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order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy),

it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and

other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are

of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths /

layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our

real nature that is of many dimensions.


Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:


Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of

our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in

turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and

mucosal lining.


Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath

that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very

cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological

mechanisms working to perfection.


Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or

psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in

mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit

the signals of mind.


Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect

is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link

with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom.


Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss

and is our link with universal existence where we are ‘all-one’. We can attune to

this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga.


other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and

medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula

Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma

Sharira) can be correlated with

the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira),

the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha.


the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is

made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient

health sciences also understand the importance of the Tri Doshas (the three humors)

whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes

flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints

that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and

is the cause of heat in the body. It is the energy of catabolism that is

essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that

holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping

the process of generation and regeneration.


Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has

described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that

are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the

Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems

of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning.


Nava Dhushyas (nine physical

structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve

energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood

components), Indriya (vital organs), Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda

(adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra

and the higher Ojas and Tejas).


Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man)

include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of


Prana, the cosmic catalyst

associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana

Nadis (channels of Pranic

flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and

Prana Vahana (nerve fluids), Prana

Vana (psychic vortexes

associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and

Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental



Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious

and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of

consciousness), Loka (planes of

consciousness), Mandala (etheric mental and

energy patterns and fields)


Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated

with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche

and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher

self or Atman


an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not

possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga

doesn’t just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga

therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is

about working at all levels of existence. If we don’t understand the patient

fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga


-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.com

www.geocities.com/yognat2001--------------------------DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat and delete the material from any stored format/computer.

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Guest guest

Dear Ananda - hello my friend!


I do so much enjoy your writings and elaboration on the teachings of Yoga and

want to thank you for sharing these with us. I commend you on stressing the

import of the understanding of the philosophical structure of existence and its

necessity for Yoga Chikitsa (as you know as well as I, it is not what many here

are even aware of since we are being feed asana and pranayama - as in only

breathing exercises - as the sum total of what is for sale).


I have a question for you and maybe you can help...


In the section where you describe Manas, you mention it as being the sum total

of mind (to include the three levels of consciousness and Buddhi), would you

clarify this for me as I have an understanding of Cit as the supraconsciousness,

Citta as being the totality of mind broken down into - Manas (lower - the base

and habitual functions) and Buddhi (higher - intelligence, reasoning and

intuiting functions) and Mastiska to be the physical apparatus (brain). If this

is not correct, I would be most grateful for your clarification since this is

what I have been teaching and I would not wish to pass along inaccurate

information - Lord knows there is enough of this going on!


All the best to you and your family,


With love,







Catherine Baker, CYT, IAYT member

University of Southern California

College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Physical Education Department

3560 Watt Way, PED 108

Los Angeles, Ca 90089-0655

Tel: 213-740-2488

Fax: 213-821-1058

Home: 323-774-1733

Cell: 323-833-7448



" Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani " <yognat

Monday, June 22, 2009 6:10 am








> In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa

> (Yoga as a

> therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human

> existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that

> we are

> not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha

> Kosha (the

> five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three

> bodies) help

> us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.


> The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:


> · Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level

> of our

> existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn

> nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and

> mucosal lining.


> · Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our

> physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells

> life and

> enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological

> mechanismsworking to perfection.


> · Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect

> of our

> existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our

> brain is but

> the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of

> mind.

> · Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the

> level of

> higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link

> with inner

> wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom.


> · Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our

> linkwith universal existence where we are ‘all-one’. We can attune

> to this level

> by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga.


> The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian

> philosophy and

> medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body

> (SthulaSharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the

> subtle body

> (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and

> Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our

> existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha.


> At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the

> humanbody is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are

> Rasa (Chyle),

> Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa

> (Marrow)and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also

> understand the

> importance of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is

> viatl for

> good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves

> like the

> wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous

> system as

> well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related

> to the

> bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body. It is the

> energy of

> catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the

> glue that

> holds everything together in the body and is the energy of

> anabolism helping

> the process of generation and regeneration.


> Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava

> Dhushyas or

> nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human

> body. He has

> also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man

> that also

> takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning.


> The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi

> (bone

> tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve

> energy),Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya

> (vital organs),

> Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone

> marrow) and

> Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas).


> The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to

> the Nau

> Dhushyas, the non-physical components of


> · Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This

> includesthe sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis

> (channels of

> Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve

> fluids), Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras),

> PranaGranthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher

> mental energy).


> · Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and

> superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of

> consciousness), Loka (planes of consciousness), Mandala (etheric

> mental and

> energy patterns and fields)


> · Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves

> and glands

> of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara

> and includes

> the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman


> Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our

> existence it is

> not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a

> therapy.Yoga doesn’t just work on the physical body but works at

> all these levels.

> Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal

> musclesbut is about working at all levels of existence. If we don’t

> understand the

> patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are

> againpracticing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!



> --

> Yogacharya

> Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

> Chairman

> ICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam

> 25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar Nagar

> Pondicherry, South India

> www.icyer.com

> www.geocities.com/yognat2001


> --------------------------

> DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary

> to Ananda

> Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the

> addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged

> material.Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this

> information by

> any person other than the intended recipient is strictly

> prohibited. Please

> be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if

> youreceived this through error we apologize. If you have received this

> communication in error, please contact us at yognat and

> delete the

> material from any stored format/computer.


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Manas can mean a lot of things but in this context means exerything assoicated with mind-the lower and the higher includedother terms are not wrong and just need to used in contextyours in yogadr ananda

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Catherine Baker <cathergb wrote:

Dear Ananda - hello my friend!


I do so much enjoy your writings and elaboration on the teachings of Yoga and want to thank you for sharing these with us. I commend you on stressing the import of the understanding of the philosophical structure of existence and its necessity for Yoga Chikitsa (as you know as well as I, it is not what many here are even aware of since we are being feed asana and pranayama - as in only breathing exercises - as the sum total of what is for sale).


I have a question for you and maybe you can help...


In the section where you describe Manas, you mention it as being the sum total of mind (to include the three levels of consciousness and Buddhi), would you clarify this for me as I have an understanding of Cit as the supraconsciousness, Citta as being the totality of mind broken down into - Manas (lower - the base and habitual functions) and Buddhi (higher - intelligence, reasoning and intuiting functions) and Mastiska to be the physical apparatus (brain). If this is not correct, I would be most grateful for your clarification since this is what I have been teaching and I would not wish to pass along inaccurate information - Lord knows there is enough of this going on!


All the best to you and your family,


With love,







Catherine Baker, CYT, IAYT member

University of Southern California

College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Physical Education Department

3560 Watt Way, PED 108

Los Angeles, Ca 90089-0655

Tel: 213-740-2488

Fax: 213-821-1058

Home: 323-774-1733

Cell: 323-833-7448



" Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani " <yognat

Monday, June 22, 2009 6:10 am








> In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa

> (Yoga as a

> therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human

> existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that

> we are

> not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha

> Kosha (the

> five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three

> bodies) help

> us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.


> The Pancha Koshas  may be understood as follows:


> ·        Annamaya Kosha  is the physical sheath or anatomical level

> of our

> existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn

> nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and

> mucosal lining.


> ·        Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our

> physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells

> life and

> enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological

> mechanismsworking to perfection.


> ·        Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect

> of our

> existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our

> brain is but

> the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of

> mind.

> ·        Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the

> level of

> higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link

> with inner

> wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom.


> ·        Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our

> linkwith universal existence where we are ‘all-one’. We can attune

> to this level

> by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga.


> The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian

> philosophy and

> medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body

> (SthulaSharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the

> subtle body

> (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and

> Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our

> existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha.


> At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the

> humanbody is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are

> Rasa (Chyle),

> Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa

> (Marrow)and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also

> understand the

> importance of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is

> viatl for

> good health. Vata Dosha       is the energy of the body that moves

> like the

> wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous

> system as

> well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related

> to the

> bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body. It is the

> energy of

> catabolism that is essential for digestion.  Kapha Dosha is the

> glue that

> holds everything together in the body and is the energy of

> anabolism helping

> the process of generation and regeneration.


> Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava

> Dhushyas or

> nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human

> body. He has

> also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man

> that also

> takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning.


> The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are:  Asthi

>    (bone

> tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi            (channels of nerve

> energy),Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya

> (vital organs),

> Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone

> marrow) and

> Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas).


> The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to

> the Nau

> Dhushyas, the non-physical components of


> ·        Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This

> includesthe sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis

> (channels of

> Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve

> fluids), Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras),

> PranaGranthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher

> mental energy).


> ·        Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and

> superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of

> consciousness), Loka (planes of consciousness), Mandala (etheric

> mental and

> energy patterns and fields)


> ·        Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves

> and glands

> of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara

> and includes

> the  psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman


> Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our

> existence it is

> not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a

> therapy.Yoga doesn’t just work on the physical body but works at

> all these levels.

> Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal

> musclesbut is about working at all levels of existence. If we don’t

> understand the

> patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we  are

> againpracticing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!



> --

> Yogacharya

> Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

> Chairman

> ICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam

> 25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar Nagar

> Pondicherry, South India

> www.icyer.com

> www.geocities.com/yognat2001


> --------------------------

> DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary

> to Ananda

> Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the

> addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged

> material.Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this

> information by

> any person other than the intended recipient is strictly

> prohibited. Please

> be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if

> youreceived this through error we apologize. If you have received this

> communication in error, please contact us at yognat and

> delete the

> material from any stored format/computer.






" Health and Happiness are your birthright, claim them through Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga " -Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri

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Ah finally,for almost eight years I have been part of this group and have waited to see inputs such as these last two posts. Last year Dr. Ananda complained the he did not want to be just a mailman a year later he took the opposite stance and said from time to time he encourages discussion. Somewhere there in the last year with all his travels he must have seen something and has taken over to present important material that are not debatable. Though there are rudimentary, they bring a serious tone to this group and it brings a whole lot to joy to me. Keep this up and at least a handful more will see the depth of yoga and of the many that are called a few will choose.in serviceYDM


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognatMonday, June 22, 2009 9:40 AM Subject: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS





In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.

The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:

· Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and mucosal lining.

· Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological mechanisms working to perfection.

· Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of mind.

· Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom.

· Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our link with universal existence where we are 'all-one'. We can attune to this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga.

The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha.

At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also understand the importance of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body. It is the energy of catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping the process of generation and regeneration.

Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning.

The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya (vital organs), Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas).

The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of

· Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis (channels of Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve fluids), Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental energy).

· Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of consciousness), Loka (planes of consciousness), Mandala (etheric mental and energy patterns and fields)

· Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman

Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga doesn't just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is about working at all levels of existence. If we don't understand the patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.comwww.geocities.com/yognat2001--------------------------DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat and delete the material from any stored format/computer.


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namas te

thanks for the kind words

i just do my best and leave the rest for swamiji will do it!!

we grow when we share-be it knowledge, love, money and swamiji and amma have tought me to live my life by sharing whatever i can with the world!











Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

www.geocities.com/yognat2001/anandahttp://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=yognat2001 & p=r--- On Tue, 6/23/09, livezero <livezero wrote:

livezero <livezerore: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:17 PM



Ah finally,for almost eight years I have been part of this group and have waited to see inputs such as these last two posts. Last year Dr. Ananda complained the he did not want to be just a mailman a year later he took the opposite stance and said from time to time he encourages discussion. Somewhere there in the last year with all his travels he must have seen something and has taken over to present important material that are not debatable. Though there are rudimentary, they bring a serious tone to this group and it brings a whole lot to joy to me. Keep this up and at least a handful more will see the depth of yoga and of the many that are called a few will choose.in serviceYDM


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Monday, June 22, 2009 9:40 AM THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS





In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.

The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:

· Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and mucosal lining.

· Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological mechanisms working to perfection.

· Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of mind.

· Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom.

· Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our link with universal existence where we are 'all-one'. We can attune to this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga.

The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha.

At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also understand the importance

of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body. It is the energy of catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping the process of generation and regeneration.

Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning.

The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya (vital organs), Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas).

The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of

· Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis (channels of Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve fluids),

Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental energy).

· Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of consciousness) , Loka (planes of consciousness) , Mandala (etheric mental and energy patterns and


· Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman

Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga doesn't just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is about working at all levels of existence. If we don't understand the patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.comwww.geocities. com/yognat2001------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com and delete the material from any stored format/computer.


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What You Have said is very true Sir. The more you give the more you get- be it whatever. You leannt it from Swamiji and Amma and we in turn from You. ThankYou Sir for teaching us this lesson. Seeing lots of changes around me by following this. You are happier when people around you are happy. You acheive that by GIVING- very simple.

We are lucky to have You because no other teacher will do this . Teaching everything necessary to be a good human. You can becos You are one. How many devote their time for the student's well being? They are more bothered to go on after their selfish individual motives. You stand out apart from them all Sir. So selfless , sincere and devoted towards Ur students. ThankYou Sir for being this. Take all the motivation from You. YOU are the example of THE PERFECT TEACHER. Will try to follow Your Footsteps. It will be a great thing if me can be even 10% of What YOu are . You are Great Sir.!!! meena--- On Wed, 24/6/09, Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 wrote:

Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS Date: Wednesday, 24 June, 2009, 10:36 AM








namas te

thanks for the kind words

i just do my best and leave the rest for swamiji will do it!!

we grow when we share-be it knowledge, love, money and swamiji and amma have tought me to live my life by sharing whatever i can with the world!











Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91- 413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

www.geocities. com/yognat2001/ anandahttp://youtube. com/profile_ videos?user= yognat2001 & p=r--- On Tue, 6/23/09, livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com> wrote:

livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com>re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSTuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:17 PM



Ah finally,for almost eight years I have been part of this group and have waited to see inputs such as these last two posts. Last year Dr. Ananda complained the he did not want to be just a mailman a year later he took the opposite stance and said from time to time he encourages discussion. Somewhere there in the last year with all his travels he must have seen something and has taken over to present important material that are not debatable. Though there are rudimentary, they bring a serious tone to this group and it brings a whole lot to joy to me. Keep this up and at least a handful more will see the depth of yoga and of the many that are called a few will choose.in serviceYDM


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Monday, June 22, 2009 9:40 AM THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS





In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.

The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:

· Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and mucosal lining.

· Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological mechanisms working to perfection. · Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of mind. · Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom. · Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our link with universal existence where we are 'all-one'. We can attune to this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga. The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha. At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also understand the importance

of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body. It is the energy of catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping the process of generation and regeneration. Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning. The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya (vital organs), Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas). The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of

· Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis (channels of Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve fluids),

Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental energy). · Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of consciousness) , Loka (planes of consciousness) , Mandala (etheric mental and energy patterns and

fields) · Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga doesn't just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is about working at all levels of existence. If we don't understand the patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.comwww.geocities. com/yognat2001------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com and delete the material from any stored format/computer.


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Dear Ananda

it is a real present to share every day your beautiful energies...Yours in yoga nd joy....Marief--- En date de : Mer 24.6.09, Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 a écrit :

De: Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001Objet: re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSÀ: Date: Mercredi 24 Juin 2009, 7h06








namas te

thanks for the kind words

i just do my best and leave the rest for swamiji will do it!!

we grow when we share-be it knowledge, love, money and swamiji and amma have tought me to live my life by sharing whatever i can with the world!











Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91- 413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

www.geocities. com/yognat2001/ anandahttp://youtube. com/profile_ videos?user= yognat2001 & p=r--- On Tue, 6/23/09, livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com> wrote:

livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com>re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSTuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:17 PM



Ah finally,for almost eight years I have been part of this group and have waited to see inputs such as these last two posts. Last year Dr. Ananda complained the he did not want to be just a mailman a year later he took the opposite stance and said from time to time he encourages discussion. Somewhere there in the last year with all his travels he must have seen something and has taken over to present important material that are not debatable. Though there are rudimentary, they bring a serious tone to this group and it brings a whole lot to joy to me. Keep this up and at least a handful more will see the depth of yoga and of the many that are called a few will choose.in serviceYDM


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Monday, June 22, 2009 9:40 AM THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS





In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.

The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:

· Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and mucosal lining.

· Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological mechanisms working to perfection. · Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of mind. · Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom. · Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our link with universal existence where we are 'all-one'. We can attune to this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga. The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha. At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also understand the importance

of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body.. It is the energy of catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping the process of generation and regeneration. Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning. The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya (vital organs), Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas). The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of

· Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis (channels of Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve fluids),

Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental energy). · Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of consciousness) , Loka (planes of consciousness) , Mandala (etheric mental and energy patterns and

fields) · Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga doesn't just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is about working at all levels of existence. If we don't understand the patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.comwww.geocities. com/yognat2001------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com and delete the material from any stored format/computer.


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Dear Mr. Anada, Having seen various messages exchange here, i am also becoming your great admiror. My name is syed ajaz ahmed age 66 from pakistan by profession professor of accounting. I have been excercising yoga for about 10 yrs now and keeping my self fit and eneregetic. Please contnue with your remarkable work as there is saying " A candle loose nothing by lighting other candle" I wish peole love each other without looking at cast and creed.

Thanks and best regards,

Syed Ajaz Ahmed



From: mariefrancefumeauDate: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:17:00 -0700re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS









Dear Ananda

it is a real present to share every day your beautiful energies...Yours in yoga nd joy....Marief--- En date de : Mer 24.6.09, Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 > a écrit :

De: Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 >Objet: re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSÀ: Date: Mercredi 24 Juin 2009, 7h06








namas te

thanks for the kind words

i just do my best and leave the rest for swamiji will do it!!

we grow when we share-be it knowledge, love, money and swamiji and amma have tought me to live my life by sharing whatever i can with the world!











Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91- 413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

www.geocities. com/yognat2001/ anandahttp://youtube. com/profile_ videos?user= yognat2001 & p=r--- On Tue, 6/23/09, livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com> wrote:

livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com>re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSTuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:17 PM



Ah finally,for almost eight years I have been part of this group and have waited to see inputs such as these last two posts. Last year Dr. Ananda complained the he did not want to be just a mailman a year later he took the opposite stance and said from time to time he encourages discussion. Somewhere there in the last year with all his travels he must have seen something and has taken over to present important material that are not debatable. Though there are rudimentary, they bring a serious tone to this group and it brings a whole lot to joy to me. Keep this up and at least a handful more will see the depth of yoga and of the many that are called a few will choose.in serviceYDM


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Monday, June 22, 2009 9:40 AM THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS





In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.


The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:



· Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and mucosal lining. · Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological mechanisms working to perfection. · Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of mind. · Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom. · Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our link with universal existence where we are 'all-one'. We can attune to this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga. The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha. At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also understand the importance of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body.. It is the energy of catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping the process of generation and regeneration. Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning. The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya (vital organs), Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas). The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of

· Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis (channels of Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve fluids), Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental energy). · Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of consciousness) , Loka (planes of consciousness) , Mandala (etheric mental and energy patterns and fields) · Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga doesn't just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is about working at all levels of existence. If we don't understand the patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.comwww.geocities. com/yognat2001------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com and delete the material from any stored format/computer.




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namas tethat is heart touchingi wish to see the day when we all can live together as one people without any division for that is the goal of real Yoga- to see unity in diversityi love sankaras new update on www.icyer.com for sure it is not devasena and my honey moon but we will have fun tooYogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association 25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013 Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91-413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433 Website: www.icyer.com www.geocities.com/yognat2001/anandahttp://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=yognat2001 & p=r--- On Thu, 6/25/09, Syed Ajaz Ahmed <ajaz1244 wrote:Syed Ajaz Ahmed <ajaz1244RE: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 1:46 PM



Dear Mr. Anada, Having seen various messages exchange here, i am also becoming your great admiror. My name is syed ajaz ahmed age 66 from pakistan by profession professor of accounting. I have been excercising yoga for about 10 yrs now and keeping my self fit and eneregetic. Please contnue with your remarkable work as there is saying " A candle loose nothing by lighting other candle" I wish peole love each other without looking at cast and creed.

Thanks and best regards,

Syed Ajaz Ahmed



mariefrancefumeau@ .frWed, 24 Jun 2009 15:17:00 -0700re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS









Dear Ananda

it is a real present to share every day your beautiful energies...Yours in yoga nd joy....Marief--- En date de : Mer 24.6.09, Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 > a écrit :

De: Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 >Objet: re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSÀ: Mercredi 24 Juin 2009, 7h06








namas te

thanks for the kind words

i just do my best and leave the rest for swamiji will do it!!

we grow when we share-be it knowledge, love, money and swamiji and amma have tought me to live my life by sharing whatever i can with the world!











Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91- 413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

www.geocities. com/yognat2001/ anandahttp://youtube. com/profile_ videos?user= yognat2001 & p=r--- On Tue, 6/23/09, livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com> wrote:

livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com>re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSTuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:17 PM



Ah finally,for almost eight years I have been part of this group and have waited to see inputs such as these last two posts. Last year Dr. Ananda complained the he did not want to be just a mailman a year later he took the opposite stance and said from time to time he encourages discussion. Somewhere there in the last year with all his travels he must have seen something and has taken over to present important material that are not debatable. Though there are rudimentary, they bring a serious tone to this group and it brings a whole lot to joy to me. Keep this up and at least a handful more will see the depth of yoga and of the many that are called a few will choose.in serviceYDM


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Monday, June 22, 2009 9:40 AM THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS





In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.


The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:



· Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and mucosal lining. · Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological mechanisms working to perfection. · Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of mind. · Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom. · Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our link with universal existence where we are 'all-one'. We can attune to this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga. The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha. At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also

understand the importance of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body.. It is the energy of catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping the process of generation and regeneration. Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning. The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya (vital

organs), Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas). The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of

· Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis (channels of Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve fluids), Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental energy). · Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of consciousness) , Loka (planes of consciousness) , Mandala (etheric mental and energy patterns and fields) · Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga doesn't just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is about working at all levels of existence. If we don't understand the patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.comwww.geocities. com/yognat2001------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com and delete the material from any stored format/computer.




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This is grate to follow everyday the same Light..which open our heart nd mind...All in one nd One in all....Marief--- En date de : Jeu 25.6.09, Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 a écrit :

De: Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001Objet: RE: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSÀ: Date: Jeudi 25 Juin 2009, 10h24







namas tethat is heart touchingi wish to see the day when we all can live together as one people without any division for that is the goal of real Yoga- to see unity in diversityi love sankaras new update on www.icyer.com for sure it is not devasena and my honey moon but we will have fun too











Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91- 413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

www.geocities. com/yognat2001/ anandahttp://youtube. com/profile_ videos?user= yognat2001 & p=r--- On Thu, 6/25/09, Syed Ajaz Ahmed <ajaz1244 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Syed Ajaz Ahmed <ajaz1244 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSThursday, June 25, 2009, 1:46 PM



Dear Mr. Anada, Having seen various messages exchange here, i am also becoming your great admiror. My name is syed ajaz ahmed age 66 from pakistan by profession professor of accounting. I have been excercising yoga for about 10 yrs now and keeping my self fit and eneregetic. Please contnue with your remarkable work as there is saying " A candle loose nothing by lighting other candle" I wish peole love each other without looking at cast and creed.Thanks and best regards,Syed Ajaz Ahmed


mariefrancefumeau@ .frWed, 24 Jun 2009 15:17:00 -0700re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS









Dear Ananda

it is a real present to share every day your beautiful energies...Yours in yoga nd joy....Marief--- En date de : Mer 24.6.09, Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 > a écrit :

De: Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani <yognat2001 >Objet: re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSÀ: Mercredi 24 Juin 2009, 7h06








namas te

thanks for the kind words

i just do my best and leave the rest for swamiji will do it!!

we grow when we share-be it knowledge, love, money and swamiji and amma have tought me to live my life by sharing whatever i can with the world!











Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman : Yoganjali Natyalayam and ICYER

Hon General Secretary, Pondicherry Yogasana Association

25, 2nd Cross,Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, South India-605 013

Tel: +91-413 - 2622902 / +91-413 -3203314/+91- 413 -2241561

Mobile: 9842311433

Website: www.icyer.com

www.geocities. com/yognat2001/ anandahttp://youtube. com/profile_ videos?user= yognat2001 & p=r--- On Tue, 6/23/09, livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com> wrote:

livezero <livezero@mindexplor er.com>re: THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSTuesday, June 23, 2009, 5:17 PM



Ah finally,for almost eight years I have been part of this group and have waited to see inputs such as these last two posts. Last year Dr. Ananda complained the he did not want to be just a mailman a year later he took the opposite stance and said from time to time he encourages discussion. Somewhere there in the last year with all his travels he must have seen something and has taken over to present important material that are not debatable. Though there are rudimentary, they bring a serious tone to this group and it brings a whole lot to joy to me. Keep this up and at least a handful more will see the depth of yoga and of the many that are called a few will choose.in serviceYDM


"Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani" <yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Monday, June 22, 2009 9:40 AM THE YOGIC STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS





In order to understand the nature and mechanism of Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga as a therapy), it is important to understand the Yogic view of the human existence. Yoga and other Indian systems of medicine consider that we are not just the body but are of multifold nature. Concepts of Pancha Kosha (the five sheaths / layers / coverings) and Tri Sharira (the three bodies) help us understand our real nature that is of many dimensions.


The Pancha Koshas may be understood as follows:



· Annamaya Kosha is the physical sheath or anatomical level of our existence. This is created and sustained by food (Annam) and in turn nourishes microbes that live off us in our bowels and on our skin and mucosal lining.

· Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy sheath that creates our physiological existence. It is the aspect that gives our very cells life and enables us to live in a healthy manner with all our physiological mechanisms working to perfection.

· Manomaya Kosha is the mind sheath or psychological aspect of our existence that is the function of mind. We live in mind and our brain is but the best piece of equipment to receive and transmit the signals of mind.

· Vignanamaya Kosha, the sheath of the intellect is the level of higher mind existence where we are truly humane. It is the link with inner wisdom where mere knowledge of the mind transforms into wisdom.

· Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath of eternal bliss and is our link with universal existence where we are 'all-one'. We can attune to this level by performing actions without ego in Karma Yoga.

The other aspect that is found in yoga in common with Indian philosophy and medicine is that of the three bodies or Tri Sharira. The gross body (Sthula Sharira) may be correlated with the Annamaya Kosha while the subtle body (Sukshma Sharira) can be correlated with the Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya Koshas. The causal body (Karana Sharira), the cause of our existence may be correlated with Anandamaya Kosha.

At the level of the gross body, yoga and ayurveda consider that the human body is made up of seven substances. These Sapta Dhatus are Rasa (Chyle), Rakta (Blood), Maamsa (Flesh), Medas (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majjaa (Marrow) and Sukra (Semen). Both these ancient health sciences also understand the

importance of the Tri Doshas (the three humors) whole balance is viatl for good health. Vata Dosha is the energy of the body that moves like the wind and causes flow in the body. It may be related to the nervous system as well as joints that enable us to move. The Pitta Dosha is related to the bilious secretion and is the cause of heat in the body.. It is the energy of catabolism that is essential for digestion. Kapha Dosha is the glue that holds everything together in the body and is the energy of anabolism helping the process of generation and regeneration.

Pujya Swamiji Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj has described Nava Dhushyas or nine factors that are physical structural systems of the human body. He has also described the Dwadasha Kramas or the twelve systems of man that also takes into account non physical aspects of human functioning.

The Nava Dhushyas (nine physical structural systems) are: Asthi (bone tissue), Maamsa (muscle tissue), Nadi (channels of nerve energy), Rasa-Rakta (circulation and blood components), Indriya (vital organs),

Granthi (endocrine glands), Meda (adipose tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Soma (hormones including Sukra and the higher Ojas and Tejas). The Dwadasha Kramas (twelve systems of man) include in addition to the Nau Dhushyas, the non-physical components of

· Prana, the cosmic catalyst associated with emotions. This includes the sub units of Prana Vayus (nerve currents), Prana Nadis (channels of Pranic flow), Prana Vahaka (nerve impulses), and Prana Vahana (nerve fluids), Prana Vana (psychic vortexes associated with the Chakras), Prana Granthis (nodes of Prana) and Prana Bindus (foci of higher mental energy). · Manas, the mind that includes subconscious, conscious and superconscious mind including Buddhi (intellect), Bindu (foci of consciousness) , Loka (planes of consciousness) , Mandala (etheric mental and energy patterns and fields) · Chakra, the etheric energy nature associated with nerves and glands of the physical body. It is also related to the psyche and Ahamkara and includes the psychic nature associated with the higher self or Atman Without an understanding of these structural aspects of our existence it is not possible to really assess the patient and promote Yoga as a therapy. Yoga doesn't just work on the physical body but works at all these levels. Yoga therapy is not just about stretching the pectoral or gluteal muscles but is about working at all levels of existence. If we don't understand the patient fully and deal with all levels of their existence, we are again practicing Yogopathy and not Yoga Chikitsa!-- Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi BhavananiChairmanICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam25, 2nd Cross, Iyyanar NagarPondicherry, South Indiawww.icyer.comwww.geocities. com/yognat2001------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--DISCLAIMER : Information transmitted in this e-mail is proprietary to Ananda Ashram at ICYER, Pondicherry, South India. It is intended only for the addressee and may contain private, confidential and/or privileged material. Review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. Please be aware that this email may have been a group mailing (bcc) and if you received this through error we apologize. If you have received this communication in error, please contact us at yognat (AT) gmail (DOT) com and delete the material from any stored format/computer.





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