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Lopamudra Vidya (Haadi Vidya) Mantra Uddhara and the Guru Parampara of this

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Sriram- your writeup on the Hadikrama was wonderful. I must mention

that it differs in certain points from Hadikrama modern practitioners

from Himagiri Khanda. Shashathanatha is seen as an emanation or

incarnation of Skanda. But he is considered as belonging to the

Manavaugha rather than the Amaraugha. His disciple Charyendranatha is

seen as further propagating the Hadikrama in the kaliyuga, like



We should also keep in mind that there is a common confusion that the

author of the Chidgaganachandrika is Kalidasa the old author of the

Meghaduta and Kumarasambhava etc. But actually it was Shrivatsa

Mankha who was in the Himachala Kshetra known as Kalidasa of his era

for his Kavita. He was from the Purnagiri Pitha and student of

Somagupta in Shrividya Kramas.


Of course in the guru paramapara before Shivanandanatha we have

Ojaraja, Jayaratha and Bhutiraja. Even earlier there is Anandavardhana

who was probably the same as the great author on Alankara. There was

another Bhutiraja who was a Mimamsaka but did have initiation of

Haadikrama. He was probably historically before Abhinavagupta. This

Bhutiraja's disciple line I am told had Shrinivas Bhatta who settled

in Dravid desh.



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