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Bindu, Nada, (Kama)Kala and 64 Yoginis

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Dear devotees,


Here is a short piece of article which i would like to share with you.


Sabda is also called Vak. This principle of Vak is eulogized in Veda in

several riks and mantras. It is this Vak which is called Agni, Saraswati,

Savitri etc. in Rig Veda. In Rig Veda, this Vak is symbolically represented as

cow by name DHENU. The milk that comes from the Dhenu (the milch cow) is

symbolically represented as Speech. If Vak is DHENU, then Speech is MILK. This

Sabda is also called Sabda Brahma that is responsible for the creation of this

entire Cosmos.


This Sabda / Vak when exists as Unmanifested form as Supreme Consciousness in

the form of Suddha Chaitanya. This is of the form of Para Nada at Sahasrara.

The source of this Para Nada is Mula Para Avastha which is in the form of Chit

Kala in Hridaya Guha (Heart Cave). Para Nada comes to Muladhara Chakra. From

Muladhara to Svadhistana, the Vak resides in the form of Para Nada. At

Manipura, this Para Nada becomes Pashyanti. The Pashyanti Nada becomes Madhyama

at Anahata Chakra. The Vak in the form of Madhyama becomes Vaikhari at

Vishuddhi Chakra. This Vaikhara Nada is the Articulate Sound in the form of

Matrikas which form 16 vowels and 34 Consonants. The entire creation is the

Vaikhari Nada in the form of Matrikas. The Vak manifesting in Prana at

Muladhara is Para Nada. The Vak manifesting in Mind at Manipura is Pashyanti

Nada. The Vak manifesting in Indriyas at Anahat is Madhyama Nada. The Vak

manifesting in articulate speech at Vishuddhi is Vaikhari



These 5 stage of Vak are compared with 5 stages of Individual. Mulapara is

correlated with Turiyatita; Para is correlated with Turiya; Pashyanti is

correlated with Sushupti; Madhyama is correlated with Swapna; Vaikhari is

correlated with Jagrat avastha of Jiva.


So, this entire process of evolution is classified in three stages 1) NADA 2)



When the Supreme Consciousness tries to become many (Bahusyaam prjaayeya…),

there is a throb or spanda in him. This is NADA. The principle that makes the

Nada blossom is Bindu. The Bindu is again 3-fold. Sukla Bindu, Raktha Bindu and

Misra Bindu. Sukla Bindu is Nishkala Siva. Sukla Bindu is the Maya Swarupa

with aspect of Sakti in it. Misra (Mixed) Bindu is the form of Siva and Sakti.

It is Maya-Sabala Brahma. This is the concept of Ardha-Nariswara Tattva. When

this triad of Bindu is formed, it takes the form of Triangle. This Triangle is

TRIPUTI or TRIPURA. And thus results in AHAM (I-Ness) and IDAM (This-ness) in

Para Siva. This AHAM is KALA or KAMA-KALA.


The purpose of Srividya is to know this AHAM and trespass the 3 tripuras

(Triputi-bhedana) and become one with Para Siva. The one who knows the Triputi

ie., Raktha, Sukla, Misra bindus, become one with Para Siva. The entire Matrika

Varnamala consisting of 50 pitas ie., 16 vowels and 34 consonants are

encompassed in this AHAM. This AHAM is the source of all the Mantras and Veda.


It is this AHAM that Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi advises to reflect upon during



So, the order of creation is in the form of NADA, BINDU and KALA. Since,

Parama Siva in the form of Prakasa wanted to become many as creation; it is the

Vimarsa rupa Sakti that offered herself in the Srishti Yajna during the process

of creation. She is the Iccha Sakti of Kameswara during the Creation and hence

she is called KAMA-KALA or KAMA-ISHWARI (Kameshwari). This Desire or Kama of



This Kamakala is represented as ‘e’. This kamakala is the life of Siva. This

is the ‘i’ of Siva without which Siva is Sava (corpse).


This Kamakala which is the AHAM in Tripura consists entire matrika varnamala

which I mentioned above. The basis of entire 16 vowels and 34 consonants are

the Ashta (8) Matrikas.


1) a, 2) i, 3) u, 4) e, 5) o, 6) am (bindu) 7) aha (visarga) 8) samashti of

all these 7 vowels.


These ashta-matrikas are denoted by 1) Brahmi 2) Maheshwari 3) Kaumari 4)

Vaishnavi 5) Varahi 6) Narasimhi 7) Indrani 8) Chamunda.


These 8 basic vowels are the source of origin for all other vowels and

consonants which amounts to 50. Now, Panini, the great grammarian, in his

Mahabhashya and Siksha says the these 50 matrikas by their nature of phonetics

ie., Hrasva (the time of pronunciation of 1 maatra kala), Dirgha (the time of

pronunciation of 2 maaatra kala), Plutha (the time of pronunciation of 3 maatra

kala) have become 64 varnas (letters).


So, the 8 basic letters have become 8-fold each and evolved as 64 letters

(refer Paniniya Shiksha). This basis of division is called Ashta-ashtaka

Vibhajana. There are presiding deities for each and every letter among 64

letters. These 64 presiding powers are called Yoginis. They are 64 YOGINI

GANAS that preside over 64 varnas (letters). Since, the Lalitha

Mahatripurasundari is known by the Matrika Bijas through the Mantra, 64

Upacharas that symbolically represent these 64 Varnas (Yoginis) have been



The entire 64 upacharas denote symbolically the Upasana of Vak, which is the

underlying principle. This Vak is TRIPURASUNDARI.


This evolution of 64 yoginis from 8 Matrikas is the division of Ashta-Ashtaka




With regards,





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