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dear members,

namaskarams! i am a sri vidya upasaka hailing from

mumbai. my GURU SRI RAM IYER initiated me in to the

panchadashi along with sri guru paduka and the mantras

of attendant deities like ganapathy bala chandi

shyamala varahi etc . my guru is no longer in his

physical form . i have certain doubts. pl clarify the

same and oblige.

3. is it true that if we do kumkum archana on

meru,etc, we have to offer maha neivedya? or lots of


1. how can i link up to my sri guru ?

2. for certain personal problems and reasons i was not

able to perform my daily japa puja as well as

navavarana pujas. before starting the same is it

necessary to do any prayisschita ritual?again do i

have to do the japa of all the mantras initiated into?


4. how can i evolve spiritually on this path?

i hope my doubts are cleared by your kind selves. pl

bless me,love,sanjay






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While offering neivedya is an upachara anything a fruit or milk would do for

that matter and She doesnt demand lot of it as you have put it. Generally maha

neivedya is offered to Her as it is our staple food and when such food is

consumed by us it has an effect of purifying our mind and has an effect of

spiritual evolution.


For an initiate while it is compulsory to do the anustanams as directed by the

guru, it may happen that one could miss it for factors beyond one's control. In

such cases it is best to compensate for the loss of japa and puja on other days

when you are free. For the negligence of shisyas, it is unfortunately the guru

who pays the price through silent suffering either bodily or mentally.





sanjay menon <sanjay_menon2002 wrote:

dear members,

namaskarams! i am a sri vidya upasaka hailing from

mumbai. my GURU SRI RAM IYER initiated me in to the

panchadashi along with sri guru paduka and the mantras

of attendant deities like ganapathy bala chandi

shyamala varahi etc . my guru is no longer in his

physical form . i have certain doubts. pl clarify the

same and oblige.

3. is it true that if we do kumkum archana on

meru,etc, we have to offer maha neivedya? or lots of


1. how can i link up to my sri guru ?

2. for certain personal problems and reasons i was not

able to perform my daily japa puja as well as

navavarana pujas. before starting the same is it

necessary to do any prayisschita ritual?again do i

have to do the japa of all the mantras initiated into?


4. how can i evolve spiritually on this path?

i hope my doubts are cleared by your kind selves. pl

bless me,love,sanjay



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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani "






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As a regular worshipperof Devi doing Sahsranama Archana with kumkumam

I have been instructed that wheneer possible a sweet should be offered as

Neyvediyam or Dry Fruits with honey and ghee.Mahaneyvediyam is


ganapathy = = vijaya <srividya101 wrote:



While offering neivedya is an upachara anything a fruit or milk would do for

that matter and She doesnt demand lot of it as you have put it. Generally maha

neivedya is offered to Her as it is our staple food and when such food is

consumed by us it has an effect of purifying our mind and has an effect of

spiritual evolution.

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Dear Divine Brother,


You are not clear whether you have been given maha guru paduka and maha

shodashakshari mantras, because for the upasana of varahi and mathangi, these

are absolutely essential and necessary.

I do believe that you do the nava-avarana puja upto pancha dasakshari (9th

avarana) and not doing amnayas because that requires peeta athikara and " sarva

mantra adhikarobhaveth " .

Anyway you are blessed to have been given the diksha and the mantras.

Doing kunkuma archana or archana with flower is one's option. Even akshata is

used for archana. Neivedhyam of " athma nivedanam " is the best one and divine

mother does not expect you to do nivedhyam with payasan, chakkara annam etc. U

will find that visesha argyam is first offered is nivedhyam to Devi and this is

most significant and others are only secondary and are used to please one self

and others, because the pooja takes longer time and devotees and bakthas coming

there will feel hungry and these prasadams will quench their hunger.

Regarding linking up the guru mandalam, this is absolutely essential if one has

to get the total benefit of the Gurus. For this purpose the tripurusha guru

paduka is given and one should know how to link these so that the parapara guru

who is merged with the energy of God will transmit that energy to the last

sishya of the parampara. But these can be taught personally only and cannot be

put into paper, as said the total energy will have to be transmitted to the

recipient. If you are so keen it is better for you to meet me. No fees are

charged and services are absolutely free. What is needed is only good intention,

honesty and absolute faith.

Please do not again think of prayachitta. Once you do the nava avarana puja

which is the foremost of all the pujas all evils go away, all pirtus become

happy, and the environment becomes divine and harmony becomes evident.

Meditation (Dhyana) is getting while prayer is begging. Dhyana becomes the final

part of srividhya upasana and this gives the interaction for integration without

body and mind contact. You can learn this process also, if desired.


Let none think that I am trying to brow beat myself. Actually not. I want to

share and care of what little I have known and that is all.


Kindest regards,





: sanjay_menon2002: Sat, 9 Feb 2008

07:21:45 -0800 doubts





dear members, namaskarams! i am a sri vidya upasaka hailing frommumbai. my GURU

SRI RAM IYER initiated me in to thepanchadashi along with sri guru paduka and

the mantrasof attendant deities like ganapathy bala chandishyamala varahi etc .

my guru is no longer in hisphysical form . i have certain doubts. pl clarify

thesame and oblige. 3. is it true that if we do kumkum archana onmeru,etc, we

have to offer maha neivedya? or lots ofnaivedya? 1. how can i link up to my sri

guru ? 2. for certain personal problems and reasons i was notable to perform my

daily japa puja as well asnavavarana pujas. before starting the same is

itnecessary to do any prayisschita ritual?again do ihave to do the japa of all

the mantras initiated into?4. how can i evolve spiritually on this path? i hope

my doubts are cleared by your kind selves. plbless


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  • 2 weeks later...

dear members,

sorry for the late reply. thanx for the

answers. as directed i wil no longer have the feeling

that i have to give lots of naivedya or mahanaivedya

whn i perform kumkumaarchana. i will offer whatever is

possible. .

i have been initiated into panchadashi not shodashi. i

have also been given the padukas of my parama

..,parameshti and paratparagurus.

i have been given permission to do only the first four


pl can the learned men in the group tell me as to how

can i link up 2 my guru who is no longer in the

physical body.

how can i evolve spiritually in srividya.


regarding mantras in2 which i have been initiated as i

said in an earlier mail what mantras have to b chanted

daily. is it obligatory and necessary to chant all the

mantras initiated into daily.

pl guide and forgive my doubts,love,sanjay

--- S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai wrote:


> Dear Divine Brother,


> You are not clear whether you have been given maha

> guru paduka and maha shodashakshari mantras, because

> for the upasana of varahi and mathangi, these are

> absolutely essential and necessary.

> I do believe that you do the nava-avarana puja upto

> pancha dasakshari (9th avarana) and not doing

> amnayas because that requires peeta athikara and

> " sarva mantra adhikarobhaveth " .

> Anyway you are blessed to have been given the diksha

> and the mantras.

> Doing kunkuma archana or archana with flower is

> one's option. Even akshata is used for archana.

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Dear Sanjay,


It seems you are quite confused and I understand your problem. Do not run

from pillar to post for initiations and mantras. Already you had enough of

mantras. Starts taking up those mantras slowly that you have already been

initiated. Do not run for new mantras and burden yourself.


Once, you have chosen Sri Sriram Iyer as your gurunatha, even though he is not

present physically, still he is your guru. He is ever present in the Guru

Mandala and would guide you. The srividya upasakas living in gurumandala guide

sincere aspirants and extend their helping hand to their disciples in subtle

bodies and dreams. This is a true fact.


You already have panchadasi. What more you want? Guru who initiates with

mantra takes the karmic effects of his sishya out of pure love suffer the bad

karma of the sishya. The sishyas take them for granted.


The Guru-Sishya relationship is like Mother-Child relationship. Mother

caresses her infant, nourishes with milk. The child sleeping beside the mother

repeatedly kicks the Mother in her abdomen but still unmindful of the kicks, she

suckles the Child with milk. Same is the case with our Gurunatha who cares us

and nourishes us. Gurunatha during the initiation of Mahapaduka, enters the

body of his sishya in subtle form, activates the Amrita Nadi (a subtle nerve at

Mooladhara) and gives the initiation in the form of Maha Vedha. Kundalini

arouses and Shat Chakra Bhedana is achieved. Thereby receives the karmic

effects of his sishyas and again cleanses himself.


The process of Mahapaduka Initiation goes like this:


The sishya during the process of Diksha, experiences a vision of himself

alighted on a swan in sudha (amrita) sagara of sahasrara of the Divine Triangle

(Trikona at Chit Chandra Mandala) where his guru on another swan at chit

candramandala of sahasrara offers his helping hand to this sishya. Thus, the

guru offering his helping hand to sishya makes him cross samsara sagara by after

undergoing all the rites of purna diksha.


This sort of diksha vidhana is carried out from Adi Guru of one’s Gurumandala

down to the Sishya. It is during this process, Guru intitiates the sishya which

is called 'Maha Vedha'. This rouses the kundalini piercing the shat chakras to

chit-chandra mandala of sahasrara. Gurunatha himself doing the Anusandhana of

his Guru Paduka, imparts this experience to his Sishya. The sishya

instantaneously does the Guru Paduka Anusandhana along with his Gurunatha. And

thus, become one with Adi Guru of one’s Guru Mandala.


The process of Anusandhana of Guru Paduka is the Anusandhana of Raktha Sukla

Bindus of the pair of Kameswari and Kameswara in the samaraasya swarupa at

Sahasrara. Right from Adi Guru of one’s Guru Mandala to the present Sishya who

undergoes the Purna Diksha, everybody experience the same Ananda Rasa. This is

Purna Diksha. The Sishya taps this Ananda Rasa from his Guru Mandala. The pair

of Guru Padukas amidst the divine triangle at Sahasrara which are the

Raktha-Sukla Bindu Swarupas of the Kameswara-Kameswari. One who makes this

Anusandhana is the Gurunatha and to abide in that Ananda Rasa is the Maha

Padukantha Diksha.


So, my sincere advise is that, keep the photo of Sringeri Acharya who is the

Jagatguru. Do the Dakshinamurthy Puja and chant Dakshinamurthy Stotra. Start

the mantras that you have taken from your gurunatha. Stop hankering after



May Ambaal bless you with right direction and right inspiration,


With regards,


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Dear Brother,


Guru should be one who has the capacity to merge himself with the Divine Mother

and also transmit that mergence (energy) to the sishya, when he initiates one.

If he is not capable, sastras say that the person can change the Guru like a bee

goes to another flower, when that flower is not capable of providing more honey.

Even in mundane life one does not stop with reading in the 1st class and always

want to do Ph.D etc.

More over it is very important that one should be able to put before him the

living master when meditating and also know how to connect himself to the guru


It is right to assume, that Panchadasi is more than sufficient, which will lead

to the goal of human life but that does not mean one should not have maha

shodasi, which is rarely conferred on the sishya. Maha shodasi is for the causal

body whilst panchadasi is for the spiritual body of the aspirant.

When one's guru paduka mantra cannot make the aspirant very happy about his

achievements in the sadhana to merge with the Divine energy, there is nothing

wrong in seeking clarifications.

The so called Kundalini sakthi is misunderstood and misrepresented by every one

and again again I find that people are only interested in the body-mind blog,

whereas srividhya is purely athma vidhya which has no relationship with the body

and mind, time and distance and goes even beyond nirvikalpa samadhi, as in

nirvikalpa there is still kalpa - time. Why should one confuse himself with all

these kundalini sakthi. Can we not aspire to achieve much more beyond intelect.

it is said that in srividhya if one is able to connect the omnipotent (athma) to

his omniscience (intellect), then the omnipresence automatically happens, and

that does not need Kundalini sakthi, but the total subtle divine energy of the

Divine Mother which the Guru should be capable to transmit to the sishya. That

is all.

It is correct that Guru has all the responsibilities to uplift the sishya, but

that does not happen, unless the Guru has travelled to that state. Mere trust in

the Guru will lead to nowhere, and it is the responsibility of the Guru too to

prove his mettle. otherwise I will call it a case of " cheating " the trust,

belief and good faith which the sishya had imposed on the Guru.


Upasakas please execuse me for this abrupt comment, because I feel sorry that

always people are trying to misunderstand srividhya, which is nothing but the

purest form of athma vidhya, to merge with the ultimate reality.






: sriram_sapthasathi: Sat, 23 Feb

2008 10:56:28 +0000 Re: Doubts


Dear Sanjay,It seems you are quite confused and I understand your problem. Do

not run from pillar to post for initiations and mantras. Already you had enough

of mantras. Starts taking up those mantras slowly that you have already been

initiated. Do not run for new mantras and burden yourself.Once, you have chosen

Sri Sriram Iyer as your gurunatha, even though he is not present physically,

still he is your guru. He is ever present in the Guru Mandala and would guide

you. The srividya upasakas living in gurumandala guide sincere aspirants and

extend their helping hand to their disciples in subtle bodies and dreams. This

is a true fact.You already have panchadasi. What more you want?

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