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reg. ucchista ganapati and srikanta intetpretation

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Dear devotees,


I would like share my little information which i have from my gurunatha.


The word " Ucchista " has been derived from " Utkrishta " in sanskrit which

implies " Very Superior and Highly Sublime " . The upasana of this form of

ganapati is of highly elevated and superior form of worship which is practiced

till today in Sringeri. Brahmasri Subramanya Iyer (Chidanandanatha of Guhananda

Mandali) was an authority in this form of worship. This worship is given to

elevated spiritual aspirants as a part of Urdhwamnaya Krama Diksha.


And as regards, other gentleman pointed out the puranic explanation of the

name " Srikanta " for lord shiva. Nevertheless, this is true. But the esoteric

sense goes like this.


Like panchadasakshari mantra of srividya in sakti cult, there is a

panchadasakshari vidya having 15 bija mantras related to shiva. There is also a

mode of upasana bhavana where srichakra is worshipped as sthula rupa of lord

shiva by visualising this panchadasakshari mantra along the srichakra. Among

the 15 bija prastara of this kuta traya of this siva panchadasakshari, " Srim "

bija becomes the kanta (neck) sthana of Siva when visualised in Siva Yantra.

And hence, the name " Srikanta " which means " the siva who has Sri Bija as his

Kanta(neck) " . This form of vidya was worshipped by our ancient grammarians of

sanskrit Panini and Vararuchi. This secret vidya with mantra is coded in " shiva

Mahimnah Stotra " of Pushpadantacharya.


With regards,







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This is nice to know.

It will be interesting to hear what the vaiyAkaraNa-s(grammarians)

have to say on utkriShTa becoming uchChiShTa.

I wonder if the same will apply to uchChiShTa chANDAli/mAta~NgI whose

primary mode of worship is according to vAmAchAra and the procedure is

somewhat similar(in some aspects)** to u.gaNesha. If it does then it

raises some questions.

Ex: Why is u. mAta~Ngi considered an a~Nga devata for rAjashyAmala and

not vice versa if indeed uchChiShTa means superior.


** For uchChiShTa mAta~NgI it says: baliM api uchChiShTena






, venkata sriram

<sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> Dear devotees,


> I would like share my little information which i have from my



> The word " Ucchista " has been derived from " Utkrishta " in sanskrit

which implies " Very Superior and Highly Sublime " . The upasana of this

form of ganapati is of highly elevated and superior form of worship

which is practiced till today in Sringeri. Brahmasri Subramanya Iyer

(Chidanandanatha of Guhananda Mandali) was an authority in this form

of worship. This worship is given to elevated spiritual aspirants as

a part of Urdhwamnaya Krama Diksha.




> sriram

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, " Satish " <satisharigela wrote:

> It will be interesting to hear what the vaiyAkaraNa-s(grammarians)

> have to say on utkriShTa becoming uchChiShTa.


Satish I think this connection is some colloquial folk etymology. The

roots are not related in deva bhASha:


utkR^iSh is derived from particle ud combined with dhAtu kR^iSh.

kR^iSh means to lead or to draw (as in pull). ud is a particle

implying upward/above. Thus utkR^iSh root means to draw up or elevate.

Hence utkR^iShTa is elevated or great.


dhAtupaTha gives root shiSh (unrelated to kR^iSh), which means to

leave / to remain. We have the word sheSha which means remainder from

same dhAtu. The particle ud is also present here, but it also means an

indicator of separateness. So ud+shiSh is the root for uchChiShTa that

is leave aside, or the remnant.


In vedas the uchChiShTa yAga is all for rudra In tantras also it may

mean this. Additionally in the tantra system it may be used to denote

the remnant of upachara-pujA to a devatA. gaNanAyaka, like his father

rudra hence presides over these remnants of the tantric rites and is

uchChiShTa gaNapati. I am told the atharvaveda has a uchChiShTa sUkta

by which after a veda karma the remnants are identified with the

universe for dedication as an offering to rudra. Both vedic and

tantric uchChiShTa have a transgressive aspect to them. hence

rudrabhaga I am told is burnt on a separate charcoal fire rather than

the main fire altars in veda. In tantras it is reflected in the

'unclean' associations with uchChiShTa gaNapati or sumukhi devI.



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, " rajita_rajvasishth "

<rajita_rajvasishth wrote:


> In vedas the uchChiShTa yAga is all for rudra In tantras also it may

> mean this. Additionally in the tantra system it may be used to


> the remnant of upachara-pujA to a devatA. gaNanAyaka, like his


> rudra hence presides over these remnants of the tantric rites and is

> uchChiShTa gaNapati. I am told the atharvaveda has a uchChiShTa


> by which after a veda karma the remnants are identified with the

> universe for dedication as an offering to rudra. Both vedic and

> tantric uchChiShTa have a transgressive aspect to them. hence

> rudrabhaga I am told is burnt on a separate charcoal fire rather


> the main fire altars in veda. In tantras it is reflected in the

> 'unclean' associations with uchChiShTa gaNapati or sumukhi devI.

> cheers,

> Rajita





On the top of what Rajita-Ji has said let me add a few additional

notes "


ucchhiShTa literally means - bhukataavisheSha (food that remain after

it has been eaten).


Some rules abut this are found in our texts.


shuudrocchhiShTaasane ca vamanaM kR^itvaa sapataraatra mupavaset |


Meaning - If one eats food consumed by a shuudra then one needs to

induce vomiting and needs to observe penance for seven days by



This makes sense from the point of wanting to maintain hygiene.


Sayanacharya defines the word rudra - rodayati sarvaM antakaale iti



Meaning - Rudra is the one who makes everyone cry at the end.

We all know that microbes multiply very rapidly through Cross

contamination. We frequently see FDA recalling contaminated food.

This is in my view identification of rudra, the microbes.


If someone has any more information on sumukhi devI I would like to

know more.


Thank you,


Best regards,


Dr. Yadu

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