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- lanka.krishnarao



Subject :- Who is






Who is nILA dEvi ?

Priya mahASayAh,


I wish to share my own understandings and views about the

esoteric meaning of nILAdEvi with you all in this group. I may

be pardoned if I am exceeding any limits or wrongly interpreting any

thing from the text.


SrInIlAdEvi is said be one among the three wives of Sri

vEnkatESwara, the other two are SrIdEvi and BhUdEvi. The vEda

addressed her as " Bhuvanasya patni " . It also praised her as the one

who is supporting the heavens and holding the earth, from falling

them downwards. " viShtamBhO diva dharuNah " .


In the tAntric SrIvidya she is called as " niila saraswati " ,

a different form of `mahAkAli'.


If the word `SrI' is indicative of the heavens (the world of

all gods with all its wealth and pleasures), is significant of the

first part of the above word " niila " , and the second part `BhU'

indicates the abode of all our ancestors (pitR^u dEvatas) from whom

we all have acquired all the knowledge whatever we now possess. That

knowledge indicates " saraswati " .


Because it is acting like a conjunctive force between the

heaven and the earth, connecting both `niila'and `saraswati', the

fellow-mate of these two was named as " niila saraswati " . This force

is a kind of vacuity formed in

the empty vacant space (AkASE avakASam), which facilitated the

paramAtma to palpate his first throb as " ah " (Adyaspandam), from

which all the five elements were manifested in a group and that in

its turn, became the universe.


By the jerk of movement created by the throb of paramAtma,

this vacant space itself transformed as the air named " mAtariSwa " .

This principal air along with its

subordinates " prANa " , " apAna " , " vyAna " , " udAna " and " samAna "

vAyus and also their subordinates

called " nAga " , " kUrma " , " kR^ikara " , " dEvadatta " and " dhananjaya " are

maintaining all the living beings with their six activities, " asti "

remaining in the biija BhAva, " jAyati " prakAsa

BhAva, " vardhati " AmarSana BhAva, " vipariNamati " , pariNAma

BhAva, " apakSIyati " kShaya BhAva, and " naSyati " samhAra BhAva.

By all this, we can come to the conclusion that the sole cause for

all the activities of the universe is this vacant space.


By saying " dR^k diSam " , she has no directions of the compass

like east, south, west, north etc., because she has occupied all the

edges of all directions. She has no divisions of time also, because

there is no device or machinate like 'the sun' outside of her. She

herself is the sovereign regulator of time even for this sun and

solar system. She is the `kAla " .

She is the " kAla sarpa " upon which SrimahAviSNu is reclining.


SrImahAviShNu is lying upon this `kAla sarpa' which is called

as " Adi sESha " , the remainder at the beginning itself.

We generally calculate any remainder after subtracting any sum. It

reminds the story of three daughters-in-law of a lady.

One was asked to arrange tables and plates for the guests` dinner,

the second one to serve the preparations and the third one was given

the charge of removing the plates and cleaning the table. They all

have accomplished their duties accordingly.

But how? The first one arranged the table and plates. Immediately

the second one served all the food items in the plates and the third

one instantly removed all the plates and cleaned the tables even

before any one come to take meals.


In the same way one god is creating the universe and another

god is dissolving it at one and the same time. In between these

creations and dissolutions there is one force saying loudly " I am

here, I am here " and " I am maintaining, I am maintaining "

..That force itself is called " Adi SESha " . kAla sarpa. This is the

kAla swarUpiNi which is swallowing all the living beings, including

brahma, viSNu and the so called mR^ityunjaya mahESwara and wearing

the long garland of skulls of mahESwara.

This mahA Sakti`s name is " MahA kALi " and also " niila saraswati " . The

subordinates of this mahAdEvata, the " mAtariSwa vAyus " and their

subordinate vAyus are actually acting like the creators by creating

new generations, and acting like maintainers by providing nutrition

to the living beings

( " viSwasya cA iShayantii " ), and also acting like the destructing

agents also making all beings prey for mortification ( " asyESAnA

jagatO " ).


If " SrI " can be called as " bindu " for all its objective

visualizations, the earth (saraswati) becomes `nAda " and our " niila

saraswati " is occupying the place of " kaLa " . She is the sole cause

to show the small single atom into so many kinds of forms in

different shapes and varieties. That is why she is called " kaLa " .


She is that third foot of `trivikrama' after he has occupied

the whole heven and earth (Sri and BhUh), which made the

emperor `bali' to surrender before `vAmana'. The other two feet

are `SrI' and `Bhuh'


She is the `turiiya iimkAra swarUpa mahA mAyA' of SrImahA

viShNu. She is also called as " aditi " the mother of all deities in

whose bosom the whole universe exists. . " suBhUtih SivA nO astwaditir

upasthE " the vEdA says.


Dear members, I hope I could convey my understanding clearly to

you all. I humbly solicit any suggestions and additions upon these



Yours in the service of the mother,

Krishnarao (SrIparasuKhAnandanAtha)

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Dear sri krishna rao garu,


Namaste. Your interpretation is wonderful. But i have a doubt. Is there any

sastra pramana for this.


Sri Nila devi is worshipped by Sri Vaishnavas as an aspect of Sri Mahalakshmi.

According to Pancharatra Samhita, Bhu Devi and NilA Devi are regarded as two

aspects of Vishnu sakthi , which according to Paancharathra is the VERY GODDESS

LAKSHMI . Thus , they are aspects of Lakshmi . Both are personifications of

tolerance . Both are worshipped along with Lakshmi without affecting the unitary

character of Lakshmi as the inseparable consort of Vishnu.


And Nila Saraswathi is another aspect of Saraswati with a hue of bluish tinge.

Another aspect of Tara ( if i am sure). This aspect of goddess is worshipped

for the power of composing poetry. Mostly worshipped by Kashmiris and Buddhists.


Can you please throw some more light on this.


With regards,




krishnarao <lanka.krishnarao wrote:

- lanka.krishnarao



Subject :- Who is






Who is nILA dEvi ?

Priya mahASayAh,


I wish to share my own understandings and views about the

esoteric meaning of nILAdEvi with you all in this group. I may

be pardoned if I am exceeding any limits or wrongly interpreting any

thing from the text.


SrInIlAdEvi is said be one among the three wives of Sri

vEnkatESwara, the other two are SrIdEvi and BhUdEvi. The vEda

addressed her as " Bhuvanasya patni " . It also praised her as the one

who is supporting the heavens and holding the earth, from falling

them downwards. " viShtamBhO diva dharuNah " .


In the tAntric SrIvidya she is called as " niila saraswati " ,

a different form of `mahAkAli'.


If the word `SrI' is indicative of the heavens (the world of

all gods with all its wealth and pleasures), is significant of the

first part of the above word " niila " , and the second part `BhU'

indicates the abode of all our ancestors (pitR^u dEvatas) from whom

we all have acquired all the knowledge whatever we now possess. That

knowledge indicates " saraswati " .


Because it is acting like a conjunctive force between the

heaven and the earth, connecting both `niila'and `saraswati', the

fellow-mate of these two was named as " niila saraswati " . This force

is a kind of vacuity formed in

the empty vacant space (AkASE avakASam), which facilitated the

paramAtma to palpate his first throb as " ah " (Adyaspandam), from

which all the five elements were manifested in a group and that in

its turn, became the universe.


By the jerk of movement created by the throb of paramAtma,

this vacant space itself transformed as the air named " mAtariSwa " .

This principal air along with its

subordinates " prANa " , " apAna " , " vyAna " , " udAna " and " samAna "

vAyus and also their subordinates

called " nAga " , " kUrma " , " kR^ikara " , " dEvadatta " and " dhananjaya " are

maintaining all the living beings with their six activities, " asti "

remaining in the biija BhAva, " jAyati " prakAsa

BhAva, " vardhati " AmarSana BhAva, " vipariNamati " , pariNAma

BhAva, " apakSIyati " kShaya BhAva, and " naSyati " samhAra BhAva.

By all this, we can come to the conclusion that the sole cause for

all the activities of the universe is this vacant space.


By saying " dR^k diSam " , she has no directions of the compass

like east, south, west, north etc., because she has occupied all the

edges of all directions. She has no divisions of time also, because

there is no device or machinate like 'the sun' outside of her. She

herself is the sovereign regulator of time even for this sun and

solar system. She is the `kAla " .

She is the " kAla sarpa " upon which SrimahAviSNu is reclining.


SrImahAviShNu is lying upon this `kAla sarpa' which is called

as " Adi sESha " , the remainder at the beginning itself.

We generally calculate any remainder after subtracting any sum. It

reminds the story of three daughters-in-law of a lady.

One was asked to arrange tables and plates for the guests` dinner,

the second one to serve the preparations and the third one was given

the charge of removing the plates and cleaning the table. They all

have accomplished their duties accordingly.

But how? The first one arranged the table and plates. Immediately

the second one served all the food items in the plates and the third

one instantly removed all the plates and cleaned the tables even

before any one come to take meals.


In the same way one god is creating the universe and another

god is dissolving it at one and the same time. In between these

creations and dissolutions there is one force saying loudly " I am

here, I am here " and " I am maintaining, I am maintaining "

...That force itself is called " Adi SESha " . kAla sarpa. This is the

kAla swarUpiNi which is swallowing all the living beings, including

brahma, viSNu and the so called mR^ityunjaya mahESwara and wearing

the long garland of skulls of mahESwara.

This mahA Sakti`s name is " MahA kALi " and also " niila saraswati " . The

subordinates of this mahAdEvata, the " mAtariSwa vAyus " and their

subordinate vAyus are actually acting like the creators by creating

new generations, and acting like maintainers by providing nutrition

to the living beings

( " viSwasya cA iShayantii " ), and also acting like the destructing

agents also making all beings prey for mortification ( " asyESAnA

jagatO " ).


If " SrI " can be called as " bindu " for all its objective

visualizations, the earth (saraswati) becomes `nAda " and our " niila

saraswati " is occupying the place of " kaLa " . She is the sole cause

to show the small single atom into so many kinds of forms in

different shapes and varieties. That is why she is called " kaLa " .


She is that third foot of `trivikrama' after he has occupied

the whole heven and earth (Sri and BhUh), which made the

emperor `bali' to surrender before `vAmana'. The other two feet

are `SrI' and `Bhuh'


She is the `turiiya iimkAra swarUpa mahA mAyA' of SrImahA

viShNu. She is also called as " aditi " the mother of all deities in

whose bosom the whole universe exists. . " suBhUtih SivA nO astwaditir

upasthE " the vEdA says.


Dear members, I hope I could convey my understanding clearly to

you all. I humbly solicit any suggestions and additions upon these



Yours in the service of the mother,

Krishnarao (SrIparasuKhAnandanAtha)









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, venkata sriram

> Sri Nila devi is worshipped by Sri Vaishnavas as an aspect of Sri

Mahalakshmi. According to Pancharatra Samhita, Bhu Devi and NilA Devi


AFAIK this nIlA devI is the wife of viShNu. She is worshiped with a

yajur veda mantra which begins as abhi no gR^iNAhi dhR^itavati ...

combined with kamalA bIja.


> And Nila Saraswathi is another aspect of Saraswati with a hue of

bluish tinge. Another aspect of Tara ( if i am sure). This aspect of

goddess is worshipped for the power of composing poetry. Mostly

worshipped by Kashmiris and Buddhists.


Yes this is nilasarasvati. She is not just worshiped by the above but

also by many others. My friend showed me an inscription of a Chalukya

princess from south India which mentions nilasarasvati. She is taken

as an udbhava mUrti of mahAsaravati (not viri~nchipatni).


In the AmnAya krama we follow she comes in the uttarAmnAya along with

shAradA. In her own maNDala vidhi nilasarasvati is worshiped with the

following: AvarNa mUrtis (following antara-krama. i am giving core only):

1) indrAdi

2) aniruddha-sarasvati (pA~ncharAtra mantras); ekajATA (pAShaNDa

mantras); mahAchInakramatArA and ugratArA (chinAchAra mantras);

kulavAgIshvarI (kula-patha);

3) vajravINA sarasvati; Arya-sarasvati, Arya-vajra-sarasvati = (Arya


4) vajrashAradA; dashabhujA-shAradA; tAriNi =(shAradA)

5) mAtR^ikAsarasvati; vidyAvidyeshvarI; vAgbhaveshvarI; vAgIshvarI

6) nIlasarasvati


The shAstras important for nIlasarasvati are: siddha-sArasvataM (the

procedure above), bR^ihadnIlA (some material is not recommended for

Brahmin males as well as females). Easterns follow tArArahasya a

recent compendium. There are many Riks used the procedures which are

given in the sarasvati rahasya upaniShad. Some from UP vehemently

argued with me that women and shudras are not entitled to using

saMpuTas of those R^iks.




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