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MASTERPIECES OF RISHICULTURE ASHTANGA (GITANANDA) YOGA INSTRUCTION CONTAINING A SYNTHESIS OF CLASSICAL YOGA CONCEPTS WITH MODERN SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj had spent most of his eighty-seven years in the propagation of Classical Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga. The Paramparai (tradition) that he inherited is a fusion

of Classical Ashtanga Yoga Promulgated by Yogamaharishi Swami Kanakananda Brighu of Bengal, and the South Indian Siddha Yoga tradition as exemplified by the Shakti, life and teachings of the great South Indian Siddha-Yogi, Srila Sri Kambali Gnanananda Desiga Swamigal of Pondicherry. Satya Press proudly presents a wide range of illuminating manuscripts from the pen of this venerable and highly developed Yoga Guru and his foremost disciples, Kalaimamani Yogamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and Yoga Vibhushan Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani who are continuing this illustrious Living Yoga tradition. • YOGA LIFE: MONTHLY JOURNAL: This International monthly journal in English was founded in 1968. Yoga Life is edited by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and is dedicated to expounding the teachings of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda and articles by him on practical aspects of Ashtanga Yoga, as well as scholarly and philosophical aspects of various Yogic topics appear in each issue. Articles by Yogamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi on various Yogic ideas, as well as Yogic poetry, short fiction and essays are published. Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, son and successor of Swami Gitananda, regularly presents scientifically based Yogic essays. Leading figures in the world of Yoga regularly submit articles for publication and news of happenings in the world Yogic community is also reported. The magazine provides a good link with India, the home of Yoga, expounding the science from within its

cultural background.. • YOGA: STEP-BY-STEP: This correspondence course is the best basic training in Classical Yoga through the written word now available. The Yoga: Step-By-Step Correspondence Course study is one of the requirements for those desiring to participate in the Six Month International Yoga Teacher’s Training Course held each year at ICYER from October 2 through March 25th. Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda developed this course in 1971 and the fifty-two weekly lessons are well illustrated with photographs and line drawings. It contains a practical, systematic step-by-step instruction in the integral practice of

Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga. Students answer the weekly lesson-questionnaire and submit their papers to ICYER – Ananda Ashram for evaluation. Correspondence with the Guide Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani is encouraged. The Guru carefully goes through all papers and establishes a personal rapport with the students, through regular correspondence guiding each one through problems and difficulties. A Certificate of proficiency is awarded upon successful completion of the course. Included, as a bonus is a free three-year subscription to the monthly journal Yoga Life. • YOGA SAMYAMA : A detailed course in the study of Chakras, Mandalas, Bindus, Nadis and the higher aspects of the Raja Yoga Sadhana

written by Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. Designed primarily for senior Yoga Sadhakas, it presents a beautiful system of mind training and spiritual sensitization through Raja Yoga practices. Complete with many photographs, line drawings, charts and esoteric information on structure of the mind as conceived in Hinduism and Classical Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga. Yoga Samyama can also be studied as a Correspondence Course, chapter by chapter, working on the various concentration practices and reporting the experiences back to the Guide. This study is recommended only for those who have under taken in-residence training at ICYER or who have completed the Yoga: Step By Step Correspondence Course. Includes an one-year free subscription to Yoga Life. • YOGA LIFE ANNUAL: Bound form of Ananda Ashram’s international monthly journal Yoga Life from the years 1990 through 2003. Each annual volume containing twelve issues that are beautifully bound. Perfect addition to any Yoga library and a must for all students of Swami Gitananda Giri as it offers an opportunity to read articles penned by the Guru decades ago. The perfect gift for a loved one on any special occasion. • YOGA WORLD WIDE DIRECTORY 1992 : Edited by Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda and Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani. This is a Directory of internationally known Yoga Teachers,

Swamijis, Yogacharyas and their centres in India an and around the world compiled for the Third decennial Convocation of Vishwa Yoga Samaj, Pondicherry, India in 1989. Many articles on debates, workshops and presentations at that memorable international conference along with hundreds of photographs including the First International Yoga Asana Competition is also documented with rare photos of the most esoteric and difficult Asanas. Articles by well-known Yoga teachers and presentations are also contained. A real contribution to any Yoga library and a must for Yoga teachers and Yoga enthusiasts who wish to expand their contacts in the modern Yoga world. Useful for persons planning International Conferences and a good guide for travelers seeking respectable Yoga centres and Ashrams. • SIDDHIS AND RIDDHIS : By Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda. This is the second edition of Swamiji’s exhaustive study of the phenomenon of Siddhis and Riddhis, psychic accomplishments and psychic prosperities. The author presents a learned exposition of the scope, dangers, and techniques leading to Siddhis and Riddhis as well as the physiological, psychological and spiritual back ground. A listing of the 108 commonly accepted Siddhis, and their description is a highlight. A practical Yoga Sadhana routine to obtain Siddhis is given. • YOGA - ONE WOMAN’S VIEW : A collection of essays, poetry and short stories by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani. She deals with a modern woman’s experience as a result of her practice of Yoga. Well illustrated with photographs and drawings. Special section on “The Yoga of Motherhood”. An ideal gift for any woman traveling the Yoga path. Especially useful for expectant and young mothers. • YOGA AND SPORTS: A pioneering effort by Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda and Yogamani Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani to bring benefits of Yogic thinking and physical disciplines to the modern sporting arena. The book gives a systematic guide to Yoga practices particularly useful for sportsmen as well as three complete routines outlined

fully with photos. A syllabus to follow in teaching and practice is also given. A rational for the use of Yogic techniques with sports persons is presented. A philosophical and rational argument for including Yoga Asanas as an Olympic sport is also presented with pros and cons. Rare photos of highly difficult and complicated Asanas as photographed at the First International Olympic Standard Yoga Asana Competition in Pondicherry, India, in 1989 is a highlight. This book is a boon to sportsmen, both young and old, as well as a basic guide to good routines for Yoga practice with youth and persons desiring basic workouts in Yoga. Yoga sports, competition in Yoga Asanas, is a fast growing youth activity world wide. This book gives a rationale for this dynamic activity. A must for any Yoga teacher’s library. More than 100 photos. • SURYA NAMASKAR: An excellent book on this modern addition to the Yoga repertoire by Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. Very useful for those wanting to learn more about the origin as well as the many different types of Surya Namaskar. The forms of Vedic Surya Namaskar and Rishikesh Surya Namaskar are well illustrated as also a brief look at the newer Chandra Namaskar. • YANTRA : The Mystic Science of Number, Name and Form by Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri is a most unusual presentation of the deep

meaning behind numbers, names and Mandalas geometric forms. A thorough discussion of individual biorhythms and how too chart them. The influence of name on personality is also discussed in depth, A must for senior students of Yoga. • TRIBUTE TO A GREAT GURU : Memorial volume to Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri containing more than 100 photographs of one of the greatest Gurus of the 20th century in various stages of his spiritual evolution. The Memorial Volume contains biographical data of the Guru, tributes and reminiscences by his students and articles by the Guru expressing his unique Yogic worldview are also presented. A must for the library of any serious student of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga and disciples of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. • A HEART THAT IS DISTANT : A Collection of Poetry by Meenakshi Devi

Bhavanani. This fine volume contains the prize-winning spiritual poetry of Kalaimamani Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani. A perfect gift for lovers of the spiritual life. • FRANKLY SPEAKING : Dr Swami Gitananda answers questions from students on every topic under the sun, ranging from health problems, mental unrest, technical questions on Yoga practices, spiritual queries and metaphysical quests. Compiled by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani from thirty years of question and answer articles as well as from Satsanghas with the Master. The book creates an intimate relationship with the Guru. • THE ASHTANGA YOGA OF PATANJALI : A masterly exposition of the eight limbs of Patanjala Yoga is delivered by Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. Swami Gitananda delves deeply into the inner meaning of each of the eight stages, as well as giving valuable hints for Sadhana. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are each discussed in great detail in the context of the concentrated search for Truth. • A YOGIC APPROACH TO STRESS: An

excellent treatise by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani on the Pathophysiology of stress, its prevention and relief through various practices based on Gitananda Yoga Teachings in the Tradition of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga. Various Yoga techniques of Asanas, Pranayamas and relaxation practices are given in detail with easy to follow line drawings. • YOGA AND MODERN MAN: A Humorous Journey through the Art and Science of Yoga as well as the Modern Yoga World. Various cartoons are used by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani to help the seeker visualize various Yogic concepts and laugh at the modern world of Yoga. • A PRIMER OF YOGA THEORY (NEW EDITION): A detailed study of the art and science of Yoga in the form of question and answers by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. A very useful guide for all levels of Yoga teachers and students and especially useful in preparation for theory examinations at Yogasana competitions and academic Yoga studies. • CORRECTION OF BREATHING DIFFICULTIES THROUGH RISHICULTURE ASHTANGA Yoga (NEW

EDITION): The original book by Dr Swami Gitananda Giri has been revised and edited by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. It deals with causes of breathing difficulties and Yogic answers to them. The Hathenas, a series of forcing techniques unique to the Gitananda Yoga tradition are explained as also many Pranayamas and relaxation techniques. An Ideal book for patients of breathing difficulties as well as Yoga therapists and Sadhakas of all levels. • YOGA : 1 TO 10: Concepts of Yoga explained in easy terms with reference to their relation ton the numbers. Especially useful for those wanting to learn Yoga theory in an enjoyable manner and a great

gift for children. It also contains an excellent introduction to the concepts of Yantra. • GITA INSPIRATIONS : This is a wonderful, stimulating collection of short talks, written articles, insights and inspirations by our Guru Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj (1972). Includes extracts from the GITA IN POETRY by Swamiji that has been set to Carnatic Music by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani in his music album, “THE YOGA OF SOUND”. •

PRANAYAMA IN THE TRADITION OF RISHICULTURE ASHTANGA YOGA: Various essays on Pranayama in the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition by Dr Swami Gitananda Giri, Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani and Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani have been condensed into this book. It offers a study of not only the classical eight Pranayamas but also gives a brief understanding of the 120 Pranayamas as taught by Dr Swami Gitananda Giri. A must for any sincere student of wanting to expand their knowledge of Pranayama. • MUDRAS (NEW EDITION): This is a completely revised and upgraded edition of the original book by Yogamaharishi Dr Swami

Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj. A good deal of material is available to the modern student on the subject of Hatha Yoga Asanas, Shat Karmas and a bit on Pranayama. Little is however found when searching for information on Mudras that represent some of the deeper practices of the Yoga system. Mudra is the ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital Pranic energies in the human body for health, well being and spiritual evolution. These are advanced techniques designed to improve neuromuscular coordination, culture human emotions and still the restless mind. In Yoga and Tantra, Mudras are used with the most evolutionary knowledge available to the serious student about the relationship between energy flows in the tissues, nerve channels and organs of the body as well as their correlation to higher flows of Prana in the subtle and causal bodies. In the higher practices of Yoga, Mudras are used to “gesture” the mind, Prana and the lower and higher Shaktis through

the Nadis, or subtle nerve channels of the Pancha Kosha, the Five Bodies of Man. A short practice of the Prana Mudras will soon convince even the most skeptical student of their value. The Oli Mudras are amongst the most valuable techniques to be undertaken by a serious student of Yoga. The Shakti Mudras represent the highest form of sublimation of lower energy drives into the bountiful Ojas and Tejas, the higher forces produced in the human body by the Yogis. IN PRESS • ESSAYS ON YOGA PSYCHOLOGY: Various essays on Yoga psychology from the pen of Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi have been condensed to form this book. An understanding of the Yogic concept of mind as well as Dharma, Karma and other such topics are covered in Amma’s unique style of writing. These spiritual revelations are the result of more than 35 years of dedicated Yoga Sadhana by Amma and a boon to all sincere lovers of the Yoga tradition. • THE RISHI AND THE RAKSHASHAS :

This amazing book by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani describes the journey of a spiritual seeker whose passion for India is tested in an extreme manner. Philosophical and spiritual questions are examined in an allegorical style. The story is laced with a large number of whimsical essays, which capture the bewitching qualities of this ancient land and its people. An amazing insight into the ancient culture of Hinduism, especially valuable for those seekers of Yoga who wish to understand the culture from which this mighty science has grown. Beautifully illustrated with line drawings by the eminent artist of Pune, Maharasthra, Sri S.D. Bapat. • THE HISTORY OF YOGA FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMES:

This amazing encyclopedic compilation of material by Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani gives a thorough look into the history of Yoga from its origin in timeless, pre-Vedic ages, through the Vedic period and the medieval era, down to present times. The study also traces the role of Asana is Yogic lore, and how this concept has evolved and changed, through the ages. Various Yogic scriptures are examined and the spread of Yogic thought to the West is also discussed in detail as well as its effect on modern philosophers. Gurus in modern times are also studied with their impact on Yogic concepts. Written in an easy to understand language, this book will give a sincere Sadhaka a wonderful overview of both Yoga’s past as well as its present. It may well be Amma’s magnum opus. • YOGA FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS AND OTHERS (NEW EDITION): Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani presents this guide for women who wish to make their pregnancy a Yogic experience. Instruction in basic practical Pranayamas, Asanas and relaxation exercises especially pertinent for the pregnant woman, as well as advice on diet, psychological considerations, spiritual insights etc. YOGANJALI NATYALAYAM PRODUCTIONS AUDIO CDS • PRANAVA SADHANA: Excerpts from a Live Recording of the All Night AUM (Om) Chanting Performed on the Occasion of the 130th Birth Anniversary of Sri La Sri Swami Kanakananda Brighu Guru Maharaj. 2nd February 2004 at Ananda Ashram (ICYER) Pondicherry, South India. Ideal companion for relaxation, contemplation and mediation. • PANCHAKSHARA JAPA: Excerpts from a Live Recording of the Chanting of 1008 Om

Nama Shivaya Mantras Performed on the Occasion of the Maha Shivaratri Puja Celebrations 2004 18th February 2004 at Sri Kambaliswamy Madam, Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry, South India. The CD contains 504 chants of the Panchakshara Mantra. Ideal companion for timing Yoga practice as well as Puja, contemplation and mediation. • BHAJANS WITH SWAMIJI: Wonderful Spiritual Music sung energetically by Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj and the Ananda Ashram International Bhajans troupe (1988) Includes: Ganapathiye Varuvai, Paramapavana Krishna, Sharavanabhava, Kambliswamy Stuthi, Aiengarane, Pillaiyar, Ananda Guru Om and many other all times Ananda Ashram favorites. • THE YOGA OF

SOUND: Meditative Carnatic Music with English Lyrics Composed and sung by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. Includes selections from Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj’s “Gita Inspirations”. An Ideal way to learn to understand and appreciate the wonderful Carnatic Music Tradition of South India. • TAMIL INBAM: Meditative Carnatic Music in Tamil Sung by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. An Ideal way to enjoy the meditative quality of the wonderful Carnatic Music Tradition of South India. • BHAKTI MANI MALA: A selection of many favorite compositions of classical Carnatic Music in sung melodiously by Smt Jyothirmayi and Selvi PVL Shailaja, music mistresses of

Yoganjali Natyalayam. Dr Ananda accompanies them on the Mridungam. Ideal for all music lovers. DVDS ON YOGA FROM ANANDA ASHRAM, PONDICHERRY, INDIA Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry (www.icyer.com) has embarked on a project of putting out various videos related to applications of Gitananda Yoga in association with SUPER AUDIO, Chennai (www.musicandchants.com) who is a partner of UNESCO’S Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity. 1. 10 LESSONS IN YOGA FOR STRESS REDUCTION AND SLEEPING DISORDERS produced as part of a CCRYN sponsored research project. Amma directed and scripted the DVD and she was a co-investigator in the project. Ten lessons in Yoga practices for sleep disorders with voice over by Amma and performance of the practices by students of

Yoganjali Natyalayam. Complete with 100-page book. 2. PRANAYAMA FOR HEALTH AND WELL BEING: contains 25 evergreen Pranayama techniques of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga Presented by Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. This is the first time the Pranayama teachings of Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri are being presented for a worldwide audience through this medium. The project is being produced by the well-known music company SUPER AUDIO, Chennai and will be marketed by them all over the world. ICYER recommends this DVD to all its students and alumni in order to grasp the importance of these vital practices that is much neglected in the modern Yoga world. 3. SATYAM-SHIVAM-SUNDARAM. (DVD). Indian culture extols Satyam (ultimate reality), Shivam (eternal goodness) and Sundaram (universal beauty). Yoga, one of the gems of this ancient culture, worships the Divine through “living the Life Beautiful”. Staff and students of Yoganjali Natyalayam, Pondicherry, India present their Yoga skills mingled with soothing music creating a Reality, Goodness and Beauty (Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram) that is a joy forever. Various Yoga practices of different levels of difficulty are depicted with stunning visuals shot on the lovely red earth and virgin beaches of Pondicherry, South India. A highlight is the courageous performance of Yogasanas on high hillocks as well as the meditative performance of Yogasanas with a lighted candle balanced on the head. This unique presentation is a treat for the eyes and will linger in your mind for a long time, inspiring all fortunate enough to view it to implement these high yogic ideals in

their own lives. Coordinated and presented by Yoga Vibhushan Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani. 4. MUDRAS: Yogic gestures of the hands, feet & eyes. Mudra is the ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital Pranic energies in the human body for health, well being and spiritual evolution. These are advanced techniques designed to improve neuromuscular coordination, culture human emotions and still the restless mind. Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri, one of the greatest Yoga Masters of the past century taught numerous Mudras in the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition and this presentation takes a comprehensive look at the various classes of Mudras such as the Hastha Mudras (gestures of the hands), Pada Mudras (gestures of the feet) and Chakshu Mudras (gestures of the eyes). This presentation is filmed

in an artistic manner with pleasing visuals to go along with the wonderful depth of the Mudra teachings of Swami Gitananda Girjii. A detailed exposition of the Sparsha Mudras is also given. These ten “touching gestures” are performed by placing the hands on different parts of the chest to facilitate the flow of Pranic energy to that section of the lungs in order to produce certain effects on different parts of the body. These Mudras are especially used to focus our awareness into the different segments of our lungs while performing Vibhagha Pranayama, the Yogic sectional breathing. A team of 30 participants from 12 different countries in the age range of 9 to 65 have participated in the demonstration of nearly 40 of these esoteric Mudra teachings. 5. BODY TALK: Yogic Mudras of the human body. The Yogic art and science of Mudra is a

means of non-verbal communication that is subtle and refined. It enables us to communicate intrapersonally with our inner self, interpersonally with others and transpersonally with the Divine. This presentation showcases important Yogic Mudras that can be done using the whole body as well as the head, neck and face. Different Mudras are used in various Hatha Yoga sequences and Kriyas to conserve and enhance the energy flow in the body as well as help attain a state of meditation in action. Concentration is improved and the mind settles into the body better when such Mudras are used. It also adds to the inherent benefit of the Asana or the Kriya. Important Yogic gestures of the head, neck and face are depicted with marvelous visuals of an international group performing the Brahma Mudra being the highlight. Various Mudras of the Hatha Yoga tradition are demonstrated with detailed explanation of the methods and benefits of each Mudra. Mudras “gesture” the energy necessary and

“seal” that otherwise intangible and illusive moment, fixing it for all time in our heart and nerves, bones and blood, mind and body, soul and thought – creating a solid foundation upon which to build a spectacular healthy, happy and spiritual life. The Mudra “seals” into our very cells that call to a Higher Life which can never again be denied! 6. YOGA FOR BREATHING DISORDERS: A boon for patients of various breathing disorders such as Bronchial Asthma, Emphysema and Bronchitis offering an integrated approach of practices designed to eradicate the root cause of their suffering. The core of this presentation is an excellent depiction of the Hathenas, a unique set of practices from the Gitananda Yoga Tradition. These ‘Forcing Techniques’ help us to breathe consciously into different areas of our lungs by means of physical posturing

coupled with deep and controlled breathing. The Hathenas develop strong, healthy, and robust lungs and help expand our lung capacity while developing efficient and healthy breathing patterns. Important Pranayamas and Yogic relaxation are also introduced as most modern disorders have a strong psychosomatic, stress-related origin. These practices will add a new dimension to your present practice of Yoga. 7. YOGA STRESS BUSTERS: Modern life has become a ‘rat race’ and none is spared this whirlpool of stress. Frequent stressful experiences lead to the failure of our homeostatic, self-regulating mechanisms causing disease, premature aging and early or sudden death. Stress weakens our immune system making us more vulnerable to infection. Numerous psychosomatic diseases are caused, aggravated or worsened by stress. These include a wide

variety of conditions ranging from the common cold to peptic ulcers, headaches, backaches, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, insomnia and hypertension. Yoga, a wholistic science of life, deals with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Various aspects of Yoga help in the prevention and management of stress. This presentation highlights various Asanas, Pranayamas and Kriyas that produce a strong and resilient body capable of withstanding any amount of stress. Different Yogic ‘Stress Relievers’ unique to the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition of Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri are also introduced to help relieve our ‘pent up’ emotions as well as ‘temper’ our reaction to stressful situations. 8. YOGA FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION: Obesity is a public health problem and is a major risk factor for numerous conditions such

as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and osteoarthritis. Obesity occurs as the result of imbalance between the food energy intake and the energy expenditure of the body. Yoga helps to reduce weight though the adoption of a healthy life style that includes aspects of dietary control along with the various Yoga techniques that are designed to burn up the excess calories and redistribute body fat in a healthy manner. Yoga also helps correct the numerous psychological conditions that may be causing the excessive weight gain such as depression. This presentation deals with Surya Namaskar, an important Yogic practice for the neuro-endocrine system along with the important Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas and relaxation practices that can help reduce appetite, improve digestion, speed up metabolism and produce psychosomatic relaxation. Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/ananda

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