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namas te

am passing on this wonderful Karma Yoga by Yogacharya Micheal deslippe

hats off to him for a nice job well done indeed

ananda---------- Forwarded message ----------Yogacharya <info

Tue, 5 Aug 2008 02:41:05 UTThe Yoga News - August, 2008yognat









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August 03, 2008 The Yoga News


Yoga News ...

The Sixth Annual Vancouver Yogathon Nearly 1,400 would-be yogis gather in Vancouver, Canada to raise funds for a good cause.

Yoga Feature ...

Yoga Ad Wins Accolades at Cannes Shot in one day, 'Street Stretch' ties up the competition at the world's biggest advertising festival.

Yoga Festival ...

Krishna Janmashtami

Celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna this month.

More Yoga News ...

Yoga: it's in your genes

Hi-Tech: a Wii bit of Bollywood yoga

India promotes health tourism

Camp Moomba Yogathon

Vancouver yogis gather to raise money for children affected by HIV. By: Yogacharya


At 5:30 pm on Saturday, July 12th, nearly 1,400 yoga enthusiasts

gathered at UBC's Thunderbird Stadium in Vancouver Canada for the 6th

annual Camp Moomba Yogathon. Though the attendance was well short of

the 2,000 projected, this year the Yogathon raised $116,000 in support

of Camp Moomba, a specialized summer camp program for kids age six to

seventeen who are impacted by HIV/AIDS. At first

glance, the Indian yogi might have found the sight of a sea of trendily

clad urbanites lined up on rubber yoga mats, performing 108 minutes of

sun salutations in unison to be a tad peculiar. Why? Because the sun salutation,

or surya namaskar as it is known in Sanskrit, is a yogic practice

derived from the early morning ablutions of the Hindu Brahman, and is

traditionally practiced in the face of the rising morning sun.

We do things differently here in the Western yoga world though. As is

often the case, 'yoga happenings' here are usually accompanied by

familiar indulgences: food, pop music and commercial enterprise. The

Vancouver Yogathon was no exception. Participants did some shopping in

the 'Blissfest Marketplace and Food Fair', a showcase of local consumer

products, services and delicacies, caught a glimpse of the latest

trends in an 'eco-fashion show', and grooved to special live musical

performances. The occasion was certainly

festive, but in some respects one cannot help but wonder if the entire

point of yoga is somehow being missed with events such as this. Merely

substituting mainstream materialism with a more environmentally

friendly form of consumerism, in the end, really is not reflective of

the yogic attitude toward life, nor is it sending the right message to

people of what yoga is really all about.

Nonetheless, it was all done in the name of a good cause. One hundred

and twelve children attended Camp Moomba last year, and the money

raised in this year's event will go a long way towards helping to bring

some love, hope and support into the lives of many more children faced

with a difficult challenge in life. That is, in the end, the selfless

spirit of yoga, and truly a good thing.

About the Author: Yogacharya is the director of International Yogalayam, www.discover-yoga-online.com

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Yoga Ad Impresses at Cannes

'Street Stretch' adds a refreshing twist to the hustle and bustle of daily Indian life.

With a little extension of the imagination, Street Stretch merges complex yoga poses with the scenery of everyday life. This 60-second video, which took home a bronze metal at the 2008 Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, was produced by JWT India along with Still Waters Films to promote the 15th annual International Yoga Festival in Pondicherry, India.

The idea itself came about in the head offices of JWT in Mumbai. "Imagine you step out of your home, and everyone you see is in a yogic pose", said Senthil Kumar, India Vice President of JWT.

One hundred and eight yogis were hired for the production, including a team of 12 children and youth from Yoganjali Natyalayam, a centre of Yoga, Bharat Natyam and Carnatic Music in Pondicherry.


Shot in one day throughout the avenues and back-alleyways of historic

Pondicherry, familiar street characters are seen striking weird poses

as they go about their usual daily routines. A traffic cop gives

directions with his feet; children hang from trees like bats; a man

reads the newspaper with his feet crossed behind his ears; a flower

girl holds a bouquet with her foot tucked up beneath her chin;

pedestrians walk on their hands; and lifeguards crawl like crabs on all

fours along the sand. Dr, Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani of Ananda Ashram in Pondicherry, who consulted on the project says, "I

liked their concept of even the ordinary people doing yoga in everyday

situations. [it's] something like our concept of 24-hours a day yoga."

Indeed, behind the visually enticing compilation and stirring

soundtrack lies the message that yoga is not merely a class that we go

to a few times a week, but a way of life that must be lived in each and

every moment. With the help of this promo, broadcast on local and regional television, the Pondicherry Yoga Festival, which normally draws about 60,000 people, had an attendance of nearly 300,000 this year.

Stretch Street was also nominated at the Clio Awards 2008 in the category of Best Original Music Score and won a silver award at the Goa Festival, 2008.

Click here to view the 60-minute video 'Street Stretch' now…


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ITALY hamsaji


USA antonio


GERMANY leena.elo


UK kalavathidevi

Krishna Janmashtami

The birth of Lord Krishna


Sri Krishna Janmashtami (or Jayanti) celebrates the birth of Lord

Krishna. Krishna is considered the ultimate personification of love,

friendship, trustworthiness and selfless service. Sri Krishna

Janmashtami, therefore, signifies not simply a celebration of the birth

of a great and Divine Teacher of mankind, but the recognition of that

inherent Divine Power in all of us, which enables us to proceed in all

of our worldly activities with a sense of higher spiritual purpose.

Krishna Janmashtami is considered one of the greatest Hindu community

festivals. It falls on the eighth day of the dark half of the month of

Bhadrapada; this year on August 24th/25th, and is marked by grand

celebrations at Krishna temples across India. The festival itself is

preceded by a day-long fast that is broken at midnight, the time when

Krishna is believed to have been born. About Krishna

Born in 3,228 BC, Sri Krishna is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu,

the Hindu representation of Almighty God, and is considered to be the

Lord's most glorious incarnation. Hindu tales are rich with the

exploits of his life, a life that is a stirring saga of one of the

greatest champions of Dharma (duty, selflessness and righteous action).

From the moment of his birth in the dungeons of the tyrannical ruler

Kamsa, his life is replete with mortal dangers, which he successfully

triumphs over. He is said to have killed many demons, tamed the serpent

Kaliya and even lifted a mountain to protect the people of Vrindavan

from torrential rains. Himself a king, Krishna

played many roles in his life. He was a musician, a cow-herd, master of

the arts, a benevolent ruler, righteous statesman and a teacher of the

highest principles. He was the unchallenged hero of his times both in

terms of his bodily prowess and intellectual brilliance. Nowhere in any

scriptures has there been recorded a life more full, more intense, more

sublime and grander than that of Lord Krishna. Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita At the epicentre of the great Indian epic, Mahabharata,

we find Lord Krishna, charioteer to Arjuna the leader of the Pandava

army at the commencement of the battle at Kurukshetra. Despondent and

dejected at having to do battle against his former friends, family and

loved ones, Arjuna is counselled by his friend Krishna who proceeds to

instruct him on duty and right action. The 700 slokas, or stanzas of this penultimate moment in the greatest of Indian epics is known as the Bhagavad Gita, when Krishna gives instruction on karma yoga (selfless action), bhakti yoga (devotion), jnana yoga

(knowledge/wisdom) and on the proper yogic attitude to take

towards every human crisis. The Bhagavad Gita remains today the widest

read piece of literature of all time.

Yoga: it's in your genes


A recent scientific study has revealed the influence of relaxation

techniques, such as those used in yoga, on the body's response to

stress at the genetic level. The research team

from the Genomics Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and

the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine found that the

'relaxation response', a bodily state characterized by decreased oxygen

consumption, increased exhaled nitric oxide, and reduced psychological

distress, can influence the expression of genes that are known to be

related to stress. The study compared

gene-expression patterns in nineteen long-term 'mind/body'

practitioners (which included vipassana, mantra, transcendental

meditation, breath focus, Kripalu or Kundalini Yoga, and repetitive

prayer), along with nineteen healthy controls and twenty individuals

who underwent eight weeks of training in guided relaxation techniques.

It was observed that over 2,200 genes activated differently in the

long-term practitioners compared to the controlled group. Perhaps even

more surprisingly, 1,561 genes were also activated differently in the

short-term practitioners relative to the controls.

It was observed that some of these gene changes seemed to cluster in

genes linked to blood formation as well as genes linked to stress,

oxidative metabolism, and primary metabolism, which the researchers

suggest are "kind of a reversal of the genetic and cellular stress responses." In their abstract, the authors suggest that "this

study provides the first compelling evidence that the relaxation

response elicits specific gene expression changes in short-term and

long-term practitioners." For decades now,

clinical studies have been revealing the positive health effects of

relaxation producing activities such as yoga, mediation, Qi Gong and

Tai Chi. Dr. Herbert Benson of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body

Medicine explains that the team is continuing to explore ways that "changing the activity of the mind can alter the way basic genetic instructions are implemented."


Jeffery A. Dusek, Hasan H. Otu, Ann L. Wohlhueter, Manoj Bhasin, Luiz

F. Zerbini, Marie G. Joseph, Herbert Benson, and Towia A. Libermann.

2008. Genomic Counter-Stress Changes Induced by the Relaxation

Response. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0002576

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Hi-tech: a Wii bit of Bollywood yoga


merging of technology and tradition is nothing new. For more than a

decade now, yogis have been expounding their teachings through

television, the internet and audio and video technology, which has led

to an unprecedented explosion of yoga into mainstream consciousness. The latest offspring of this unlikely union comes with the announcement of the creation of Wii Yoga from games publisher JoWood.


This yoga-fit game utilizes the balance board originally developed for

Nintendo's extremely successful Wii Fit. The balance board senses

weight, positioning, pressure, and direction. Wii Yoga will apparently

feature an adaptable weekly schedule of exercises and allow you to

follow the instructions of the inevitable virtual yoga guru. Aside from

that, few details are as yet available. Wii Yoga is scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2009. ----------- No-one has yet thought to make yoga available on your cellphone, but former Bollywood actress and famed Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty is among the first to try and catch the potential.


In conjunction with leading Indian mobile operators like Vodafone,

Airtel, Reliance, BPL, Idea and Tata, the videos of Shilpa

demonstrating various yoga practices are made available for download

directly to rs. Users can also download wallpapers and

screensavers of Shipla in her yoga poses. Got an opinion? Send us Your Comments ...

India: a hub of health and wellness

According to a recent article in the Telegraph

of Calcutta, the Indian government has ambitious plans to position

India as the global destination for health and wellness. It will do

this by encouraging the creation of institutes to develop skills in

yoga and traditional systems of medicine such as ayurveda.

According to the article, the first institute of this kind will be

established in the Himalayan region of Sikkim in Northern India.

With this initiative, the government of India is signalling not only

the need to further propagate its traditional systems of health and

wellbeing, but also its keen interest in capitalizing on the commercial

value of the industry as a whole. With examples

such as traditional Chinese medicine demonstrating significant global

capital potential, which in a recent report approached nearly 26

billion dollars last year, it is certainly a good time to begin to lay

a solid foundation for the promotion of India's own natural traditions. A senior official within the Tourism Ministry points out that "AYUSH

(the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and

Homoeopathy) has concentrated only on very theoretical knowledge so

far. In these new institutes", says the Ministry official, "we will focus on developing core competency."

While the Tourism Ministry has already been promoting destinations in

India that specialise in rejuvenation, this is the first time that it

is planning to get involved in manpower training. With the steady

growth of spas and healing centers in the private sector, and the

growing international interest in India as a wellness destination, the

Ministry's initiative could add needed support to the development of

India as a world leader in the health and wellness industry. Got an opinion? Send us Your Comments ...

WebSite News

Our first issue of first The Yoga News

was well received. Thanks for all of the great feedback

and wonderful encouragement. After this second issue, we're hoping

for more! If you have ever published a regular newsletter before, you

know that it's a lot of work. We want our work to be valuable to

everyone, so please keep letting us know what you think so we can

continue to improve The Yoga News with each new issue!

Advertise for FREE in The Yoga News!

While we are still building our readership, we're offering you a great

opportunity to place your yoga-related advertisements ABSOLUTELY FREE

in The Yoga News. Please review our media kit for ad specs and submission proceedures.

Our Yoga Programs Our groundbreaking 21-day introductory yoga E-COURSE, 3 Weeks of Yoga continues to get good reviews. We're also working hard on the second edition of the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali - Home Study Program, which is scheduled for release early this fall. For more information on both of these yoga training programs, visit our Yoga Training Center.

In This Issue

Vancouver Yogathon

Street Stretch Video

Krishna Janmashtami ------------------------

Yoga in your genes Hi-tech yoga: what's new? India: wellness destination

yoga classified ads

this month's poll

(last month's poll results)

site news and updates




Yoga Classifieds

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Yogi Ma Lakshmi - Pain Relief Expert Specialist

in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & M.E., working with Dentists,

Surgeons, Doctors, Emergency Staff, Health Care Workers, Vetinerarys

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Psychotherapy Eastern and Western Psychologies working together. Licensed psychoanalyst, registered yoga teacher.

Location: New York, NY USA Contact: Lynn Somerstein Tel: 212-861-6818

URL: www.lynnsomerstein.com


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accommodations, visits to sacred sites. Location: Mysore,India Tel: 705-877-8564

Email: wanderingadept URL: www.tanglefootlodge.com

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dinners, sunrise camel trek, Burj Al Arab Luncheon, Spa certificates.

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The Way to Go! Ayurvedic Lifestyles


one day workshop on August 8th, 2008 exploring life choices for a long

and happy life, led by Dr Neelam Taneja. Neelam trained with Deepak

chopra and the day utilises his years of experience in the field of

Ayuvedic health and medicine. Location: The Special Yoga Centre, West London NW10 Contact: Emma Latham Email: hello

URL: www.specialyoga.org.uk

200 hr Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training January

2009! 200 hrs over 4 months accommodating working schedules. Intensives

are dedicated to an area of yogic practices, methodology & anatomy.

1 WEEKEND/month 4 months. Intensives will be held in Denver, CO Location: Denver, Colorado, United States Email: yoga

URL: www.JolieCash.com

Banyan Botanicals We

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We also offer certified organically grown herbs, herbal tablets,

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Contact: Kim Email: yogainfo

URL: www.joyofyoga.net

Yoga for Teens, Sept 12, 2008 Suitable

for qualified Yoga teachers this workshop is to give current yoga

teachers the skills needed to teach yoga to teenagers. Location: The Special Yoga Centre, West London NW10 Contact: Emma Latham

Email: hello URL: www.specialyoga.org.uk

GOMA Concert - Sat 27/09/2008 from 19:30 - 21:30


us for extatic chanting of the sacred words and songs. It will help

still the mind, open the heart and is one way of achieving lasting

peace and happiness, connecting us to our inner selves. Location: The Special Yoga Centre, West London NW10

Contact: Emma Latham Email: hello

URL: www.specialyoga.org.uk

ShivaShakti Yoga


Yoga classes in East London with reference to Ayurveda and Tantra.

Mantras & Pranayama. March 2009: Yoga retreat in India visiting

Tantric shrines and spiritual practice in Ujjain (M.P) and Varanasi

(U.P). Location: London, UK Contact: Marianne Simonin Tel: 00 44 (0) 7710 283 007

Email: shivashaktiyoga URL: www.shivashaktiyoga.co.uk

Yoga with Vim Lane


classes in Mosman - 21 Best Ave (George's Heights Oval): Mon: 9.15am

Tue: 10.45am Thurs: 11am. Yoga classes in Crows Nest - 2/74 Willoughby

Rd: Tue: 8pm Wed: 8pm Sat: 9.30am Location: Sydney/Australia Contact: Vim Lane Tel: (02) 9922 2010 * 0402 551 489

Email: lanedml

Yoga Teachers' Training - January 2009


200 & 500 hr. Please call to register for our Yoga Alliance

Teachers' Training, with more than the required hours in teaching

techniques, methodology, philosophy, ethics, practicum, anatomy &

physiology. Location: Brighton, Michigan, USA Contact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D Tel: 810-225-1288

Email: yougawithleeann URL: www.yogahealth.org

Life is Hard...Yoga Doesn't Have To Be!


a peaceful and tranquil setting in which to learn Classical Hatha

Yoga. Personalized attention, small class sizes and the use of

props and modifications as needed help each student develop a lifelong

yoga practice. Location: Fort Worth, Tx, USA Contact: Kelle White, RYT (Lotus Yoga Studio)

Tel: 817 448 4475 Email: lotusyogafw

URL: www.lotusyogafw.com

Ashtanga Workshop with Master Matthew Darling


Oct. 4th from 12-3pm at The Yoga center. $35.00 Refine and define your

practice in this workshop which will be FUN AND CHALLENGING!

Reserve your spot now=space limited! Location: Brighton, MI Contact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D

Tel: 810-225-1288 Email: yougawithleeann

URL: www.yogahealth.org

Yoga King Yoga Products and Yoga on Parker


mats, bolsters, blocks, belts, blankets, books, cd/dvd's, neti " s,

eyepillows and more.. Classes & shop at 23 Parker Street Newmarket.

Timetable & online shop at www.yoga-king.com. Location: Brisbane, Australia

Contact: Cheryl Marquez Tel: 07 3352 6155 / 0437779439 Email: info

URL: www.yoga-king.com

Casa Blanca Holistic Retreat.


Andalucian Manor House with Stunning Views for 1 week holidays &

weekend breaks. One week holiday 650 euros p.p. all inclusive (not

flights ) Discount for group of 4. Chosen to feature in Footprints

Guide Book Body & Soul Escapes. Location: Spain Contact: Liz Sandford & Paul Rosin

Tel: 0034 950439020 Email: lizyoga

URL: www.casablancayogareiki.com

Bootcamp for the Soul Yoga Retreat


in an awe-inspiring weekend of Power Yoga and meditation led by

world-renowned teacher Duncan Peak that takes you on a journey through

the depths of self-discovery to leave you revitalised, powerful and

ready to transform your life! Location: Sydney, Australia Contact: Duncan Peak Tel: +61 2 9904 4874

Email: info URL: www.powerliving.com.au

Gitananda Yoga Retreat May 2009


Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani for an inspiring weekend of yoga

surrounded by natural bushland at Mercy Place Retreat Centre from

Friday to Sunday. Includes Yoga, accommodation and meals. Location: Brisbane, Australia Contact: Margo Hutchison

Tel: 07 3268 4082 Email: bodywise1

URL: www.gitananda-australia.org/DrAnanda2009AprTrip.htm

Yogic Healing Retreat in Vancouver: 9th & 10th Aug


the tools and awareness in Classical Yoga so you can rise to your

highest potential. Release fear and pain. Heal trauma. Gentle & Fun

body, breath and mind work to open to harmony and love. Yogacharini

Maitreyi from India will facilitate. Location: Vancouver, Canada Contact: Yogacharini Maitreyi

Tel: 778 987 7446 Email: maitreyi9

URL: www.arkaya.net

Yoga in New London, CT Coming Soon!


Moon Natural Living, LLC. Where healthy living comes naturally. Yoga:

Kripalu, Flow, Hatha, Restorative Yoga Therapy, Meridian, Meditation 7

class card $91, 10 class card $120, Unlimited Yoga 13 weeks $280,

Seniors 15% discount Location: New London, CT USA Contact: Lisa D King, RYT Tel: 860.440.6518

Email: info URL: www.bluemoonnl.com


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-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.com


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