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--- On Tue, 5/12/09, Margo Hutchison <bodywise1 wrote:Margo Hutchison <bodywise1A delicate balance"Margo Hutchison" <bodywise1Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 5:03 AM





Dear Friends in

Yoga, I thought to

share some information I have recently found useful on my Yogi path, as well as

beneficial to share with Yoga students. As a Yogi and a

Health Practitioner/Educator, I am a proponent for Vegetarian and Veganism and

a Pure Sattvic Diet. Yesterday, I watched a great documentary, called

‘ A Delicate Balance’, that I thoroughly recommend. It

succinctly conveys the evidence of the vast body of quality scientific research

that has been growing over the last the few decades, particularly in this last

decade regarding preventing and reversing the major illnesses of affluence that

affect our western cultures, such as diabetes, cancers, osteoporosis, heart

disease, autoimmune diseases, mad cow and swine flu, and others; as well as

preventing the current trajectory of total destruction of our shared planet and

allowing all 6 billion people currently populating the planet to survive; and

all this is achievable through a Vegan diet. I thoroughly recommend watching

it, which you can do online through Pay-Per-View for $5 USD (about $7 AUD), or

order a copy to share with others for $30 in Australia & NZ, by going to www.adelicatebalance.com . It is a great

one to recommend to students or anyone you know that may have been living under

a rock for the last decade and not know much about the correlation between

eating animal products and these diseases, and for those who may not enjoy to

read serious books or medical journals, but might watch a film. With so

much to worry about these days, it can be almost debilitating for people and

easier to bury their heads firmly in the sand, but here is some good news that

can help people to act, and become motivated about their health and their

environment at the same time. I have also

attached an article I stumbled across recently, which might be interesting

reading for some of you, ‘The Role of Veganism in Yoga’, written by

Gabriel Cousens, if you’re not aware who he is, he is probably one of the

smartest guys presently on the planet, the author of ‘Conscious

Eating’, ‘Spiritual Nutrition’, ‘Reversing Diabetes in

30 days DVD’ and others. It is always

interesting to me that modern science makes so many startling revelations that have

been known forever, it would be comical if it wasn’t tragic. Many

famous influential Western Doctors have been speaking out about the detriments

of eating animal products, both to our physical body and to our spirits since

the 1800’s, and curing many of these diseases since then, particularly

with detoxing (fasting), juicing and introducing veganism. They noticed

that most of the largest and strongest animals on our planet are vegan, and

that the strongest and fastest humans were from vegan cultures, and

furthermore, that human bodies are not designed to be flesh eaters.

Unfortunately, nowadays, due to our current dietary and lifestyle practices, we

are on the verge of a huge increase of these diseases within the next 1-2

generations, as well as infertility. In the Vedas

(sorry, I can’t remember which script) it is mentioned that before people

began eating meat there were only 3 diseases, of which old age was one.

What a blessed time! The most commonly recommended Yogi diet in the

ancient yoga texts: the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Gheranda Samhita and the Siva

Samhita; is the Sattvic Diet, which is generally accepted to be a

lacto-vegetarian diet, including nuts and grains. Milk was considered

rasa dhatu or plasma and beneficial for the body, however, nowadays most agree

milk has been denatured and is no longer beneficial. Interestingly, the

Vedas also mention that in the years of the Kali Yuga humans will become unable

to digest milk. When available, the Phalari Diet was adopted and is

considered a much higher yogic diet. The Phalari diet is mainly fruit

with some cooked root vegetables. But, probably a more realistic

attainable Yogic diet for westerners may be gradually adapted to and include

fresh fruit and vegetable juices, fresh whole fruit, salads, sprouts, soaked

nuts, and some steamed or cooked vegetablesm (from Applied Anatomy &

Physiology of Yoga by Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca Machliss). There are

even a growing number of breatharians nowadays, too many to continue to presume

this is not possible. Personally, I

also attribute our recent cultural addiction to cooked foods as being related

to the high quantity of vata-type constitution in our culture, although of

course, there is also a lot of evidence to suggest that it’s primarily

due to conditioning in infancy that suppresses the innate ability of the body

to know what food supports it best, as evidenced in eating disorders and

obesity. Nowadays, also,

as we learn more about physics and the quantum nature of our universe, my

concern is also about the Metaphysical implications of the inhumane treatment

and deaths of billions of animals annually affecting the very fabric of our

connected existence. Albert Einstein spoke out about this, and promoted

vegetarianism as being essential to our evolution. In fact, even the

bible recommends veganism, and traditionally Christians were vegan. These

days I’m all about local food grown with love!, rather than purchasing

food harvested with greed and complete disregard for the consequences to the peoples

being taken advantage of in the developing countries that grow much of it, the

animals that surrender their lives, and the earth that gets destroyed in the

process! Anyway, I could

continue to talk about this all day! I hope you or someone you know finds

these useful and enjoy the film! Some other

resources I’ve found useful: Books: ‘Green Yoga’

by George and Brenda Feuerstein, ‘The China Study’ by Colin T

Campbell, ‘Diet for a New America’, ‘The Food

Revolution’ and ‘ Reclaiming Our Health’ by John Robbins,

‘The Ethics of What we Eat’ by Peter Singer and Jim Mason, and

Documentaries: ‘Food Matters’ by James Colquhoun and available free

on Google Videos: ‘Earthlings’ (intense viewing, but worth seeing),

‘Food with a Future: The Future of Food‘, ‘GM Food: Panacea

or Poison’, and website www.naturalnews.com

for the latest in nutrition and health news. Much Love from, Tracy Leech The YOGA SPACE



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