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[issp-south] Please help from Black Magic

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Jai Gurudev


You seem to have selective understanding with writing or reading your own mails, please read and re-read your emails on the words "Useless" and "ineffective". Also when you take somebody as your Guru, you need to have COMPLETE FAITH AND DEVOTION in everything he says or does. This is the basic essence of Guru - Shishya relationship. As far as limitations are concerned, its only within your own mind not with what Gurudev says, speaks, writes or does. Gurudev is a COMPLETE person, he will never suggest anything that has limitations etc, thats the basic rule, i think you need to read his pravachans, shishya dharm and his books along with shivir dvds to understand and imbibe this first.

Brother, lets not worry about our individual capabilities and disabilities, i never suggest to anybody here, the only suggestion that i always say is contact Gurudevs and speak out your heart frankly, most of the problems get solved automatically. And let me take your attention to one of the founding principles of our Gurudev, He would never ever recommend anybody to openly state his powers/shaktis and NEVER believed in any Chamtakars or displays. As his shisyas, this is one more of our dharmas to adhere to.


I am afterall a small light, whose source is Gurudev and since you do not believe Gurudevs words about He being the complete master of all Mahavidyas and all Mahavidyas reside within him, what would you want me to do to show that Guru and Mahavidya are one?


As regards your challenge, go ahead and have this family speak to Trimurthy Gurudevs with a open heart, i will say there problem will start disappearing immediately. Do not tell me they have already, i do know that, however i am suggesting with a open heart, have them try it once, they will see a difference.


As regards close contacts with Gurudev, we all do as his shisyas, we just need to open up the channel by putting an effort to meet him personally, preferably in Jodhpur and not during shivirs, since there is generally a huge set of people and our ability to spend any quality time is limited.


Hope this helps!








Khatri Anand <khatrianandissp-south Sent: Friday, 7 November, 2008 8:37:34 PMRe: [issp-south] Re: Please help from Black Magic






Jai Gurudev,


Comments embeded:


>>I think you are contradicting your own statements, on the one hand you say you take consultation from SadGurudev and the next point you say Tantra Raksha Kavach is not effective, do you have any idea who instituted Tantra Raksha Kavach in the first place?


Yes I do take consultation from Guru Nikhil, the only good thing which happend in my life is having Guru as Nikhileshwarananda. There is no single doubt what so ever on Guru Nikhil, so let's not confuse two different issues.


Listen carefully... .. I am NOT saying Tantra Raksha Kavach is useless, I am only talking about its limitations. Even if Guru Nikhil instituted this kavach, what makes you think it will not have any limitations?


Secondly having limitation of some Kavacha is a natural, I am just stating facts, if there is a limitation to something how do I contradict my statements?



>>The point of my email was to highlight your stating Tantra Raksha Kavach is useless/ineffective , lets stick to that and not get into a discussion about Mahavidyas, Kritya or Vindhyavasini.

Again, I never said its useless, I just stated its limitations. I know its limitations of this kavacha for sure, you can consult Trimurty Gurudev to know details. Having Gurubhakti, devotion is good, I urge everyone to keep facts and Gurubhakti seperate.



>>..what we all need to be educated about is the fact that all these devis and all gods and goddess are within Sadgurudev, so stating Kritya is more powerful compared to Mahavidya etc is as good as comparing your eye is better compared to your ear, each are for different purposes and needs.

I failed to understand your point of view here. Yes everything is in Guru Nikhil, as he already had all the mahavidya siddhi.


You are a deciple, and already united with Guru.... do you take this challange to use same Mahavidya power to remove the Tantra attack on this family?


You may use Gurumantra, you may use your own Tantra Raksha kavach, just anything you can... show me the effect that as Guru and Mahavidya are one and the other, and you and Guru are same... then you can use power of Mahavidya !!.


OK, open challange to the whole group, any deciple ready to take this challange and remove the Tantra attack on this family?


I fail to understand why you would want to find out the best mantrik in town, when you can contact Gurdev directly, isn't it a fact that our Gurudev is a Mantra Shiromani. Guru energy is one, there is no distinction at all other than they are separated physically. One thing i would like to state here is that this forum is meant to discuss everything related to Gurudev and our abilities to achieve our Gurudevs goals and not for our personal goals and also no negative statements on Gurudev, Gurudham or any samagri that comes from there. If you consider something useless or not good, the best approach is having the frankness to tell Gurudevs, who are the source for these and state that this is of no use and elicit a response from him, than spreading misinformation in the forum...do you agree here?


I do not have any intentions etc to spread any negative words about anyone. What I will get by doing that?


The affected family indeed contacted Trimurty Gurudev, and attended some shivirs, took Gurudiksha, and even mahavidya diksha. Had met Gurudev personally for consultation. Still the issue is not resolved.


The affected family had consulted me, and I know the facts with ground realities, its one of the most severe Tantra attacks I had ever seen in my life !!.


If you think I am lying, or even suspect that the family didn't reached Gurudev at all, can you jump in this issue? I want to help this family, if you have close contacts with Gurudev, let's use it, and get help from our trimurty Gurudev to this family in need.




Anand's Knowledge Series:

Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ ISSPHindi: http://groups. / group/issp- south Knowledge% 20Series/Marathi: http://groups. / group/issp- marathi Anand%27s% 20Knowledge% 20Base/




Chander D <chander_d_in@ >issp-south@gro ups.com; @ s.comCc: khatrianand@ hotmail.comFriday, 7 November, 2008 2:12:11 PMRe: [issp-south] Re: Please help from Black Magic




Jai Gurudev


I think you are contradicting your own statements, on the one hand you say you take consultation from SadGurudev and the next point you say Tantra Raksha Kavach is not effective, do you have any idea who instituted Tantra Raksha Kavach in the first place?


The point of my email was to highlight your stating Tantra Raksha Kavach is useless/ineffective , lets stick to that and not get into a discussion about Mahavidyas, Kritya or Vindhyavasini. ..what we all need to be educated about is the fact that all these devis and all gods and goddess are within Sadgurudev, so stating Kritya is more powerful compared to Mahavidya etc is as good as comparing your eye is better compared to your ear, each are for different purposes and needs.


I fail to understand why you would want to find out the best mantrik in town, when you can contact Gurdev directly, isn't it a fact that our Gurudev is a Mantra Shiromani. Guru energy is one, there is no distinction at all other than they are separated physically. One thing i would like to state here is that this forum is meant to discuss everything related to Gurudev and our abilities to achieve our Gurudevs goals and not for our personal goals and also no negative statements on Gurudev, Gurudham or any samagri that comes from there. If you consider something useless or not good, the best approach is having the frankness to tell Gurudevs, who are the source for these and state that this is of no use and elicit a response from him, than spreading misinformation in the forum...do you agree here?


As regards your concern towards me, thank you very much. But the base foundation for serving a Guru is Faith & Devotion, which SadGurudev has clearly highlighted in his website. if a person considers Ajivan Tantra Raksha Kavach is useless/ineffective and also states Guru Diksha does not help, i would doubt the very foundation of your statements.


Finally your analogy on bullet proof jackets, bunkers etc are good to hear and map to our physical needs and understandings, however the key difference is a subtlety, Spiritualism works on a different plane altogether and specially when it involves our Gurudev, the ways and means through which his kriyas happen are beyond comphrension and our understandings. I would like to close this email with the following statement that our SadGurudev stated,


"Words like failure, defeat, impossible, unattainable, weakness, fear are not meant for my disciples."- Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, the greatest and the most powerful Guru of all times


This is a simple challenge that we all can take and see that each of these words are 1000% true and if you try and approach your problems with true heart, all thats stated above and beyond is possible due to our Gurudevs grace.


Best Regards





Khatri Anand <khatrianand@ >@ s.comCc: khatrianand@ hotmail.com; chander_d_in@ ; issp-south@gro ups.comFriday, 7 November, 2008 12:18:00 PM[issp-south] Re: Please help from Black Magic





<<widening the audience for this thread for benefit of people at large


Jai Gurudev,


As all of you know, Guruji (Nikhileshwarananda ) had ordered me to keep helping people. I do consultation to many on mails, chat whatever way possible. For many, If they have money, I had asked to take the Tantra Raksha Kavach as first line of defence, and continue using our own kavacha (say kali, Hanuman... which ever is their ishta) as second and permanant kavach for individual.


>>I would like to understand the validity and the source for your statement...

I liked this !! One should be asking right questions to dig out truth, and ward off side statements and misbeliefs !!


No offences to anyone, but the fact is, if you think "Aajeevan Tantra Raksha Kavach" is the ultimate in this world, and no attack can ever reach the person wearing it, then I do not agree with it. As I told earlier, there is no shield in this world which can protect for ever, which can withstand continuse attacks. This also means if one feels he is safe as nothing ever happened to him since he wore some kavacha, if any enemy does continuese attacks, that shield is bound to break some day. I believe you are aware that even Mahavidya Siddha person can also get hit if the attack is done by Krutya. ( So the fact is even Mahavidya can't protect against Krutya attack, forget trivial kavacha). And among 64 krutya also, Sanharini Krutya is ultimate and the strongest of all. There is only one shield which can protect against such (limited not infinite) attacks which is by sadhana of WindhyaVasini Goddess. I am not sure whether one can also make

attack after WindhyaVasini siddhi, but surely it can protect you even for Krutya attack!!.


Let's not get in too much detail, 99% of us will never face such attacks in our lifetime, as such level Tantriks are very rare, and even our enemies can't reach them, so we are safe !!


Most of the general Mantriks do attacks by some shakti like, bhoot, pishach, jin, Mooth / Handi. And even for that attack, its difficult for general person to come out of it.


Some hard facts: Any Kavach is a new shield around you, how could that remove the already existing attack? Rightnow I am witnessing a family ( because of privacy concerns, I could not discuss those details in open forum), they are already hit by a severe Tantra attack few years back, and even now the attacks are continued, whole family is hit and they are at a stage that their body has become very very weak, for past 2 years they are unable to take food, they are on liquid diet like an ICU patient !! They could not do any mantra japa etc. All of them had already took Gurudiksha and are wearing Tantra Raksha Kavach, and sorry to say did not had any benefit at all. They have been consulting Gurudham many times, and have met Trimurty Gurudev also. They have been hunting to get some good Tantrik to get rid of this problem. Have consulted many, and many mantriks failed. They come to me, I suggested some

remedy and also had also given some Mantrik names, and even that fellow failed !! Today I urge everyone on this forum, if you know any good Mantrik, please reply back with contact details of Mantrik to get this family out of this attack.


So the conclusion is, if the Muth /Handi had already hit you, and the whole body is already on its way to grave, Tantra Raksha Kavach is of no use, in fact its too late to use any kavach. The only way is to get rid of that attack first.

Let's get little more awareness around, its not that one is always attacked by his enemies. One can get affected by many bad shaktis around. If spiritually one is not strong enough, one is bound to get hit by something or the other. The effect may not be severe, but something like increased dullness of for life, even after doing lot of hardwork not getting enough results. etc can happen. So the analogy is like, life is a long journy, and the journy is through a jungle. Even though you are not attacked by enemies in the jungle, you can always had a pinch of adversaries of jungle. Protecting oneself is always better.


>>can tell you from my personal experience of wearing it, it wards off all attacks.

The effect what you are observing is the shield around you to get protection against jungle adversaries. Obeviously wearing clothes and shoes makes you comfortable to walk in jungle. Does that mean you are forever, till lifetime free from enemy attack? As afriend of mine, just making you aware......


(I sincerely wish that with grace of Gurudev no one among us have to face severe Tantra attack in your life, believe me it ruins life...... I had seen this with my eyes.....)



Lastly I like to clarify from my side that I had put some hard facts in this mail. This is no offences to anyone, I perfectly understand the fact that Gurudev(s) are the point of source to look forward to. Plus I want to make people aware that using kavach is like wearing shoes and cloths/jackets. Some protection they can give. Its not a bullet proof jacket. Secondly bullet proof jacket can also break with continuse firing of bullets. May be bunker is the right place. Again strong laser bomb attack can even break bunker.... so the list is endless... it all depends on the shield and attack strength.


We all should prey Guru Nikhil, get his blessings, develope shield around of some kavacha. Do sadhanas to remove purva janma dosha etc, so that in our journy of life / the path is such that the adversaries / attacks are less or minimal. That's the intilligent way of making use of life.


Jai Gurudev,


Anand's Knowledge Series:

Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ ISSPHindi: http://groups. / group/issp- south Knowledge% 20Series/Marathi: http://groups. . / group/issp- marathi Anand%27s% 20Knowledge% 20Base/




Chander D <chander_d_in@ >@ s.comThursday, 6 November, 2008 10:53:08 AMRe: Please help from Black Magic




Jai Gurudev




I am not sure the basis on which you are saying Aajivan Tantra Raksha kavach removes effect mildly. Do you personally wear one, have you felt the powers yourself?. I can tell you from my personal experience of wearing it, it wards off all attacks. The Aajivan Tantra Raksha kavach prepared in Gurudham is not something thats bought off the shelf, its something that is prepared exclusively for the wearer's benefits and to tackle his specific problems and attacks. Infact its placed in Gurudevs personal pooja place for 3 days before its even given back to the person to wear. Care needs to be ensured that the person if married, removes it before he goes to bed, during a women's period and also not let a dog or any animal from licking it as any of the three stated facts neutralizes the energies within the kavach.


Though i second your opinion on performing sadhanas to nullify the effects specifically Kali, Tripura Bhairavi, Bagalamukhi Mahavidya sadhanas. Aajivan kavach are given for people who may not have the necessary resources etc to perform sadhanas such as those and for people who can using the kavach still ensures a line of defence aganist such attacks.


I would like to understand the validity and the source for your statement... .kindly enlighten us.







Khatri Anand <khatrianand@ >@ s..comCc: sspmtyvnew Wednesday, 5 November, 2008 11:57:22 PMRe: Please help from Black Magic






I really want to pull attention of everyone to the fact that


Any kavach provides limited shield against Tantra attack. There is no shield which can stop all attacks for ever. If the attacks are continusely done, no shield can withstand !!. One has to take efforts to make his shield stronger and stronger day by day, by using some Tantra kavach ourself, and not only depend on some external readymade kavach.

New Shield by itself can not remove already existing attack. Although usage of Aajeevan Tantra Raksha kavach, may remove mild effects if any.

For removal of any strong Tantra attack, you need to do some sadhana or someone else can do for you, may be some Mantrik / Guruji can help you to get rid from this effect.



Anand's Knowledge Series:

Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ ISSPHindi: http://groups. / group/issp- south Knowledge% 20Series/Marathi: http://groups. / group/issp- marathi Anand%27s% 20Knowledge% 20Base/




jay <sspmtyvnew >@ s.comTuesday, 4 November, 2008 6:10:46 PMRe: Please help from Black Magic







Jay Gurudev,

I have also expereineced black magic in my life

If you wear aajivan tantra raksha kavach,it will protect you

it costs around 11000 rupees,

you can get from delhi gurudham or from jodhpur


more infohttp://www.siddhash ram.org/blackmag ic.shtml


Jay Gurudev


--- On Mon, 11/3/08, Bhushan <bhushankir (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Bhushan <bhushankir (AT) gmail (DOT) com> Please help from Black Magic@ s.comMonday, November 3, 2008, 7:04 AM



Jai Gurudev,Dear Gurubhai,Please suggest me some remedy if anyone is trying to perform some black magic on you, coz i am experiencing it.Need your valuable guidance, Its urgent please.Thanks & Best regards,Bhushan


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But i thought when you started off your knowledge series you were ordered by Gurudev to do so, what happened now, you guide people based on your own Knowledge or from what Gurudev suggested to you? If you are doing based on your knowledge then its personal goals, this forum is for sharing everything about Gurudev and none of our own personal knowledge or ideas.


See my point on your own contradictions?


Do not tell me to read my emails, you need to read your earlier emails before caring about responding.







Khatri Anand <khatrianandissp-south Sent: Friday, 7 November, 2008 9:22:27 PMRe: [issp-south] Re: Please help from Black Magic





Nice Question Vikram,


It's not my family which is hit, .... its some family I know, got hit.


I do consultation with Gurudev for my own issues. Never consulted him for issues of the rest of the world. I don't wan't to distueb him for all the rest issues in this world..




Anand's Knowledge Series:

Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ ISSPHindi: http://groups. / group/issp- south Knowledge% 20Series/Marathi: http://groups. / group/issp- marathi Anand%27s% 20Knowledge% 20Base/




vikram <vikrampk >issp-south@gro ups.comFriday, 7 November, 2008 9:13:24 PM[issp-south] Re: Please help from Black Magic


Dear Anand,When your family is hit by tantrik as per your sayings and when you have telepathy connection with Nikhil Gurudev.Why didnt you consulted directly with Nikhil Gurudev?If you consulted what was his answer ?...Jai GurudevVikram

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My response inline,




I really do not want to flood the group with the mails..... but it seems that instead of listening to the core issue, everyone loves to talk about Gurubhakti, and accuse others... listen and understand carefully, and take care that you don't run away from main issue of discussion.



First of all, this issue started like this: My understanding is, If someone is already hit by a Tantra Prayog, one has to remove the Tantra attack, just wearing any Kavacha does not help. Other gurubhais were not agreeing to me.

>Chander: Agree, any kavach will not work, however Ajivan Tantra Raksha Kavach will, this is from my personal experience, my question to you was the basis and foundation on which you said Ajivan Tantra Raksha Kavach has LIMITED abilities and USELESS. My foundation is my personal experience, whats yours, hear say/what that family told you?. I am incredulous that as a Guru shisya, you doubt the very fact that what Gurudev has instituted is USELESS and LIMITED, this questioning my friend is not Guru Bhakti, this is Guru Maryada, If you do not believe something, thats fine, do not try and enforce your negative, so called FACTS on us. If you still want to go ahead, be our guest, but speak and tell this to Gurudev himself during your telepathic conversations and let us know what Gurudev told you. we all eager to understand Gurudevs response and due to your convienient nature of answering questions selectively, i

will take on the onus of asking and reminding this every week till we get an answer and this answer needs to be circulated on both ISSP-SOUTH and ISSPLIST. Remember you were the one who broadend the audience for your response and suddenly you were the one who also shrunk it to ISSP-SOUTH.....Right?


I had given evidence of a Gurubhai family, right now they all (mother father, two sons) 4 of them are almost reaching graveyard because of severe Tantra attack. This family had tried all means starting from taking Diksha, Mahavidya Diksha, consultation to Gurudham, trying other Mantriks, situation is still the same.

>Chander: You already have two options, One check with Sadgurudev telepathically and get the response, which as i stated earlier, we will remind you and get answers out. Two have this family meet Trimurthy Gurudevs at the earliest at any of the nearest shivirs and with a open heart and frankness say that both Diksha and Ajivan Tantra Raksha Kavach has not helped this family, whats our next steps. Here again we all would be eager to listen to the answers that you got from both the above stated options.


They have contacted me, I also tried some means and I also failed.

>Chander: I think now you will use your ultimate weapon of Telepathy and let us know the answers, i am sure there will be lot more who have suffered similar attacks and do get a first hand experience of Gurudev's suggestions and directions, Thanks to you. Anand, believe me, you will be helping thousands of people in this parivar.


Now we have just two options left


Get in touch with Gurudham for re-consultation. I need someone from this group having close contacts with Trimurty Gurudev, and have an immediate consultation ASAP. Any capable Gurubhai give a try of removing this Tantra attack.

>Chander: DO NOT run behind other mantriks, tantriks or Gurubhais, lets check out the options we have discussed above since other mantriks and tantriks are nowhere close to where Gurudev is and we Gurubhais are just small lights, whose SOURCE is GURUDEV and when you have direct connection with the SOURCE, why us? Lets see a logical closure of this issue.

Please hold back your expert comments on trying to teach me Gurubhakti, and on material from Gurudham blah blah..... . We are seriously talking about saving life of a Gurubhai's family and not any unwanted chamatkars OR personal agenda here !!


>Chander: I really appreciate your concerns and more than 1000% sure Gurudev himself already knows this. And with whatever limited experiences i have had with Gurudev at times of distress, all he really needs is a small cry from the heart for help and before one knows whats happening, things are changed for the better, i have felt and understood this essence. I AM MORE THAN 1000% sure, Gurudev will not keep you waiting with a response, for all you know as i typing this, you must have already got your response.

>Chander: When you challenge somebody for a solution and stating stuff like Mahavidya is Guru and Guru is Mahavidya SHOW ME THAT.....what does that constitute....Physics Lab or Chamtakar?.

>Chander: Brother, nobody is trying to teach Guru Bhakti, you are just sensitized that this is a public forum meant for discussion on Gurudev and when you have the audacity to state HIS kavach are LIMITED and USELESS and also HIS diksha, you better have strong foundation to back up your claims else do not indulge in your LOOSE statements.And as regards understanding and reading carefully, you are the one having selective amensia and ability to reply selectively...NOT us.





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Its true that gurudev can denie people, but why did gurudev give Guru

diksha to that family?


The only solution for the family is to contact gurudev in person. For

he can only say what they should do.


From Gurudhaam is said like the most of you know, that chanting only

11 mala japa of gurumantra will cover your guru kavach. So what more

do you people want?


Anand I really like your general posting here but....I cant

understand why you telling and asking here for some other tantriks,

mantriks ect its an insult for our Sadgurudev and Trimurti Gurudev,

because noting is not possible to conquer for a sadhak, shisya of Him.



, Chander D <chander_d_in wrote:


> Anand,


> I think this needs to stop, for one i do not agree with the

following points,


> 1. while I agree that all 10 mahavidya are within the Guru Nikhil,

in his " physical " absence, I was witnessing failures.... . and that I

wanted to point out that, " Having Mahavidyas under Guru Nikhil is not

enough, we need to be in a position to use that power to help

someone " . Thats all the BOLD statement means. So in a way I

challenged if any Gurubhai can use that power of Guru to save this



> >Chander: Why would you need SadGurudev in physical form, even

taking the hypothetical suggestion of this " physical " stuff, you

still stay in Hyderabad and SadGurudev in Jodhpur, what kind of

physical connection would you have had and why do you forget that

Trimurthy Gurudevs are here very much in flesh and blood, who have

SadGurudev tatva in them and this has been clearly articulated and

videographed in 1993 Chaitra Navratri Shivir by SadGurudev when He

elevated Trimurthy Gurudevs to Gurupaad. Also for a person in contact

with SadGurudev through telepathy, why all these loose statements?

> I have told you earlier and i am reiterating the same fact again,


YOUR EMAILS BEFORE SENDING THEM OUT, otherwise this will be one more

of the Ajivan Raksha Kavach stories.


> 2. Lastly I would say, this whole discussion had give a good

experience to all of us, and it revealed a new dimension all togther

that PAPI people can not be saved, and Guruji do not support them.


> >Chander: Do you think we all have not committed any sins at all?

Why did Gurudev still give us all dikshas, kavachs and yantras, had

Gurudev decided like that, then none of us would have been able to

take dikshas etc. As i said earlier, there is a subtlety to

Spirituality, Both of us can do the same sadhana, however the results

may vary and one person may get the full benefit whereas the other

may not be successful at all or partially successful, if you try and

analyse the results, its a very simple rule, The good energies

generated from the sadhana goes in destroying the past sins for one,

while the other due to less sins is able to see the results faster

and better.

> A good analogy is like an empty truck and a goods truck racing on

the highway, both are same build, quality etc, however the speed at

which one can travel is dictated by the load on the vehicle, its

anybodys guess as to who will win and all this is something i am not

telling you, if you scan through some of our old MTYV magazines,

website, you will see all these have been clearly articulated by

SadGurudev himself.


> Please stop these loose statements and lets move forward on a path

that is mutually beneficial and aids our Sadgurudevs goals and



> Best Regards

> Chander





> ________________________________

> Khatri Anand <khatrianand

> issp-south

> Tuesday, 11 November, 2008 11:37:46 AM

> Re: [issp-south] Re: Please help from Black




> Jai Gurudev,


> Although everyone is clear now, what was the issue, and what is the

final outcome, I still thought of closing this open mail thread.


> 1. Mail sent on Nov 7, 2008, 12.18 PM, words highlighted in

blue, " All of them had already took Gurudiksha and are wearing Tantra

Raksha Kavach, and sorry to say did not had any benefit at all. "  

what does this statement mean?.


> Anand- Now everyone knows that the family did some realy bad

karmas, and even Guru is not helping them through the Rakaha kavach.

So the outcome is, there is no doubt on the capability of the Tantra

Raksha Kavach, but if you are Papi / evil person you may not get its

full effects, as Guruji does not allow his power grtting used by

papies to save them from the sufferings of their deeds. ---- 

Gurubhais correct me if I am wrong here.


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

---- --

> 2. Regarding Guru and Mahavidya, you have put in the section, now

if you read the statement preceding the bold section " show me the

effect that as Guru and Mahavidya are one and the other, and you and

Guru are same... then you can use power of Mahavidya !!. " , what does

show me the effect mean?


> Anand- I tried the best I could to save this family, and I failed.

I was trying to seek help from Any Gurubhai. While I was doing that

one of your mail stated:


> Chander: lets stick to that and not get into a discussion about

Mahavidyas, Kritya or Vindhyavasini. ..what we all need to

be educated about is the fact that all these devis and all gods and

goddess are within Sadgurudev.. ..


> while I agree that all 10 mahavidya are within the Guru Nikhil, in

his " physical " absence, I was witnessing failures.... . and that I

wanted to point out that, " Having Mahavidyas under Guru Nikhil is not

enough, we need to be in a position to use that power to help

someone " . Thats all the BOLD statement means. So in a way I

challenged if any Gurubhai can use that power of Guru to save this



> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

---- --


> 1. SadGurudev is considered a Mantra Shiromani and the highest and

best of all Tantriks, Since you are already HIS shishya and there

could be no better person than Him to solve the current issue, why

were you looking for somebody else and also urging the group to get

you a good mantrik?


> Anand- Yes Guru Nikhil is Mantra Shiromani, Tantra Adhyeta..... 

No doubt on that part. I think I had clarified in other mails, but

still I repeat here. I was in a desperate mode to save this family.

When all the known means failed, we even reached out to external

Tantrik to see if that helps, but they also failed, and then finally

I contacted on group......  message from guru.....  that story

everyone knows.


> Here I would like to clarify that by no means I am trying to urge

that one should go to external Mantrik. Our Guru had already given

detailed sadhanas that we can use in out day to life to make life

better. We ourself need to be strong enough to protect ourself, our

family members, Gurubhais, anyone seeking help by the grace of Guru.

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

---- --


> 2.  On SadGurudevs advice, you started this knowledge series, my

question was if SadGurudev directed you to help people, how can you

as a gurubhai guide others without the backing of SadGurudev?. The

reason for my conclusion was you stated that you consult SadGurudev

only for your personal problems and not for the external world, then

the knowledge that you are sharing with us is your own or based on

what SadGurudev tells you to do?


> Anand- People use to consult when they didn't get results, may have

questions on digbandhan etc. I use to suggest on either clarification

asked, or suggest some prayog to solve their problem, this does not

need consultation from Gurudev, as the prayogs are already suggested

by Gurudev himself. 


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

---- --


> 3. Ajivan Tantra Raksha kavach, as you often say has limited

abilities, you still have not given a convincing answer, if you take

a quick poll from the point we started this discussion, there have

been about 4 who have openly stated they have been benefitted from

their personal experiences, my only point of view was, there are

certain precautions that needs to be ensured that the pranpratistha

of a yantra remains intact, this i shared in one of my earlier

emails. Beyond anything else, what clearly needs to understood by all

is not to doubt anything that Gurudev says or does or gives. This is

the core foundation of Guru Shisya relationship and Gurudev for one

never says, gives or does something thats not COMPLETE. thats the

bone of my contention with your words, its as simple as that.


> Anand- Yes I agree to all the points you stated.. This issue came

when I had witnessed a family which didn't see the effect, and now

even that case is clarified, and as they were found guilty, Guruji's

blessings are not for them.


> So the picture is crystal clear now that " The AAJEEVAN TANTRA

RAKSHA KAVACH " is good, there is no doubt about it.

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

---- --

> Again a quick recap for all of us, please read SadGurudevs

pravachan that was transformed into " Bhramand Sadhana' in May1997

issue of MTYV, the sadhana itself is 1 paragraph, however SadGurudevs

pravachan goes to about 4.5 pages and this pravachan has a

significant standing in our current discussion, if you people are

unable to access the same, do let me know, i would definitely share

this with all, the size is big, so can send in 5 parts.


> Anand, again without any accusations and a friendly gesture, the

whole point of my email was to state in a simple statement " WITH


scenario, as a responsible and senior Gurubhai stating stuff as you

have in a public forum is very unbecoming, you have taken on a

responsibility of helping people, you cannot state such things

without complete base, if it was aganist me or anybody else it was

fine, however not aganist Gurudev, because the very foundation of

SADGURUDEV is COMPLETENESS and let me state in bold, " THERE CANNOT BE





> Anand- Yes you are right, you told me that time also that the

kavach is very effective, and there is no doubt. While I was

witnessing totally opposit. Both of us were telling TRUTH. The real

fact got revealed later that, the family is guilty and did such a bad

karmas that Guruji haven't forgiven them, and they are facing fruits

of their karma. 


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

---- --



> Lastly I would say, this whole discussion had give a good

experience to all of us, and it revealed a new dimension all togther

that PAPI people can not be saved, and Guruji do not support them.


> regards,

> Anand



> Anand's Knowledge Series:



> Tantra Public chat room: http://xat.com/ ISSP

> Hindi: http://groups. / group/issp- south

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> Marathi: http://groups. / group/issp- marathi Anand%

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> ________________________________

> Chander D <chander_d_in@ >

> issp-south@gro ups.com

> Sunday, 9 November, 2008 5:51:37 PM

> Re: [issp-south] Re: Please help from Black




> Hi Anand,


> Thanks for your response, first and foremost, i am NOT accusing

you, all i wanted to understand with the basis of your statements,

which were accusations aganist Gurudev. If you feel i am accusing, i

am really very sorry, but the whole point of my mail was to

understand why you had accused Gurudev dikshas and the Ajivan Tantra

Raksha Kavach in the first place. Anyways here is my clarifications

on your points raised,


> 1. Mail sent on Nov 7, 2008, 12.18 PM, words highlighted in

blue, " All of them had already took Gurudiksha and are wearing Tantra

Raksha Kavach, and sorry to say did not had any benefit at all. "  

what does this statement mean?.


> 2. Regarding Guru and Mahavidya, you have put in the section, now

if you read the statement preceding the bold section " show me the

effect that as Guru and Mahavidya are one and the other, and you and

Guru are same... then you can use power of Mahavidya !!. " , what does

show me the effect mean?


> Now regarding the other unanswered questions,


> 1. SadGurudev is considered a Mantra Shiromani and the highest and

best of all Tantriks, Since you are already HIS shishya and there

could be no better person than Him to solve the current issue, why

were you looking for somebody else and also urging the group to get

you a good mantrik?


> 2.  On SadGurudevs advice, you started this knowledge series, my

question was if SadGurudev directed you to help people, how can you

as a gurubhai guide others without the backing of SadGurudev?. The

reason for my conclusion was you stated that you consult SadGurudev

only for your personal problems and not for the external world, then

the knowledge that you are sharing with us is your own or based on

what SadGurudev tells you to do?


> 3. Ajivan Tantra Raksha kavach, as you often say has limited

abilities, you still have not given a convincing answer, if you take

a quick poll from the point we started this discussion, there have

been about 4 who have openly stated they have been benefitted from

their personal experiences, my only point of view was, there are

certain precautions that needs to be ensured that the pranpratistha

of a yantra remains intact, this i shared in one of my earlier

emails. Beyond anything else, what clearly needs to understood by all

is not to doubt anything that Gurudev says or does or gives. This is

the core foundation of Guru Shisya relationship and Gurudev for one

never says, gives or does something thats not COMPLETE. thats the

bone of my contention with your words, its as simple as that.


> Again a quick recap for all of us, please read SadGurudevs

pravachan that was transformed into " Bhramand Sadhana' in May1997

issue of MTYV, the sadhana itself is 1 paragraph, however SadGurudevs

pravachan goes to about 4.5 pages and this pravachan has a

significant standing in our current discussion, if you people are

unable to access the same, do let me know, i would definitely share

this with all, the size is big, so can send in 5 parts.


> Anand, again without any accusations and a friendly gesture, the

whole point of my email was to state in a simple statement " WITH


scenario, as a responsible and senior Gurubhai stating stuff as you

have in a public forum is very unbecoming, you have taken on a

responsibility of helping people, you cannot state such things

without complete base, if it was aganist me or anybody else it was

fine, however not aganist Gurudev, because the very foundation of

SADGURUDEV is COMPLETENESS and let me state in bold, " THERE CANNOT BE




> Best Regards

> Chander



> ________________________________

> Khatri Anand <khatrianand@ >

> issp-south@gro ups.com

> Sunday, 9 November, 2008 4:41:10 PM

> Re: [issp-south] Re: Please help from Black




> Hi Chander


> This time I am taking extra care that I answer your points. Still

if you feel I didn't answered, pls revert back, I will answer them.

From old communication also, feel free to ask if you find I run away

from answering something.


> While drafting the mail I realized, I need to get some

clarification from you, before I send my mail. Here are some points,

pls clarify those, so that I answer to the point, else I say

something, you say something... and the story prolongs


> 1.  Chander: my question to you was the basis and foundation on

which you said Ajivan Tantra Raksha Kavach has LIMITED abilities and



> Anand:  I do say its limited, can you give me referance where I

said its " USELESS " ?


> 2. >Chander: When you challenge somebody for a solution and stating

stuff like Mahavidya is Guru and Guru is Mahavidya SHOW ME

THAT.....what does that constitute.. ..Physics Lab or Chamtakar?.


> Anand: Let's have a look at the communication we had:

> ============ ========= ========= ========= =

> >>..what we all need to be educated about is the fact that all

these devis and all gods and goddess are within Sadgurudev, so

stating Kritya is more powerful compared to Mahavidya etc is as good

as comparing your eye is better compared to your ear, each are for

different purposes and needs.

> I failed to understand your point of view here. Yes everything is

in Guru Nikhil, as he already had all the mahavidya siddhi.


> You are a deciple, and already united with Guru.... do you take

this challange to use same Mahavidya power to remove the Tantra

attack on this family?


> You may use Gurumantra, you may use your own Tantra Raksha kavach,

just anything you can... show me the effect that as Guru and

Mahavidya are one and the other, and you and Guru are same... then

you can use power of Mahavidya !!.


> OK, open challange to the whole group, any deciple ready to take

this challange and remove the Tantra attack on this family?

> ============ ========= ========= ========= ====


> Let me re-clarify your understanding

> 1. I understand that Guru Nikhil had all 10 Mahavidya Siddhi,

and there is no doubt on that. Point highlited in RED above.

> 2. Can you re-look in to the point you raised in Yellow, and

see what I asked in BOLD. Are they same?       I am talking

about " you/Any Shishya trying to use the power of mahavidya " , where

as you are accusing me that I am asking " Show me Guru and Mahavidya

are same " .


> 3.   Chander: And as regards understanding and reading carefully,

you are the one having selective amensia and ability to reply

selectively. ..NOT us.

> Anand: - Please give your points, which you need answers for, Isn't

that better to first ask, than to accuse?


> Rgards,

> Anand



> ________________________________

> Chander D <chander_d_in@ >

> issp-south@gro ups.com; GuruDev <@ s.com>

> Sunday, 9 November, 2008 3:21:59 PM

> Re: [issp-south] Re: Please help from Black




> Anand,


> My response inline,


> Raj


> I really do not want to flood the group with the mails.....  but

it seems that instead of listening to the core issue, everyone loves

to talk about Gurubhakti, and accuse others... listen and understand

carefully, and take care that you don't run away from main issue of



> 1. First of all, this issue started like this:  My

understanding is, If someone is already hit by a Tantra Prayog, one

has to remove the Tantra attack, just wearing any Kavacha does not

help. Other gurubhais were not agreeing to me.

> >Chander: Agree, any kavach will not work, however Ajivan Tantra

Raksha Kavach will, this is from my personal experience, my question

to you was the basis and foundation on which you said Ajivan Tantra

Raksha Kavach has LIMITED abilities and USELESS. My foundation is my

personal experience, whats yours, hear say/what that family told

you?. I am incredulous that as a Guru shisya, you doubt the very fact

that what Gurudev has instituted is USELESS and LIMITED, this

questioning my friend is not Guru Bhakti, this is Guru Maryada, If

you do not believe something, thats fine, do not try and enforce your

negative, so called FACTS on us. If you still want to go ahead, be

our guest, but speak and tell this to Gurudev himself during your

telepathic conversations and let us know what Gurudev told you. we

all eager to understand Gurudevs response and due to your convienient

nature of answering questions selectively, i will take on the onus of

asking and reminding

> this every week till we get an answer and this answer needs to be

circulated on both ISSP-SOUTH and ISSPLIST. Remember you were the one

who broadend the audience for your response and suddenly you were the

one who also shrunk it to ISSP-SOUTH.. ...Right?



> 1. I had given evidence of a Gurubhai family, right now they

all (mother father, two sons) 4 of them are almost reaching graveyard

because of severe Tantra attack.

> 2. This family had tried all means starting from taking

Diksha, Mahavidya Diksha, consultation to Gurudham, trying other

Mantriks, situation is still the same.

> >Chander: You already have two options, One check with Sadgurudev

telepathically and get the response, which as i stated earlier, we

will remind you and get answers out. Two have this family meet

Trimurthy Gurudevs at the earliest at any of the nearest shivirs and

with a open heart and frankness say that both Diksha and Ajivan

Tantra Raksha Kavach has not helped this family, whats our next

steps. Here again we all would be eager to listen to the answers that

you got from both the above stated options.

> 1. They have contacted me, I also tried some means and I also


> >Chander: I think now you will use your ultimate weapon of

Telepathy and let us know the answers, i am sure there will be lot

more who have suffered similar attacks and do get a first hand

experience of Gurudev's suggestions and directions, Thanks to you.

Anand, believe me, you will be helping thousands of people in this


> 1. Now we have just two options left

> 1. Get in touch with Gurudham for re-consultation. I need

someone from this group having close contacts with Trimurty Gurudev,

and have an immediate consultation ASAP.

> 2. Any capable Gurubhai give a try of removing this Tantra


> >Chander: DO NOT run behind other mantriks, tantriks or Gurubhais,

lets check out the options we have discussed above since other

mantriks and tantriks are nowhere close to where Gurudev is and we

Gurubhais are just small lights, whose SOURCE is GURUDEV and when you

have direct connection with the SOURCE, why us? Lets see a logical

closure of this issue.


> Please hold back your expert comments on trying to teach me

Gurubhakti, and on material from Gurudham blah blah.....  . We are

seriously talking about saving life of a Gurubhai's family and not

any unwanted chamatkars OR personal agenda here !!


> >Chander: I really appreciate your concerns and more than 1000%

sure Gurudev himself already knows this. And with whatever limited

experiences i have had with Gurudev at times of distress, all he

really needs is a small cry from the heart for help and before one

knows whats happening, things are changed for the better, i have felt

and understood this essence. I AM MORE THAN 1000% sure, Gurudev will

not keep you waiting with a response, for all you know as i typing

this, you must have already got your response.

> >Chander: When you challenge somebody for a solution and stating

stuff like Mahavidya is Guru and Guru is Mahavidya SHOW ME

THAT.....what does that constitute.. ..Physics Lab or Chamtakar?.

> >Chander: Brother, nobody is trying to teach Guru Bhakti, you are

just sensitized that this is a public forum meant for discussion on

Gurudev and when you have the audacity to state HIS kavach are

LIMITED and USELESS and also HIS diksha, you better have strong

foundation to back up your claims else do not indulge in your LOOSE

statements.And as regards understanding and reading carefully, you

are the one having selective amensia and ability to reply

selectively. ..NOT us.


> Thanks

> Chander


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