? Mitra means friend of all because everyone needs the sun to survive, plants need it to survive, and we rely on the plant food to sustain our life, we need the sun for

vitamin D, and we need the sun to help stimulate our glandular system. Fasting is sometimes called “moral nourishment”. Explain this. Fasting is a form of Tapas, and goes against our animal nature. Through fasting we become more sensitive to our bodies, emotions and thoughts. Through Swadyaya, it gives us the

opportunity to learn more about ourselves. As well it is amazing the amount of time that is taken in a day to make food and/or eat. Fasting means that we also have more time to analyze and learn more about ourselves. In which part of the brain is consciousness located? Neo-cortex In which part of the brain are the emotions located? Mammalian brain In which part of the brain are the autonomic functions such as breathing etc. regulated? Reptilian brain Who composed the Ganesha Pancha Rathna? Bhagavad Pada Sri Adi Shankara Which is the basic geometric shape associated with Bharat Natyam, the classical dance of India? Triangle What does the Tamil term “Nala Pambu” mean? Nala Pambu means the good snake. Describe the “Danda Kriya”. Sit in Vajra Asana. Exhale and go down in Dharmika Asana. Inhale and go up in Paripurna Sasha Asana. Exhale and go back into Dharmika Asana. Inhale and sit back up in Vajra Asana. Exhale and Inhale and go back in Sapurna Ushthra Asana (keep eyes open). Exhale and sit back down in Vajra Asana. What is a Sanskrit term for the human spine? Brahma Danda Which two Mudras stimulate the G.I.T., one at one end, the other at the other end? Kaki and Aswini Mudras What is the meaning of Loma-Viloma? Loma Viloma are the two universal energies Prana and Apana that flow within the Koshas. These energies can be controlled with proper breathing and body positioning. Name ten pairs of “opposites” (Dwandhwa) which are applicable to the Loma-Viloma concept. Light/dark ying/yang left/right hot/cold female/male sun/moon ida/pingala inhale/exhale ignorance/wisdom life/death Prana / Apana Where is the Kundalini Shakti stored in the human

body? Bottom of spine, in sacral plexus (Sukshma Shariara) Which Chakra is associated with the Solar Plexus? What geometric shape is associated with it? Which element of nature is related to it? Manipura charka - Triangle - fire What does “Sukha” mean? Sukha means easy or pleasant or comfortable. Which Rishi stayed in a difficult Yoga Asana for 99

years to gain the boon of 99 sons? Rishi Vashishta Name five balancing Asanas which you have learned. Nataraja Asana, Rathacharya Asana, Vrikasana, Veerya Asana, Ardha Chandra Asana. What is the meaning of Diwali? Diwali is the festival of lights. It is the victory of light (consciousness) over darkness (ignorance). What English word has probably derived from “Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth”? Luck What does “Ahamkara” literally mean? Ego, conception of one’s own individuality What does “Paravritti” mean? Variation What does “Prarthana” mean? Prayer – positive thought form Of what value are the gymnastic, acrobatic Asanas? It is not necessary to do advanced variations in order to get the benefits of Yoga Asanas. Sometimes the simplest movements can have tremendous benefits (i.e. crawling). However for people who are extremely flexible, more

difficult variations may be required to keep them interested. The more acrobatic postures are an excellent way to get young people interested in Yoga. What is the spiritual value of Karma Yoga (as practiced in the Ashram)? Karma Yoga is selfless service that opens the heart and makes one joyful. You do the best you can do and are not attached to the

results. You expect nothing in return for your actions. It is also a way of burning away karma. For most of us the real karma yoga isn’t the hour we spend each day doing a task. The interesting thing about karma yoga or sharing with others is that you always get back more than you give. Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER Hon

General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/ananda

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