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A Question for Sri Vidya upasakas ....

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Respected Devi upasakas :


My friend's husband had a spinal surgery not too long ago. He is still

recuperating from that major surgery. He is wheel chair bound and the

chances of recovery are not that good . Meanwhile , someone suggested

to my friend that her husband should do devi upasana and take mantra

diksha from a sri vidya guru.Strangely enough , my friend's husband

followed his wife's advice and was initiated by a well known sri Vidya

guru . He was getting better when suddenly he seemed to fall sick

again and again and is losing mobility in all his limbs. My friend

feels this is because he is not following all the niyamas and yamas

associated with devi upasana. My friend says her husnand lies a lot

and is very abusive towards women. Please advise us how my friend's

husband can recover and what he should do to get better . Are there

are special rules of conduct to be followed while doing devi upasana ?

Avoding telling lies , abusing women unnecessarily etc etc ....


with regards

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I think we should surrender 100 per cent.




adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:

Respected Devi upasakas :


My friend's husband had a spinal surgery not too long ago. He is still

recuperating from that major surgery. He is wheel chair bound and the

chances of recovery are not that good . Meanwhile , someone suggested

to my

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, " adi_shakthi16 " <adi_shakthi16 wrote:

> Are there

> are special rules of conduct to be followed while doing devi upasana ?

> Avoding telling lies , abusing women unnecessarily etc etc ....


Among many, a few are listed below. - This is in samayAchAra.

Loose translation:

1)strI nindAM na kuryAt.h - Women should not be verbally abused

2)striyam puShpeNApi na tADayet.h - One should not hit women even

with a flower

3)strIShu devIbhAvam kuryAt.h - One should look upon women as devI

4)vashIkaraNechchayA b^RINahA bhavati -

5)mohanechchayA shishuhA bhavati -

6)mAraNechchayA guruhA bhavati -

The wish to perform various rites for enticing, killing etc are

equated to killing various near and dear ones




sarvatrAdvaita brahmabuddhiM kuryAt.h - One should keep up an

advaita bhAva everywhere

kAmyakarma na kuryAt.h - should not perform kAmya karma-s i.e rites

intended for various material benefits.

mokShechchayA sadA japashIlo bhUyAt.h - wishing to be liberated,

one should always indulge in japa

kAmakrodhalobhamohamada mAtsyaryAdIMstyajet.h - One should give up

emotions like kAma, krodha etc (i.e. lust, anger, greed etc)



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Shri Gurubhyo Namah.

Shri Mahaa Ganapthaye Namah.


Dear Friend:


The Bhavanopanishad talks about Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and

Maatsaryam as the six enemies of mankind.

Therefore, the Shri Vidya Upasaka should recognize these enemies and

constantly endeavour to conquer them.

No one is perfect, and the battle between our good and bad

characteristics is a hard uphill battle.

This is one of the basic reasons why upaasanaa is performed.


In this situation, I want to mention a few of Devi's names from the

Lalitha Sahasranaamam.


1. Sarva Vyaadhi prashamani.

2. Janma Mrithyu Jaraa thaptha Jana Vishraanthi daayini.

3. Avyaaja Karunaa Moorthi.


The names are self-explanatory.


If propitiated, Amma will surely bless the propitiator. The nature of

Devi is that one should do the upaasanaa with Bhakthi. If done with

Bhakthi, then the power of Devi upaasanaa can convert even a Raakshasa

into a divine person.


I want to mention that in many cases, the wife of an affected husband is

also given Deeksha. This is generally effective in helping with a

husband's situation. The pure Bhakthi of women generally bears fruit,

and this has been mentioned time and again in our Puranas. I have also

personally seen this happen again and again, so it is worth exploring.

If the wife of the couple has not been initiated, then I would ask them

to explore this possibility with the Shri Vidya Guru who initiated her

husband. If she has already been initiated, then she should continue her

practice with a sincere prayer to Jagadamba. I am confident that they

will together find new strength in dealing with this situation in the

graceful arms of Shri Maata.


Shri Maathre Namah.


Thanks and Regards.




On Behalf

Of adi_shakthi16

Friday, March 30, 2007 10:07 AM


A Question for Sri Vidya upasakas ....


Respected Devi upasakas :


My friend's husband had a spinal surgery not too long ago. He is still

recuperating from that major surgery. He is wheel chair bound and the

chances of recovery are not that good . Meanwhile , someone suggested

to my friend that her husband should do devi upasana and take mantra

diksha from a sri vidya guru.Strangely enough , my friend's husband

followed his wife's advice and was initiated by a well known sri Vidya

guru . He was getting better when suddenly he seemed to fall sick

again and again and is losing mobility in all his limbs. My friend

feels this is because he is not following all the niyamas and yamas

associated with devi upasana. My friend says her husnand lies a lot

and is very abusive towards women. Please advise us how my friend's

husband can recover and what he should do to get better . Are there

are special rules of conduct to be followed while doing devi upasana ?

Avoding telling lies , abusing women unnecessarily etc etc ....


with regards







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Dear Brother,


If the guru is capable of transmitting the true energy of the mantra - like

the subtle energy of mryutyunjaya mantra which will remove the basic cause

of ill health and provide good health and warding off all illhealth - there

is no reason why he cannot recover.

May the Divine Mother bless him so.





> " adi_shakthi16 " <adi_shakthi16



> A Question for Sri Vidya upasakas ....

>Fri, 30 Mar 2007 14:06:54 -0000


>Respected Devi upasakas :


>My friend's husband had a spinal surgery not too long ago. He is still

>recuperating from that major surgery. He is wheel chair bound and the

>chances of recovery are not that good . Meanwhile , someone suggested

>to my friend that her husband should do devi upasana and take mantra

>diksha from a sri vidya guru.Strangely enough , my friend's husband

>followed his wife's advice and was initiated by a well known sri Vidya

>guru . He was getting better when suddenly he seemed to fall sick

>again and again and is losing mobility in all his limbs. My friend

>feels this is because he is not following all the niyamas and yamas

>associated with devi upasana. My friend says her husnand lies a lot

>and is very abusive towards women. Please advise us how my friend's

>husband can recover and what he should do to get better . Are there

>are special rules of conduct to be followed while doing devi upasana ?

>Avoding telling lies , abusing women unnecessarily etc etc ....


>with regards





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This is in reference to the spinal surgery - we all mus understand the power

of mind - if the person makes a firm conviction that he will be alright -

anchor is always the Supreme Power - he should surrender himself totally -

then concentrate on spine and should make auto suggestion as prayer that he

will be absolutely alright - he will get out of wheel chair - he will walk

freely and firmly - he should visutalize himself walking and running

comfortably -


This is one part - the next he should go to physio-therapist regularly -

post surgery is very crucial - he should dedicatedly do all the exercises

prescribed by the Physiotherapist


Finally - for holistic health - he should contact some Yoga Therapist - he

will help him to back to his normal way of living


All these can lead to final good only by the Grace of the Supreme Power - so

have absolute faith and devotion





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> " S Sangaranarayanan " <sangarsai



>RE: A Question for Sri Vidya upasakas ....

>Mon, 23 Apr 2007 04:10:22 +0000


>Dear Brother,


>If the guru is capable of transmitting the true energy of the mantra - like

>the subtle energy of mryutyunjaya mantra which will remove the basic cause

>of ill health and provide good health and warding off all illhealth - there

>is no reason why he cannot recover.

>May the Divine Mother bless him so.





> > " adi_shakthi16 " <adi_shakthi16

> >

> >

> > A Question for Sri Vidya upasakas ....

> >Fri, 30 Mar 2007 14:06:54 -0000

> >

> >Respected Devi upasakas :

> >

> >My friend's husband had a spinal surgery not too long ago. He is still

> >recuperating from that major surgery. He is wheel chair bound and the

> >chances of recovery are not that good . Meanwhile , someone suggested

> >to my friend that her husband should do devi upasana and take mantra

> >diksha from a sri vidya guru.Strangely enough , my friend's husband

> >followed his wife's advice and was initiated by a well known sri Vidya

> >guru . He was getting better when suddenly he seemed to fall sick

> >again and again and is losing mobility in all his limbs. My friend

> >feels this is because he is not following all the niyamas and yamas

> >associated with devi upasana. My friend says her husnand lies a lot

> >and is very abusive towards women. Please advise us how my friend's

> >husband can recover and what he should do to get better . Are there

> >are special rules of conduct to be followed while doing devi upasana ?

> >Avoding telling lies , abusing women unnecessarily etc etc ....

> >

> >with regards

> >

> >



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