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October 01, 2008The Yoga News






Yoga News ...

Yoga: Is It the New Aerobics?The rate at which yoga is gaining popularity worldwide is nothing short of astounding. But has yoga become just the latest fitness trend?





Yoga Feature ...

Rid Yourself of Head Colds with Neti KriyaThe ancient yoga practice of neti kriya is very effective in managing and preventing sinusitis.





Yoga Festival ...

NavaratriWorship of the Divine Mother

More Yoga News ...




STUDY: Yoga affects your brain

The Love of God adds up!

Free yoga classes offered at new London super surgeries



Yoga: Is It the New Aerobics?As yoga continues to gain in popularity, many are wondering if it is just a trend, or if yoga is here to stay.

By: Yogacharya

Back in the 1980s and early 90s, I regularly spent time exercising at my local fitness centre. At that time, aerobics classes were in full swing, a trend that had caught on like wildfire in a pop culture that was just beginning to develop its obsession with physical fitness. Most every gym and health club had a large space where class after class of moms, working-class women, and the occasional guilted boyfriend, K-stepped and hop-turned away their piggly paunches; they felt the adrenalin serge of a brand new drug: exercise.

Those days may seem far off now, but the aerobics spaces haven't completely disappeared; they've simply been converted — to yoga studios. The Lego stacks of plastic aerobics steps at the back of the room have been replaced by rolled yoga mats, styrofoam blocks, blankets, and a few other yoga accessories.

The elevated stages have been removed, the bright coloured walls painted a more neutral, calming tone, and the florescent lights replaced with less obtrusive energy-saving halogens. The volumes on the mega-watt sound systems rarely get pushed passed level two now, and the once vibrant and energized spaces have been transformed into oases of peace and tranquility.

Your teacher is different now too. She no longer wears hot-pink tights, an Adidas headband, and comfy leg-warmers. She uses natural skincare products and her perfectly sculpted size six physique is adorned with the latest Lululemon yoga wear — an ensemble that inspires the most modest of yoga-wannabees to grab their credit-cards and make a B-line straight for the mall after class.

"She" is every bit as likely to be a "he" now too. While calling into question the masculinity of the rare male aerobics instructor almost seemed an obligation, today many men teach yoga too, and those who do are likely to turn the heads of women who might never have otherwise given them a second look on the bus. Sure, aerobics was trendy; but yoga is sexy.

Aerobics was a short-lived obsession, though. It came and went within scarcely the span of a decade. Yoga, on the other hand, seems to be in its heyday right now, riding a wave of popularity that has already greatly surpassed that of its fitness predecessor. In a recent survey in the Georgia Straight, a prominent Vancouver cultural news magazine, yoga topped the list as this year's "hottest fitness trend."

Yoga has certainly permeated into nearly every crevice of modern culture, from fashion to beauty products, from healthcare to spiritual transcendence, so much so that it's hard to remember that this global phenomenon is barely a decade young too. Not yoga, of course, which is thousands of years old, but the modern "yoga class," a relatively new innovation, which can now be found in almost every fitness centre and health club in town.

This explosion happened so fast that one can't help but wonder, how did so many people suddenly 'get into yoga?' From obscurity to mania practically overnight, is something one might better associate with cabbage patch dolls, pet rocks, and bell-bottom jeans; thus begs the question, "Is yoga still growing strong, or are people starting to tire of it?"

If yoga continues to be put forth as just another exotic form of staying in shape, which sadly, is often the case today, people will no doubt begin to lose their enthusiasm for it and eventually crave something new. The big question is: do modern yoga teachers have the knowledge, skill, and wherewithal to keep interest in this ancient science alive, or is yoga just another fashion trend, the "new aerobics", destined for the same, unfortunate fate?


About the Author: Yogacharya is the director of International Yogalayam, www.discover-yoga-online.com

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Neti KriyaAn ancient practice for healthy sinuses.

By: Yogacharya As yoga continues to increase in popularity, more of its ancient practices are finding their way into mainstream culture. Not long ago, the iconic daytime talkshow host, Oprah Winfrey, introduced her audience to the neti pot, a yoga tool used for cleansing the sinuses with water. It didn't take long before the supply of these simple little instruments ran dry across North America.

Oprah and her many fans found out what the yogis have known all along; that this simple daily yoga practice has wonderful health benefits.What is Neti Kriya?Neti kriya, or nasal cleansing, is one of the shat karmas, or six cleansing actions of the hatha yoga tradition. This cleansing of the nasopharyngeal tract is commonly done in one of two different ways: with a warm saline solution, known as jala neti; or with a cotton thread, known as sutra neti.

By far, the easier of the two to perform is the jala neti, although it can still take a bit of practice to get used to the sensation of pouring water up your own nose.Those who have experimented with this practice, however, will attest to its immense benefits, including decongesting of the sinuses and the decrease in frequency, or even elimination altogether, of head colds and sinusitis.

What is Sinusitis?Sinusitis is the pathological inflammation of the air spaces within the bones of the nasal region. When the membranes within these sinus cavities become inflamed, the air passages can become blocked, causing pain and infection. This condition can bring with it a whole host of related symptoms, such as nasal discharge, fever, headache, fatigue, facial or dental pain, cough and congestion.

The medical approach to treating sinusitis may include antibiotics, decongestants, nasal sprays, and even pain relievers — all of which address the symptoms, none of which address the root cause.The Scientific Basis for Jala Neti

It should come as no surprise that the prevalence of sinusitis worldwide continues to increase due to growing levels of pollution and urbanization. In his abstract, "The Scientific Basis for Some Yoga Practices in Sinusitis," Dr. Ananda Bhavanani says that "hypertonic saline improves mucociliary clearance, thins mucous, and may decrease inflammation."

This is supported by Dr. Marple, a professor of otolaryngology at the University of Texas, who claims that "saline nasal irrigation is a highly effective, minimally invasive intervention for people suffering from nasal issues."

Dr. Ananda also indicates that research has revealed saline nasal irrigation, or jala neti, to effectively improve sinus drainage in children, while daily nasal irrigation showed an overall effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of sinusitis in 70% of all patients.

All of this evidence, and yet the medical community as a whole seems largely unaware of this simple, safe, and highly effective prevention and treatment. It's clear to the yogi, however, that regular practice of neti kriya will help cut down on medication costs and doctor bills and also bring to life a whole new freshness and clarity that comes from washing away encrustations and toxic built up in the sinuses.

To improve health, quality of life, and overall sense of well being, jala neti is a wonderful addition to your daily yoga routine.

For instruction on the proper performance of jala neti, click here…

To learn more about the scientific basis of yoga practices in the prevention and cure of sinusitis, read "The Scientific Basis for Some Yoga Practices in Sinusitis", by Dr. Ananda Bhavanani.

About the Author: Yogacharya is the director of

International Yogalayam, www.discover-yoga-online.comGot an opinion? Send us Your Comments ...





Navaratri Worship of the Divine Mother

Navaratri, literally "nine nights," is a nine-day festival that worships the Divine Mother in all her many forms. This motherly aspect of God is referred to variously as Durga, which literally means the remover of the miseries of life; Devi, or Goddess; and Shakti, the universal energy or power.

Also sometimes referred to as Durga Puja, Navaratri begins on the new moon and ends on the tenth day of the bright half of the month of Ashwin (Aswayuja), this year commencing on September 29th. As with many festivals in India, Navaratri is significant in multiple ways. On one hand, it represents the period of nine days and nights when the Goddess fought Mahishashura, the buffalo-headed demon, finally destroying him on the tenth day.

It is also said that Lord Shiva gave permission to Durga to see her mother for nine days in the year, and this festival commemorates her visit. As a result, children make an attempt to return home, and families re-unite during this time.

In earlier times, this festival was also associated with the fertility of Mother Earth. Thus, on the first day of the celebration, grains of barley are planted in the puja or ceremony room of the house and are watered daily. On the tenth day, these seedlings are pulled out and given to devotees as a blessing from God.


The Three Aspects of Devi Worshipped During Navaratri

Yoga teaches us that the central purpose of our existence is to recognise our eternal identity with the Supreme Spirit. This state of one-ness, a state of absolute purity and perfection, is inherent within all of us, and our charge as human beings is to grow to realize this Divine state.

In order to achieve this, we must first rid ourselves of our many impurities. Once purified, we next need to acquire lofty virtues and Divine qualities. Only once we have attained these things are we then ready and able to gain true knowledge and understanding.

Symbolically, this journey is aided by the three different manifestations of Shakti, or cosmic energy, each of which are worshipped separately throughout Navaratri. The first three days are dedicated to the Goddess Durga, the next three to Goddess Lakshmi, and the final three to Goddess Saraswati.

DURGA: On the first three days, Durga is invoked to help us conquer the lower animal qualities within us. As the supreme power and force, Durga represents the destructive aspect of the Mother who annihilates all impurities, vices, and imperfections. These first three days mark the first stage, or the elimination of impurities, along with a discerned effort to root out the negative tendencies in the mind.

LAKSHMI: The Goddess of good fortune, Lakshmi aids in acquiring higher transcendental qualities and a lofty, spiritual personality. As Swami Sivananda said, "The devotee has to earn immense spiritual wealth to enable him to pay the price for the rare gem of divine wisdom." The perfect symbol of purity, Lakshmi bestows upon her devotees boundless divine wealth and is the centre of worship throughout these next three days.

SARASWATHI: Once purified and bestowed with divine qualities, the spiritual aspirant is capable of attaining wisdom. As the symbol of learning and divine knowledge, Saraswathi bestows upon her devotees knowledge of the Supreme and realization of the Divine Self.

This structure of worship throughout Navaratri is a profound representation of the stages of evolution through which we all must pass. One stage naturally leads to the next. As Swami Sivananda also points out, "To short-circuit this would inevitably result in a miserable failure. Nowadays many ignorant seekers aim straight at the cultivation of knowledge without the preliminaries of purification and acquisition of the divine qualities . . . How can the pure plant grow in impure soil?"

The Final TriumphNavaratri is celebrated as the ultimate conquest of good over evil. The festivities culminate on the tenth day, called Vijayadashmi (or Dussehra).

In Northern India, effigies of the Demon Ravana are burned – a custom whose origin can be traced back to the Ramayana. According to this great Indian epic, Rama prayed to the nine different aspects of Devi to accumulate enough power to be able to defeat Ravana.

This final day can also be seen as the victory of the soul that has attained liberation while still in this material world, through the grace of the Mother Goddess.




Study: Yoga Stimulates GABA, Induces Relaxation

A study conducted through the Boston University School of Medicine found that the practice of yoga asanas produce a measurable increase in the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.

GABA helps induce relaxation and regulate anxiety. It also contributes to motor control, vision, and many other brain functions. Gamma-aminobutyric acid stimulates the anterior pituitary and increasing the levels of the hormone HGH, which contributes significantly to muscle growth, while preventing the creation of fat cells.

In the parallel study, eight yoga practitioners completed a 60-minute yogasana session, while eleven other subjects undertook one hour of reading. Both reading and yoga are activities that the subjects indicated to be relaxing and enjoyable.

Afterwards, measurements were taken that showed a 27% increase in GABA levels in the yoga practitioner group after the yoga session, but no change in the reading group after their reading session. This study supports the idea that yoga asana practice does have a calming and relaxing effect. It also suggests that regular practice of yoga asanas could be helpful in the treatment of disorders with low GABA levels, such as depression and anxiety disorders.



The Love of God Adds UpEver wonder what it means to give 100 percent? What about 101 percent?

Here's a little mathematical gem from a posting by Sandip Tujare on the Rishiculture webpage.Each of the twenty-six letters of the alphabet could be represented numerically, as follows:

A(1) B(2) C(3) D(4) E(5) F(6) G(7) H(8) I(9) J(10) K(11) L(12) M(13) N(14) O(15) P(16) Q(17) R(18) S(19) T(20) U(21) V(22) W(23) X(24) Y(25) Z(26)Using some simple addition:

How much effort does H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K take?

H(8)+A(1)+R(18)+D(4)+W(23)+O(15)+R(18)+K(11) = 98How far will K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E get you?

11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96 What equals 100% in life? It's A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E.

1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100 What, then, does the L-O-V-E-O-F-G-O-D yield?

12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101

Yes, knowledge and hard work will get you close, and attitude will get you there, but only the love of God will put you over the top!Remember this the next time you're asked to give 101% !

The Yogi Is InAs part of the extensive changes aimed at improving primary health care in London, free yoga classes will be offered at some of the 152 new "super surgeries," the first of which could be open as early as March of next year.

The controversial super surgeries will operate over extended hours, seven days a week, and offer a range of medical services such as blood tests, ultrasound scans, physiotherapists, and screening for HIV and diabetes. Along with general practitioners, they will also house podiatrists, dentists, dieticians, a minor injuries clinic, and an X-Ray department.

In addition to yoga classes, patients who are prescribed exercise by their doctors will be able to use the gym facilities that will also be located on-site.-----------

View a BBC video report on the new super surgeries: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7582200.stm

WebSite NewsThe Yoga News is 4 months old! Thanks once again for all of your feedback and encouragement. Pease keep letting us know what you think so we can continue to improve The Yoga News with each new issue!

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Our Yoga Training ProgramsThe Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali - Home Study Course, our most comprehensive yoga training program, is scheduled for release in November. If you would like to be notified when it is ready, ..

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Many thanks to Eryn Kirkwood for stepping in to help out with the copying editing this month, while our beloved Teresa Goff gets ready to give birth to another beautiful baby boy!







In This Issue






Yoga: The New Aerobics?



Jala Neti




------------------------Study: Yoga and the brain

The Love of GodFree yoga at London health centres



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Your Views...

Yoga asana is not meant to be held up to such subjective scrutiny..it is one of eight limbs and without the other 7 has no place calling itself yoga.


The gymnastics and other pretzels would win, that's not what yoga is about

If you promote such things, I will never read this magazine.

Turning yoga into a competitive sport will be removing " yoga " from yoga.


To position asana as a competitive sport is to move it from a spiritual practice into merely stretching and flexibility - what a sad downfall for what should be a noble endeavour.




I am always so excited to see your newsletter in my inbox!

Yelena Hindman, Switzerland







You have done the world wide yoga community a great service with your wonderfully informative website. Congratulations!

Margo Hutchison, Australia








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Yoga workshops in South London

Forward Bends from 10-1pm; Backward Bends - from 2-5pm. Each workshop will explore anatomy, preparatory exercises/poses, modification and practice alone and in pairs/groups. Bring your mat, block and belt(s). Drinks will be provided. One workshop - £18; both - £30.

Location: London, SW17Contact: Julia WheatleyTel: 0208 653 6374

Email: julia.wheatleyURL: www.yogasouthlondon.co.uk

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Tel: 0208 653 6374Email: julia.wheatley

URL: www.yogasouthlondon.co.uk

Yoga With SangeetStudent of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Swami Gitananda Guru Maharaja, Smt Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani, Dr Ananda Balyogi Bhavanani. OM-Kara Kriya® 2 year Graduate Teacher.

Location: Colchester, UKContact: Sangeet BirdEmail: sbird39

URL: www.geocities.com/anandakapila/sangeet

Ashtanga Yoga WorkshopRefine and define your ashtanga practice with Matthew Darling, who studied under Pattabi Jois. DATE: Sat., Oct. 4th from 12 - 3pm. only $35.00, space is limited! call now!

Location: The Yoga Center for Healthy Living, LLC. 4437 Old US 23, Brighton, MI. 48114Contact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D, E-RYT 500Tel: 810-225-1288

Email: yogawithleeannURL: www.yogahealth.org

Kundalini Workshop with Shannon EarthTree from Colorado

THEME: PROSPERITY.....ALL ARE WELCOME! Join us as we explore breathing techniques, asanaa and meditation to enhance and enrich your yogic experience & your life! DATE: Sat., Oct. 18, 1-3pm. Only $25.00

Location: The Yoga Center for Healthy Living, LLC. 4437 Old US 23, Brighton, MI. 48114Contact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D, E-RYT 500

Tel: 810-225-1288 Email: yogawithleeann

URL: www.yogahealth.org

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Location: The Yoga Center in Brighton,MIContact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D, E-RYT 500

Tel: 810-225-1288 Email: yogawithleeann

URL: www.yogahealth.org

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Savor the sun, sand, surf, good yoga and healthy food in MAYA TULUM, MEXICO. RESERVE YOUR CABANA NOW! for a heavenly escape: Mar. 14-21,2009

Contact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D, E-RYT 500Tel: 810-225-1288

Email: yogawithleeannURL: www.yogahealth.org

Yoga - mixed abilities, intuitive teaching

Studio in the west end of Glasgow, Scotland, with four classes weekly, all year round. Maximum eight students per class. 4 week month, £30; Ad hoc class, £10; One to one tuition, £35. All equipment supplied

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Yoga Lessons For YOU!Inner Beauty Yoga is committed to providing you with a supportive, well informed and inspiring experience. Our classes are designed with your needs in mind. We work together to achieve your goals in a serene and safe environment.

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Email: adri

URL: www.innerbeautyyoga.com

mbody | embody your spirit - Yoga & Bodywork Berlincourses and bend-2-mend-classes, Gitananda Yoga, Forrest Yoga, Anusara Inspired Yoga

Location: Berlin, GermanyContact: Sonja EigenbrodTel: 4930-78951995

Email: mailURL: http://www.mbody.eu

Snowdonia Yoga Retreat 20-22 March 2009

Yoga weekend in the mountains of Snowdownia. Trigonas is a perfect place for the practice of yoga, meditation and pranayama. Meals are cooked using Trigonas own grown herbs & vegetables - absolutely delicious & divine.

Location: Trigonas in WalesContact: Sarah Swindlehurst

Tel: 07922144384Email: essenceyoga

URL: www.essenceyoga.co.uk

Linda Beach - British Wheel of Yoga TutorI teach one to one and group classes in the South East Essex area for general Hatha Yoga, and also specialise in Pregnancy Yoga and Post Natal Yoga, and Mother & Baby Yoga.

Location: South East EssexContact: Linda BeachEmail: linda

URL: www.lindabeach.co.uk

Milagro RetreatsOffering all-inclusive Retreats including Yoga, Meditation, Cooking Classes, Surf Lessons, locally inspired Vegetarian and Living Food Catering. Inspiring personal growth and unity with nature.

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URL: www.spiritrisingyoga.com.au

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Email: johnURL: www.byronyoga.com

Casa Blanca Therapy & Retreat Centre

Addition to website:Retreat Centre for hire to Yoga Teachers & Holistic Practitioners. Yoga Studio for 19 people,accommodation for 1-4 people at Casa Blanca, 15 people at Cortijo Quemao, a quality Spanish Rural Hotel 4 minutes drive set in orange & lemon groves.

Location: Almeria, SpainContact: Liz SandfordTel: 950439020

Email: lizyogaURL: www.casablancayogareiki.com

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Learn Yoga while hiking in the Himalayas - the Abode of the Gods. Join us on treks through the incredible Himalayas to places of immense power, energy and divine serenity, where the great masters have meditated.

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Email: yogachariniamritaURL: www.paramountadventure.in

Pre and postnatal yoga teacher diploma course online

Accredited by the Yoga Alliance for 20 non-contact continuing education credits, this 5 module fully illustrated course covers all aspects of pregnancy and childbirth and provides qualified, experienced yoga teachers with the necessary tools to teach yoga in pregnancy and the postnatal period with confidence and authority.

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URL: www.classicalyoga.co.uk

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200 hr Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training

January 2009! 200 hrs over 4 months accommodating working schedules. Intensives are dedicated to an area of yogic practices, methodology & anatomy. 1 WEEKEND/month 4 months. Intensives will be held in Denver, CO

Location: Denver, Colorado, United StatesEmail: yogaURL: www.JolieCash.com

Banyan BotanicalsWe offer a complete line of premium quality Ayurvedic herbs and products. We also offer certified organically grown herbs, herbal tablets, massage oils, chyavanprash and more.

Tel: (800) 953-6424URL: www.banyanbotanicals.com

ShivaShakti YogaHatha Yoga classes in East London with reference to Ayurveda and Tantra. Mantras & Pranayama. March 2009: Yoga retreat in India visiting Tantric shrines and spiritual practice in Ujjain (M.P) and Varanasi (U.P).

Location: London, UKContact: Marianne SimoninTel: 00 44 (0) 7710 283 007

Email: shivashaktiyogaURL: www.shivashaktiyoga.co.uk

Yoga Teachers' Training - January 2009

RYT 200 & 500 hr. Please call to register for our Yoga Alliance Teachers' Training, with more than the required hours in teaching techniques, methodology, philosophy, ethics, practicum, anatomy & physiology.

Location: Brighton, Michigan, USAContact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.DTel: 810-225-1288>/span>

Email: yougawithleeannURL: www.yogahealth.org

Casa Blanca Holistic Retreat.

Beautiful Andalucian Manor House with Stunning Views for 1 week holidays & weekend breaks. One week holiday 650 euros p.p. all inclusive (not flights ) Discount for group of 4. Chosen to feature in Footprints Guide Book Body & Soul Escapes.

Location: SpainContact: Liz Sandford & Paul RosinTel: 0034 950439020

Email: lizyogaURL: www.casablancayogareiki.com


Gitananda Yoga Retreat May 2009Join Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani for an inspiring weekend of yoga surrounded by natural bushland at Mercy Place Retreat Centre from Friday to Sunday. Includes Yoga, accommodation and meals.

Location: Brisbane, AustraliaContact: Margo HutchisonTel: 07 3268 4082

Email: bodywise1URL: www.gitananda-australia.org/DrAnanda2009AprTrip.htm


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