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Omkara kriya

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Guillaume Apollinaire, 1880 –1918

French poet, writer, and art critic .







Study with Dr. Jonn Mumford (Swami Anandakapila Saraswati). This course is directly supervised by Swamijii.

Have you ever attended a workshop and walked away unsure how to apply the information to your own life and practice? The Om Kara Kriya® course (originally published as Dr Jonn Mumford's Yoga Magik International Correspondence Course) is a distillation of Swamiji's life-time study and practice (over 50 years); it offers students a unique opportunity to study with direct personal guidance from a traditionally trained Western Tantric Master. The course is suitable for both beginners and more advanced students. It provides a solid foundation in the practice of Tantric Kriya Yoga.

" You've actually given us more than our money's worth " . -- Journalist USA

Lectures and workshops can be very beneficial, providing a wealth of new information, peak experiences and major breakthroughs. On the other hand, they can often leave participants unsure as to how to apply the knowledge or integrate the experience into daily life. Workshops seldom afford the teacher the opportunity to get to know you personally, to look directly at your practice and tailor the teaching to your personal make-up and needs.

" I have been to other classes that promised much more and only delivered disappointment for me despite the fact that I gave them just as much of my time and attention... I do not recall receiving half as much patience, sound advice, or professionalism from ... anyone else under whom I've studied. " -- Student, USA

Our correspondence courses offer you this direct contact. You are guided through a series of dynamic exercises and experiments, designed to take your awareness to new levels. You then share your experiences directly with Swamijii. This is a rare opportunity to have an ongoing personal dialogue with your teacher and receive direction that is responsive to who you are, something you may never receive in a workshop or lecture.

" It has not just been an intellectual or philosophical journey; I have also found it a source of inspiration during what has been a difficult period for me (emotionally etc). " -- Teacher, Australia

It may seem counterintuitive, but communicating regularly (by email) with a teacher who takes a deep personal interest in your development can be far more intimate than getting occasional guidance from a teacher in a workshop setting. This was certainly our experience in studying with Swamijii.

" The course is fantastic. I recall that you wanted to create a sense of awe as we progressed and I can only say that I am in a constant state of awe as I work my way through the course. " -- Business Executive & Yoga Student: Australia


Om Kara Kriya® Year 1

Swami Anandakapila Saraswati has spent a lifetime studying and practicing Tantra, Kriya and Yoga, and the Om Kara Kriya® courses contain the essence of his life's work. It is a systematic and straightforward method for training yourself in authentic Tantra with the guidance of a Western Master. No prior experience is necessary; the courses are designed to work with inner energy and do not require a high level of physical fitness.

"I have found this course to be a life raft in the ocean of chaos surrounding me during these times on planet Earth. The Om Kara Kriya course meditations offer a solid foundation to use as a program for rejuvenation and consciousness expansion. The twenty-seven lessons of Year One along with the textbooks and ongoing email bonuses are invaluable references for the study and practice of kundalini and tantra yoga. Thank you Anandakapila for being such a knowledgeable and patient teacher!" YOGA TEACHER U.S.A.

The Kriyas of the Om Kara Kriya® system originate in Bengal and ours is the only Western school authorized to teach them. In 1958, they were transmitted to Swami Anandakapila by Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj whose Guru was the Bengali Tantric Srilla Sri Kanakananda Swamigal.

"I am continually amazed at the depth of these teachings, the incredible balance between the intellectual explanations and the experiential meditations and exercises. To be able to learn and master pranayamas as intense as Agnisaara Kriya via an email correspondence course is nothing short of incredible. " YOGA TEACHER. U.S.A.


The Om Kara Kriya® courses, including the preliminary practices for the kriyas themselves, also draw on Swami Anandakapila's training with Paramhansa Satyananda Saraswati, as well as his profound knowledge of Western occultism, anatomy and physiology. As a result, the courses are rooted in tradition but well-suited to students from a variety of backgrounds.

Assignments are completed over a 7-14 day period and returned via Email. Dr. Mumford responds with feedback usually within 24 hours and often within six hours or less.

"I love the systematic and well planned lessons which take us through gradually to an awakening of 'Oh' and 'Aha' so that connections are made and understanding heightened" YOGA TEACHER, U.K.


New material is emailed to you when you complete your assignment. This is very much a self-paced program. You may take up to 2 years to complete each year of the OM Kara Kriya® and a year each for the Graduate courses.

The first year program will provide you with a solid foundation in Tantric Kriya Yoga and includes instruction in the first three kriyas of the Om Kara Kriya® system. Year 2 Includes instruction in the fourth kriya (the final two may only be transmitted from Guru to Chela, mouth to ear). The cost of the course is $300.00 per year (three-nine week trimesters and 27 lessons).



Year 1 includes an in-depth, experiential journey through the Chakras. The material is presented in a unique, systematic way that makes the subject matter come alive and will enable you to integrate it within the framework of your life.

What was the most useful aspect of the course for you personally? "The systematic approach to learning Tantra and understanding what authentic kriya is and how to apply it. The constant and direct communication with Dr. Mumford – an authentic teacher and his guidance gave me complete trust and faith in what he is teaching – this created great motivation in me." ISRAEL




The Perpetual motion of AnahataThe Tantric AltarVishuddhi: The Alchemical FactorySahasrara Chakra:The Palace of Letters. The Hidden Reflex Map of Chakra Trigger PointsThe Eye of CyclopsKundalini: Muladhara's Secret Serpent

The Volcano WithinThe Psychic Passages of Kriya YogaThe Secret Chakra Trigger PointsOM Kara Kriya® Agnisaara*OM Kara Kriya® I, II, and III are taught in the last semester of the 1st year.


*OM Kara Kriya® Agnisaara is taught at the beginning of the second Semester Year 1. This " Fire Breath " method is a classic mood elevator, energizing the body, enlivening the psychic sheaths, and stimulating the gastro-intestinal tract. Combining this powerful technique with OM Kara Kriya® helps students gain control over psychic energy levels.

" Here in Slovenia my students who are tamasic, lack will and have Kapha dominant, say that Agnisaara is a lifesaver. " -- Yoga Teacher, Europe.

The objectives and structure of this course emphasize a traditional relationship between teacher and student with concern for your personal needs. The goal is transformation through experiment and original teaching method,

JOIN AT: http://www.jonnmumfordconsult.com/

Swami Anandakapila Saraswati

Consultations: Distance Learning Programs


Swami Anandakapila's OM Kara Kriya ® Graduate Teachers



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