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Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561 Mobile: 9842311433 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/anandahttp://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=yognat2001 & p=r--- On Sat, 11/15/08, Isabel Maria Serra <serra-isabel wrote:Isabel Maria Serra <serra-isabelFW: IN MEMORIUM - 60+ YEARS LATER"Frank Mullen" <frankmullen, "maguxa" <maguxa, "montgomery_brown" <montgomery_brown, "Marta Martinez" <casandralibre, "Aimi" <aimipinder, "Amrita@Paramount Paramount" <himalayansnowclimbers, "ananda Ananda" <ananda, "Responsavel curso Ashram Bangalore" <tunacharya1,

"Cathy Davis" <davisfamily, "Christoph Eberhard" <c.eberhardSaturday, November 15, 2008, 9:40 PM



cilafonsecasTo: ;Fw: IN MEMORIUM - 60+ YEARS LATERFri, 14 Nov 2008 23:42:11 +0000




Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:51 PM







In MEMORIAM - 60+ YEARS LATERPlease read the little cartoon carefully, it's powerful. Then read the comments at the end.I'm doing my small part by forwarding this message. I hope you'll consider doing the same.In Memoriam�It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in�Europe�ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic

priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated with the German and Russian Peoples looking the other way!Now, more than ever, with�Iraq,� Iran, and others, claiming the�Holocaust�to be 'a myth,' it's imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.This e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide! Join us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it around the world. Please send this e-mail to people you know and ask them to continue the memorial chain.�

Notícias direto do New York Times, gols do Lance, videocassetadas e muitos outros vídeos no MSN Videos! Confira já!

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In reply to your e-mail forwarded cartoon, I sent a short story about the Holocaust story.It was writed and published in Romanian, in 2004. Apologize for poor english translation, I use google translator for this job. For romanian receivers, I posted also the romanian version (every phrase is both in romanian and english).

Enjoy... :)STORY OF FOREST GREEN February 9th, 2004 · Comentati (1 comentariu) February 9th, 2004 Post (1 comment)

Aceasta povestire este un pamflet si trebuie interpretata ca atare. This story is a pamphlet and should be interpreted as such. Personajele sunt pur fictive si nu au nici o legatura cu persoane reale… The characters are purely fictitious and have no connection with a real person ...

A fost odata ca niciodata, intr-o padure nu foarte indepartata, un mic soricel amarat si slabanog ca vai de el. It was once again that, in a forest not very far, a small mouse bitter slabanog lived from hand to mouth. Si mergand el prin padure se intalni intr-o zi cu elefantul, care era cel mai mare si puternic animal si muncea cel mai mult. And he goes through the woods to meet in a day with the elephant, which was the largest and powerful animal and worked best. Din pricina asta avea mancare suficienta, ba ii mai si ramanea. Because it had enough food, no more and stay. Vazand

acestea, soricelul la rugat pe elefant sa-l ia si pe el in spate, sa-l

care prin padure si sa-l lase sa se hraneasca cu resturile de la masa.

Seeing the mouse asked the elephant to him and take him back to him

through the woods and leave him to feed with debris from the table. Si elefantul - milostiv din fire - la primit. And elephant - forgiving by nature - received.


vreo saptamana de tovarasie, soricelului ii mergea foarte bine, avea

tot timpul ce manca, insa se cam saturase de frunze si muguri de

bambus, caci nu prea erau pe gustul sau de rozator. After a week

of Comrades, the soricelului went very well, you have always eat, but

is a little tired of germ leaves and bamboo, because they were not

really taste or rodents. Asa ca sa strecurat in urechea elefantului, de unde a inceput sa-i sopteasca acestuia tot felul de idei. So she slipped in elephant ear, where he began his sopteasca it all sorts of ideas. Cum ca n-are o alimentatie diversificata, ca-l paste obezitatea si in ritmul asta o sa moara de inima. That it has a diversified supply, as it pasta obesity and a pace that to die of heart. Ar trebui sa-si schimbe dieta, sa incerce niste lucruri noi ca nucile, alunele sau boabele de grau. Should be to change diet, try some new things like nuts, beans or nuts of wheat. Si

ca un prieten adevarat, soricelul sa oferit voluntar sa-l sfatuiasca ce

sa culeaga si ce sa manance in schimbul resturilor si a frimiturilor.

And like a true friend, the mouse has volunteered to him what advice to

collect and what to eat in exchange for scrap and frimiturilor. Iar elefantul, convins de primejdia in care se afla, sa hotarit sa il asculte. And the elephant, convinced of distress that is, we have decided to listen. Si

strangea elefantul intr-o zi de munca tone de alune si tot felul de

boabe; numai ca nu prea il incantau, asa ca manca putin si restul il

dadea soricelului, caci, se parea, lui ii placeau mai mult…

Brace elephant in a day of work tons of nuts and all kinds of beans,

only that it is not too excited, so I eat a little rest and it dadea

soricelului, because, apparently, He likes more ... SI CHIAR II PLACEAU! And even He likes! Atat

de bine ii mergea soricelului, ca mai pusese si deoparte o gramada de

graunte, incat tot neamul soricesc a hotarat sa-i urmeze exemplul –

fiecare intrand toti in urechea cate unui animal. So the good

soricelului going, and we put aside a lot of corn, that all people

mouse decided to follow his example - each entering all in the ear by

an animal. Si ia uite cum leii nu mai vanau antilope, lupii nu mai mancau caprioare, iar vulpile… uitasera gustul gainilor! And look how leii not vanau shammy, wolves no longer mancau deer and foxes ... uitasera hens taste! Toata lumea o daduse pe nuci si graunte. Everybody on a daduse nuts and grains. Iar ce ramanea…dadeau soriceilor. And what about ... dadeau soriceilor.

Toata lumea era fericita si in padure domnea pacea si democratia. Everybody was happy and in the woods democracy and the rule of peace.


in urechea carora nu se putuse patrunde erau animalele mici, iepurele,

bursucul si veverita, care – coincidenta!, detineau si controlul asupra

celui mai mare depozit de nuci si alune din padure. Only in the

ear which could not penetrate the animals were small, rabbit, squirrel

and badger, which - coincidence!, Owned and controlled the largest

deposit of walnuts and hazelnuts in the woods. Vazand

ca nu-i chip sa-i controleze pe cei trei, soarecii i-au soptit in

ureche leului cum ca iepurasul, bursucul si veverita s-ar fi constituit

intr-o adevarata axa a raului care a pus monopol pe resursele de nuci.

Not seeing him face his control on the three, the mice were Soptit in

my ear as real as the rabbit, badger and squirrel would be set up in a

real axis of evil which had the monopoly on resources nuts. Ar trebui sa fie distribuite in mod democratic tuturor animalelor din padure. It should be democratically distributed in all animals of the forest. Ba mai mult, aveau informatii ca cei trei ar planui sa puna o bomba la vizuina leului si sa preia puterea in padure. Yes, more had information that the three would plan to put a bomb at the hole and take the lion's strength in the woods. Infuriat, leul si-a trimis imediat haita de copoi sa rezolve problema. Mad, lion and sent immediately to hound pack to solve the problem. Iepurasul

a murit in timpul urmaririlor; bursucul a fost prins si judecat, iar in

prezent se afla inchis intr-o scorbura federala; veverita insa a reusit

sa fuga si se banuieste ca s-ar ascunde in desisurile de la marginea

padurii. Rabbit died during the prosecution; badger was caught

and tried, and currently is locked in a burrow federal, squirrel, but

managed to escape and that the suspects would hide in desisurile at the

edge of the forest. Pacea si democratia fusesera restabilite iar alimentele au fost preluate de soricei urmand a fi impartite in mod egal. Peace and democracy had been restored and food were collected Mice will be divided equally. Mai tarziu, cand o fi nevoie. Later, when need be.

Intr-o buna zi, un lup mai tanar, satul de atate graunte, a indraznit sa intrebe DE CE? On a good day, a wolf younger, the village as much grain, has dared to ask why? De ce trebuiau sa mai continue dieta asta, cand oricum erau numai piele si os si pericolul obezitatii disparuse? Why should I continue this diet, when they were still only skin and bone and the danger of obesity gone? Imediat

toate animalele au inceput sa auda in urechi o poveste sfasietoare

despre suferintele prin care trecuse neamul soricesc in timpul

cumplitelor deratizari, cum orice animal era dator la o reparatie

morala istorica, pentru ca soriceii nu mai aveau incredere sa-si adune

singuri boabele de grau, de teama sa nu fie otravite si sa se repete

ororile istoriei. All animals have started to hear the

ear-rending story about the suffering that people had mouse during

cumplitelor derating, as any animal was indebted to repair a historical

moral, because soriceii no longer had confidence to bring their own

beans and wheat , The fear was not poisoned and repeated horrors of

history. Au

infiintat chiar si un muzeu al deratizarii in memoria celor de soricei disparuti, unde au expus la vedere trei cutii

de tabla pe care scria clar "OTRAVA DE SOBOLANI", astfel ca la vederea

lui, orice animal era napadit de mila pentru sarmanii soricei, dar si

de un sentiment de vinovatie pentru ca stiusera si totusi nu facusera

nimic sa-i salveze. They even set up a museum of deratizarii in

memory of those 6,000,000,000 Mice disappeared, where they exhibited at

the three canister that said clearly " rat poison " , such as in his view,

any animal was overrun by miles for sarmanii Mice, but also a sense of

vinovatie for stiusera had been and still is not anything to save them. Mai

presus de pace si democratie, in padure domnea acum SOLIDARITATEA

ANIMALA, iar toate dobitoacele, convinse mai mult ca oricand de

justetea cauzei lor, continuau sa stranga sarguincioase minunatele

graunte pe care le imparteau frateste cu chitaitorii cei necajiti.

Above peace and democracy in the woods he now Solidarity ANIMALS, and

all dobitoacele, convinced more than ever the righteousness of their

cause, continued to gather painstaking beautiful grain which they share

with Fratesti chitaitorii people worried. Curand veni si toamna, iar padurea isi imbraca vesmantul aramiu. Soon come fall, and their forest dress vesmantul copper. O ploaie rece udase blana leului slab si istovit atat de rau, incat il apucase tremuratul. A cold rain udase lion fur weak and tired so bad, that the fly tremuratul. Si

intr-o incercare disperata de a se usca si incalzi putin, leul isi

scutura coama atat de tare incat soricelul din urechea sa fu proiectat

cu capul de un pom de-i sarira sarmanului creierii si cazu lat.

And in a desperate attempt to dry and warm a little, shake their lion

ridge so hard in the mouse ear fu was designed to head off a tree by

his poor sarira brains and casual wide. In acel moment leul avu un soc. At that moment the lion avu a shock. Era pentru prima oara dupa multi ani cand nu mai auzea voci in cap. It was the first time after many years when no longer heard voices in his head. Privind in jurul sau, realiza halul deplorabil in care ajunsese padurea. Looking around, or do like lamenting that reached the forest. Supusii

sai, numai piele si os, cu un ranjet tampit pe fata, munceau de

dimineata pana seara la strinsul alunelor, in timp ce o mana de soricei

imbuibati stransesera rezerve colosale si conduceau intreaga padure.

Supusii his only skin and bone, with a stupid grin on his face, working

from morning till night at strinsul nuts, while a handful of Mice

bloated stransesera colossal reserves and led the entire forest. In

iarna ce urma, soriceii aveau sa traiasca indestulati, in timp ce

restul animalelor, slabite si extenuate, isi vedeau moarte cu ochii. In the coming winter, soriceii had to live easy, while the remaining animals, weak and exhausted, he saw death with our eyes. Pe

cand trecea pe langa muzeul deratizarii, leul a observat cum ploaia

indepartase eticheta cu "OTRAVA DE SOBOLANI" si dedesubt se vedea o

alta, mai veche, pe care scria "FASOLE CU COSTITA"! When passing

by the museum deratizarii, noted how the lion of rain removed the label

with " rat poison " underneath and see another, older, that said " Beans

cost! Atunci a inteles: TRAISE IN MINCIUNA! Then it: living in lies! Cu totii FUSESERA MANIPULATI! Handle all were!

Va convoca imediat o intrunire a tuturor animalelor si le va ordona sa se scuture puternic! Will immediately convene a meeting of all animals and ordered them to beat strong! La urma urmei era inca Regele animalelor si mai avea un cuvant de spus in padurea asta! After all was still king of animals and have a say in this forest! Trebuie reluate vanatoarea si vechea alimentatie…trebuie reconstruite vizuinile…sunt atatea de facut…dar vor reusi! Should be resumed hunting and old food should be rebuilt ... ... earth are so many to do ... but will succeed! Pentru ca acum sunt LIBERI! Because now are free!

The End ?! 2008/11/16 Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001


Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/ananda

http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=yognat2001 & p=r

--- On Sat, 11/15/08, Isabel Maria Serra <serra-isabel wrote:

Isabel Maria Serra <serra-isabelFW: IN MEMORIUM - 60+ YEARS LATER " Frank Mullen " <frankmullen, " maguxa " <maguxa, " montgomery_brown " <montgomery_brown, " Marta Martinez " <casandralibre, " Aimi " <aimipinder, " Amrita@Paramount Paramount " <himalayansnowclimbers, " ananda Ananda " <ananda, " Responsavel curso Ashram Bangalore " <tunacharya1,

" Cathy Davis " <davisfamily, " Christoph Eberhard " <c.eberhard

Saturday, November 15, 2008, 9:40 PM



cilafonsecasTo: ;Fw: IN MEMORIUM - 60+ YEARS LATERFri, 14 Nov 2008 23:42:11 +0000




Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:51 PM








In MEMORIAM - 60+ YEARS LATERPlease read the little cartoon carefully, it's powerful. Then read the comments at the end.

I'm doing my small part by forwarding this message. I hope you'll consider doing the same.In Memoriam

�It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in�Europe�ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic

priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated with the German and Russian Peoples looking the other way!Now, more than ever, with�Iraq,� Iran, and others, claiming the�Holocaust�to be 'a myth,' it's imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.

This e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide! Join us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it around the world. Please send this e-mail to people you know and ask them to continue the memorial chain.


Notícias direto do New York Times, gols do Lance, videocassetadas e muitos outros vídeos no MSN Videos! Confira já!

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