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re: Moon and water

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Hi Tom and Jana,

A couple of counter points to the criticism about the moon's effect on the body.

If you agree that the force of the moon's gravity causes an effect on large

bodies of water in the form of creating tidal motion then you acknowledge that

there is a tractive force being applied by the celestial movement of the moon on

the earth.  That it's effects are only visible on large bodies of waters may be

true but as sensitive beings who have roughly the same water/mass ratio as the

earth do you find it impossible to conceive that a finely-tuned nervous system

(like a yogi) could pick up on the variations of the lunar cycle in their own

bodies?  I for one, can testify that on the days surrounding the full moons I

feel lighter and juicer- my body is more flexible.  On the days surrounding the

new moons I feel heavier, dryer and my body is more stiff.  And get this- my

diet and salt intake is consistent throughout the month.  The salt argument

certainly has validity to it- if you suddenly consume a lot of salt your body is

sure to react with

retention but as yogis I think you discounted that we are moving towards

greater sensitivity through our practice of self-investigation- i.e. we are

moving more and more towards balance especially in the realm of diet and finding

the proper sodium balance is a key component.  Even so, I would have to believe

that relatively speaking the amount of water retention due to increased salt

intake would be higher around full moon than at new moon.


Here's a little experiment to try: observe your hair around the full moon,

notice how it seems more vibrant, alive, 'taller'...compared to at new moon

where it appears flatter, less vibrant.  Even if you apply conditioner (the

analogy here to salt), at full moon your hair will still seem more alive than at

new moon. 


The energetic patterns of yin/yang, expansion/contraction, prana/apana, are

apparent throughout nature with the moon's fluctuating tractive presence a prime

example to study.


(Just as an aside, my experience with dedicated ashtangi yogi's is that they

usually appear to be chronically dehydrated from all the sweating with little in

the form of recovery time between sessions.  Everything in nature goes through a

growing cycle of growth and rest, watch that under the spell of ambition you

aren't putting yourself at risk for exhaustion/dehydration/ and ultimately



With regards to Saturn being in opposition...That happens every once in a while

and has no correlation at all with the lunar cycle of new and full moons.


Let me know your thoughts, I am always open to counterpoints.


Thanks and Namaste.







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*Ok, gravitational attraction is given as G*M1*M2/r^2 where M1 is the mass

of the first body, M2 the mass of the second body and R^2 is the square of

the distance between the two bodies.*


* *


*A rough calculation -- distance from center of earth to you is about 2715

km. Distance from moon to you about 384,403 km. Mass of moon is about 1/6

mass of earth. So force moon exerts on you will be approximately 8.3e-6 the

force the earth exerts on you or for a 150lb person a total force

approximately 1/1000th of a pound.*


* *


*Perhaps you can feel that, I certainly cannot.*


* *


*With respect to analogy between lunar gravitational effect on ocean versus

body -- the force is proportional to the mass of each body -- The mass of

your body is quite a bit less than the mass of the world's ocean. --

Another way of saying lunar gravitational effect probably undetectable.*


* *


*Finally -- my comment was with respect to statement that lunar effects can

increase the water content of the cells of your body -- Think about it:*


* *


* 1) -- When the tide is high on one place on the earth it is

low somewhere else. If lunar gravity were going to induce water to enter

your cells -- where is the additional water coming from?*


* *


* 2) -- If you postulate the water comes from extracellular

matrix, why would lunar gravity draw it into your cells? Direction would be

up, towards head, not into cells. Your feet would dehydrate and your head



* *


* 3) -- Cell water content is tightly regulated by various ion

transport mechanisms associated with cell membrane (e.g. Na/K transporter).

Gravity is simply not going to override.*


* *


* 4) -- If you were to increase water content of cells,

flexibility would decrease not increase. -- This is seen in cells when

turgor is artificially increased. Think of a water balloon -- it is more

flexible when partially filled then when completely filled.*


* *


*The comments regarding lunar cycle on Tim's website pertain to putative

effects on prana. On this I cannot comment. To my knowledge, nobody has

actually measured prana nor calculated effect of gravity on such.*



On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Josh Cohen <yogawithjosh wrote:




> Hi Tom and Jana,

> A couple of counter points to the criticism about the moon's effect on the

> body.

> If you agree that the force of the moon's gravity causes an effect on large

> bodies of water in the form of creating tidal motion then you acknowledge

> that there is a tractive force being applied by the celestial movement of

> the moon on the earth. That it's effects are only visible on large bodies

> of waters may be true but as sensitive beings who have roughly the same

> water/mass ratio as the earth do you find it impossible to conceive that a

> finely-tuned nervous system (like a yogi) could pick up on the variations of

> the lunar cycle in their own bodies? I for one, can testify that on the

> days surrounding the full moons I feel lighter and juicer- my body is more

> flexible. On the days surrounding the new moons I feel heavier, dryer and

> my body is more stiff. And get this- my diet and salt intake is consistent

> throughout the month. The salt argument certainly has validity to it- if

> you suddenly consume a lot of salt your body is sure to react with

> retention but as yogis I think you discounted that we are moving towards

> greater sensitivity through our practice of self-investigation- i.e. we are

> moving more and more towards balance especially in the realm of diet and

> finding the proper sodium balance is a key component. Even so, I would have

> to believe that relatively speaking the amount of water retention due to

> increased salt intake would be higher around full moon than at new moon.


> Here's a little experiment to try: observe your hair around the full moon,

> notice how it seems more vibrant, alive, 'taller'...compared to at new moon

> where it appears flatter, less vibrant. Even if you apply conditioner (the

> analogy here to salt), at full moon your hair will still seem more alive

> than at new moon.


> The energetic patterns of yin/yang, expansion/contraction, prana/apana, are

> apparent throughout nature with the moon's fluctuating tractive presence a

> prime example to study.


> (Just as an aside, my experience with dedicated ashtangi yogi's is that

> they usually appear to be chronically dehydrated from all the sweating with

> little in the form of recovery time between sessions. Everything in nature

> goes through a growing cycle of growth and rest, watch that under the spell

> of ambition you aren't putting yourself at risk for exhaustion/dehydration/

> and ultimately injury.)


> With regards to Saturn being in opposition...That happens every once in a

> while and has no correlation at all with the lunar cycle of new and full

> moons.


> Let me know your thoughts, I am always open to counterpoints.


> Thanks and Namaste.


> ________

> Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the

> boot with the All-new Mail. Click on Options in Mail and switch to

> New Mail today or register for free at http://mail..ca



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Josh, good points! let's see them one by one:


1. same water/mass ration of the body as of the Earth: first the

distribution of those is different... there is no solid water mass on

our body surface as it is on the earth, and those are the ones where we

see the change/effect (we can't see any difference in movement of the

rivers or small back-yard pools) secondly, our bodies move all the time

(even in sleep) thus the opposing/combining forces (of the moon and sun)

work on different sides of the body as we move, while earth only rotates

with the constant speed, therefore we see the gradual move of the large

area of waters...


2. the retention of water must be working on your body, but it doesn't

work on mine!! (i have a fairly constant salt intake as well, and have

been vegetarian since birth) i have been practicing yoga for a bit less

then 30 years. i have purposefully checked my body on those days and

found no connection to the water retention (for sure MUCH less then with

the monthly period, but that it another " can of worms " debated in yoga

:) In India for the most part of the year it is very humid (depending

where you are in India) so bodies are well hydrated from the outside at

least, and if you are in the north in a winter time, it gets very dry,

that has much greater effect on the water in your body, then the moon

phases. same is with the practice in the morning, your body is much

less hydrated then it is in the evening, but we all do practices in the



3. I agree with the yin/yang and prana/apana theory you wrote. Also with

a growing cycle and rest. we all do need rest and that's why we do take

days off from practice (we all do!) but the times we take off, could be

different from the Hindu tradition of full/new moon, since we do not do

pujas on those days... and if you feel that your body/mind is affected

with full/new moon, won't you naturally try to do some asanas to get you

into " better shape " ? I would!. i take yoga as a helping tool for my

moods, coping daily stress, and problems, i shake them off the best when

i step on my mat, yoga helps me stay healthy and happy.


but overall good points Josh! ...no two bodies are alike (or respond to

the outer effects alike :) that is the beauty of being human, the

beautiful variety of differences...






Josh Cohen wrote:




> Hi Tom and Jana,

> A couple of counter points to the criticism about the moon's effect on

> the body.

> If you agree that the force of the moon's gravity causes an effect on

> large bodies of water in the form of creating tidal motion then you

> acknowledge that there is a tractive force being applied by the

> celestial movement of the moon on the earth. That it's effects are

> only visible on large bodies of waters may be true but as sensitive

> beings who have roughly the same water/mass ratio as the earth do you

> find it impossible to conceive that a finely-tuned nervous system

> (like a yogi) could pick up on the variations of the lunar cycle in

> their own bodies? I for one, can testify that on the days surrounding

> the full moons I feel lighter and juicer- my body is more flexible.

> On the days surrounding the new moons I feel heavier, dryer and my

> body is more stiff. And get this- my diet and salt intake is

> consistent throughout the month. The salt argument certainly has

> validity to it- if you suddenly consume a lot of salt your body is

> sure to react with

> retention but as yogis I think you discounted that we are moving

> towards greater sensitivity through our practice of

> self-investigation- i.e. we are moving more and more towards balance

> especially in the realm of diet and finding the proper sodium balance

> is a key component. Even so, I would have to believe that relatively

> speaking the amount of water retention due to increased salt intake

> would be higher around full moon than at new moon.


> Here's a little experiment to try: observe your hair around the full

> moon, notice how it seems more vibrant, alive, 'taller'...compared to

> at new moon where it appears flatter, less vibrant. Even if you apply

> conditioner (the analogy here to salt), at full moon your hair will

> still seem more alive than at new moon.


> The energetic patterns of yin/yang, expansion/contracti on,

> prana/apana, are apparent throughout nature with the moon's

> fluctuating tractive presence a prime example to study.


> (Just as an aside, my experience with dedicated ashtangi yogi's is

> that they usually appear to be chronically dehydrated from all the

> sweating with little in the form of recovery time between sessions.

> Everything in nature goes through a growing cycle of growth and rest,

> watch that under the spell of ambition you aren't putting yourself at

> risk for exhaustion/dehydrat ion/ and ultimately injury.)


> With regards to Saturn being in opposition.. .That happens every once

> in a while and has no correlation at all with the lunar cycle of new

> and full moons.


> Let me know your thoughts, I am always open to counterpoints.


> Thanks and Namaste.


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If anyone knows How Guruji would have replied....


He would Say... " Drishti "


You would be scratching your head... bewildered



I believe the Reasons are more Astrological than Physical...


Krishnamacharya Was not only a Great Sage and Doctor, He was an Astrologist as



The Moon plays a Huge roll in how We are effected Astrologically.


I guess you just have to try it and see... Don't Hurt yourself


I will tend to trust the Experts on this one. I injured my knee on a Full

moon... It took many practices to get back to where I was...




" Breath Into Your Heart "






ashtangayoga , Tom Hunter <thunter01 wrote:


> *Ok, gravitational attraction is given as G*M1*M2/r^2 where M1 is the mass

> of the first body, M2 the mass of the second body and R^2 is the square of

> the distance between the two bodies.*


> * *


> *A rough calculation -- distance from center of earth to you is about 2715

> km. Distance from moon to you about 384,403 km. Mass of moon is about 1/6

> mass of earth. So force moon exerts on you will be approximately 8.3e-6 the

> force the earth exerts on you or for a 150lb person a total force

> approximately 1/1000th of a pound.*


> * *


> *Perhaps you can feel that, I certainly cannot.*


> * *


> *With respect to analogy between lunar gravitational effect on ocean versus

> body -- the force is proportional to the mass of each body -- The mass of

> your body is quite a bit less than the mass of the world's ocean. --

> Another way of saying lunar gravitational effect probably undetectable.*


> * *


> *Finally -- my comment was with respect to statement that lunar effects can

> increase the water content of the cells of your body -- Think about it:*


> * *


> * 1) -- When the tide is high on one place on the earth it is

> low somewhere else. If lunar gravity were going to induce water to enter

> your cells -- where is the additional water coming from?*


> * *


> * 2) -- If you postulate the water comes from extracellular

> matrix, why would lunar gravity draw it into your cells? Direction would be

> up, towards head, not into cells. Your feet would dehydrate and your head

> moisten.*


> * *


> * 3) -- Cell water content is tightly regulated by various ion

> transport mechanisms associated with cell membrane (e.g. Na/K transporter).

> Gravity is simply not going to override.*


> * *


> * 4) -- If you were to increase water content of cells,

> flexibility would decrease not increase. -- This is seen in cells when

> turgor is artificially increased. Think of a water balloon -- it is more

> flexible when partially filled then when completely filled.*


> * *


> *The comments regarding lunar cycle on Tim's website pertain to putative

> effects on prana. On this I cannot comment. To my knowledge, nobody has

> actually measured prana nor calculated effect of gravity on such.*



> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Josh Cohen <yogawithjosh wrote:


> >

> >

> > Hi Tom and Jana,

> > A couple of counter points to the criticism about the moon's effect on the

> > body.

> > If you agree that the force of the moon's gravity causes an effect on large

> > bodies of water in the form of creating tidal motion then you acknowledge

> > that there is a tractive force being applied by the celestial movement of

> > the moon on the earth. That it's effects are only visible on large bodies

> > of waters may be true but as sensitive beings who have roughly the same

> > water/mass ratio as the earth do you find it impossible to conceive that a

> > finely-tuned nervous system (like a yogi) could pick up on the variations of

> > the lunar cycle in their own bodies? I for one, can testify that on the

> > days surrounding the full moons I feel lighter and juicer- my body is more

> > flexible. On the days surrounding the new moons I feel heavier, dryer and

> > my body is more stiff. And get this- my diet and salt intake is consistent

> > throughout the month. The salt argument certainly has validity to it- if

> > you suddenly consume a lot of salt your body is sure to react with

> > retention but as yogis I think you discounted that we are moving towards

> > greater sensitivity through our practice of self-investigation- i.e. we are

> > moving more and more towards balance especially in the realm of diet and

> > finding the proper sodium balance is a key component. Even so, I would have

> > to believe that relatively speaking the amount of water retention due to

> > increased salt intake would be higher around full moon than at new moon.

> >

> > Here's a little experiment to try: observe your hair around the full moon,

> > notice how it seems more vibrant, alive, 'taller'...compared to at new moon

> > where it appears flatter, less vibrant. Even if you apply conditioner (the

> > analogy here to salt), at full moon your hair will still seem more alive

> > than at new moon.

> >

> > The energetic patterns of yin/yang, expansion/contraction, prana/apana, are

> > apparent throughout nature with the moon's fluctuating tractive presence a

> > prime example to study.

> >

> > (Just as an aside, my experience with dedicated ashtangi yogi's is that

> > they usually appear to be chronically dehydrated from all the sweating with

> > little in the form of recovery time between sessions. Everything in nature

> > goes through a growing cycle of growth and rest, watch that under the spell

> > of ambition you aren't putting yourself at risk for exhaustion/dehydration/

> > and ultimately injury.)

> >

> > With regards to Saturn being in opposition...That happens every once in a

> > while and has no correlation at all with the lunar cycle of new and full

> > moons.

> >

> > Let me know your thoughts, I am always open to counterpoints.

> >

> > Thanks and Namaste.

> >

> > ________

> > Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the

> > boot with the All-new Mail. Click on Options in Mail and switch to

> > New Mail today or register for free at http://mail..ca

> >

> >

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Tom and Jana muchos gracias for your thoughtful responses.

The best way I can attempt to explain the phenomenon is that gravity stretches

us around Full moon and compresses us around New moon.  So we are more

'spacious' during the period of Full Moon and less so during New moon. Thus

there is more room in each cell to hold water around Full and less around New.

 To test this, take a picture of your face every full moon and at every new

moon.  Also observe how after the Full moon energy passes (about 1.5 days after

the peak illumination) your body will begin to 'dump' water in the form of

increased urination as the compression begins.   You will also notice that

before the peak of the New moon your body will also begin to dump water when the

compressive influence becomes stronger.  The shift in the intensity of the

gravitational force triggers this.Check it out for yourself to see if what I

contend is true for you. You might find that it is.

At New moon the Sun and Moon are acting in concert creating a strong force (the

largest tides are always in the day or two after a New moon) so the fluctuation

is the strongest in that it lifts us up at high noon and then compresses us as

both celestial bodies begin to descend in unison.   At Full moon the Sun and

Moon are in opposition so as the Sun sets over the horizon the Moon begins to

rise and thus there is always a lifting, expanding (stretching) force present.

There is another way to try to explain this - something which I sense Jana will

be more open to than Tom...and that is as we continue to develop in awareness

along the yogic path we begin to identify with the universal body and much less

so with our own physical vessel.  They say that a yoga pose is perfected when

you can be perfectly still in it.  When in the pose the mind is no longer aware

of the body but of consciousness itself.  As I develop my awareness I am

increasingly finding that the sense of my 'body' extends much beyond the

confines of my physical dimensions.  I can feel changes in barometric pressure

as they develop, can sense false ground (such as when driving over a bridge) and

awareness of the changes in the tractive force of the moon as it reaches its

extremes around Full and New moon are part of it.

Sri Nisargadatta once asked his students- 'are you practicing yoga to gain or

give up?'  and isn't that just it- to give up our attachment to form (the ego)

and realize our true nature as the whole- as pure consciousness in the Universal


food for thought I hope anyway.peace.






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Josh and Steven,

Steven, that explanation i understand, i also do Astrology from my

teenage years out, when there were no computers to calculate the charts,

i did it all by hand with the Efemeride books that i found in some

store... i would do charts for anyone who showed any interest in it (and

sometimes even if they didn't...) my yoga students can tell, that in

every teacher course i asked them about their astrological sun- and

rising- sign... i do know " a bit " about it and it is true, the energies

are not in harmony on the full moon, it's better on the new moon,

although, emotional and rational are working together, which is not so



and i have heard, that people who walk on ropes in circuses or other

performances would never even think of walking on the rope on a full

moon, so i guess, they have figured out something as well... but i'll

say, that it depends on your personal chart how much this aspects affect

you... if you have a very well aspected moon in your birth chart, then

you'll never be thrown out of balance as much... i don't want to go in

too much details, it's not astrological list (or the moderator will not

publish, my response :), but it is not just moon opposition/conjunction

sun that get us in those strange moods, it is a whole range of other

aspects as well, yes, they are not so frequent, but sometimes for

certain people much more powerful then moon-sun ones...


Josh, sorry no time for taking a photo of my face every day (just

kidding!!! :) i believe you, i just must say that in range of all other

things that affect my body and mind in this modern time (CNN daily news,

dollar exchange rate or Paris Hilton singing!! :) the new/full moon

troubles me the least.







Josh Cohen wrote:




> Tom and Jana muchos gracias for your thoughtful responses.

> The best way I can attempt to explain the phenomenon is that gravity

> stretches us around Full moon and compresses us around New moon. So

> we are more 'spacious' during the period of Full Moon and less so

> during New moon. Thus there is more room in each cell to hold water

> around Full and less around New. To test this, take a picture of your

> face every full moon and at every new moon. Also observe how after

> the Full moon energy passes (about 1.5 days after the peak

> illumination) your body will begin to 'dump' water in the form of

> increased urination as the compression begins. You will also notice

> that before the peak of the New moon your body will also begin to dump

> water when the compressive influence becomes stronger. The shift in

> the intensity of the gravitational force triggers this.Check it out

> for yourself to see if what I contend is true for you. You might find

> that it is.

> At New moon the Sun and Moon are acting in concert creating a strong

> force (the largest tides are always in the day or two after a New

> moon) so the fluctuation is the strongest in that it lifts us up at

> high noon and then compresses us as both celestial bodies begin to

> descend in unison. At Full moon the Sun and Moon are in opposition

> so as the Sun sets over the horizon the Moon begins to rise and thus

> there is always a lifting, expanding (stretching) force present.

> There is another way to try to explain this - something which I sense

> Jana will be more open to than Tom...and that is as we continue to

> develop in awareness along the yogic path we begin to identify with

> the universal body and much less so with our own physical vessel.

> They say that a yoga pose is perfected when you can be perfectly

> still in it. When in the pose the mind is no longer aware of the body

> but of consciousness itself. As I develop my awareness I am

> increasingly finding that the sense of my 'body' extends much beyond

> the confines of my physical dimensions. I can feel changes in

> barometric pressure as they develop, can sense false ground (such as

> when driving over a bridge) and awareness of the changes in the

> tractive force of the moon as it reaches its extremes around Full and

> New moon are part of it.

> Sri Nisargadatta once asked his students- 'are you practicing yoga to

> gain or give up?' and isn't that just it- to give up our attachment

> to form (the ego) and realize our true nature as the whole- as pure

> consciousness in the Universal body?...

> food for thought I hope anyway.peace.




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Wow!! What a wonderful debate.


Thank you all very much for all your opinions (opposing/supporting).


I think, if I may add something, I do not think the scientific method

applies to yoga all the time.

I believe yoga is beyond that. If you have any expecience with, or have

practiced any sort of Kundalini

exercises, for a little while, you will know that Kundalini is more active

during full moon. This I take

from personal experience. Your third chakra is more active during full moon,

especially if you look at the



Thank you all very much.




On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 6:20 AM, Steven <stevenlarock wrote:




> If anyone knows How Guruji would have replied....


> He would Say... " Drishti "


> You would be scratching your head... bewildered


> I believe the Reasons are more Astrological than Physical...


> Krishnamacharya Was not only a Great Sage and Doctor, He was an Astrologist

> as well.


> The Moon plays a Huge roll in how We are effected Astrologically.


> I guess you just have to try it and see... Don't Hurt yourself


> I will tend to trust the Experts on this one. I injured my knee on a Full

> moon... It took many practices to get back to where I was...


> Steve


> " Breath Into Your Heart "



> ashtangayoga <ashtangayoga%40>, Tom

> Hunter <thunter01 wrote:

> >

> > *Ok, gravitational attraction is given as G*M1*M2/r^2 where M1 is the

> mass

> > of the first body, M2 the mass of the second body and R^2 is the square

> of

> > the distance between the two bodies.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > *A rough calculation -- distance from center of earth to you is about

> 2715

> > km. Distance from moon to you about 384,403 km. Mass of moon is about 1/6

> > mass of earth. So force moon exerts on you will be approximately 8.3e-6

> the

> > force the earth exerts on you or for a 150lb person a total force

> > approximately 1/1000th of a pound.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > *Perhaps you can feel that, I certainly cannot.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > *With respect to analogy between lunar gravitational effect on ocean

> versus

> > body -- the force is proportional to the mass of each body -- The mass of

> > your body is quite a bit less than the mass of the world's ocean. --

> > Another way of saying lunar gravitational effect probably undetectable.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > *Finally -- my comment was with respect to statement that lunar effects

> can

> > increase the water content of the cells of your body -- Think about it:*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > * 1) -- When the tide is high on one place on the earth it is

> > low somewhere else. If lunar gravity were going to induce water to enter

> > your cells -- where is the additional water coming from?*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > * 2) -- If you postulate the water comes from extracellular

> > matrix, why would lunar gravity draw it into your cells? Direction would

> be

> > up, towards head, not into cells. Your feet would dehydrate and your head

> > moisten.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > * 3) -- Cell water content is tightly regulated by various ion

> > transport mechanisms associated with cell membrane (e.g. Na/K

> transporter).

> > Gravity is simply not going to override.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > * 4) -- If you were to increase water content of cells,

> > flexibility would decrease not increase. -- This is seen in cells when

> > turgor is artificially increased. Think of a water balloon -- it is more

> > flexible when partially filled then when completely filled.*

> >

> > * *

> >

> > *The comments regarding lunar cycle on Tim's website pertain to putative

> > effects on prana. On this I cannot comment. To my knowledge, nobody has

> > actually measured prana nor calculated effect of gravity on such.*

> >

> >

> > On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Josh Cohen <yogawithjosh wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi Tom and Jana,

> > > A couple of counter points to the criticism about the moon's effect on

> the

> > > body.

> > > If you agree that the force of the moon's gravity causes an effect on

> large

> > > bodies of water in the form of creating tidal motion then you

> acknowledge

> > > that there is a tractive force being applied by the celestial movement

> of

> > > the moon on the earth. That it's effects are only visible on large

> bodies

> > > of waters may be true but as sensitive beings who have roughly the same

> > > water/mass ratio as the earth do you find it impossible to conceive

> that a

> > > finely-tuned nervous system (like a yogi) could pick up on the

> variations of

> > > the lunar cycle in their own bodies? I for one, can testify that on the

> > > days surrounding the full moons I feel lighter and juicer- my body is

> more

> > > flexible. On the days surrounding the new moons I feel heavier, dryer

> and

> > > my body is more stiff. And get this- my diet and salt intake is

> consistent

> > > throughout the month. The salt argument certainly has validity to it-

> if

> > > you suddenly consume a lot of salt your body is sure to react with

> > > retention but as yogis I think you discounted that we are moving

> towards

> > > greater sensitivity through our practice of self-investigation- i.e. we

> are

> > > moving more and more towards balance especially in the realm of diet

> and

> > > finding the proper sodium balance is a key component. Even so, I would

> have

> > > to believe that relatively speaking the amount of water retention due

> to

> > > increased salt intake would be higher around full moon than at new

> moon.

> > >

> > > Here's a little experiment to try: observe your hair around the full

> moon,

> > > notice how it seems more vibrant, alive, 'taller'...compared to at new

> moon

> > > where it appears flatter, less vibrant. Even if you apply conditioner

> (the

> > > analogy here to salt), at full moon your hair will still seem more

> alive

> > > than at new moon.

> > >

> > > The energetic patterns of yin/yang, expansion/contraction, prana/apana,

> are

> > > apparent throughout nature with the moon's fluctuating tractive

> presence a

> > > prime example to study.

> > >

> > > (Just as an aside, my experience with dedicated ashtangi yogi's is that

> > > they usually appear to be chronically dehydrated from all the sweating

> with

> > > little in the form of recovery time between sessions. Everything in

> nature

> > > goes through a growing cycle of growth and rest, watch that under the

> spell

> > > of ambition you aren't putting yourself at risk for

> exhaustion/dehydration/

> > > and ultimately injury.)

> > >

> > > With regards to Saturn being in opposition...That happens every once in

> a

> > > while and has no correlation at all with the lunar cycle of new and

> full

> > > moons.

> > >

> > > Let me know your thoughts, I am always open to counterpoints.

> > >

> > > Thanks and Namaste.

> > >

> > > ________

> > > Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email

> the

> > > boot with the All-new Mail. Click on Options in Mail and switch

> to

> > > New Mail today or register for free at http://mail..ca

> > >

> > >

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--- On Fri, 12/4/09, Steven <stevenlarock wrote:


Steven <stevenlarock

Re: ashtanga yoga re: Moon and water


Friday, December 4, 2009, 6:20 AM




If anyone knows How Guruji would have replied....


He would Say... " Drishti "


You would be scratching your head... bewildered


I believe the Reasons are more Astrological than Physical...


Krishnamacharya Was not only a Great Sage and Doctor, He was an Astrologist as



The Moon plays a Huge roll in how We are effected Astrologically.


I guess you just have to try it and see... Don't Hurt yourself


I will tend to trust the Experts on this one. I injured my knee on a Full

moon... It took many practices to get back to where I was...



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