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Regarding repetition of avarana devatas

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Dear Balaji,


You did not mention which names of avarana devata is being repeated but as far

my knowledge is concerned, the names that are being repeated are as follows:


In Tithi Nitya Nama:

1) Kameswari

2) Bhagamalini

3) Vajreshwari


In Saptama (7th ) Avarana:

1) Kameswari


In Ashtama Avarana:

1) Mahakameshwari

2) Mahavajreshwari

3) Maha Bhagamalini


To be precise, these avarana devatas seem to be repetitive but their

portfolios are entirely different alongwith their Dhyana Slokas, Ayudhas.


Kameswari in Tithi Nityas, is one of the 16 Tithi Nitya Devatas having 6 arms

and alongwith pasa, ankusa, chapa, pushpa it is also having madhu patra.


Kameswari in Sapthama (7th ) avarana, is one of the Ashta (8) Vaak Devatas.


It is to be noted that Kameshwari devata of Nitya Devatas and 7th Avarana is

the Amsa Devata of the Great Queen Tripurasundari of Maha Bindu.


As regards 8th Avarana, the chief deities are 1) Mahakameswari 2)

Mahavajreshwari 3) Mahabhagamalini. These 3 dieties are the Pratibimba or the

reflections of Tripurasundari. Please note that they are not Amsa Devatas.


If you contemplate the 8th avarana as the triangle with downward angle facing

us then this downward angle is called Kamarupa Pita and its presiding diety is

Kameshwari which presides over the Mind (Manas) in the Pindanda. This is the

aspect of Kriya Shakti.


The 2nd angle at the left is the Purnagiri Pita with Maha Bhagamalini

presiding over it and in Pindanda it controls the Buddi (Intellect). This is

the aspect of Iccha Shakti.


The 3rd angle at the right is Jalandhara Pita with Maha Vajreshwari presiding

over it and in Pindanda, it controls Ahankara (Ego). This is the aspect of

Iccha Shakti.


The Trikona Samasti or the Centre is called Odhyana Pita with

Mahatripurasundari presiding over it. It is the controller of Chitta




The left side of the Triangle is called Vaama which is Rajo Guna Pradhana

The side opposite to the downward angle is Raudri which is Tamo Guna Pradhana

The right side of the triangle is called Jyestha which is Satva Guna Pradhana.

All three again become “Ambika”.


Now Vaama, Jyesta, Raudri and Ambika are the forms of Siva and Iccha, Jnana,

Kriya and Santa are the Sakti Tattvas.

Vaama projects Brahma; Jyesta projects Vishnu; Raudri projects Rudra and from

the triad Vama, Jyesta Raudi projects Ambika.

Iccha projects Bharati; Jnana projects Prithvi; Kriya projects Rudrani and

from the triad Iccha Jnana Kriya is projected Santa.


From the above, Brahma – Bharati are the pair denoting Sristi. They preside

Purvaamnaya and Vaak Bhava Kuta.

Vishnu – Prithvi are the pair denoting Sthiti. They preside Dakshinamnaya and

are Kamaraja Bija.

Rudra – Rudran are the pair denoting Samhara presiding over Paschimamnaya.

They denote Sakti Kuta.

Shiva – Sakti are the pair denoting Anakhya or Bija Traya. They preside



The Odyana Pita which is Sakti Kuta, the Devata is Maha Bhagamalini and Guru

is Uddisa. This Pita controls the Buddhi (Intellect). The Jalandhara Pita

which is Kamaraja Kuta, the devata is Maha Vajreshwari and the Guru is

Shashtisa. The Kamagiri Pita which is Vaag Bhava Kuta, the Devata is Maha

Kameshwari and the Guru is Mitresha.


These triad again form the 8th Avarana.


When Prakasa and Vimarsa in state of saamya (equilibrium state) avastha, think

of becoming many “Bahusyaam Prajayeya…”, the first spandana or throb towards the

creation emanates which is called “Ambika”. This is the “Para” nada avastha. It

emanates from the Hrudaya sthana goes to Sahasrara. This ray of Ambika

emanating from Sahasrara goes at the Mooladhara and takes the form of Vaama.

This is Creation. When the Kundalini at the Mooladhara is disturbed, this Vaama

takes the form of Jyestha. This is Preservation. This Jyesta takes the form of

Raudri and thus the triangle is formed which is the 8th Avarana. This is

Destruction. Thus, this results in “Pashyanti” Nada Swarupa. The Vaama,

Jyestha, Raudri, Ambika (Siva Amsas) along with Iccha, Jnana, Kriya, Santa

(Sakti amass) become the 8 in number. The 8 becomes Ashta Kona of Srichakra.

Ashtakona, Trikona and Bindu all form Antardasara and Bahirdasara. From

Bahirdasara, Chaturdasara is evolved. Now excluding, the

trikona of 8th Avarana, the number of triangles till Chaturdasara are 42. This

Nada avastha is “Madhyama”.


And now the remaining avaranas are 8 dala padma and 16 dala padma. All the

consonants in Matrika ie., 1) Ka-Varga 2) Cha-varga 3) Ta-varga 4) Tha-varga 5)

Pa-varga 6) Ya-varga 7) Ya-varga 8) Sha-varga become Ashta Dala Padma of

Srichakra and all the 16 vowels from A to Aha become 16-petalled lotus of



This is “Vaikhari” Nada Swarupa. Hence, the entire 50 (Panchashat) matrikas

have come in 8 & 16 petalled lotus of Srichakra which is called Vaikhari Nada.

It is with the help of these matrika, we are able to converse. These Matrika

are the presiding deities in the body of the individual jiva. Hence, it is

called Panchashat Peeta Rupini.


This is the essence of Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama, Vaikhari Nada / Sound

origin. This is the bhavana or contemplation to be while performing avarana

archana. It is interesting to note that 16 Tithi Nityas are also worshipped

around the trikona of 8th Avarana anti-clockwise.


Hence, the Avarana Devatas of Srichakra other than the 8th Avarana, are the

Amsa Devatas of Tripurasundari whereas the Devatas of 8th Avarana are the

reflections of mother tripurasundari (Pratibimba) having the functions Srusti,

Sthiti, Laya, Tirodhana, Anugraha (Pancha Krityas / 5 functions).


Dear Balaji, hope I am clear.


With regards,



Kamakoti Sive Paahi.





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