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reg. repetition of avarana devatas

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Dear Balaji,


These 3 devatas (Sarva Samkshobini, Sarva Vidravini and Sarva Akarshini) are

also repeated in bhupura (3rd line) and in 4th avarana also. But as I mentioned

in my earlier mail, every avarana devata has got a different portfolio and are

reporting to Tripurasundari which is the supreme queen at Mahabindu sporting

with Kameswara.


The devatas ie., Sarva Samkshobini, Sarva Vidravini and Sarva Akarshini are

the Mudra devatas in first avarana ie., 3rd rekha of Bhupura. Whereas, the

devatas Sarva Samkshobini, Sarva Vidravini and Sarva Akarshini are the presiding

dieties of the naadi mandala (subtle nerve systems) in the pindanda of the jiva.

I will explain you these avaranas.


First of all, let us try to analyse what is Mudra. Mudra is defined as

“Mudam Raatiti Mudra” ie., the devataas that gives the bliss to the upasaka at

those places when contemplated and medidated are the Mudra Devatas.


1st Avarana : Bhupura


1st Rekha


Devata Jiva Dharma (to be contemplated)

1) Anima Niyati

2) Laghima Sringara rasa

3) Mahima Bhayanaka

4) Ishitva Raudra

5) Vashitva Bhibhatsa

6) Prakaamya Haasya

7) Bhuktisiddi Vira

8) Iccha Karuna

9) Praptisiddhi Santa


2nd Rekha

Devata Jiva Dharma (to be contemplated)

Brahmi Kama

Maheshwari Krodha

Kaumari Lobha

Vaishnavi Moha

Varahi Mada

Mahendri Maatsarya

Chamunda Punya

Mahalaksmi Papa


3rd Rekha

Devata Jiva Dharma (to be contemplated)

Sarva Samkshobini Mooladhara

Sarva Vidravini Svadhishtana

Sarva Akarshini Manipura

Sarva Vashankari Anahata

Sarva Unmadini Vishuddhi

Sarva Mahankusa Ajna

Sarva Khechari Urdhva Sahasrara

Sarva Bija Adho Sahasrara

Sarva Yoni Lambikagra (Tip of tongue)

Sarva Trikhanda Samasti of all the above 9 (entire centre of above

9 places)


Sivanandanatha Yogi (one of the greatest srividya upasakar of 11th century),

the author of “saubhagya Lakshmi Hrudayam” mentions in his work on srividya

“Saubhagya Sudhodaya” that :


“adhara navaka manayor

navachakreebhava maagatam sivayoh

Tan madhye chara chaturaa

Mudratvam praapa modana tvamvit”


Ie., these mudra devatas when medidated upon at the adhara navaka (chakras),

gives pleasure to the upasakas at those places where meditated.These mudra

devatas are having two hands with varada and abhaya mudras.


Now, the 4th avarana:

In this avarana, the dieties are presiding over the subtle naadis in the jiva.


Devata : Places to contemplated in Jiva


1) Sarva Samkshobini : Alambusa

2) Sarva Vidravini : Kuhu

3) Sarva Akarshini : Vishvodari

4) Sarva Ahladini : Varana

5) Sarva Sammohini : Hasti Jihva

6) Sarva Sthambini : Yashovati

7) Sarva Jrumbini : Payasvini

8) Sarva Vashamkari : Gandhari

9) Sarva Ranjani : Pusha

10) Sarva Unmadini : Sankhini

11) Sarva Arthasadhini : Saraswathi

12) Sarva Sampattipurini : Ida

13) Sarva Mantramayee : Pingala

14) Sarva Dvandvakshayamkari : Sushumna


Naadi (nervous centres) mandala and its place to be contemplated in Jiva


Alambusa : Nerves between Muladhara and below Mutra Dvara-genitals

Kuhu : between Adha trikona and mutra dvara

Vishvodara : From Left of Kuhu to Jathara (abdomen)

Varana : From right of kuhu to Jathara

Hastijihva : From kuhu to toes of the left leg

Yashovati : From kuhu to toes of the right leg

Payasvini : From kuhu to left ear

Gandhari : From kuhu to left eye

Pusha : from Kuhu to right eye

Sankhini : From kuhu to right ear

Saraswathi : from kuhu to tip of the tongue

Ida : Left nostril

Pingala : Right nostril

Sushumna : From Mooladhara to 12 inches above brahmarandra.



With regards






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