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Rudra tattva and Anjaneya swarupa

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Dear devotees,


This is a short article by me regarding the Rudra and Hanuman swarupa. The

Rudra which is non-different from Agni / Parama Purusha / Indweller in the Heart

of Jiva (Antaryami) is considered to be the supreme purusha of the Universe.

This Agni becomes Visvedevatas, Marut Ganas, Vaayu (Mukhya / Sreshta (chief)

Prana). The Hanuman which is Mukhya Swarupa with dual aspects of Agni and Vaayu

is considered to be an aspect of Rudra (Maha Rudra Avatar).


In Veda, the Parama Purusha which is non-different from Agni manifests itself

in 3-fold ie., Agni in Prithvi (Bhu), Agni in Mid Air (Vydyutagni Agni)

(Bhuvah), Agni in Sun (Sauragni) (Suvah). This Vyudyutagni, which is

non-different from Indra, an aspect of Rudra in Mid Air, which is the chief

controller of Marut and Vaayu is considered as Father of Marut Ganas. This

Indra-Agni Shakti is always associated with Visvedevatas and Maruts (Vaayu).

This two-fold aspect of Bhagavan Rudra ie., Indra-Vayu combined, rule the Mid

Air where Earth and Heaven meet. This Vyudyutagni is said to have holding the

weapon “Thunder Bolt”. This couple Marut-Vaayu is also called Mukhya Praana or

Sreshta Praana in Veda.


It is this two-fold Agni that is Indra-Vaayu that presides over the Mid Air

becoming 11-fold pervading in 11 different directions (in 10 directions + 1 in

the Middle). These are the Ekadasa (11) Rudras. They are i) Prabhrajamanah

(The Refulgent) 2) Vyavadatah (The All-Spreading) 3) Vaasuki Vyudyutah (The

Lightning of Indra) 4) Rajatah (The Silvery One) 5) Syamah (The Darkish One) 6)

Kapilah (The Jet Black One)7) Lohitah (The Red One)8) Ati Lohitah (The Ruddish

One) 9) Urdhvah (The Upward Going One)10) Apavantah (The Descending One)11)

Vyudyutah (The Lightening One). These 11 Rudras pervade in 8 directions, (1)

one above, (1) one below and one in the Middle along with their Rudranis.


The 11th Rudra which is in the Middle, is the heart of everything, the

Antaryami of Jiva and Parama Purusha. This 11th Rudra inspires the individual

along with his 10 aspects presiding over 10 pranas, 5 jnanendriyas and 5

karmendriyas of the Jiva. These 11 rudras pervade the three worlds in Bhu,

Bhuvah, Suvah. 10 rudras (excluding the middle one) each become 10-fold again.

So, 10x10 = 100 rudras. These sata (100) rudras are extolled in Rudra Adhyaya

and hence, it is called Sata Rudriya.


Rudra Abhisheka done to Rudra rupa Siva along with Namaka and Chamaka

propitiate these 100 Rudras which give health, prosperity, peace, longevity to

the Upasaka. This Rudra has again 2 forms ie., Ghora (Fierce) and Aghora

(Calm). He holds the arrows that are of the form of Anna (food), Vaata (Vaayu)

and Varsha (Rain). In his Ghora form, he punishes the Jiva with indigestion,

diseases related to Vaata Doshas, drought, famine and floods. In his Aghora

Rupa, he nourishes us with good harvest of paddy, timely rains, nourishing food,

medicines, vitality, mental peace, health and prosperity.


Now, this Mukhya / Sreshta Praana is interpreted as “Mukhe Bhavati Iti Mukhya

Pranaha” ie., that which resides in the jaw. One of the greatest saints of

Madhva Philosophy is the Raghavendra Tirtha of Mantralayam. He was a great

upasaka of Moola Rama and Anjaneya. This great saint, in exposing the Madhva

Siddhanta, in one of his commentaries, quotes that Hanuma is the aspect of Vaayu

which is the Praana Tattva in Macro as well as Microcosm. This Vaayu devata is

the messenger and chief diety at Vaikuntha Loka where Vishnu resides (as per

dvaita philosophy). For dvaitas, they have to serve Vaayu devata to get the

grace of Lord Vishnu. As per dvaita philosophy “Hari Sarvottamah Vaayu

Jivottamah”. Hari at Vaikunta Loka is the most supreme lord whereas the Vaayu

which is the Praana Devata, the diety of Vital Force is most supreme among the

Individuals. Praana, an aspect of Vaayu, being the vital force in our body

assumes 5 chief forms 1) Praana 2) Apaana 3) Vyaana 4)

Udaana 5) Samaana. These five forms of praanas are the 5 faces of Lord Pancha

Mukha Hanuman. Again these 5 praana tattvas are under the control of Mukhya

Praana, as mentioned above. Again, Hanuma is also having an aspect of Agni in

him as he is a Rudra Virya Samudbhava. Hence, Hanuma is considered as dual

aspect of Vaayu and Agni and shines as Vydyutagni Swarupa. His weapon is also

Vajraa (thunder bolt) (pl. refer Hanuman Chalia of Tulasidasa: “Haath Vaajra aur

Dhwaja Viraje….).


Hence, in order to get the grace of Rama (Hari Sarvottama), one has to

surrender to the Hanuma (Jivottama) who paves the way for Vaikuntha. This was

expounded by Raghavendra Thirtha.


With regards,







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