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Some good answers from a student of the correspondence course

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Some good answers from a student of the correspondence course -------------- Review the five modes of perception in Yoga Dristhi. Viparyaya- wrong perception, mistaking one thing for another Pramana- right knowledge, being aware of things as they are. Direct perception, logical inference and reliable testimony are the 3 ways of right knowledge. Smirite- memory, but this memory must be right memory not what is convenient to oneself, we must look for the truth. Vikalpa- doubt. This does not mean whether we are seeing a person we know or a stranger when we are uncertain. Nidra- sleep. This type of sleep is when we are daydreaming, this is to be asleep to the moving of the self. What are some of the ways in which the rhythmic breath can be used? When one is walking or running counting 8 steps for the in breath and 8 steps for the out breath, when we are swimming. Detail the ¨dog pant¨ breath and its benefits. A deep inhale through the nose and out through the mouth Stick the tongue out and start breathing fast, through the mouth just like a dog. This is a good way to recharge the body. Describe some of the benefits of the inverted poses Viloma asana and Purna Viloma asana. From this asanas one we get muscle toning and spinal health by the articulation. What is Brahma

Mahurta? This is a meditation performed early in the morning, known as God’s hour . this varies depending on your location in the world. The productiveness of this meditation is really short from 10 to 40 minutes. Describe briefly the technique for this form of early morning medication and if possible, detail some of your own personal experience briefly. When you are finally awake sit facing the east, since that’s where the sun rises. Trying not to do sudden movements, you have to be calm at all times for this type of meditation. Breathe

rhythmically concentrating on the place right between your eyebrows. Don’t force yourself to visualize anything, just relax. The first time a tried it was very hard, because I would relax so much that I would became sleepy. But with time it becomes easier to wake up and take advantage of the moment. Your body becomes light, and the breath is smooth and gentle, like it is caressing you. And you lose track of time, you almost don’t want to get out of it, but you start feeling your legs going numb, and the mosquito that you were ignoring is now

bothering you and you can’t stop thinking about that itching from the bite. But for the time that you were relax and nothing else mattered….it was heaven. What is Yoga Marga? Yoga Marga is the yoga path. Marga is describe as a distinct and well

formulated path for liberation. Do all Paths reach the goal? Yes, all paths if practiced with real aspiration and concentration will reach the goal of spirituality. The path is not simple and maybe hard to some, but not impossible to reach. What is the Eight Fold Path? A way of life that leads to release ourselves from suffering. Established by a great yogi known as Buddha. It is how we should manage ourselves through life. Correct understanding Correct aims The correct use of speech Correct conduct Correct mode of livelihood Correct effort Correct intellectual activity Correct contemplation Detail Chandra Nadi and Surya Nadi asana and pranayama. Chandra Nadi asana and pranayama. First lie on the right side of your body. Lower your head on the right arm. Bend you left knee and place it on the floor, them put the left foot behind the right knee. Place the left palm on the diaphragm. Breathe deeply, until you feel you are breathing mostly out of the left nostril. Surya Nadi asana and pranayama. First lie on the left side, lower you head on the left arm, bend your right knee and place it on the floor, then put the right foot behind the left knee, place your right palm on the diaphragm. Breathe deeply until you feel you are breathing mostly out of your right nostril. What is the law of Karma? The law of cause and effect, the idea that everything is paid equally, good or bad. What we received is a result of out past actions even past lives. Why should we know about our dreams? Because they are thoughts as well and they can reflect out subconscious feelings, and we are karmically responsible for conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings. Review the rules for correct

lifting Don’t push or lift things that are beyond the weight that you can handle. Don’t lift things on dangerous areas where you cannot handle the weight with control. Don’t push, pull or lift something after eating. Don’t work too hard when you are over tired. Don’t push, pull or lift something after you have taken medication. Don’t work against the breath. Why is leg lifting a good prevention of hernias? It helps make the legs stronger so they can support the weight that one may lift. In what way can the practice of Hatha asanas and pranayamas help in the problems of lifting? They help condition the body for lifting. You build up muscles by removing fat, and they teach you how to breathe correctly while lifting. What is the law of karma? What ever you do think or feel will be repaid in the same manner that was given. But one mustn’t act on the expectation that they will receive some reward. What are the three origination sources of karma? Adhyatmika- any troubles or difficulties that may happened

it’s because of one’s own actions. Actions include thoughs, dreams, daydreaming, things that we should have done or we didn’t do. Adhibhautika karma- is action and reaction coming out of the material world. For example the weather, animals and other things found in nature. Adhidaivika- this has to do with the time, place and era in which you are born into it deals a lot with astrology and numerology. What is Bhastrika? The bhastrika is a breathing exercise where the air is move in and out of the lungs very fast and with some force. The out breath is done with a whooshing sound or like my sister called it a ¨choo choo¨ sound. My personal favorite is the bhastrika in meru asana while during Arjuna Surya Namashkar. Describe Nasarga Bhastrika and it’s healing effects. The beginning face of this exercise you have to sit in a sitting position

that allows you spinal cord to be straight, this is an in and out breath through the nostrils. Doing this in a rhythm on the last breath you take a deep inbreath, and hold it as long as you can comfortably, then you let it out through the mouth slowly, this give you a feeling of extreme tranquility. Describe Navaka Asana and its Kriya. Navaka asana Lying face down, hands locked behind the back. On an inbreath lift the upper body, bend your knees and lift the legs feet straight up. Feet and hands are not touching. Navaka Kriya After getting into the navaka asana you do a rocking action. Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/ananda

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