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namas te i am reposting the excellent replies of Sri Bala that seemed not to format properly earlier regards in yoga to all ananda Note: forwarded message attached. Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/ananda

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Dear Ananda,


You may have noticed that the posting of my answers to

groups has not formatted correctly within the web page. Ie the tabulations are

not in alignment. Therefore it makes it confusing for your readers.


To assist you in posting this correctly I have attached a

version of it in html.


Thanks and Love


Sri Bala





 Q1.Why do you think you found your true calling in

a 5000 year old Indian practice?


In 1965 while residing in Sri Lanka, I was introduced to Mantra Yoga by my

grandmother to overcome a severe emotional trauma. Om was the main mantra I knew at that stage of my spiritual

development. The chanting of the Mantra, prefixed to others, gave me a

technique to progressively transcend my immediate problems and acquire a

reasonable state of health and wellbeing to carry on with my life.


This naturally led me to take a greater interest in the Science of Yoga (the

mother of sciences) and during the ensuing years I learnt from 9 schools of

yoga & meditation (qualified from three) including a range of hands-on



I realised that Yoga Therapy was about negating one's ego consciousness,

helping the student/patient rise above the body and conscious mind, and attune

to a higher state of consciousness. This higher state of consciousness, a place

of peace and tranquillity, is where healing naturally takes place.


Blessed by a Yogini at one of the ancient Sivan temples in the foothills of the

Himalayas, I was inspired to test the validity of the chanting of Om for 81 days on a lady in Bangalore,

India, bedridden, with lumbar spondylitis for three

years. She recovered completely and was able to walk again.



In Pondicherry, India, Yogamaharishi Dr. Sw. Gitananda Giri Maharaj, a leading authority

on Pranayama (the science of breath) and spiritual

head of International Centre for Yoga, Education and Research taught me the science

behind breathing and the chanting of Om

called Pranava AUM, which

incorporates Mahat Yoga Pranayama,

the classical & scientific complete yogic breath.


Returning to Australia I incorporated the practice into the same 81-day program

and had immediate success with serious conditions, both physical and mental -

anxiety neurosis, asthma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, psychosis, depression,

etc. I spent the next few years researching the structure and sequence,

refining and redefining them into a 12 week program, which could be

incorporated into daily life. Studying the commentary on Bhagavad

Gita by Paramahansa Yogananda led me to include Meditation in the program,

while the Mandukya Upanishad also reassured me that I

was on the correct path.


In 2000 I received an invitation from Dr. H R. Nagendra,

Head of sVYASA, to Prashanti

Kuteeram, Bangalore for three months of intensive

studies, with an offer of research into my discipline. I was also given an

opportunity to try out VBT for different physical and mental conditions for

very short durations of time (one week minimum & 2 weeks maximum) with

excellent results. This included a young man diagnosed with schizophrenia, who

became so composed and attentive after two months of learning VBT, that he was

able to leave the institution.


The experience was unique. I realized that my discipline engendered composure

in the students/patients to experience a state of natural health and

well-being, and heal themselves. The pilot research

project was also a resounding success. I decided to call my discipline

Vibrational Breath Therapy and to design the following programs (and sadhana, a discipline involving body, mind and spirit):

" Good Health with Pranava AUM " ; " Self-Healing with Pranava

AUM " , " Stress-Relief " , Children's Asthma Therapy etc


As a result of my 5 hour daily practice of the science of

yoga, I am in the final stages of unraveling the truth of the inspiring

Biblical saying:


" In

the beginning was the Word (AUM), and the word was with God, and the Word was

God. All things were made by Him (the Word or AUM), and without Him was not

anything made that was made. " - John 1.1:3



The reassuring quotation from the realised

soul Yogananda Paramahansa:


" OM/Pranava AUM - the Sanskrit root word or seed-sound

symbolizing that aspect of Godhead which creates and sustains all things -

Cosmic Vibration. AUM of the Vedas became the sacred word HUM of the

Tibetans, AMIN of the Moslems; and AMEN of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews

and Christians. The world's great religions state that all created things

originate in the cosmic vibratory energy of AUM or AMEN, the Word or the Holy

Ghost " .


the profound 

revelation in the Mandukya Upanishad:

" A " is associated with the wakeful state of consciousness,

" U " with the dream state of consciousness, and " M " with the

deep sleep state of consciousness. " Pranava AUM " transcends all three

and leads us to the fourth state of consciousness, beyond conceptualization,

called Turiya or the state of causal silence within,

where renewal, healing and spiritual evolution take place.


Sage Patanjaii equates " Pranava AUM " to Ishwara (God) - Ch 1 V 27 -30.



is an experiential science. I speak with conviction as I've successfully healed

myself of severe hay fever in 1990, a heart attack in 1996 and a stroke in 1997

by chanting Pranava AUM. In 2002 a near and dear one of mine, who had

meningococcal disease, was revived by life- giving prana and soul-redeeming

vibratory resonant frequency of Pranava AUM. 

It has convinced beyond doubt that an 81 day program of " Self

Healing with Pranava AUM " can rehabilitate any condition, within the

constraints of one's karma.


I'm a living testimony to the potential of Pranava AUM for I'm 84 years of

age, with hardly a wrinkle on my face, experiencing good health and working

round the clock in spreading VBT's message of hope and recovery.


The 5000 year old science of Yoga, and in particular the primal sound Pranava

AUM, has indeed inspired and motivated me to make it my only calling, my

mission and my passion.


Q2.Why did this particular yogic

tradition call out to you?


The Biblical saying “In the beginning was the

Word; the Word was with God; and the Word was God” always intrigued me, till Yogananda Paramahansa revealed

that the saying ended thus: “All things were made by Him (the Word or AUM) and without Him was not anything made that

was made” Also that “all created things originate in the cosmic

vibratory energy of AUM or AMEN, the Word or the Holy Ghost”.


The practical usage of the cosmic vibratory AUM (introduced to me in

1988) gave me a practice and program to use AUM for self-healing.


Soon after, revered Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Gurumaharaj (Swamiji) taught me the scientific basis of AUM and

its therapeutic usage in his Rishiculture

Ashtanga Yoga tradition.


After twenty years of

learning under many distinguished gurus at highly reputed schools, I had become

disillusioned as their practices were not taking me deep within

My learning commenced when Swamiji instructed me to sit facing the North to align the

electromagnetic field/Pranamaya Kosha

with the North-South magnetic meridian. The scientific basis to all his

practices made a profound impact on me and I became a dedicated student of his.

Swamiji had a different and deeper version at the Pranamaya Kosha for all

practices. They were all most beneficial.


For example:Nadi Shoddhana and Nadi Shuddhi was done with

breathing-in at the right nostril (+ve energy) and

breathing-out at the left nostril (-ve energy). Saviiri Pranayama (Rhythmic

Breath) was incorporated into its structured practice. One started the practice

with the rhythm 8in:4held-in::8out:4held-out, made it progressively faster to 3

rounds of 120 breaths per minute, and progressively slowed the breathing back

to 8in:4held-in::8out:4held-out. Thereafter the breathing was progressively

taken to the ultimate rhythm 64in:32held-in::64out:32held-out

(3minutes and 12 seconds for one breath).I’ve experienced it and it is




cultivates concentration, mastery of both body and mind, and integration of

body, mind and self- consciousness. The different ratios and rhythms give

specific benefits. There are 120 classical and scientific breathing techniques

in Pranayama n the Rishiculture

Ashtanga Yoga tradition. To meet all man’s needs, to

experience good health and longevity, rehabilitate from any chronic or

debilitating disease, and even to evolve spiritually.


The table below is my recollection and

understanding of my experiences at Swamiji’s and the

other schools of yoga during the last four decades, It

is quite possible that I may have got some wrong. If that be so, I deeply

regret it. I’ve only stated my limited experience of this the vast ocean of the

science of yoga. I welcome the better experienced in this experiential science

to enlighten me. I am open to a healthy discussion and correction


If you wish to know more about the practices please contact:

Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Chairman, Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 /

+91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561

Website: www.icyer.com  www.geocities.com/yognat2001/ananda


If you wish to know more about

the 81 day program to experience

good health & longevity, rehabilitate from a serious illness, evolve

spiritually please contact: .

Sri Bala Ratnam,

Founder, Vibrational Breath Therapy (based on Rishiculture

Ashtanga Yoga)


Therapy Clinic, Postal Address: P O Box 5128, CLAYTON, VIC 3168, AUSTRALIA

:+61-3 – 9543 2875; 0410 594 018

Email: sribala  Website: www.vbt.com.au

Attached is a chart detailing the differences

I experienced between Swamiji’s and other schools of yoga.










Some of the differences

I noticed between Swamiji’s School of Yoga and the

other Schools of Yoga are as follows:







Swamiji’s School of Yoga



Other Schools of Yoga





Multiple Energy Bodies

I learnt that we live in physical (1 energy body) astral (3 energy bodies) and causal (1

energy body) planes of existence, - five

energy bodies vibrating at the frequency of the primal sound AUM.





We live in five koshas, without any clarity as to

what they were composed of.








The Five Energy Bodies (including the cells) need daily sustenance

of Energy  

99.56% of energy was obtained by breathing daily in Mahat Yoga Pranayama at 70%

plus of the lung intake (and not from food, which was miniscule).

The breathing was done at the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   frontal,

side and back lobes of the electromagnetic field /Pranamaya

Kosha of the lower, mid and upper lungs. The air

breathed-in filled the physical lungs, while the pranic

content in the air breathed-in filled the lobes of the respective

electromagnetic field/section of the lungs.



to open the rib cage and stretch the lungs made it possible.


were at the Anandamaya Kosha.

Chakras, Mandalas,

Bindhus, and the Nadis

served as step-down transformers

to lower the high frequency of prana to energise the nerve plexuses and

endocrine glands under each Chakra.

Breathing-in different ratios produced healthy blood and glandular cells and

bodily fluids.

And when this one practice is done in an 81

day program it regenerates and rejuvenates.

The enzyme

elastin produced at the mid lungs makes the 62

trillion cells biologically young, promoting a healthy and long life.



Breathing was



Never heard of it in any of the other schools


breathing-in was done at the

lower, mid and upper lungs and breathing-out was done at the upper, mid and

lower lungs.


one single school of yoga taught me how to absorb prana.


was taught as Pranayama was most basic and more at

the physical level


is the absorption and regulation of prana in the energy channels (nadis) at the Pranamaya Kosha.


specific exercises/asanas

to open the rib cage and stretch the lungs at each section and the complete


Chakras were at the Pranamaya Kosha.


idea of step-down

transformers at all.


idea of different ratios at

all to my knowledge.


scope to develop an 81 day program

incorporating the ratios was not used at the other schools of yoga


was I aware of an integrated program which wiould

develop physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually with just one




and more practices to treat a specific condition.

I was not aware of any enzyme being produced by the breathing at the sections of the







The five Energy Bodies (including the cells) needed

daily the vibratory resonant frequency of the primal sound AUM

Each of these

planes of existence had a vibratory resonant frequency attuned to the primal



which is experienced in Pranava AUM Pranayama, while

breathing in Mahat Yoga Pranayama..







The practical application of this concept

in an integrated program of 81 days duration was not used at most of the

other schools of yoga.

[A program has to be of a minimum of 81days

(three months) duration for both body and mind to accept and profit from








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