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yogic way out of depression

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On 5-Oct-07, at 4:15 PM, Sayema Khatun wrote:


> Do anybody have some insight into it?


Sayema, I am sure if any practice can help you get through

depression and back to balance and joy, it will be your yoga. I

remember being very nauseated throughout my pregnancies and it got

disheartening after a while. Then the move, for you. You may need

some medical input to help you cope; please seek some out now rather

than waiting too much longer. Depression needs to be taken seriously.






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Although I have never lived in a foreign country, in the first 20 years of my

marriage, my husband moved us 10 times! The US is a very large country. Each

time we moved, we moved to a vastly different area with a different culture from

what I had grown accustomed to. Each time, I struggled to adjust. On two

occasions (early in the 31 years of my marriage), I felt much as you do now. I

did not know about yoga. However, in time, I learned to find my peace inside

myself...although I will admit to crying often in those early years. I am now

61. We have moved for the last time (I hope!). However, my family (children)

are still far away! I miss them. However, after all these years, I find my

peace by rejoicing in what I do have...not in pining for what I don't.


The best advice I can give you is to find something you truly ENJOY and then

pursue it. In the course of doing so, you will make friends who will, in the

passage of time, become closer to you than the ones you left behind. In each

area of the US I have lived, I made a friend with whom I stayed in contact for

years. Today, I have 3 very close friends...closer to me than 6 of my 7

sisters! I live in Texas. One of my friends lives in Utah. Two live in

Indiana! Yet we stay in touch and, on occasion, visit. One of these friends is

visiting me now!


I wish I could tell you that your pain will go away in the near future.

However, that would not be the truth. Expect it to take you 18-24 months to

adjust to your new situation. I missed my mom and family but made it through

those first few years. I have been rewarded with a broad understanding of the

diversity of culture in the US....my native country. (Each area is very unique

with its own oddities!) One day, your current pain will be long forgotten in the

joy of new friends and family. I will you happiness and the peace of

contentment in your pursuit of yoga and all else that can bring you joy.



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Good morning, Sayema.


As I read your message, some thoughts crossed my mind and I decided to share

them with you. Some 30 and some years ago I was a bit like in your situation: in

a strange place, with my husband (he was in the army) and pregnant. I was just a

teenager and everything was just so new and weird! Anyway what I was thinking is

that when changes occur - and you are through a major change - I need to give it

time and space. It is OK to feel bad even if everything is going well. Feeling

sad and lonely, having tears and feeling blue is natural for a while. Too many

things have been lost begining with the minimal acts of the day to day living.

Accept that is key to surpass. What also works for me is bit by bit finding

little things that give me pleasure, doing them more often and concentrate on

them - just to balance the negative emotions.

I was once in New York. I don't know about you but there I missed the green and

the life of trees and flowers. I had to go to Central Park and spend there some

time, near the water, just letting me feel the nature.

Hope the blue days go away soon!



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Yes Sayema,


It is very brave of you to share, and to seek help.


One thing that helped me A LOT was a few things that you can get in the

wholefoods, they are supplements, for example: DMA does wonders, so does

GAVA, Fish oils (Omega 3)... just go visit the wholefoods and talk to

someone about it, then you can take a few of the pills each day, I mix them,

until you get a feel for what works for you, these are aids for your brain.


Also, getting plenty of light, even if means buying one of those lamps that

helps SAD syndrome can be helpful, especially as the winter approaches.


Finally, yes, doing yoga is always useful, and also if you could find a

place to volunteer or help someone else, that might be very helfpul as



In the end these are all pointers, you need to find out something that will

fill your spirit! :-)))





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hai friend.when u r pregnent be happy.see ur coming childs beautiful face,talk

to the baby.do u know what is yoga.it is union of mind and body.now u r one with

2 mind.ur kid is inside u.u try to go deep into ur husbands mind.give ur love

and his love to ur baby .there is no lonely feeling in this world.ur thoughts r

always wih u.how can u b alone.come on .this is the beautifull time of a

womenhood.b happy with ur hus and baby.


Sayema Khatun <sayemakhatun wrote: Dear friends,


I have found profound pleasure and peace in yoga when I had been a

yoga training class for few months in Bangladesh.Our guruji used to

come from the Swami Bibekanand Institure in Puna.But, my learning had

been interrupted when have to come to New York to live with my

husband working here.Three months have passed through coping with the

very different and new way of living here.Initially I was happy to

come to new country to start our conjugal life.But, after getting

pregnant and going through the related sickening feeling, I have

truned into a kind of acute depression.I was homesick as other people

be.But, now a days melancholia prevaling my mind in spite of my

husbands love, affection, care and efforts.I feel uprooted and

disconnected from the warm and heartful world I was living

before.Nothing give me joy and pleasure here in this fabulous city.It

seems to me I lost all my spirit and lifeforce.I require to restore

peace and happiness in my mind.


Now, I am trying to find shelter in yoga for search of true joy back

to my mind.I believe that is the right path for me.


Do anybody have some insight into it?








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Depression isn't something you can just snap out of. I have 2 young children

and during both my pregnancies I felt depressed at times. Not during the entire

pregnancy but at certain points. I believe that the hormonal changes were hard

for me plus on top of it I had a big change during each pregnancy...during the

first, my husband and I were planning our wedding....during the second we moved

home and business. If you can, you should try to see a therapist just to be

able to talk freely to someone. It'll help and perhaps once you are settled in

NY and have the baby you'll slowly start to feel " normal " again. There will be

ups and downs along the way but the changes are inevitable. Would love to write

more but my 2 month old is screaming for attention :-) One thing I can say for

certain...it is absolutely wonderful to be a mom!!! Perhaps not all the time

but overall it is great! You need to get out and take care of yourself.

Someone said to me " happy mom = happy baby " and it is true.


Good luck and lots of love to you and your little one growing inside you.


LindaLinda MunroAshtanga Pariswww.ashtangayogaparis.fr

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U may have more input than you wanted..

They say 'how can u know peace when it is easy?' How

can u declare yourself as truly peaceful until you are

surrounded by the opposite and still be at peace.

Then you know you have true peace. New York is

probably a good test for motherhood. Children will

challenge you every time. But you will also know more

love than you ever have.

And besides, if life was always peaceful, it might

become a little dull!

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Depression is a natural response in a person with with a true

ability to feel. Aligned to a greiving process it can be very

uncomfortable if we don't know why we feel this way. All the new

and exciting paths in your life today, why should you feel the way

you do? well... with these new changes out went some comfortable

personal areas that you have replaced with responsibility to others,

this can be a bit overwhelming.


Take this oppertunity to watch your dance of depression allow it

some wiggle room and know that there is nothing wroung with you.


The Primary series of Ashtanga yoga is designed to heal the mind

body and soul. Make sure the breath leads your practice and you

will balance out! that is a promise!




Jeff C

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a friend of mine also became depressed after birthing her second daughter. she

was also at a yoga teacher training and started to have " episodes " of confusion.

the transition back into everyday life was overwhelming for her. she started to

question and some days believe that yoga was what was sending her off balance.

she started other esoteric practices to relieve these feelings, such as

chiropractics, massage therapists, counselors, different naturapaths for

example. she would get irritated and feel like all these modalities were

useless and dangerous. that they were harmful more then helpful.


i tried to be a compassionate listener as i was deeply into my own yoga practice

and had been teaching several years. i would listen and not discuss where the

depression started yet explain that on days that you can't get out of bed, make

it your goal. if you can get out of bed for a week, then start a new goal, like

taking a shower every few days, then eventually making into a ritual every day.

i would always include my personal yoga experiences. like hey, i just went to

this great yoga class or hey, i didn't have time to go to a class today so i

chose to do downward facing dog a few times throughout the day.


now, years later she says this helped her restart her practice. she tells me

that yoga is helping her out, and that she bikes and swims almost daily. she

has even started teaching yoga again. i definately recognize her now, she's back

into the things that she loves, the things that were important to her somehow

became lost.


i can't give out advise, i can only share stories. i have been hosting a womens

night here in my town because i feel like as women we sometimes loose a sense of

self. we become wives and mothers and tend to label ourselves as such

forgetting about our own identities. it's an amazing gift to be a wife and a

mother yet what is it that you like/liked to do. what is it that you need? when

do you do it?


in yoga we learn to dedicate time to ourselves to look into our hearts and souls

to learn about who we are without the labels. find yourself and find the



and know that you are loved and supported.

best wishes from your friend,


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