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Lopamudra Vidya (Haadi Vidya) Mantra Uddhara and the Guru Parampara of this Vidya

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Dear devotees,


This information, which is given here for the srividya upasakas belonging to

Haadi vidya tradition, which is also called Lopamudra Vidya.


I am giving here the uddhara of Lopamudra Vidya and its guruparampara right

from Krita Yuga to Kaliyuga till the recent past. It may be noted that these

details are given in Sivanandanatha’s “Ruju Vimarsini Vyakhya” (The commentary

on “Nityasodasikaarnava”).


There are 26 vidyaa uddhara karmas and out of which 10th Vidya is Lopamudra

Vidya. Lopamudra was the better half of Sage Agastya and the chief guru of this

Haadi Krama in Kaliyuga. All the srividya upasakas in this yuga are considered

to be her children and hence she is adored as the “Mother”.


Mantra Uddhara


Akaasa Jiva Kamendraan – Bhuvaneshim Tathottaret …(1)

Akaasajiva Kamaabhra – Sakra Meesaanavallabham….. (2)

Jeevam Kamam tatha Sakram – Bhuvaneseem tathoccharet …(3)

Agastyopasit Lopa – Mudraayam Papaharini …. (4)

Samudra Soshini Devi - Mahapaapoughanasini….(5)


From the 1st sloka:

Akasah = Ha; Jeevah = Sa; Kamah = Ka; Indrah = La; Bhuvaneshim = Hrim

Are derived. These become

[Ha, Sa, Ka, La, Hrim]


From the 2nd Sloka:

Akasah = Ha; Jeevah= Sa; Kamah = Ka; Abhran = Ha; Sakrah = La;

Isaanavallabham = Hrim

Are derived.

These become: [Ha, Sa, Ka, Ha, La, Hrim]


From 3rd Sloka:

Jeevah = Sa; Kamah = Ka; Sakra La; Bhuvanesim = Hrim

Are derived.

These become : [sa, Ka, La, Hrim]


4th sloka says that this is the Agastya Vidya or Lopamudra Vidya.


So, in a nutshell, this vidya is

[Ha, Sa, Ka, La, Hrim] [Ha, Sa, Ka, Ha, La, Hrim] [sa, Ka, La, Hrim].


This is the noblest of vidyas which liberates the upasaka from the wheel of

Samsara. Why because, the sodasi upasana is hidden in this mantra.

If we omit the Bhuvaneswari Bija from these 3 kutas, the remaining part is:

[Ha, Sa, Ka, La], [Ha, Sa, Ka, Ha, La], [sa, Ka, La] respectively in the 3



Out of these 3 kutas, the common bijas are taken out which become:


[Ha, Sa, Ka, La].


Here, ‘Ha’ is the Akasa Bija which denotes the dahara (sukshma) akasa at

Sahasrara. This is of ‘Chit/Jnana’ Swarupa. ‘Sa’ is the Chandra Bija.

Ka, La bijas get combined to form ‘Kala’.


So these become, ‘Ha, Sa, Kala’ which is defined as “the Sodasa Kala or the

16th Kala which is the Chit Kala present at the Dahara Akasa or Chidakasa” This

Sodasi Kala / Dhruva Kala / Nitya Kala is the Upaasya Devata of this Haadi



Kalidasa Mahakavi in his work “Chidgagana Chandrika” also mentions this tatva

of ‘Ha-Sa-Kala”. Gagana is Akasa which is ‘Ha’ ; Chandrika is the Chandrakala

which ‘Sa-Kala’.




When the ‘Prakasa’ swarupa of Sat-chit-ananda alongwith his own Sakti

“Vimarsa” does the samkalpa “May I become many” ie., “Bahusyaam Prajayeeya….”,

the first throb or spandana becomes “Charyanatha” who is non-different from Para

Siva. Charyanatha is the Adi-guru of this Haadi Tradition in Krita Yuga. This

vimarsa sakti is Mahakameswari. Charyanatha hands down this vidya to Kameswari.

At the Bindu sthana which is also called “Odyana Pita’ sports the Adi Guru

Charyanatha alongwith Kameswari. They are in the Saamarasya Bhava /

Non-differential State with one another. This “saamarasya bhava’ of Charyanatha

and Kameswari is termed as “GURU PADUKA”. This ‘GURU PADUKA’ tatva has to be

meditated at sahasrara amidst the Trikona of 8th Avarana. Please note that the

Guru Padukas are not the wooden sandals which are physically worn by guru.


This Kameswari teaches this Vidya to Uddisnatha who is non-different from sage

Durvasa who is the guru in Treta Yuga. Uddisanatha is of Chit swarupa and

Sattva Guna pradhana. Uddisanatha presides left angle of the 8th avarana

trikona along with “Bhagamalini”. This is Sakti Kuta.


Uddisa Gayatri:

Odunathaya Vidmahe – Sri Durvasase Dhimahi

Tannah Kaulih Prachodayat


This Kameswari teaches this vidya to Sashtisha (non-different from

Subramanya). Sashtisa is of the Prana rupa controlling Ego – Ahamkara.

Alongwith Vajreswari presides over Jalandhara Pita which is Right Angle of 8th

Avarana Trikona. He is rajo guna swarupa and guru in Dwapara Yuga. This is

Kamaraja Kuta.

Sashtisa Gayatri:

Sastanathaya Vidmahe – Sri Kumaraya Dhimahi

Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat


Again, Kameswari teaches this vidya to Mitreshanatha (non-different from

Siva). Mitreshanatha along with Nitya Klinna presides over the angle facing us

at the 8th avarana trikona. Mitreshanatha rules Vaak Bhava Kuta and is one with

Pancha (5) Tanmaatras. He is the 1st guru in Kali Yuga.


Mitresha Gayatri:

Mitranathaya Vidmahe – Srikantaya Cha Dhimahi

Tannah Kubjih Prachodayat


In Kaliyuga, Mitreshanatha handed down this vidya to Lopamudra. Lopamudra

teaches this vidya to Agastya. Given below the guruparampara from Lopamudra and

Agastya till the recent guru.






Muktakesini (One of the greatest Yoginis of Kaliyuga)

Dipakanathacharya (Srividya upasaka at the court of the king Bhoja and

commentator on Nityasodasikarnava)







Swatmanandanatha (also called Vasudeva)







Amrtanandanatha Yogi (Author of Chidvilasa and Saubhagya Sudhodaya)

Punyanandanatha Yati (author of Kamakalavilasa)



Sivanandanatha (son of Pratishtanandanatha the author of Sambhunirnaya Dipika)


Maheshananda Yogi (Author of Mahartha Manjari)


It is this 6th guru of the guru mandala Dipakanathacharya (Srividya upasaka at

the court of the king Bhoja and commentator on Nityasodasikarnava) whom

bhaskaraya adores as Dipakanathacharya is Setubandha (a commentary on



Thus ends the chapter “Guru Mandala” of Ruju Vimarshini Vyakhya of

Sivanandanatha – a commentary on Nityasodasikarnava.


Vande Guru Paramparam…


With regards,






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