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Experiencing the Mystery

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Dear Everyone--

I am very moved and grateful for these wondrous accounts of meeting with

deep spirit. Maurine's ordination experience, Blythe's waterfall and

bar epiphany, El's lovely reminder of the beauty hidden in ordinary

tangible things, Rita's wonderful awakening in meditation--these are all

uncommon and precious, and, I think, strong indicators that indeed

" something is happening. " I am so honored to be a part of this group

(everyone, not just the names mentioned) and to be a part of this larger

experience. Each time the body opens to bliss it is a

miracle--something hard to believe in, if it were not one's own

experience. When I had my original opening, I experienced intense bliss

(ecstasy) for months (indeed, years) thereafter, especially during

moving meditation--and frankly, it was rather hard to deal with, since I

had always lived more in the mind than the body, and I kept thinking " Is

this really happening? And why me? " I told almost no one about these

fantastic, almost daily experiences (which I interpreted as infusions of

the divine) for several years, but when I did finally ask certain

" teachers, " I got answers like, " If you're lucky you'll get over it, "

(from a tai chi teacher), and " The literature doesn't mention anything

like this, " (from a chi gong practitioner). As the years went by, the

feelings moved more and more to the upper centers, and became softer and

subtler. Now, I experience these responses only occasionally, usually

in special circumstances, as when I am in the presence of a highly

developed spiritual being, or with a group of spiritual practitioners,

etc But I know what Am is referring to when she speaks of the " tingles "

aroused by reading certain passages. I think we all awaken a resonance

within one another, and this awakening (recognition) is a primary force

motivating this list, which is about kundalini, which is a synonym for

" the sacred. "

I would like to finish with a poem (as you have no doubt figured out I

am an inveterate poet Writing has been a large part of my journey.)

This poem was written in the early years, when my newly aroused energies

were fresh and flowing--almost wildly at times.


l. The Prankster


Let the breath come in,

and if a god, too,

make this her subtle path,

do not deny her


He wishes to build transparent monuments

in your heart, chambers whose quiet bells will resonate

into your farthest reaches,

your soles, your lids,

your elbows, even.


For the god does not disdain

even the humblest part,

the clumsiest joining.

This is his sly jest,

his coy affirmation

of you as oneness.


Do not fear the god.

As the wind wafts through light,

she wafts through you--

Ruach, Prana, Chi--

lifting bone, cell, and tissue

into that other world.


Even in this one,

trees bend to her

in their slow spirals.

Dolphins breathe her.

Herons glide to her fluid rhythms.

Do not fear the god.

She is yourself, returning.


2, The Follower


Shiva is the god who dances,

and we, in turn,

with halting steps

must follow him.


How can a human bear this,

this streaming rapture

through the blood?


Nothing has prepared us, ever,

to receive

such blessings

at throat and ankle.


Bewildered, we can

only turn, and turn again,

releasing our dancer's slow breath.

Forgetting all that is not this:

mother or father,

child clamoring in the street,

the cries of birds, even.


Love and boundless bliss to everyone,


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I also want to thank everyone for their wonderful contributions to this list.

I recently told someone who was looking for a gentle place to share Kundalini

experiences that this group was very " user friendly. "


For those of you who have been following my " depression series " poems on the

K-list, don't worry about me. I'm okay -- or as okay as I get :). Most of

the depression poems were written years ago; I was just posting them to show

how this is a way of processing feelings.


Dorothy's mention of her " Why me? " phase with Kundalini reminded me of another

poem I've written:



by El Collie


You are the lightning that strikes twice,

and again, again,

two-hundred, twenty-thousand times

in the same place.

The same place!

I am the place.

I am here spinning spinning in

shock shock shock,

shot through with shakti

and shaking, shaking.

I am the place on fire

and You just keep right on striking

shakti shakti shakti

from some obscure unearthly cloud

yet so strong right here within me.

I feel it surging, the power and the glory

and the quasar flash.

How could You have chosen me?

Why have You transfused me with bolt after bolt

of soul-fueling shakti?

I did nothing but wander into the rain.

I was lost before You swept out of heaven

to blast me out of my lonely skin

and fuse my stray heart to Yours.

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> For those of you who have been following my " depression series " poems on the

> K-list, don't worry about me. I'm okay -- or as okay as I get :). Most of

> the depression poems were written years ago; I was just posting them to show

> how this is a way of processing feelings.


Hello El,


I find your remark interesting, and makes me reflect on why we respond, and

act on it, differently to different list. How they call for different

memory... May we come to share the same memory.


As always i like what you write.




> Dorothy's mention of her " Why me? " phase with Kundalini reminded me of another

> poem I've written:



> by El Collie


> You are the lightning that strikes twice,

> and again, again,

> two-hundred, twenty-thousand times

> in the same place.

> The same place!

> I am the place.

> I am here spinning spinning in

> shock shock shock,

> shot through with shakti

> and shaking, shaking.

> I am the place on fire

> and You just keep right on striking

> shakti shakti shakti

> from some obscure unearthly cloud

> yet so strong right here within me.

> I feel it surging, the power and the glory

> and the quasar flash.

> How could You have chosen me?

> Why have You transfused me with bolt after bolt

> of soul-fueling shakti?

> I did nothing but wander into the rain.

> I was lost before You swept out of heaven

> to blast me out of my lonely skin

> and fuse my stray heart to Yours.



Through the coming, going, and the balance of life

The essential nature which illumines existence is the adorable one

May all perceive through subtle intellect

the brilliance of enlightenment.

A translation of the Gayatri Mantra

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