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Shad Aanvaya Mahasaambhavopasana Krama (Marichi Dhyana paddhati in 6 chakras of pindanda of jiva)

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Dear Devotees


I am sharing my knowledge with you which i got from my gurunatha. This form

of dhyana paddhati is done as a part of Shad Aanavaya Mahasambhavopasana which

is also called Rashmi Dhyana Paddhati in the shat chakras of Upasaka.


Marichi (Rashmi) Dhyana Paddhati in Shat Chakras of Pindanda of the Jiva


This Upasana Paddhati is called “Shad Aanvaya Mahasaambhavopasana” Krama

which is given in “Saadhaaranyena Shad Anvaya Samasti Skanda Rashmi Prakaranam”.

This is the Rashmi (Kiranas / Marichis) (360 rays of Siva-Sakti) Upasana Krama.

One who meditates on these aspects of Siva-Sakti and its 360 Rashmis, becomes

Maha Siva Yogi, a Jivanmukta and great Avadhuta.


The prana of the Jivatma is called Pindanda and the samasti tattva

(encompassing all the jivaatmas) of the pindanda is called Brahmanda which is

Virat. The jivana pravritti (activity of life) in Pindanda, Sristi, Sthiti,

Laya, Tirodhana & Anugraha (Pancha Krityas) in Brahmanda) are under the control

of Siva – Sakti. This divine pair (siva-sakti) through the medium of Kala

Chakra (time) does the above activities.


This Kala Chakra is calculated with respect to the Surya, Chandra, Nakshatra

revolutions around the Brahmanda. These three, as such, are not self luminous.

They give light because there is a self-luminous entity in them which is the

Antaryami Purusha which is the source of light for Surya, Chandra and

Nakshatras. This Prakasa Rupa Purusha has several rays of light (Kirana /

Marichi / Rashmi) around it that sheds on the brahmanda as well as in pindanda

of the jiva. This prakasa rupa tattva is also called Agni. Since, surya,

Chandra and nakshatras are revolving around the brahmanda, this circular orbit

is considered to be having 360 degrees. This is the unit of measurement of Kala

Chakra. This is also the time taken by the Sun to enter into all the 12 raasi

charkas (zodiacs) which is one year.


Having considered these 360 degrees (days) in a year, entire brahmanda charka

is divided into 360 aspects. In pindanda also, the shat charkas are divided

into 360 rashmis / marichis (rays) of the Jyoti which is illumined by the divine

pair Siva-Sakti. This 360 degrees are divided in the shat charkas of pindanda

of the Jiva as follows:


Mooladhara : 56 degrees

Manipura : 52 degrees

Svadhistana : 62 degrees

Anahata : 54 degrees

Vishuddhi : 72 degrees

Ajna : 64 degrees


This aspect is explained in Subhagodaya Stuti of Gaudapadacharya. From

Mooladhara to Manipura the devi is called Agni Khanda which has 108 degrees also

called Brahma Granthi; from Svadhistana to Anahata is called Surya Khanda which

has 116 degrees and also called Vishnu Granthi; from Visuddhi to Ajna is called

Chandra Khanda which has 136 degrees and also called Rudra Granthi.


The Kubjika Tantra says that:


Prakasa svarupa nirupadhika nishkala siva along with his chit sakti becomes

‘Para”. This is sopadhika (Sa+Upadhi) (with chit as the medium). This ‘Para’

again has become five fold which are called Pradhana Mayuukha (Pradhana = Prime

; Mayuukha = Kiranas/Rays). They are 1) Para 2) Iccha 3) Jnana 4) Kriya 5)

Kundalini 6) Matrika. Para is the mother of all the 5 rays. These are 6

aamnaayas / mayuukhas / marichis. These 6 shadaanvayas have transformed

themselves into the entire universe.



The vikaasa (expansion) of these shad anvayaas are as follows:


1) Para has become 4 fold; Iccha has become 5 fold; Jnana has become 4 fold;

Kriya has become 7 fold; Kundalini has become 4 fold; Matrika has become 8 fold.

So, the total becomes 4+5+4+7+4+8 = 32.


These 32 rashmis / marichis / rays are the aspect of Para and preside over the

Manas at the Ajna Chakra. Since, the brahmanda is siva-saktyamaka, these 32

kiranas which are related to Sakti should be added with 32 rays of Siva. These

become 64 kiranas. These 64 kiranas / degrees are visualized in Ajna Chakra of

Pindanda. The 32 jiva dharmas to be contemplated at Ajna Chakra are : 1) 4 fold

aspect of Para (Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama, Vaikhari) 2) 5 fold aspects of Iccha

Sakti (Kartri, Karayitri, Upakartri, Pratrikarti, Udasina) 3) 4 fold aspects of

Jnana sakti (Jnatra, Jnana, Jneya, Avyakta Chitta Vritti) 4) 7 aspects of Kriya

Sakti (Ishta, Purtha, Svaadhyaya, Japa, Puja, Tapa, Dana) 5) 4 aspects of

Kundalini (Unnaya, Laya, Pratyavritti, Visranti) 6) 8 aspects of Matrika

(A-varga, Ka-varga, Cha-varga, Ta-varga, Tha-varga, Pa-varga, Ya-varga,

Sh-varga)(Entire 50 matrikas). All these constitute 32 dharmas in Ajna Chakra

which are corresponding to 32 rashmis of this



2) Iccha presides over the Akasa tattva of Visuddhi chakra of the pindanda of

Jiva with 36 kiranas. Again add 36 kiranas / rays of siva to this. It becomes

72 rays / degrees. The Jiva dharma to be meditated are 36 tattvas ie., 1) Siva

2) Sakti 3) Sadasiva 4) Ishwara 5) Suddha Vidya 6) Maya 7) Kalaa 8) Vidya 9)

Raga 10) Kaala 11) Niyati 12) Purusha 13) Prakriti 14) Ahamkara 15) Buddhi 16)

Manas 17 – 21) Pancha Jnanendriyas 22-26) Pancha Karmendriyas 27-31) Pancha

Tanmaatras (Sabda, Sparsa, Rupa, Rasa, Gandha) 32-36) Pancha Mahabhutas (Gross

Elements). All these constitute 36 dharmas that have to be meditated

correspondingly with 36 Rashmis at Vishuddhi Chakra.


3) Jnana presides over the Vaayu tattva of Anahata chakra with 27 kiranas.

Add 27 kiranas related to Siva. It becomes 54 rays / degrees. . The jiva

dharma to be contemplated and meditated are 1) Pancha Tanmatras 2) Pancha Bhutas

3) Pancha Karmendriyas 4) Pancha Jnanendriyas 5) Antahkarana Chatushtaya (Manas,

Buddhi, Chitta, Ahamkara) 6) Kala 7) Prakriti 8) Niyati 9) Purusha. All these

constitute 27 jiva dharmas that have be meditated correspondingly with 27



4) Kriya presides over the Agni tattva of Svadhistana chakra with 31 kiranas /

rashmis. Add 31 rashmis to it related to Siva. It becomes 62 rashmis /

degrees. The jiva dharma to be contemplated are 1) Pancha bhutas 2) Pancha

Tanmaatras 3) Pancha Jnanendriyas 4) 5 aspects of these Pancha Jnanendriyas 5)

Pancha Karmendriyas 6) 5 functions of these 5 karmendriyas 7) Manas (Mind). All

these constitute 31 jiva dharmas that correspond to 31 rashmis.


5) Kundalini presides over the Jala tattva of Manipura charka with 26 kiranas.

Add 26 kiranas of siva to it, it becomes 52 kiranas / degrees. The Jiva Dharmas

to be contemplated are 1) Pancha Bhutas 2) Pancha Jnanendriyas 3) Five aspects

(vishayas) of 5 Jnanendriyas 4) Pancha Karmendriyas 5) 5 functions of these

pancha karmendriyas 6) Manas (Mind). All these constitute 26 jiva dharmas to be

contemplated corresponding to 26 rashmis.


6) Matrika devi presides over the Prithvi tattva of Mooladhara charka with 28

kiranas. Add 28 kiranas of siva, it becomes 56 kiranas / degrees. The jiva

dharma to be contemplated and meditated are 1) Pancha Tanmatras 2) Pancha Bhutas

3) Pancha Karmendriyas 4) Pancha Jnanendriyas 5) Antahkarana Chatushtaya (Manas,

Buddhi, Chitta, Ahamkara) 6) Kala 7) Prakriti 8) Niyati 9) Purusha 10) Mahat.

All these constitute 28 jiva dharmas corresponding to 28 Rashmis / Marichis /




If you take the total of all the degrees / kiranas / marichis / rays of the 6

chakras in pindanda of jiva, it becomes: 360 degrees / rashmis / marichis /

mayuukhas / rays.



Apart from these 360 degrees, if the above mentioned 6 (Para, Iccha, Jnana,

Kriya, Kundalini, Matrika) sakti tattvas and 6 siva tattvas, the total becomes:

360+6+6 = 372 degrees.


The Upasaka should do the bhavana (contemplate) on “Shat Kona Yantra”

(Hexagon) which is the diagrammatic representation of 6 shaktis (Para, Iccha,

Jnana, Kriya, Kundalini, Matrika) at Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata,

Svadhistana, Manipura, Mooladhara charkas respectively. Respectively Rashmi

devatas are to be meditated at these charkas by placing this shat kona yantra.


At Mooladhara, 28 Rashmis have to be contemplated in this shat kona yantra, 28

Rashmis (4+5+6+4+5+4 Numbers of Rashmis / Marichis in each triangle of shat

kona). At Manipura Chakra, total of 26 rashmis (4+4+6+4+5+3 nos. of rashmis in

each triangle of shat kona) have to be contemplated. At Svadhistana, total of

31 rashmis (5+5+6+4+5+6 nos. of rashmis in each triangle of shat kona) have to

be contemplated. At Anahata, total of 27 rashmis (4+5+6+4+5+3 nos. of rashmis

in each triangle of shat kona) have to be contemplated. In Vishuddhi, a total

of 36 rashmis (6+6+6+6+6+6 nos. of rashmis in each triangle of shat kona) have

to be contemplated. In Ajna, a total of 32 rashmis (4+5+4+7+4+8 nos. of rashmis

in each triangle of shat kona) have to be contemplated. At Sahasrara Chakra,

this Shat Kona Yantra has to be placed and at the centre, Bhairava and Bhairavi

have to be contemplated.


It is to be noted that these 360 degrees of Kala Chakra / 360 Rashmis /

Marichis / Kiranas / Rays are from Mooladhara to Ajna Chakras. The Prakasa and

Vimarsa rupa Maha Tripurasundari sporting at Sahasrara, controlling these 360

rashmis, remains untouched by Kala Chakra. Hence, she is called “Desa Kalaa

Paricchinna”. She is also called “Shad Adhvaateeta Rupini”. Adhvaas are called

Maargas (Paths). The 6 paths are respectively Kalaa, Tattva, Bhuvana, Mantra,

Pada and Varna. These 6 paths represent Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, Svadhistana,

Manipura, Mooladhara Chakras correspondingly. Since, Mahatripurasundari is

sporting at Sahasrara charka which is beyond the reach of these 6 paths

(charkas), it is called “Shad Adhvaateeta Rupini”.






Uddiswara, Uddiswari, Jaleswara, Jaleswari, Poorneshwara, Poorneshwari,

Kameswara, Kameswari, Srikanta, Gagana, Anantha, Svarasa, Sankara, Mati,

Pingala, Pataaladevi, Saadakhya, Nada, Ananda, Dakini, Aalasya, Rakini,

Mahananda, Lakini, Yogya, Kakini, Atita, Sakini, Pada, Hakini, Adharesa, Rakta,

Chakresha, Chanda, Kurangisa, Karala, Mudadrisa, Mahocchushma, Anadivimala,

Matangi, Sarvagyavimala, Pulinda, Yogavimala, Sambari, Siddhavimala, Vaachapara,

Samayavimala, Kulalika, Mitresa, Kubja, Uddisa, Laghvi, Sashtisa, Kuleswari,

Charyadhisa, Aja.




Sadyojata, Maya, Vamadeva, Sri, Aghora, Padma, Tatpurusha, Ambika, Anantha,

Nivritti, Anatha, Pratishta, Anasrita, Vidya, Achintya, Santa, Sasisekhara, Uma,

Tivra, Ganga, Manivaha, Saraswathi, Ambuvahah, Kamala, Tejodhisa, Parvati,

Vidyavagishwara, Chitra, Chaturvidyeswara, Sukamala, Umangeswara, Manmadha,

Krishneshwara, Sriya, Srikanta, Laya, Anantha, Sati, Sankara, Ratnamekhala,

Pingala, Yashovati, Sadaakhya, Hamsananda, Paradivyougha, Vaama, Maaradivyougha,

Jyestha, Pithougha, Raudri, Sarveshwara, Sarvamayee







Parapara, Chandeswari, Parama, Chakshusmati, Tatpara, Guhyakali, Apara,

Samvarta, Chidananda, Nila Kubja, Aghora, Gandha, Samarasa, Rasa, Lalitha,

Smara, Svaccha, Sparsa, Bhuteswara, Sabda, Ananda, Dakini, Aalasya, Ratna

Dakini, Prabhananda, Chakra Dakini, Yogananda, Padma Dakini, Atita, Kubja

Dakini, Svada, Prachanda Dakini, Yogiswara, Chanda, Pitheswara, Pesala,

Kulakuleswara, Pavani, Kuksheswara, Samaya, Srikanta, Kama, Anantha, Revati,

Sankara, Jwala, Pingala, Karala, Madaakhya, Kubjika, Kalaratriguru, Para,

Siddhaguru, Santyateeta, Ratnaguru, Santa, Sivaguru, Vidya, Melaguru, Pratishta,

Samayaguru, Nivritti




Khageswara, Bhadra, Kurma, Aadhara, Mesha, Kosha, Mina, Mallika, Jnana,

Vimala, Mahananda, Sarvari, Tivra, Lila, Priya, Kumuda, Kaulika, Menaka, Damara,

Dakini, Rama, Rakini, Lamara, Lakini, Kamara, Kakini, Samara, Sakini, Hamara,

Hakini, Adhaaresa, Raaka, Chakresa, Bindu, Kukura, Kula, Mayasreesa, Kubjika,

Hrudeesa, Kamakala, Sirasa, Kuladipika, Sikhesa, Sarvesa, Varma, Bahurupa,

Astresa, Mahattari, Paraguru, Mangala, Paradhiguru, Kosata, Pujyaguru, Raamaa




Hridaya, Kauliki, Dhara, Kanta, Bhoga, Vishwa, Bhaya, Yogini, Mahah,

Brahmasara, Siva, Sabari, Drava, Kalika, Rasa, Dushtachandali, Moha, Aghoresi,

Manomaya, Hela, Keka, Maharaktha, Jnanaguhya, Kubjika, Khara, Dakini, Jwalana,

Sakini, Mahaakula, Lakini, Bhiyojwala, Kakini, Teja, Sakini, Murdha, Hakini,

Vayu, Papaghni, Kula, Simha, Samhara, Kulaambika, Vishwambhara, Kaama, Kautila,

Kunamaata, Galavah, Katkaali, Vyomah, Vyomaa, Svasanah, Nada, Khechara,

Mahadevi, Baahulah, Mahattari, Tatah, Kundalini, Kulaateetah, Kulesi, Ajah,

Iimdika, Anantha, Dipika, Eesha, Rechika, Sikhah, Mochika, Paramah, Para, Parah,





Parah, Paraa, Bharah, Bharaa, Chit, Chitpara, Mahamaya, Mahamaypara, Sristi,

Sristipara, Iccha, Icchapara, Sthiti, Sthithipara, Nirodha, Nirodhapara, Mukti,

Muktipara, Jnana, Jnanapara, Satya, Sateepara, Asatya, Asateepara, Satasat,

Satasatpara, Kriya, Kriyapara, Atma, Atmapara, Indriyaasrayah, Indiyaasrayapara,

Gochara, Gocharapara, Lokamukhyah, Lokamukhyapara, Vedavat, Vedavatpara, Samvit,

Samvitpara, Kundalini, Kundalinipara, Saushamni, Saushamnipara, Pranasutra,

Pranasutrapara, Syandah, Syandapara, Matrika, Matrikapara, Svarodhbhavah,

Svarodhbhavapara, Varnajah, Varnajapara, Sabdajah, Sabdajapara, Varnajaatah,

Varnajaatapara, Vargajah, Vargajaapara, Samyogah, Samyogapara, Mantravigrah,



These are the 360 Rashmi / Marichi Devatas that have to be meditated in shat

charkas along with the Jiva dharmas mentioned above.


It is to be noted that these 360 rashmi devatas, 6 sakti tattvas (Para, Iccha,

Jnana, Kriya, Kundalini, Matrika) along with their 6 siva tattvas become

360+6+6 = 372 degrees.


One who meditates on these aspects becomes Maha Siddha Avadhuta.


Maha Bhairavanka Nilayaam Padmavatim Bhavaye.....


With regards,






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