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Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 9:35 PM

The Yoga News - December, 2008 issue is here ...






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December 02, 2008


The Yoga News



Yoga Feature ...

The Origin of Christmas

Ancient vedic roots of a modern gift-giving tradition

Yoga Feature

Are Yogis Communists?

Of course not ... I think ...


Yoga Combats Low Back Pain



More Yoga News ...


The Indian Yoga Association: It's Official ... Fashion Hopes to Boost

Yoga's Image UK Funds Hindu Education






The Origin of Christmas

This gifting tradition has some roots in ancient India

By: Dr Swami Gitananda


Where did it all start? Who is to be blamed? Blame it all on the

Hindus. It's time we took the blame rather than all the credit.


It just so happens that the Hindus have been around for a long time.

They're rather an old member on the family tree. So intent were they

on study and realization of spiritual and material things that the

UPANISHADS, the ancient scriptures of India, report their conclusion

that " there is nothing new under the sun. "


Many of the customs and rituals associated with most of the world's

religions and holidays originated in India, going through various

changes in the societies which adopted them. For instance, the story

of gift-giving at this Christmastide and the originator of such gifts

are both of Hindu origin ...


In the KATHOPANISHAD, we have the story of the Brahmin Vajasravasa who

fathered a son called Nachiketas, which is Sanskrit for Nicholas. The

boy dies and goes to the abode of Yama, Lord of Death where he lingers

for three days while Death is away. When Yama returns he is

embarrassed to discover that he had kept a Brahmin waiting. He grants

the boy three boons, or favours, and the boy returns to life again

bearing gifts for his father and family.


Sant Nachiketas (Saint Nicholas) is depicted driving a chariot-like

sledge loaded with the boons and gifts for the good of mankind. His

vehicle is pulled by reindeer that are able to fly, and he distributes

all of the ratnas, or celestial gifts to mankind, including the

knowledge of life after death.


The western story of St. Nicholas grew up many millennia later around

the life of a father of the early Christian Church in Asia Minor who

gifted a dowry for three ugly daughters of a poor parishioner. Later,

St. Nick was a " good guy " who went around blessing little children on

December 6th each year. " Bad " little ones were soundly caned by a

blackamoor who accompanied the old saint. The American super-tale was

created by the Reverend Samuel Clement Moore when he wrote " Twas The

Night Before Christmas. "


This is the winter solstice and the season when mankind dreads the

loss of heat and light; when ancient man lit his fire, he also lit it

for the Gods in hope that they would return the warmth and the



Their yule fire was an ancient offering to the sun. First candles, and

then electric lights replaced the fire. Modern electric lights like

their earlier counterparts, also represented the planets in our solar

system, and for the mystic Yogi, represented the chakras of the inner

cosmos. The fir tree represents the spine and the cranial nerves upon

which the chakric lights resplendently appear.


At this time of year, Hindus are celebrating the Festival of Lights,

Muslims and Jews their own period of Id and Chanukah, while in many

other cultures the " season of light " is also acknowledged. Let us all

strive for that Light that illumines all worlds.



About the Author: Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj

(1907-1993) was one of the most potent and effective forces in the

field of ashtanga yoga worldwide. Learn more about Swami Gitananda

here ...

Also visit the International Centre for Yoga Education and Research


Got an opinion? Send us Your Comments ...







Are Yogis Communists?

By: Yogacharya


Yoga and Communism are rarely two words that find themselves in the

same sentence. On the contrary, yoga has become so popular in the

West, that it is now often identified as much with Americana as it is

with its deeply communal Indian roots.


This ancient science has done much to satisfy our desires for bodily

health and wellbeing in recent times. It has even provided a few small

elixirs of spiritual nourishment for many along the way.


Who, then, would dare suggest that a yogi could be anything but a

free-living, you can have it all, proponent of the utopian democratic

dream? I surely would not dare …


After all, Communism, that antithesis of the American spirit, strives

to attain a classless society, where no one stands in privilege or

dominion over another…


The yogis, of course, would recognize that the " true self, " the

essence of each and everyone of us, is identical; that we are, all of

us, children of the same Divine spirit, with neither class distinction

nor right of dominion over another. Ok, maybe that was a bad example …


How about this though? A popular slogan of the Communist movement

claims that " Communism is a world in which each gives according to

their abilities, and receives according to their needs. " …


Hmmm ..., the Bhagavad Gita implores mankind to find liberation from

their desires for personal gain; to selflessly serve humanity; to view

the fruits of this world as a Divine gift, not for personal

possession, but for the equal use of all. Ok, I guess that was another

bad example…


Really though, Communists view that a master and slave, lord and

subject, the " oppressor and oppressed, " stand in constant opposition

to one another, an arrangement that forms the root of inexhaustible

disharmony in life…


Actually, that sounds strangely like the concept of dwaitam, or

duality that our ancient Rishis warned us of! They taught us that it

is this thing called " ego " , the perceiving of ourselves as unique,

individual and separate entities, that is the cause of all our

troubles. They told us that we are not alone in this world, but " all

one " in it, and that freedom from our discontent can only come through

the realization of the unity of all of nature and the equality of all



Ok, forget all those things. In the end, Communist ideals are surely

too radical for the yogi; after all, Communists openly declare that

their goals can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all

existing social conditions. " The people have nothing to lose but their

chains, " they say, " but they have a world to win! " …


WAIT A MINUTE! The cultivation of the " warrior spirit " is vital in

yoga too. In fact, yoga masters have demonstrated that immense effort

is needed to overcome the many obstacles on the yogic path, to conquer

the ego-self and to pull back the veil of ignorance that overshadows

our Divine inner light.


" People of the world, " cry the yogis, " a revolution of the spirit is

at hand. You have nothing to lose but the chains of ignorance that

bind you. You have the greatest possession of all to win - Freedom …

Liberation… Communion with the Universal Divine! "



Are Yogis Really Communists Then?

Communism is a simple three-syllable word that evokes such strong

emotion. The root meaning of the word itself simply means to

" commune, " to " come together, " to " connect. " Similarly, the word Yoga

means " union, " a joining of our lower, worldly self with the higher

Divinity; a " communion " of the individual with the Universal.


Does that make Yogis Communists? Surely not in the political sense of

the word. In fact, Yogis are no more Communists than they are

Republicans, Democrats, Socialists or Anarchists. The " communion of

yoga " s to no dogma or politically motivated ideology; it

does not strive to subjugate people or impose beliefs. Yoga

enlightens, empowers, and liberates.


It seems that great ignorance, misunderstanding, and misuse have

befallen this lofty concept of " communing " in our time, both in and

out of the political arena. Perhaps in that respect, Yoga and

Communism do share some common ground.


And they continued steadfastly in fellowship. And all that believed

were together, and had all things in common. And they sold their

possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had

need. "

~ New Testament, Acts of the Apostles



About the Author: Yogacharya is the director of International

Yogalayam, www.discover-yoga-online.com


Got an opinion? Send us Your Comments ...








Intensive Yoga Combats Chronic Low Back Pain


A recent study conducted at the Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research

Institute, near Bangalore, South India, demonstrates the effectiveness

of a short-term, intensive yoga program for sufferers of chronic low

back pain (CLBP).


Eighty patients diagnosed with CBLB participated in the study. They

were randomly placed into two groups: Forty into an experimental yoga

group, and forty into a control group. The experimental group engaged

in a week-long yoga-based program, while the control group was

prescribed a non-yogic, physical exercise based intervention.


Both groups carried out a comparable daily schedule for seven straight

days, with the yoga group engaging in meditations, yoga postures,

chanting, pranayama (yogic breathing), yogic relaxation and devotional

hymns (bhajans), while also attending discourses on a yogic based



The control group engaged in walks, therapeutically designed exercise

routines, non-yogic breathing practices, listening to music and

watching video shows on nature, while also attended healthy lifestyle



The Results:

Spinal flexibility was measured, and a special " functional disability

test " administered to the participants, both at the beginning as well

as the conclusion of the seven-day period.


The results showed an improvement in spinal flexibility in both

groups, with the yoga group demonstrating a considerably greater

improvement in spinal flexibility than the control group.


The functional disability test was in the form of a self-assessment

questionnaire, which included graded questions for assessing the

degree of pain in 10 different areas of living, such as walking,

standing, social life, etc. The total score of this test was expressed

as an index ranging from zero to 100, with zero representing the least

amount of disability, and 100 the most.


The average total disability scores in the yoga group decreased from

36.5 to 18.7, representing a 49% reduction, and a shift from

" moderate " to " mild " disability. Surprisingly, however, the reduction

in functional disability for the control group was statistically



These results indicate that the yogic-based regimen was significantly

more effective in the treatment of CLBP than the non-yogic therapy

approach, providing convincing support for intensive, yoga-based

lifestyle programs in the treatment of patients with chronic low back









Official Registration of The Indian Yoga Association is Announced


In July, 2008, we published news of the newly formed Indian Yoga

Association. [Read " IYA: India Bends Toward Yoga Regulation " ].

Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani, one of the founding executive

committee members of the IYA, and their Director of Publicity and

Public Relations, recently updated us with the following news:



On October 31st, 2008, the IYA was officially registered as a Society

under the Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860. It will be initially

supported administratively and financially by the Department of

Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddhi and Homeopathy (AYUSH),

and the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), and will be

initially based out of the MDNIY.


The following aims and objectives of the IYA were explained by Dr I

Basavaraddi, Secretary of the IYA and Director of the MDNIY, during a

meeting at the International Centre for Yoga Education and Research in

Pondicherry, India on the 6th of November 2008:


1. Promotion and advancement of Yoga and its applications.


2. Maintaining and promoting the different Indian Yoga traditions.


3. To provide extensive research facilities for carrying out

fundamental and clinical research in the discipline of Yoga and its

applications keeping in view the socio-economic needs of all sections

of the society.


4. To hold Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Camps and Public meetings

to propagate information and knowledge of Yoga, its various techniques

and practice in various parts of India as well as abroad.


5. Accreditation and affiliation of Yoga Institutions including the

prescribing of basic requirements for affiliation of Yoga



6. To conduct experiments and research on emerging trends in Yoga.


7. To develop techniques and approaches based on the Ancient Yoga

Texts and Granthas (books) of Yoga to meet the challenges of the

modern era.


8. Development and dissemination of new approaches to the practice,

teaching and research of Yoga.


9. To prescribe different courses for imparting education and training

in Yoga; to prescribe syllabus and curriculum for various Yoga

education, therapy and training courses and programmes; also to

prescribe guidelines to carry out research in Yoga and its

applications at various levels.


Dr I Basavaraddi also stated that the general body would be

constituted soon along with the various committees such as the

Academic Committee, Accreditation Committee, Research Committee,

Finance Committee, Publication Committee and Public Relations and

Publicity Committee.


The first Executive Committee meeting of the IYA will be held in the

last week of December, 2008 at the Yoga Institute in Mumbai.









Fashion Hopes to Boosts Yoga's Image


Yoga has just received a big injection " from style " by well-known

fashion designer, Dona Karan. The founder of the DKNY label, Karan

donated $850,000 through her Urban Zen Foundation to fund a one-year

yoga research project at the Beth Isreal Medical Centre in Manhattan.


The project aims to demonstrate the effects of yoga, meditation and

aromatherapy on cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.


In January, 2009, fifteen yoga teachers will begin working in the

hospital's cancer ward with non-terminal patients, while at the same

time training nurses in yogic relaxation techniques.


Karan, who lost her husband Stephan Weiss to lung cancer in 2001,

hopes to demonstrate that the use of yoga and meditation practices can

reduce the familiar side effects of cancer treatment, such as pain,

nausea and anxiety, and serve as a model for replication elsewhere.




Hindu School Opens in London


Imagine your child being educated through passages from the Bhagavad

Gita. Imagine that the curriculum at their school includes harmonium

and mridagam lessons, the instruments of Indian classical music.


For Britain's 1.5 million Hindus, that dream has become a reality with

the recent opening of the first state-sponsored Hindu school in

London. Krishna Avanti Primary School promises to merge the government

approved school curriculum with the religious and cultural values of



Of the motivations behind this project, head teacher Nania Parmar

said, " We aim to create an effective, calm and happy learning

environment where the vision and mission statements are 'lived' by

combining the wisdom of vedic teachings and exemplary professional

practice. "


With 23 pupils entering the first batch, the school plans to gradually

increase enrolment to 236 students by the year 2014.


Though similar schools for other faiths already exist in Britain, this

is the first time that a Hindu school funded by the British government

has been established. This welcome initiative provides expatriate

families with a supportive vehicle for the teaching of Indian Heritage

and the transmission of its spiritual and yogic ideals to their

children who are growing up in a land so far removed from their own

cultural roots.




WebSite News


The Yoga News is 6 months old! Thanks for all your emails and

wonderful encouragement! Please keep sending us your COMMENTS and



Yoga Course Updates:

After many months of work, the new edition of The Ashtanga Yoga of

Patanjali Home Study Program will finally be ready for you in just a

few more days. Register here and we'll let you know as soon as it is



More about The Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali Home Study Program



Exciting Additions to Our WebSite

ARTICLE ARCHIVES: We've recently added a new article structure on our

website. Now you can easily access past articles from The Yoga News,

as well as review all the back-issues. It's all right here...


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In This Issue

The Origin of Christmas

Are Yogis Communists?

Study: Yoga Helps CLBP


IYA Made Official

Fashion icon funds yoga research

London's first Hindu school

» yoga classified ads

» site news and updates

» Yoga Training


The Yoga News

your monthly yoga e-zine


EDITOR: Yogacharya


EMAIL: The Yoga News


SEND: Letter to the Editor



Dr. Swami Gitananda

Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani


INFO: Submissions / Advertising

















































































































































































































3 Weeks of Yoga E-course


This basic introduction to yoga is ideal for beginners as well as

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The Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali

.... A Complete Yoga Home Study Program


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Comprised of 48 step-by-step lessons, it is designed to be completed

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Visit our Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali information page...



The New edition of The Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali -Yoga Home Study

Program is currently being finalized and will be available again in

early December, 2008.

* Visit our Yoga Training Centre for all of our Yoga Educational Products ...








Yoga Classifieds


Open House - Sunday, January 4th, 2009

12 Noon - 2PM. Free classes, door prizes, fun! Join us for a

smorgasbord of myriad yoga types, styles, and classes. All are


Location: Yoga Center For Healthy Living, LLC. 4437 Old US 23,

Brighton, MI. 48114

Tel: 810-225-1288

URL: http://www.yogahealth.org


North London Hatha Yoga Classes

Yoga is an excellent way to relax and de-stress,while improving

strength and flexibility. This class includes breathing exercises,

postures and relaxation and is suitable for all levels. Morning, early

and late evening classes at reasonable prices.

Location: North London, United Kingdom

Contact: Julie Farley BSYA

Tel: 02089592319

Email: jl_farley


Surf & Yoga Getaway - Sunshine Coast

January & March 2009. Join us for a weekend of indulgence, adventure &

self discovery on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. Enjoy daily yoga &

surfing along with massage and options of 1 on 1 life coaching or

emotional intelligence workshops. 2 and 3 day options available.

Tel: 07 5491 6780

Email: info

URL: http://www.yoga-nrg.com


SOYA Yoga Teacher Training – BC and Alberta

RYT200 and RYT500 Teacher Training available in 4 different locations

in Alberta and BC. Several entry dates throughout the year for

Part-time programs to suit your working and family life. Training

includes philosophy studies in 4 major texts, as well as Asana,

Anatomy, Modifications, Meditation and experience in various styles of


Location: Calgary, Prince George, Vancouver and Penticton, Canada

Contact: Marion (Mugs) McConnell

Tel: 250-492-2587

Email: info

URL: http://www.soyayoga.com


Yoga With Sangeet

Student of Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Swami Gitananda

Guru Maharaja, Smt Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani, Dr Ananda Balyogi

Bhavanani. OM-Kara Kriya® 2 year Graduate Teacher.

Location: Colchester, UK

Contact: Sangeet Bird

Email: sbird39

URL: http://www.geocities.com/anandakapila/sangeet


Yoga Retreat in Paradise...along the Mayan Riviera

Savor the sun, sand, surf, good yoga and healthy food in MAYA TULUM,

MEXICO. For a heavenly escape: Mar. 14-21,2009

Location: x,y,z

Contact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D, E-RYT 500

Tel: 810-225-1288

Email: yogawithleeann

URL: http://www.yogahealth.org


Snowdonia Yoga Retreat 20-22 March 2009

Yoga weekend in the mountains of Snowdownia. Trigonas is a perfect

place for the practice of yoga, meditation and pranayama. Meals are

cooked using Trigonas own grown herbs & vegetables - absolutely

delicious & divine.

Location: Trigonas in Wales

Contact: Sarah Swindlehurst

Tel: 07922144384

Email: essenceyoga

URL: http://www.essenceyoga.co.uk


Milagro Retreats

Offering all-inclusive Retreats including Yoga, Meditation, Cooking

Classes, Surf Lessons, locally inspired Vegetarian and Living Food

Catering. Inspiring personal growth and unity with nature.

Location: Vancouver Island and Baja Mexico

Tel: 1.866.373.4316

Email: info

URL: http://www.milagroretreats.com


Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Gurudass

Kundalini Yoga (as taught by Yogi Bhajan) Level 1 Teacher Training

with master teacher & musician, Gurudass Singh Khalsa. 200hr KRI

approved training that will awaken you to your potential. Three 8-day

residential retreats in 2009.

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Contact: Brie Kalamir/ Har Simrat Kaur

Tel: 0422 963 207

Email: info

URL: http://www.spiritrisingyoga.com.au


Yoga Teacher Training - Byron Bay

Level 1 and Level 2 full time, part time and intensive courses

available. Maximum 20 students. High contact hours and experience

teaching public classes. Low cost. Experienced Instructors Ashram

style accommodation. Content includes Asana, Anatomy and Physiology,

Sequencing, Adjustments, Pranayama, Philosophy and Meditation.

Location: Byron Bay, Australia

Contact: John Ogilvie

Tel: +61 (0)2 6687 2230

Email: john

URL: http://www.byronyoga.com


Casa Blanca Therapy & Retreat Centre

Retreat Centre for hire to Yoga Teachers & Holistic Practitioners.

Yoga Studio for 19 people,accommodation for 1-4 people at Casa Blanca,

15 people at Cortijo Quemao, a quality Spanish Rural Hotel 4 minutes

drive set in orange & lemon groves.

Location: Almeria, Spain

Contact: Liz Sandford

Tel: 950439020

Email: lizyoga

URL: http://www.casablancayogareiki.com


Yogic Trek in the Himalayas

Learn Yoga while hiking in the Himalayas - the Abode of the Gods. Join

us on treks through the incredible Himalayas to places of immense

power, energy and divine serenity, where the great masters have


Location: Manali, Dist. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India

Contact: Yogacharini Amrita

Tel: +91-94183-56585

Email: yogachariniamrita

URL: http://www.paramountadventure.in


Pre and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Diploma Course Online

Accredited by the Yoga Alliance for 20 non-contact continuing

education credits, this 5 module fully illustrated course covers all

aspects of pregnancy and childbirth and provides qualified,

experienced yoga teachers with the necessary tools to teach yoga in

pregnancy and the postnatal period with confidence and authority.

Location: Worldwide

Contact: Jane Mackarness

Email: jane

URL: http://www.classicalyoga.co.uk


Sarada Ayurvedic Remedies

Our centuries-old Ayurvedic formulas are traditionally prepared in

India. We offer Ayurvedic Herbal Body & Massage Oils, Joint & Muscle

Pain Relief, Tarika Ayurvedic Skin Care, and more!

Location: Ojai/USA

Contact: Peggy Von Sonn

Tel: 805-646-6435

Email: info

URL: http://www.saradausa.com


Dubai Yoga Retreat -Jan '09

10 Days in Dubai experiencing Bhakti Yoga. Incredible tours, private

dinners, sunrise camel trek, Burj Al Arab Luncheon, Spa certificates.

Yoga & Meditation twice a day. Limited Spaces. International Yoga

Students Welcome. $5500 p/p + airfare, most meals & all tours


Location: Dubai, UAE

Email: retreats

URL: http://www.yogaofdevotion.org


200 hr Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training

January 2009! 200 hrs over 4 months accommodating working schedules.

Intensives are dedicated to an area of yogic practices, methodology &

anatomy. 1 WEEKEND/month 4 months. Intensives will be held in Denver,


Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Email: yoga

URL: http://www.JolieCash.com


Banyan Botanicals

We offer a complete line of premium quality Ayurvedic herbs and

products. We also offer certified organically grown herbs, herbal

tablets, massage oils, chyavanprash and more.

Tel: (800) 953-6424

URL: http://www.banyanbotanicals.com


ShivaShakti Yoga

Hatha Yoga classes in East London with reference to Ayurveda and

Tantra. Mantras & Pranayama. March 2009: Yoga retreat in India

visiting Tantric shrines and spiritual practice in Ujjain (M.P) and

Varanasi (U.P).

Location: London, UK

Contact: Marianne Simonin

Tel: 00 44 (0) 7710 283 007

Email: shivashaktiyoga

URL: http://www.shivashaktiyoga.co.uk


Yoga Teachers' Training - January 2009

RYT 200 & 500 hr. Please call to register for our Yoga Alliance

Teachers' Training, with more than the required hours in teaching

techniques, methodology, philosophy, ethics, practicum, anatomy &


Location: Brighton, Michigan, USA

Contact: Lee Ann Louis-Prescott, Ph.D

Tel: 810-225-1288

Email: yougawithleeann

URL: http://www.yogahealth.org


Gitananda Yoga Retreat May 2009

Join Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani for an inspiring weekend of yoga

surrounded by natural bushland at Mercy Place Retreat Centre from

Friday to Sunday. Includes Yoga, accommodation and meals.

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Contact: Margo Hutchison

Tel: 07 3268 4082

Email: bodywise1

URL: http://www.gitananda-australia.org/DrAnanda2009AprTrip.htm


Okanagan Yoga Essentials – Yoga Products Online

We sell world-wide lovely yoga products from India. Neti pots, tongue

scrapers, Om Jewelry, Malas, Arati lamps, Tingshas, Deities and other

altar products.

Location: Scotch Creek, BC, Canada

Contact: Robert McConnell

Tel: 250-492-2587

Email: bob

URL: http://www.yogaessentials.com


Erich Schiffmann is coming to Naramata!

Erich Schiffmann is one of the most innovative Yoga Teachers of our

time, and the South Okanagan Yoga Academy is bringing him to Canada to

share teachings with you! Spend a weekend retreat with him in lovely

Naramata BC. More about Erich at www.movingintostillness.com

Location: Naramata, BC Canada

Contact: Marion (Mugs) McConnell, South Okanagan Yoga Academy

Tel: 250-492-2587

Email: info

URL: http://www.soyayoga.com




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Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani


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