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This one can cause a yogic heart attack

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This is shocking, I am shocked, I am still in shock.



- Sutrananda's Cyber School of Enlightenment


Monday, February 01, 2010 10:21 AM

Sri Sutrananda Master's Training















































Why become Enlightened & Self Realized?








If only 5% of the world's population becomes enlightened, life conditions on our planet will change over night. The idea is that when you have a certain number of people holding a ‘higher’ state of consciousness, what we call a ‘critical mass’, the mass consciousness automatically comes into resonance with it.

That is why Mahatma Gandhi said: " Be the change you want to see in the world"



Can you imagine...



A World Without Borders.


A World Without War.



A World Without Hatred.



A World Without Greed.



A World Without Crime.



A World Without Fear.



A World Without Guilt.



A World Of Freedom.



A World Without Violence.



A World Without Poverty.



A World At Peace.






Imagine a World of prosperity, peace and harmony for all of creation.

If you can Imagine this, then it is reality in the making.













Dear Yogi/Yogini ,

The Master's TrainingFirst time offered live online!

The time of the individual master is over.

“We are all masters and messengers to each other”

Sri Sutrananda

The time of the individual Master or Guru is finished. In this new century we are all Masters, we are all Gurus, we are all Messengers to each other. Speak your ever-expanding truth softly and clearly. Help each other remember, “We are all one,” that “we are interdependent,” that “we are unity,” that all living things are born out of the same source, whatever you conceive that source to be. Learn from the people who speak of unity. Learn to remember that separation is an illusion and when you remember that we are all one; spread the good news to all those around you because you are a messenger, no more, no less, than those who came before you.

You brought yourself to this page because you are a seeker of the light and because now you are ready, and now you understand that you are no longer a seeker of the light, but a bringer of the light.









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The best gift you can give to another is Wisdom, please forward this piece of Wisdom to all the people you Love, and all the people you are about to Love.http://www.sutrananda.tvsutrananda@...

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