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Nandikeswara Commentary on Maheswara Sutras and theory of evolution in Srividya

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Dear Saktha Bandhus,


This is a short effort of mine to correlate between the 14 Maheshwara sutras

with respect to the Principles of Creation in Srividya.


Given are the 16 vowels and 33 consonants that are evolved from these 14 Siva



16 vowels (a – ch)


a, Aa, i, Ii, u, Uu, ri, rii, lri, lrii, e, ai, o au, am, ah


33 consonants (ha l)


ka, kha, ga, gha, gna

ca, cha, ja, jha, jna

ta, ttha, da ddha, nna

ta, tha, da, dha, na

pa, pha, ba, bha, ma

ya, ra, la, va

sa, sha, sa



The tantra stresses the importance of sound as a divine substance and vehicle

for salvation. Time (Kaala) brings about change to the natural state of a thing

in the divine influence of the Principle of Dynamics. Time (Kala) changes

Prakriti to Vikriti. Prakriti crystallizes as Bindu, which gets transformed

into the trichotomy of sthula, sukshma & para. These are called Bija, Nada and

Bindu. Bija is Sakti, Bindu is Siva and Nada is combination of Siva-Sakti. The

entire cosmos is the evolution of this Bindu. The initial vibration in Bindu is

Nada or Sabda.


The initial letter ‘a’ in the vowel represents PRAKASA - SIVA and the final

‘ha’ in the consonant represent VIMARSA - SAKTI. Both these letters combined

become Siva-Sakti Principle which is otherwise called “AHAM”. This ‘AHAM’ is the

underlying principle of entire Cosmos. The projection of AHAM is the Cosmos.

AHAM is of the form of 16 vowels and 34 consonants. This AHAM is the I-Ness of

Siva which is otherwise called the CHIT KALA or KAMAKALA. The Cognosis

Principle in this AHAM is of pure, non-objective bliss which is the first letter

‘a’. This ‘a’ is Para Siva. This Siva-Sakti are the Father and Mother (Jagatah

Pitarau Vande Parvati Parameswarau) of the Cosmos.


The Nataraja in Chidambaram or Tillaivanam performs the Tandava dance before

Patanjali, Vyaghrapada, Sanaka, Sanandana and other sages. At the close of the

dance, Nataraja produces 14 sounds with his Damaruka. From these 14 sounds,

emanated 14 Sutras and 14 branches of vedic learning. The fourteen sounds

produced by Nataraja’s drum are the means by which the Reality of Siva is to be

known and experienced within us. The sages obtained the inner vision to see

this Great Cosmic dance of Siva. At the end, everyone were in the ocean of

Bliss Absolute. Among those present at Nataraja’s dance was Panini. For him

these 14 sounds meant the fourteen cardinal sutras of Grammer and on them he

based his “Ashtadhyayi”. The Nataraja was the Sabda-Brahma Incarnate and at the

conclusion of his Tandava, these series of fourteen letters emanated:



1) a i un 2) r l k 3) e on 4) ai au c 5) ha ya va ra t 6) la n 7) jna ma gna

Nna na m

8) jha bha n 9) gha dad ha s 10) ja ba ga da da s 11) kha pha cha that ha ca

ta ta v 12) ka pa y 13) sa sa sar 14) ha l


Nandikeswara and Upamanyu have written commentaries upon these 14 sutras. The

following is the summary of the commentaries:


1st Sutra: a i un

Nirguna Parabrahma who is Siva is denoted by first letter ‘a’. The Sakti in

the form of Chit Kala is denoted by ‘i’ in this sutra. This is the medium or

upadhi. Siva (a) with Sakti (i) as upadhi gets manifested as Saguna Brahma (u).

This saguna brahma (u) gets transformed into Jagat (n).


Here ‘a’ is non-objective bliss – Siva tattva; ‘i’ is the Kamakala – Sakti

tattva; ‘u’ is Ishwara tattva


2nd Sutra: r l k

‘r’ is Sarveshwara tattva; ‘l’ is Maya tattva; ‘k’ is Jagat that is being



The Siva (a) with Sakti (i) gets manifested as r, l, k


3rd Sutra: e on

e is the product of a and i ie., Para siva and Sakti. O is the product of a

and u. This imply that Para Siva with Chit as Upadhi got manifested as Jagat

and became Ishwara Tattva.


4th Sutra: ai au c

Para Siva (a) with his Sakti (e) and His Will (i) becoming Paramaatma (o) has

become © the Consciousness or Jnana Swarupa (u).


ai in this sutra is the Vak Bija (AIM).


Entire vowels of 16 in numbers are in between these 4 sutras. Vowels are also

called ‘Ach’ and consonants are called ‘hal’. From the 1st sutra, ‘a’ is taken

out and from the 4th sutra, c is taken out. They become ‘ach’. These are 16



5th Sutra : ha ya va ra t

6th Sutra: la n


From the 5th and 6th sutras, pancha bhutas (5 gross elements) have originated.

Ha is akasa, ya is vaayu, va is jala, ra is agni, la is prithvi. Pancha Bhuta

Bija Mantras (lam, ham, yam, ram, vam) have originated from these varnas. ‘la’

which is prithvi is the basis of all the beings. From this ’la’ originated

medicinal plants and food. Food becomes ‘sukra’ among males and ‘sonita’ among

females. From sukra-sonita, jiva has evolved. Thus, Parama Siva (a) with Sakti

(i) becomes 5 gross elements and Jiva tattva.




7th Sutra: jna ma gna Nna na m


jna, ma, gna, Nna, na becomes pancha tanmaatraas. They are Touch, Taste,

Sound, Form and Smell respectively.


8th Sutra: jha bha n

Jha : Organs of Speech (vak); bha : Hands


9th Sutra: gha dad ha s

gha : Feet; da : paayu; dha : Upastha.


Thus, Para Siva (a) with Sakti (i) becomes Organs of Action.


10th Sutra: ja ba ga da da s


Ja : skin; ba : tongue; ga: ears; da : eyes; da : nose


Thus, para siva (a) with sakti (i) becomes Organs of Knowledge


11th Sutra: kha pha cha that ha ca ta ta v

Kha is prana; pha is apana; cha is vyana; tha is udana, tha is samana, ca is

manas, ta is buddhi and ta is ahamkara respectively.


Thus, Para Siva and Sakti become Vital Airs and Antah Karana.


12th Sutra: ka pa y

Ka denotes Prakriti and Pa denotes Purusha.


Thus, Para Siva (a) with Sakti (i) becomes Prakriti (ka) and Purusha (pa).


13th Sutra: sa sa sar


Parasiva (a) with Chit Kala / Sakti (i) through Rajo Guna (sa), Tamo Guna

(sha) and Sattva Guna (sa) as Medium is performing Creation, Preservation and



14th Sutra: ha l


‘ha l’ is the essence of all principles that transcends everything in the

cosmos and is untouched by the senses (a-sparsha tattva) and is the

Consciousness in the form of ‘AHAM” or “I”.


From the 5th sutra till the 14th sutras, entire 34 consonants are in between.


By sounding the drum 14 times and evolving these 14 sutras, the Nataraja

disappears in the Chit Sabha at Tillaivanam.


The entire 36 principles of creation that Srividya speaks of can be correlated

with these 14 Siva Sutras. 50 Matrikas (16 vowels + 34 Consonants) have

originated from the 14 siva sutras. And hence, entire cosmos is in the form of

these 14 sutras.


Hence, let us pray the divine couples Siva-Sakti that are in the form of Artha

as ‘a’ and Vak as ‘i’ as:


Vaak Arthaviva Sampruktau – Vaak Artha Prathi Pattaye

Jagatah Pitarau Vande – Parvati Parameswarau.


With regards,










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Dear Venkatji, Jay Guru.


This is a great correlation. May I know the source of this, or is it

your revealation?






, venkata sriram

<sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> Dear Saktha Bandhus,


> This is a short effort of mine to correlate between the 14

Maheshwara sutras with respect to the Principles of Creation in



> Given are the 16 vowels and 33 consonants that are evolved from

these 14 Siva Sutras.


> 16 vowels (a – ch)


> a, Aa, i, Ii, u, Uu, ri, rii, lri, lrii, e, ai, o au, am, ah


> 33 consonants (ha l)


> ka, kha, ga, gha, gna

> ca, cha, ja, jha, jna

> ta, ttha, da ddha, nna

> ta, tha, da, dha, na

> pa, pha, ba, bha, ma

> ya, ra, la, va

> sa, sha, sa

> ha


> The tantra stresses the importance of sound as a divine

substance and vehicle for salvation. Time (Kaala) brings about

change to the natural state of a thing in the divine influence of

the Principle of Dynamics. Time (Kala) changes Prakriti to

Vikriti. Prakriti crystallizes as Bindu, which gets transformed

into the trichotomy of sthula, sukshma & para. These are called

Bija, Nada and Bindu. Bija is Sakti, Bindu is Siva and Nada is

combination of Siva-Sakti. The entire cosmos is the evolution of

this Bindu. The initial vibration in Bindu is Nada or Sabda.


> The initial letter `a' in the vowel represents PRAKASA - SIVA

and the final `ha' in the consonant represent VIMARSA - SAKTI. Both

these letters combined become Siva-Sakti Principle which is

otherwise called " AHAM " . This `AHAM' is the underlying principle of

entire Cosmos. The projection of AHAM is the Cosmos. AHAM is of

the form of 16 vowels and 34 consonants. This AHAM is the I-Ness of

Siva which is otherwise called the CHIT KALA or KAMAKALA. The

Cognosis Principle in this AHAM is of pure, non-objective bliss

which is the first letter `a'. This `a' is Para Siva. This Siva-

Sakti are the Father and Mother (Jagatah Pitarau Vande Parvati

Parameswarau) of the Cosmos.


> The Nataraja in Chidambaram or Tillaivanam performs the Tandava

dance before Patanjali, Vyaghrapada, Sanaka, Sanandana and other

sages. At the close of the dance, Nataraja produces 14 sounds with

his Damaruka. From these 14 sounds, emanated 14 Sutras and 14

branches of vedic learning. The fourteen sounds produced by

Nataraja's drum are the means by which the Reality of Siva is to be

known and experienced within us. The sages obtained the inner

vision to see this Great Cosmic dance of Siva. At the end, everyone

were in the ocean of Bliss Absolute. Among those present at

Nataraja's dance was Panini. For him these 14 sounds meant the

fourteen cardinal sutras of Grammer and on them he based

his " Ashtadhyayi " . The Nataraja was the Sabda-Brahma Incarnate and

at the conclusion of his Tandava, these series of fourteen letters




> 1) a i un 2) r l k 3) e on 4) ai au c 5) ha ya va ra t 6) la n

7) jna ma gna Nna na m

> 8) jha bha n 9) gha dad ha s 10) ja ba ga da da s 11) kha pha

cha that ha ca ta ta v 12) ka pa y 13) sa sa sar 14) ha l


> Nandikeswara and Upamanyu have written commentaries upon these

14 sutras. The following is the summary of the commentaries:


> 1st Sutra: a i un

> Nirguna Parabrahma who is Siva is denoted by first letter `a'.

The Sakti in the form of Chit Kala is denoted by `i' in this sutra.

This is the medium or upadhi. Siva (a) with Sakti (i) as upadhi

gets manifested as Saguna Brahma (u). This saguna brahma (u) gets

transformed into Jagat (n).


> Here `a' is non-objective bliss – Siva tattva; `i' is the

Kamakala – Sakti tattva; `u' is Ishwara tattva


> 2nd Sutra: r l k

> `r' is Sarveshwara tattva; `l' is Maya tattva; `k' is Jagat that

is being perceived.


> The Siva (a) with Sakti (i) gets manifested as r, l, k


> 3rd Sutra: e on

> e is the product of a and i ie., Para siva and Sakti. O is the

product of a and u. This imply that Para Siva with Chit as Upadhi

got manifested as Jagat and became Ishwara Tattva.


> 4th Sutra: ai au c

> Para Siva (a) with his Sakti (e) and His Will (i) becoming

Paramaatma (o) has become © the Consciousness or Jnana Swarupa



> ai in this sutra is the Vak Bija (AIM).


> Entire vowels of 16 in numbers are in between these 4 sutras.

Vowels are also called `Ach' and consonants are called `hal'. From

the 1st sutra, `a' is taken out and from the 4th sutra, c is taken

out. They become `ach'. These are 16 vowels.


> 5th Sutra : ha ya va ra t

> 6th Sutra: la n


> From the 5th and 6th sutras, pancha bhutas (5 gross elements)

have originated. Ha is akasa, ya is vaayu, va is jala, ra is agni,

la is prithvi. Pancha Bhuta Bija Mantras (lam, ham, yam, ram, vam)

have originated from these varnas. `la' which is prithvi is the

basis of all the beings. From this 'la' originated medicinal plants

and food. Food becomes `sukra' among males and `sonita' among

females. From sukra-sonita, jiva has evolved. Thus, Parama Siva

(a) with Sakti (i) becomes 5 gross elements and Jiva tattva.




> 7th Sutra: jna ma gna Nna na m


> jna, ma, gna, Nna, na becomes pancha tanmaatraas. They are

Touch, Taste, Sound, Form and Smell respectively.


> 8th Sutra: jha bha n

> Jha : Organs of Speech (vak); bha : Hands


> 9th Sutra: gha dad ha s

> gha : Feet; da : paayu; dha : Upastha.


> Thus, Para Siva (a) with Sakti (i) becomes Organs of Action.


> 10th Sutra: ja ba ga da da s


> Ja : skin; ba : tongue; ga: ears; da : eyes; da : nose


> Thus, para siva (a) with sakti (i) becomes Organs of Knowledge


> 11th Sutra: kha pha cha that ha ca ta ta v

> Kha is prana; pha is apana; cha is vyana; tha is udana, tha is

samana, ca is manas, ta is buddhi and ta is ahamkara respectively.


> Thus, Para Siva and Sakti become Vital Airs and Antah Karana.


> 12th Sutra: ka pa y

> Ka denotes Prakriti and Pa denotes Purusha.


> Thus, Para Siva (a) with Sakti (i) becomes Prakriti (ka) and

Purusha (pa).


> 13th Sutra: sa sa sar


> Parasiva (a) with Chit Kala / Sakti (i) through Rajo Guna (sa),

Tamo Guna (sha) and Sattva Guna (sa) as Medium is performing

Creation, Preservation and Destruction.


> 14th Sutra: ha l


> `ha l' is the essence of all principles that transcends

everything in the cosmos and is untouched by the senses (a-sparsha

tattva) and is the Consciousness in the form of `AHAM " or " I " .


> From the 5th sutra till the 14th sutras, entire 34 consonants

are in between.


> By sounding the drum 14 times and evolving these 14 sutras, the

Nataraja disappears in the Chit Sabha at Tillaivanam.


> The entire 36 principles of creation that Srividya speaks of can

be correlated with these 14 Siva Sutras. 50 Matrikas (16 vowels +

34 Consonants) have originated from the 14 siva sutras. And hence,

entire cosmos is in the form of these 14 sutras.


> Hence, let us pray the divine couples Siva-Sakti that are in the

form of Artha as `a' and Vak as `i' as:


> Vaak Arthaviva Sampruktau – Vaak Artha Prathi Pattaye

> Jagatah Pitarau Vande – Parvati Parameswarau.


> With regards,

> Sriram



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