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Upasana of 'Vak' in Chandi Sapthasathi

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Dear Saktha Bandhus,


In the 13th Chapter of Devi Sapthasathi, after hearing the divine sports of

Chandi, the king Suratha and merchant Samadhi chant the famous Rik of Devi

Suktam from Rig Veda and reflect on its purport. They did the upasana of Devi

in the form of ‘Vak’.


“VAK” in Devi Suktham of Rig Veda


Devi sukta is a popular hymn from the Rig Veda which forms the gateway to

Chandi Sapthasathi. It contains 8 riks. The Mantra Drashta of the Devi Suktam is

the daughter of Rishi Ambhrina whose name is also Vaak. And hence, it is also

called " Ambhrina Sukta " or " Vak Sukta " . This great mantra “Devi Suktam” sprang

forth from the deep chasms of the her (the Rishika Vaak) heart which is

Atma-Stuti when she was in communion with her Chit / I-ness / Aham Sphurana in

the her Hridaya Guha Rupa Dahara Akasa.


The Upaasya Devata of this Suktam is also “Vak”. The entire sapthasathi is

also the Upasana of Vak in the form of Chandi. The three charitas represent Bhu,

Bhuvah and Suvar lokas. These 3 lokas represent Agni, Vayu, Surya Tattvas in the

Macrocosm or the Brahmanda and as Anna (Physical), Prana (Vital), Manas (Mental)

in the Microcosm or the Pindanda. The Mula Prakriti which is the source of

these 3 is the Vak rupa Chandi. This is also called the ‘Sandhya’ (Pl. refer the

Brahma Stuthi or 1st chapter :”Tvameva Sandhya Savitri Tvam Veda Janani

Paraa..). The Chandi who is of the form of Para Vak manifests as Pashyanti,

Madhyama, Vaikhari eventually in Sapthasathi as 3 cycles.


There are few scholars who are of the view that Chandi Sapthasathi is the

expression of Srichakra. If we omit the 13th Chapter as Phalasruthi of Chandi

Sapthasathi then the 12 chapters represent 1) Bhupura 2) Prathama Vritta, 3)

Dwithiya Vritta, 4) Thritiya Vritta, 5) Shodasadala Padma, 6) Ashtadala Padma,

7) Chaturdasara, 8) Bahirdasara, 9) Antardasara, 10) Ashtakona, 11) Trikona, 12)

Bindu of the Srichakra respectively.


This Vak rupa Devi who is the power of Brahmanaspati has been extolled in

Vedas in different ways and forms. Brahmanaspati is the Cause and Vak is the

Effect. The Unmanifested Speech is Brahamanaspati and Manifested Speech is Vak.

This Vak manifests in 4 different ways. In Macrocosm, it places is 4 feet on

Prithvi, Mid Air, Heaven and Ether. In Microcosm it manifests are Anna

(Physical), Prana (Vital), Manas (Mental) and Speech (Mouth).


The Vak gets manifested in two forms. One form is Nada (Sound) in the form of

Pranava and the other form is Teja (Effulgence / Luminance). Through Nada, the

entire universe is manifested and through Teja, the entire universe is

illumined. Through the Teja, we get the Cognizance of the Knowledge of existence

of universe.


It is with this ‘Vak’ the daughter of Rishi “Ambhrina” by name “Vaak” – a

rishika, gets communed and identifies herself with Chit Agni rupa Vak. And thus,

sprang forth this wonderful sukta “Devi Suktam”. This “Vak” is the “Aham”

Sphurana or the “I-ness” in Dahara Akasa.


This Devi Suktam, which is in Rig Veda, forms the Uttara Anga of “Devi

Mahatmyam” / Durga Sapthasathi / Sri Chandi Sapthasathi. The Purva Anga of Sri

Chandi Sapthasathi is Devi Kavacha, Argala, Kilaka, Ratri Sukta, Navakshari Japa

and Uttara Anga is Navakshari, Devi Sukta, Rahasya Traya respectively.



The Rishika Vaak exclaims in divine ecstasy as follows:


Aham Rudrebir Vasubih Charami …………) (Devi Sukta of Rig Veda) – I move along

with 11 rudras and 8 vasus, 12 suns, viswedevatas, mitra, varuna, indra, agni,

soma, asvini devatas.


This Vaak has become Nada in the form of Rudra (11 Rudras), Teja in the form

of 8 Vasus, 12 Adityas, Dharma in the form of Mitra, Adharma in the form of

Varuna, Nector in the form of Soma, Sukha in the form of Indra, Dukha in the

form of Agni. This Agni is Brahmanaspati and its un-differentiated power is

Vaak. This pair of ‘Brahmanaspati -Vaak in Vedas are called “Para Siva – Chit”

or “Shiva – Shakti” that shines in Dahara Akasa in Hridaya Guha (Heart Cave).


The Vaak along with the Pranava Nada externally manifests are 11 Nada Swarupas

which are called 11 Rudras. These 11 Rudras also preside over 5 Karmendriyas,

5 Jnanendriyas and Manas (Mind) in the Jiva.


This Vaak as Tejo Rupa gets manifested as 8 (Ashta) Vasus.


11 forms of Nada – Ekadasa Rudras :

A, U, M (Bindu), Ardha Chandra, Rodini, Nada, Nadaantha, Sakti, Vyapika,

Samana, Unmani


8 Vasus : Anala, Anila, Soma, Ahas, Dhara, Dhruva, Pratyoosha, Prabhaasa.

Gita says “Vasoonaam Paavakaschaasmi”. Agni occupies a Chief among the Vasus.


These 8 vasus controls the ashta bhava vikaras in the Jiva.


12 Adityas : Amsa, Aryaman , Bhaga, Daksa, Mitra, Pusan, Sakra, Savitr,

Tvastar, Varuna, Vishnu, Vivasvat


These are combination of 4 Antahkaranas x 3 Gunas -4x3=12 Adityas) (Manas,

Buddhi, Chitta, Ahamkara x Sattva, Rajas, Tamas). When these indriyas are

illumined ie., during pravritti marga, they are 12 Adityas and during nivritti

marga, they are 12 Ratris.


Mitra & Varuna : Dharma & Adharma


Indra & Agni : Sukha and Dukha


Twin Aswini Devatas : Prana & Apana (Vaayu tattva)


Soma : Presides over Mind


Thus, it is this ‘Vak’ that manifests as 11 forms of Nada as Rudras, 8 forms

of Agni as Vasus, 12 combinations of Antahkarana with Gunatraya, Dharma and

Adharma, Sukha and Dukha, Prana and Apana, Mind.


“Aham Rudraaya Dhanuratanomi Brahmadvishe Sarave Hantha Va U.” (Rig Veda –

Devi Sukta)


It is this Vak that inspires the Rudra to lift his bow for Tripurasura

Samhara. Tripuras are the places where Avidya, Kama, Karma reside in the

Pindanda. The Devi when pleased inspires the Consciousness – the Rudra to lift

and hold his Pinaka – the Bow. Pranava is the Dhanuh – the Bow. It is with this

Pranava rupa Dhanuh / Bow, the annihilation of Avidya, Kama, Karma – the

Tripurasuras are achieved. This is Tripurasura-samhara. The destruction of

Avidya, Kama, Karma is achieved only with the grace of Devi.


With regards,



Namah Savitre.




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