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Ananda in reg to 15 myths..............

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Namas te

I am in dialogue with Dr Leo who has some radical views and sent

this one to me. I actually find it too much a view from only one side without

balance on all counts

Stimulating the group was the primary reason for sending it out J

Now that i am asked the question about it will make a few notes

here and there on it

I am always a yoga aspirant first and doctor second but at times

both intermingle so much that I am just me!



15 Greatest Medical Myths

Dr. Robert O.Young


Myth 1) The Flu vaccine will protect you from the

flu virus.

This is a falsehood. There is no such thing as a flu virus, and,

therefore, there is no need for a poisonous acidic flu vaccine made with

chicken embryos, formaldehyde, mercury, detergent, and alcohol. The flu is the body

in preservation mode increasing body temperature to activate the lymphatic

system to remove excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in the tissues via

respiration, perspiration, defecation and urination. The key to reversing the

symptoms of the Flu is hydration with alkaline fluids and sweating with

infrared sauna or exercise.



Dr Ananda:

Whether you

take treatment or not the flu usually needs to run its course

Of course it

helps if u are a bit healthier in the first place and then can minimize the

duration and severity


Myth 2) Taking antibiotics will kill bacteria.

This is medical subterfuge and distortion as even the medical

community realizes that antibiotics don't do what they are supposed to do. We

say with alarm that disease is becoming resistant to antibiotics. They are not

"resistant," because they have never been operative or


Antibiotics are the acidic waste products of fermentation.

To make an antibiotic, you need a yeast or mold and some sugar for the yeast or

mold to ferment. The bi-product of the yeast or mold fermenting the sugar is

the acidic antibiotic. The acids from antibiotics DO NOT KILL BACTERIA. They

only force the bacteria to change.

Into what does bacteria change? Into yeast and mold. That is why

when you take antibiotics you end up with a yeast infection! That's the

antibiotic causing the bacteria to change from one form to another. I call this

process of change "biological transformation," and the reason why you

should NEVER take antibiotics. Try the COWS Plan. It is safer and more





are REAL

The problem

is with unnecessary usage and the development of resistance


Myth 3) The stomach should be acidic and contains hydrochloric

acid, or HCL, to digest food.

This is

one of the biggest scientific misconceptions ever.


First, the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion. Most so-called digestion

starts in the mouth. That's why your mom said to chew your food. The stomach is

an organ that alkalizes the food and liquids that you eat. The stomach cells,

called the cover cells, secrete sodium bicarbonate onto the ingested food and

drink to alkalize the food, not to digest the food. For every molecule of

sodium bicarbonate produced by the stomach for alkalizing, a molecule of

hydrochloric acid is produced as a waste product.

Hydrochloric acid, or HCL, never touches the food or drink but falls into the

gastric pits of the stomach away from the food and drink as the sodium

bicarbonate rises to the top to alkalize the food and/or liquids ingested. This

is necessary in order to prepare the food in an alkaline state for the duodenum

and the small intestine where the liquid food is then biologically transformed

into stem cells. There is NO part of the alimentary canal that does not secret

sodium bicarbonate for alkalizing. In

conclusion, the stomach is an organ of contribution and alkalizing, not a

digestive organ as medical savants would have us believe. So now you know it is

a whopper of a lie.



HCL is there

in the stomach to help the process of digestion and sterilize the contents of

the stomach

It is to

balance it (as life is all about balance) that the mucus lining that is

alkaline exists on the surface of the stomach inner lining


Myth 4) A cold is caused by a virus.

This is

another whopper -- a century-long distortion. A cold is the body removing

excess dietary and/or metabolic acids through the orifices of the body to

maintain its delicate alkaline pH. Colds are NOT caused by viruses but are

caused by eating too much acidic GARBAGE. I won't get YOUR cold if MY body is

properly alkaline. Excess acids can also be caused by your thoughts or negative

emotions, which can also give rise to the elimination of these acids through

various orifices, such as your eyes, ears, mouth or nose.


Dr Ananda:

Cold is

caused by a virus when you are down in the dumps due to your stress levels

being higher than usual

No stress-no

cold is true but don’t forget the virus too!


Myth 5) Pharmaceutical drugs may have side-effects.

What an intentional obfuscation this is! Pharmaceutical drugs do not

have side-effects; they have EFFECTS! And lots of them! If you take the

drugs, plan on them affecting your health in many negative and acidic ways.



One of my

hard core allopathic friends used to say “Alternative therapies don’t have side

effects because they don’t have effects in the first placeâ€

Medicine in

high dosage is poison and poison in low dosage can be a medicine too!


Myth 6) The brain runs on sugar.

This is

closer to gross ignorance than a lie. Sugar is a metabolic acid and has no

value in the body. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. The brain does NOT run on sugar; it

runs on electrons -- just like every other cell in the human body. Increase your healthy brain function with more electrons with

electron-rich food and water.

Dr Ananda:

Brain runs on

blood according to this logic too!

The blood has

the function of taking nutrients to the brain and bringing back the waste

products- sugar is a important nutrient too!!

Too much of

course is bad for everything

At another

level electrons being the food is not wrong as it may explain the life of those

who are bretharians and not food-athrians!



Myth 7) Cancer is a disease of the tissues.

NO! Cancer is not a disease of the tissues

but a disease of the fluids of the body. After a trillion dollars spent

since President Nixon declared war on cancer, we still pretend not to know what

it is. But it has become a several hundred billion dollar industry . . . larger

than the automobile industry. Cancer is an acidic, environmental, dietary

and/or metabolic liquid; it is NOT a cell, and we ALL have some of it in our

body to greater or lesser degree. The more acid we have

in our body, the greater the risk for cancerous tissues. Cancer, therefore, is

a four letter word: ACID! And cancer's fumbling, bumbling proponents

have put forth another four letter word: MYTH.



Swamiji used

to say that virtually all disease are acidic in nature and that yoga life style

makes us alkaline and can heal and prevent many things. It doesn’t matter

whether the disease is in the fluids or the tissues-it kills and painfully at



changes and more importantly attitude changes can help the most for sure but in

many cases treatment that seems worse than the disease may be the only way to

prolong life for those who want it so


Myth 8) HIV is a virus and causes AIDS.

This is

an incredible whopper! And because the real and UNEXAMINED TRUTH has been

explained by several scientists for many years, it is MORE than a whopper. It is now a fraud. There is NO HIV virus. You heard me right; there is NO HIV virus! There never

has been. AIDS or immune deficiency is caused by an

acidic way of living, eating and thinking. There

is no need for drugs, but just the need to change to an alkaline lifestyle and

diet and PRESTO . . . NO MORE AIDS. It works 100 percent of the time if you get

going before the drugs and wrong diet have taken you right up to death's door.

[Note : Dr. Leo Rebello's book AIDS and Alternative Medicine has

more details on this]

Dr Ananda:

HIV causes

AIDS-period. Lifestyle and diet may make you more or less prone but I would

challenge this person to take a blood transfusion with HIV infected blood if he

is so confident of hi statement

Easy to say

such things when u are not the affected party


Myth 9) Taking digestive enzymes will help


This is a major fable and fabrication to which many holistic doctors

prescribe. And it's a dangerous one . . . especially for people who take

digestive enzymes all the time. Enzymes are acids from fermentation and

are poisonous. Just like Drano, taking enzymes

will eventually destroy your alkalizing alimentary canal. One will kill

you fast and one will kill you slow! Digestive enzymes may break down

meat, but nutritional science clearly tells us that you shouldn't be eating

meat. They will break you down too because guess what? Your alimentary canal is




We don’t need

these enzymes at all. Period


Myth 10) Blood is made in the marrow of the bones.


inaccuracy and science fiction began with the distortions of four scientists in

1952 when they conducted starvation studies on rabbits and pigeons and decided

after autopsy that blood was created in the bones. This is NOT correct. The primary site of blood production is in the crypts of the

intestinal villi in the small intestine. When acids (antibiotics, acid

food and drink, enzymes, probiotics) damage or destroy the intestinal villi,

then the body makes blood out of various body cells such as the bones. The

studies on blood in 1952 may likely have been the correct conclusion if the

autopsies had been done on humans --assuming the bodies had starved to death

like the rabbits and pigeons. Logically, autopsies are

done on people who have been very sick and finally died. The body is so sick

that blood has not been made in the intestinal villi perhaps for some time.


Now medical savants have amazingly discovered that blood can also be made in

the liver. The truth is that it can also be made from all the organs and all

the cells once the body is sickly enough. Hopefully, we won't be doing

autopsies on healthy bodies because they rarely die. But if we did, we'd find

out where blood is really made in a healthy body . . .

in the crypts of the intestinal villi in the twenty-seven feet of the small




Majja or bone

marrow is the primary site of blood making. Other sites have always existed and

modern medicine is as usual waking up to it late


Myth 11) Germs cause disease via an infection.

This is

another invention based on faulty scientific premises. Germs are nothing

more than the biological transformation of organized matter

disorganizing. Germs therefore are the RESULT of fermenting matter and

not the CAUSE of fermenting matter, just as the smoke of a fired gun is not the

cause but the evidence that the gun has been fired. When you see bacteria, yeast or mold on food, this is a

result of food deterioration, not a result of an infection.


When I see bacteria or yeast in the blood, I know this

is a result of blood or body cells biologically transforming and not a result

of an infection. In other words, germs are

born in us and from us. The infection can

only contribute to a state of imbalance but CANNOT cause ANY specific

disease. So stay away from all treatment plans, traditional or

alternative that focuses on the killing germs. If

the drug or supplement will kill germs it will also kill you.



Germs are

there everywhere

If your

resistance is down-you get them if not NO

No use

telling a patient that they are going to die from the fermented products of

something and not germs! What good is that?


Myth 12) High Cholesterol in the form of low density lipoproteins

or LDL's can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks or strokes. Not a single

one. This is

a distortion and an inaccuracy based on faulty observation and inquiry. Environmental, dietary and metabolic acid cause heart

attacks and strokes. The body releases cholesterol or LDL's to buffer,

or chelate, the toxic lethal affects of acid to protect the body, not harm the

body. It is your thoughts, your words and your deeds

that create waste products or acids. If these acids are not eliminated through

urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration, the body will release

cholesterol, or LDL's, to buffer these acids for protection and not for



A recent landmark study showed that you are more likely to have a heart

attack or stroke with normal or low cholesterol then a person with a total

cholesterol over 300. Your risk for a heart attack

or stroke increases significantly as your acid levels increase or if you lower

your cholesterol with drugs without lowering your production of acid from the

environment, lifestyle, diet and/or metabolism.




contributes to the atherogenesis in the blood vessels-that causes the manifest



sympathetic arousal can narrow the vessels and do the same on a temporary

basis-that in addition to the blocks can cause the attack more


Myth 13) Eating protein builds muscles.


again. This is another fictitious distortion based on faulty observation based

on a) preconceived notions about how the body works and b) the failure of

science to sufficiently isolate variables when making so-called scientific observations.

Tell the strongest animals in the world -- vegetarian animals -- that eating

protein builds muscle. Eating protein actually makes

you weak and eventually sick and tired from the debilitating acids of

sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric and uric acid.


The body builds muscle from blood and not from plant or animal protein. At the

Ranch we grow avocados. We give our avocados minerals, water and sunshine -- no

protein. Yet, our avocados are 80% healthy fat and 15% protein. If you want to build muscle, you have to build blood. And to

build blood you have to eat green foods and lots of them.



Protein is

there in many sources and the MYTH is that Non-veg protein is superior and

nothing else.


Myth 14) Obesity is a fat problem.

I would

call this a big fat lie. A big whopper with cheese and bacon. No, I'm sorry fat

doctors, fat farms and fat clinics of the world. Obesity

is an acid problem, not a fat problem. The body protects itself against

acidic lifestyles and diets by making and using fat. Think of fat as your

parking places for environmental, dietary, and metabolic acids that are not

properly eliminated via urination, perspiration, defecation and/or respiration.

You can now say that fat is saving your life.

Thank you fat! Be glad that fat was not accumulating inside your veins and

arteries. At least collecting on your hips and belly you could see the fat and

decide if you want to do something about it. All you need to do is get off your

fat acid and go to health with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. As you alkalize, the fat melts away with all of its acidic




This makes no

sense at all!

Of course

junk food is acidic and junk food is the main cause of obesity!

Turning it

around the way he makes it seem is not the real thing at all


Myth 15) Hormone replacement therapy can help balance your



greedy fiction and pharmaceutical deception is actually hurting ever so many

unknowing innocent women. The first thing to understand is that hormones are

acidic waste products of endocrine gland function. Balancing your hormones

would be like balancing your car's carbon monoxide exhaust. You would never

give your car more acidic carbon monoxide to help it run better. You would

change the oil, the filter or use a more energy efficient fuel. This is what

you need to do when you have endocrine or energy imbalance. You need to change your lifestyle and diet to an alkaline

lifestyle and diet with liberal amounts of electron rich green foods.

Dr Ananda:

One point on

which I could somewhat agree! Finally J

Not that

hormones are dangerous but that we don’t need the replacement the way the

medical community is saying we do

Yoga can

produce balance at all levels


Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561 Mobile: 9842311433 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/anandahttp://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=yognat2001 & p=r

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Thank you, and Namaste Dr Ananda,I am relieved that you are a Yogi/Physician and I understand that you are the one common person in both these roles.I appreciated you thoughts on this mental 'jog'. I remember Dr. Andrew Weil making some very sweeping statement in his book. When, often when confronted the would sit on the fence and became a doctor first and wannabee-alternative health-guru second. I would rather you be a yogi first. And I am not being too prejudicial here, I hope!.here is my reason.Swamiji once said all diseases fall into three categories - gunas, doshas, and jaati. and of course taking the schools of Sankhya and yoga, and also ayurveda. sankhya which enumerates the evolutes of prakriti, yoga has its alliance with sankhya and certainly ayurveda is sprinkled here and there into both with the idea of Prakruti. moving the scenary a little to the Ishopanishad.Purnamadah Purnamidampurnaat purnamudachyate...my translation...there is the universal one, from which came the universally many. Each of the universally many is made of the same fabric of the universal one. to me based on one - swamiji's mentioning of gunas-dosha-jaati and based on the mantra - "purnamadah..." we are then the carrier and all times of all the pathological condition that there can possible be. Now Dr. Weil contribution is that as long as the immune system is stronger the pathogens will be kept subdued and the moment that the immune system falls below the treshold level, one or more of those pathogens will show its 'ugly' head up and take over the stage to perform their act. How or which particular pathogen shows is based entirely upon the individual and their guna-dosha-jati. whether the display is physical, mental, emotional or disorganized pranas. in the Christian bible it is said somewhere..." God made man in his own image and likeness, and gave him dominion over all". Tell that to the bacteria in the stomach/intestines. along the stream of contraction of the ishwara principle at the level of bacteria, it says we were made in the image and likeness of God (in this case man) and we too seek dominion over our world -the digestive system- and when the non-beneficial bacteria over powers the beneficial bacteria, they experience global warming. Although we call that global warming - fever! and we may experience 'icebergs' melting and coming down the nose - we call it a flu.I hope this tickles some response.Again thanks for you views I really don't want to jump in too deep into it since it 1:30 am in serviceYDMShunyavastha


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat2001Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:22 AM Subject: Ananda in reg to 15 myths..............







Namas te

I am in dialogue with Dr Leo who has some radical views and sent this one to me. I actually find it too much a view from only one side without balance on all counts

Stimulating the group was the primary reason for sending it out J

Now that i am asked the question about it will make a few notes here and there on it

I am always a yoga aspirant first and doctor second but at times both intermingle so much that I am just me!



15 Greatest Medical Myths Dr. Robert O.YoungMyth 1) The Flu vaccine will protect you from the flu virus.This is a falsehood. There is no such thing as a flu virus, and, therefore, there is no need for a poisonous acidic flu vaccine made with chicken embryos, formaldehyde, mercury, detergent, and alcohol. The flu is the body in preservation mode increasing body temperature to activate the lymphatic system to remove excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in the tissues via respiration, perspiration, defecation and urination. The key to reversing the symptoms of the Flu is hydration with alkaline fluids and sweating with infrared sauna or exercise.

Dr Ananda:

Whether you take treatment or not the flu usually needs to run its course

Of course it helps if u are a bit healthier in the first place and then can minimize the duration and severity

Myth 2) Taking antibiotics will kill bacteria.This is medical subterfuge and distortion as even the medical community realizes that antibiotics don't do what they are supposed to do. We say with alarm that disease is becoming resistant to antibiotics. They are not "resistant," because they have never been operative or effective. Antibiotics are the acidic waste products of fermentation. To make an antibiotic, you need a yeast or mold and some sugar for the yeast or mold to ferment. The bi-product of the yeast or mold fermenting the sugar is the acidic antibiotic. The acids from antibiotics DO NOT KILL BACTERIA. They only force the bacteria to change. Into what does bacteria change? Into yeast and mold. That is why when you take antibiotics you end up with a yeast infection! That's the antibiotic causing the bacteria to change from one form to another. I call this process of change "biological transformation," and the reason why you should NEVER take antibiotics. Try the COWS Plan. It is safer and more effective. Dr Ananda:

Antibiotics are REAL

The problem is with unnecessary usage and the development of resistance


Myth 3) The stomach should be acidic and contains hydrochloric acid, or HCL, to digest food.This is one of the biggest scientific misconceptions ever. First, the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion. Most so-called digestion starts in the mouth. That's why your mom said to chew your food. The stomach is an organ that alkalizes the food and liquids that you eat. The stomach cells, called the cover cells, secrete sodium bicarbonate onto the ingested food and drink to alkalize the food, not to digest the food. For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate produced by the stomach for alkalizing, a molecule of hydrochloric acid is produced as a waste product. Hydrochloric acid, or HCL, never touches the food or drink but falls into the gastric pits of the stomach away from the food and drink as the sodium bicarbonate rises to the top to alkalize the food and/or liquids ingested. This is necessary in order to prepare the food in an alkaline state for the duodenum and the small intestine where the liquid food is then biologically transformed into stem cells. There is NO part of the alimentary canal that does not secret sodium bicarbonate for alkalizing. In conclusion, the stomach is an organ of contribution and alkalizing, not a digestive organ as medical savants would have us believe. So now you know it is a whopper of a lie.Dr Ananda:

HCL is there in the stomach to help the process of digestion and sterilize the contents of the stomach

It is to balance it (as life is all about balance) that the mucus lining that is alkaline exists on the surface of the stomach inner lining


Myth 4) A cold is caused by a virus.This is another whopper -- a century-long distortion. A cold is the body removing excess dietary and/or metabolic acids through the orifices of the body to maintain its delicate alkaline pH. Colds are NOT caused by viruses but are caused by eating too much acidic GARBAGE. I won't get YOUR cold if MY body is properly alkaline. Excess acids can also be caused by your thoughts or negative emotions, which can also give rise to the elimination of these acids through various orifices, such as your eyes, ears, mouth or nose.

Dr Ananda:

Cold is caused by a virus when you are down in the dumps due to your stress levels being higher than usual

No stress-no cold is true but don't forget the virus too!

Myth 5) Pharmaceutical drugs may have side-effects.What an intentional obfuscation this is! Pharmaceutical drugs do not have side-effects; they have EFFECTS! And lots of them! If you take the drugs, plan on them affecting your health in many negative and acidic ways. Dr Ananda:

One of my hard core allopathic friends used to say "Alternative therapies don't have side effects because they don't have effects in the first place"

Medicine in high dosage is poison and poison in low dosage can be a medicine too!


Myth 6) The brain runs on sugar.This is closer to gross ignorance than a lie. Sugar is a metabolic acid and has no value in the body. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. The brain does NOT run on sugar; it runs on electrons -- just like every other cell in the human body. Increase your healthy brain function with more electrons with electron-rich food and water.

Dr Ananda:

Brain runs on blood according to this logic too!

The blood has the function of taking nutrients to the brain and bringing back the waste products- sugar is a important nutrient too!!

Too much of course is bad for everything

At another level electrons being the food is not wrong as it may explain the life of those who are bretharians and not food-athrians!


Myth 7) Cancer is a disease of the tissues.NO! Cancer is not a disease of the tissues but a disease of the fluids of the body. After a trillion dollars spent since President Nixon declared war on cancer, we still pretend not to know what it is. But it has become a several hundred billion dollar industry . . . larger than the automobile industry. Cancer is an acidic, environmental, dietary and/or metabolic liquid; it is NOT a cell, and we ALL have some of it in our body to greater or lesser degree. The more acid we have in our body, the greater the risk for cancerous tissues. Cancer, therefore, is a four letter word: ACID! And cancer's fumbling, bumbling proponents have put forth another four letter word: MYTH. Dr Ananda:

Swamiji used to say that virtually all disease are acidic in nature and that yoga life style makes us alkaline and can heal and prevent many things. It doesn't matter whether the disease is in the fluids or the tissues-it kills and painfully at that

Lifestyle changes and more importantly attitude changes can help the most for sure but in many cases treatment that seems worse than the disease may be the only way to prolong life for those who want it so


Myth 8) HIV is a virus and causes AIDS.This is an incredible whopper! And because the real and UNEXAMINED TRUTH has been explained by several scientists for many years, it is MORE than a whopper. It is now a fraud. There is NO HIV virus. You heard me right; there is NO HIV virus! There never has been. AIDS or immune deficiency is caused by an acidic way of living, eating and thinking. There is no need for drugs, but just the need to change to an alkaline lifestyle and diet and PRESTO . . . NO MORE AIDS. It works 100 percent of the time if you get going before the drugs and wrong diet have taken you right up to death's door.

[Note : Dr. Leo Rebello's book AIDS and Alternative Medicine has more details on this]

Dr Ananda:

HIV causes AIDS-period. Lifestyle and diet may make you more or less prone but I would challenge this person to take a blood transfusion with HIV infected blood if he is so confident of hi statement

Easy to say such things when u are not the affected party

Myth 9) Taking digestive enzymes will help digestion.This is a major fable and fabrication to which many holistic doctors prescribe. And it's a dangerous one . . . especially for people who take digestive enzymes all the time. Enzymes are acids from fermentation and are poisonous. Just like Drano, taking enzymes will eventually destroy your alkalizing alimentary canal. One will kill you fast and one will kill you slow! Digestive enzymes may break down meat, but nutritional science clearly tells us that you shouldn't be eating meat. They will break you down too because guess what? Your alimentary canal is meat! Dr Ananda:

We don't need these enzymes at all. Period


Myth 10) Blood is made in the marrow of the bones.This inaccuracy and science fiction began with the distortions of four scientists in 1952 when they conducted starvation studies on rabbits and pigeons and decided after autopsy that blood was created in the bones. This is NOT correct. The primary site of blood production is in the crypts of the intestinal villi in the small intestine. When acids (antibiotics, acid food and drink, enzymes, probiotics) damage or destroy the intestinal villi, then the body makes blood out of various body cells such as the bones. The studies on blood in 1952 may likely have been the correct conclusion if the autopsies had been done on humans --assuming the bodies had starved to death like the rabbits and pigeons. Logically, autopsies are done on people who have been very sick and finally died. The body is so sick that blood has not been made in the intestinal villi perhaps for some time. Now medical savants have amazingly discovered that blood can also be made in the liver. The truth is that it can also be made from all the organs and all the cells once the body is sickly enough. Hopefully, we won't be doing autopsies on healthy bodies because they rarely die. But if we did, we'd find out where blood is really made in a healthy body . . . in the crypts of the intestinal villi in the twenty-seven feet of the small intestine. Dr Ananda:

Majja or bone marrow is the primary site of blood making. Other sites have always existed and modern medicine is as usual waking up to it late


Myth 11) Germs cause disease via an infection.This is another invention based on faulty scientific premises. Germs are nothing more than the biological transformation of organized matter disorganizing. Germs therefore are the RESULT of fermenting matter and not the CAUSE of fermenting matter, just as the smoke of a fired gun is not the cause but the evidence that the gun has been fired. When you see bacteria, yeast or mold on food, this is a result of food deterioration, not a result of an infection. When I see bacteria or yeast in the blood, I know this is a result of blood or body cells biologically transforming and not a result of an infection. In other words, germs are born in us and from us. The infection can only contribute to a state of imbalance but CANNOT cause ANY specific disease. So stay away from all treatment plans, traditional or alternative that focuses on the killing germs. If the drug or supplement will kill germs it will also kill you. Dr Ananda:

Germs are there everywhere

If your resistance is down-you get them if not NO

No use telling a patient that they are going to die from the fermented products of something and not germs! What good is that?


Myth 12) High Cholesterol in the form of low density lipoproteins or LDL's can cause heart attacks and strokes.Cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks or strokes. Not a single one. This is a distortion and an inaccuracy based on faulty observation and inquiry. Environmental, dietary and metabolic acid cause heart attacks and strokes. The body releases cholesterol or LDL's to buffer, or chelate, the toxic lethal affects of acid to protect the body, not harm the body. It is your thoughts, your words and your deeds that create waste products or acids. If these acids are not eliminated through urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration, the body will release cholesterol, or LDL's, to buffer these acids for protection and not for destruction. A recent landmark study showed that you are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke with normal or low cholesterol then a person with a total cholesterol over 300. Your risk for a heart attack or stroke increases significantly as your acid levels increase or if you lower your cholesterol with drugs without lowering your production of acid from the environment, lifestyle, diet and/or metabolism. Dr Ananda:

Cholestrol contributes to the atherogenesis in the blood vessels-that causes the manifest attacks

Excess sympathetic arousal can narrow the vessels and do the same on a temporary basis-that in addition to the blocks can cause the attack more


Myth 13) Eating protein builds muscles.Wrong again. This is another fictitious distortion based on faulty observation based on a) preconceived notions about how the body works and b) the failure of science to sufficiently isolate variables when making so-called scientific observations. Tell the strongest animals in the world -- vegetarian animals -- that eating protein builds muscle. Eating protein actually makes you weak and eventually sick and tired from the debilitating acids of sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric and uric acid. The body builds muscle from blood and not from plant or animal protein. At the Ranch we grow avocados. We give our avocados minerals, water and sunshine -- no protein. Yet, our avocados are 80% healthy fat and 15% protein. If you want to build muscle, you have to build blood. And to build blood you have to eat green foods and lots of them. Dr Ananda:

Protein is there in many sources and the MYTH is that Non-veg protein is superior and nothing else.


Myth 14) Obesity is a fat problem.I would call this a big fat lie. A big whopper with cheese and bacon. No, I'm sorry fat doctors, fat farms and fat clinics of the world. Obesity is an acid problem, not a fat problem. The body protects itself against acidic lifestyles and diets by making and using fat. Think of fat as your parking places for environmental, dietary, and metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated via urination, perspiration, defecation and/or respiration. You can now say that fat is saving your life. Thank you fat! Be glad that fat was not accumulating inside your veins and arteries. At least collecting on your hips and belly you could see the fat and decide if you want to do something about it. All you need to do is get off your fat acid and go to health with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. As you alkalize, the fat melts away with all of its acidic contents. Dr Ananda:

This makes no sense at all!

Of course junk food is acidic and junk food is the main cause of obesity!

Turning it around the way he makes it seem is not the real thing at all


Myth 15) Hormone replacement therapy can help balance your hormones.This greedy fiction and pharmaceutical deception is actually hurting ever so many unknowing innocent women. The first thing to understand is that hormones are acidic waste products of endocrine gland function. Balancing your hormones would be like balancing your car's carbon monoxide exhaust. You would never give your car more acidic carbon monoxide to help it run better. You would change the oil, the filter or use a more energy efficient fuel. This is what you need to do when you have endocrine or energy imbalance. You need to change your lifestyle and diet to an alkaline lifestyle and diet with liberal amounts of electron rich green foods.

Dr Ananda:

One point on which I could somewhat agree! Finally J

Not that hormones are dangerous but that we don't need the replacement the way the medical community is saying we do

Yoga can produce balance at all levels












Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

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