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Upcoming Gurus pujas in dec 2009

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Dec 16th sunrise to noon: Srila Sri Kambaliswamigal Swamigal Guru

Puja. The annual celebration of the Param Guru of the South Indian

tradition to which our Swamiji became a successor as Madathipathi at

the Sri Kambaliswamy Madam. Hailed as the King of the world of

Ashtanga Yoga, he was a master of Yoga with numerous Siddhis.

Srila Sri Gitananda Swamigal Guru Puja. Celebration of the Maha

Samadhi of our beloved Guru who has given us this great Yoga Vidya and

shown us the path to liberation.



Dec 31st: Swami Gitananda Giri Samadhi Purnima Puja. The Samadhi full

moon celebration of the day Swamiji attained to Maha Samadhi. One of

greatest of modern masters with the most amazing body of teachings

that is a path for all of us to follow in this lifetime and more to

come. A truly realized master.



Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

Chairman: ICYER and Yoganjali Natyalayam

25, II Cross, Iyyanar Nagar, Pondicherry, India

www.icyer.com and www..org



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Dear all, May  The Blessings of the Satgurus guide us all in the years to come.I am fortunate enough to participate in such  Pujas, as i reside in Pondicherry!Regards.Dr.Vellore A.R.Srinivasan

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Always with you on this very much special for me personally day of Swami

Gitananda Giri Samadhi Purnima Puja. I could never forget this day 16 years ago,

on the very end of 1993. I remember these last days of the year 1993 so clear as

if they were just recently. These days are for ever imprinted in my memory.

Swamiji`s Samadhi was one of the deepest and the most special and important

experiences of the life. I am with you on 31-st Dec., with my Yoga family, at

my spiritual home. Affectionately yours in Yoga. Tasha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Amma, namastey! Thank you for your kind letter. For me is very much

important to keep a strong link with Ashram and with you personally. May be you

are the only one with whom I can share my thoughts and moods being sure to be

understood in a proper way.

Since short time I have written a short essay being under terrible impression

after hearing and watching an opera of Chaikovsky in Bremen`s opera -theatre.

The classical music was naturally wonderful. But the performance fulfilled by

one modern stage-manager and in modern style was really just terrible. How could

it be possible to pervert totally an art of the highest level of skill and

harmony!? Sadly, but in nowadays it is possible. Here is my essay.



Japheth in the tents of Ham.


In Bible it is written that the generations of mankind before the Flood were

totally perverted. It was the reason of the Flood. There was simply no choice

for God but to destruct the spoiled and wicked world. For God it was a great

tragedy - to destruct the own creation. In the chapter " Noah " of the book of

" Genesis " it is written: " The Lord saw how great human wickedness on the earth

had become and said: " I will wipe mankind , I have created, from the face of the

earth, all the creatures. I am grieved that I have made them " . But Noah found

favor in the eyes of the Lord " . So Noah and his family were the only ones who

have survived after the Flood. Then it is written: " Then God blessed Noah and

his sons saying to them: " be fruitful and increase in number and fill the

earth " . In Bible is written that " The sons of Noah who came out of ark were

Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan) " . The commentaries say

that Canaan was born during the Flood in ark, although the sexual relations in

ark were strictly prohibited by God. " These were the three sons of Noah, and

from them came the people who were scattered over the earth " .

Three sons of Noah represent three aspects, three qualities of human being.

Shem, the first son of Noah, represents the divine nature of human being, the

aspect of human spirituality. Ham, the second son of Noah, represents just an

opposite aspect of human being - his carnal, sexual nature; his passion, lust,

mockery, derision - i.e. the evil human qualities. Japheth, the third son of

Noah, represents the quality of beauty and art (like music, poetry, pictorial

art), revealing in such a manner the aspect of fine and artistic human

creativity. There are such a qualities in every human being: everybody is a

bit a philosopher, a bit an artist and a bit reveals the malignant nature of


Noah knew exactly the main qualities and the tendencies of each of his sons

and he says: " Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his

brothers " . Canaan, the son of Ham, had all the wicked hereditary qualities of

Ham. When Noah has cursed Canaan he has cursed simultaneously his second son Ham

(the father of Canaan) as well. Then Noah said: " Blessed be Lord, the God of

Shem. May Canaan be the slave of Shem. May God extend the territory of Japheth.

May Japheth lives in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his slave " .

What does it mean that Japheth must live in the tents of Shem? It means that

the art must be governed and consecrated by spirituality. In this case there is

a harmony. The art makes a very strong influence on human nature; it influences

as the area of human emotions so the tendency of human thinking and the life

perception as well. When the art is consecrated by spirituality it reveals and

awakes the divine qualities of human nature. Through such an art the human being

can evolve himself to the higher state of consciousness.

What does it mean that Canaan (and his father Ham as well) must be slave of

his brothers? It means that the wicked human qualities must be suppressed and

must be under the control of the opposite human qualities, i.e. his

spirituality, creativity, the sense of beauty.

What is happening in nowadays, what can we watch? Japheth when he lived in

the tents of Shem used to express the principles of spirituality through the

different kinds of art. Now we can witness the tendency of his removing to the

tents of Ham. Step by step he is changing the place of settlement. Through the

union with Ham and being under his perverse influence Japheth has started to

proclaim through the art the wicked principles of Ham. Such a tendency is very

dangerous. As it is written in " Yoga Life " (April, 2008), " people will show you


painting, their songs and their poems, and these may reflect only their inner

chaos " .

As always we, people, have to make a choice - what we actually expect from

the art: the harmony, the harmonic relationship between microcosm and

macrocosm, between human being and God, or we prefer that the art proclaims

chaos, wickedness and triumph of evil in the world? For the sake of ourselves

and for the sake of God let we do the right choice!

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