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Meditation is beyond all activity

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Meditation is beyond all activity




When soul doing, soul can do great, or little, and this depend only out

of: whereby is in present moment involved of real intention to follow

truth or isn't!


Next is short Zen story where these two monks decide to ask their master

the ancient question of smoking and meditation...


The first monk asked : o honorable master, can I smoke when I meditate.

The master lost it, he was furious and threw him out ...


The other monk goes to the master: oh venerable master, can I meditate

when I smoke.

The master said: " Of course you can meditate while you smoke... " So, I

like to meditate when I dance, here at night on my deck overlooking the

valley, in the rainforest in Australia, half an hour from Byron Bay,

with a million stars in an endless Silence ...



Do meditator can regularly doing anything when meditate? Not, of course,

because this is not meditation when in higher states (conciousness)

doing any outside work.

Do meditator can meditate when smoke? Yes, meditation is as intention

welcome in all what meditator doing.

Fundamentally, meditator must follow gradual way in meditation through

awake, sleep, deep sleep, turiya and turiyatita states of conciousness

(in all real gradual combinations first four).

If " meditation " from one time can't give freedom of many (all) doing in

meditation, very very is probably, meditator isn't go into deeper state

of conciousness, and very probably haven't real interest and intention

for change character on the better! In many cases this " meditation " only

wrong call meditation, because this " meditation " haven't nothing deep

with real meditation, and this " meditation " is only outside circle of



Only is one reason for washing hands with water, only when water is

cleaner then hands.


With rules we never can't realized states beyond rules. Best way is only

through pure conciousness or satvic way, all others of course have and

side effects.


If can't follow peace beyond thoughts when doing anything, meditator is

usually very very far from real states of conciousness, because this

peace only can became enter (outside door) of conciousness.


Like dot on the straight line, is thought as one point in flow of


Like line on the straight line, is though in duration.

Like dot and line which is between two dot or line (which present

thouight), is quietness in mind.


Like dot on the straight line, is quietness as one point in silence.

Like line on the straight line, is quietness in duration.

When nature of straight line assume quietness nature, then Guru through

grace open next enter in conciousness point and line.


Like dot on the straight line, is conciousness moment present as one

point in conciousness.

Like short line on the straight line, is conciousness moment which

became concentration, present in conciousness.

Like line on the straight line, is conciousness moment which became

meditation, present in conciousness.

Like long line on the straight line, is conciousness moment which became

samadhi, present in conciousness.

When nature of straight line assume awake of feeling* conciousness

nature, then Guru through grace open next enter in conciousness point

and very long line.

Like very long line on the straight line as triple nature from

" concentration, meditation and samadhi " conciousness moments, is perfect

conciousness moment which became samyama, present in conciousness.


Like combination any dimension space and any dimension movement,

conciousness is beyond all this combinations.

Like combination any form emptiness, conciousness is beyond this


Like dot, which in all outside, conciousness is in all inside.

Like silence, which in all outside, conciousness beyond all.

Like line, which is in all outside, conciousness is always first inside

in all.




1. awake of feeling - Bhakti

2. awake of willing - Maheshwara

3. sleep of cognition - Prasada

4. sleep of intuition - Pranalinga

5. deep sleep of execution - Sharana

6. deep sleep of union - Aikya


This is regular order in realization complete conciousness - and in each

level have 36 samyamas!




May God Bless Your Soul with much more deep conciousness moments.













Croatian translation:



Nekoliko rijeèi o temi:




Meditacija je s druge strane svih aktivnosti



Kada duša radi, može uraditi jako dobro, ili slabo, i to ovisi

samo od: kako je u prisutnom momentu ukljuèen realan naum o

slijeðenju istine ili nije!


Slijedeæe je kratka zen prièa gdje su dva monaha odluèila

tražiti njihovog uèitelja pojašnjenje na staro pitanje o

pušenju i meditaciji...


Prvi monah je upitao: o majstore vrijedan poštovanja i

zadivljenosti, mogu li pušiti kada meditiram.

Uèitelj je izgubio kontrolu, te ga je ljutito poslao van...


Drugi monah je nastavio dalje s obraæanjem uèitelju: o uvaženi

uèitelju, mogu li meditirati dok pušim.

Uèitelj je rekao: " dakako ti možeš meditirati dok

pušiš... " Zaista, ja želim meditirati dok plešem, tu

noæu na mom trijemu izmeðu brda, na tropskoj kiši u

Australiji, pola sata od Byron Bay-a (grad u Australiji), s milionima

zvijezda u beskrajnoj tišini...



Da li onaj koji meditira može nešto raditi kada meditira?

Dakako, da to ne smije, jer to nije meditacija kada u višim stanjima

(svijesti) radi neku vanjsku aktivnost.

Da li onaj koji puši može meditirati? Svakako, meditacija je kao

namjera dobrodošla u svim aktivnostima onog tko meditira.

U osnovi, onaj koji meditira mora slijediti postepen put u meditaciji

kroz budno stanje, stanje sna, stanje dubokog sna, nadsviesno stanje i

suprasvjesno stanje svijesti (u svim postepenim kombinacijama prvih


Ako " meditacija " od jednog vremena ne daje slobodu od mnogih (svih)

akcija u meditaciji, jako jako je vjerojatno onaj koji meditira nije

ušao u dublja stanja svijesti i jako vjerojatno nema stvarni naum za

promjene vlastitog karaktera na bolje! U mnogo sluèajeva tu

" meditaciju " pogrešno zovemo meditacijom, jer ta " meditacija " nema

ništa s stvarnom meditacijom, i ta " meditacija " je samo vanjski krug

od misli.


Samo je jedan razlog za pranje ruku vodom, i to samo kada je voda

èistija od ruku!


S pravilima nikad ne možeš realizirati stanja prije pravila.

Najbolji naèin je samo kroz punu svijest ili satvièan put, svi

drugi dakako imaju i posljedice.


Ako ne može slijediti mir s druge strane misli kada nešto radi,

onaj koji meditira je obièno jako, jako daleko od realnog stanja

svijesti, jer taj mir samo može postati ulaz (vanjska vrata) u



Poput toèke na pravcu, je misao kao jedna toèka u struji misli.

Poput linije na pravcu, je misao u trajanju.

Poput toèke i linije izmeðu dvije toèke ili linije (koje

predstavljaju misao), je mir u umu.


Poput toèke na pravcu, je mirnoæa kao jedna toèka tišine.

Poput linije na pravcu, je mirnoæa u trajanju.

Kad priroda pravca poprimi prirodu mirnoæe, tada uèitelj kroz

milost otvara slijedeæi ulaz u svjesne toèke i linije svijesti.


Poput toèke pravca, je svijeni moment predstavljen kao jedna toèka


Poput kratke linije na pravcu, je svjesni moment koji postaje

koncentracija, prisutna u svijesti.

Poput linije na pravcu, je svjesni moment koji postaje meditacija,

prisutna u svijesti.

Poput duge linije na pravcu, je svjesni moment koji postaje samadhi

(stopljenost s objektom), prisutna u svijesti.

kada priroda pravca poprimi prirodu budnog osjeæajnog stanja

svijesti, tada uèitelj kroz milost otvara ulaz u svjesne toèke i

jako duge linije svijesti.

Poput jako dugih linija na pravcu koji ima trostruku prirodu

" koncentracije, meditacije i samadhija " svjesnih momenata, je

savršeno svjestan moment koji postaje samjama, prisutna u svijesti.


Poput kombinacije svakog dimenzionalnog prostora i svakog dimenzionalnog

gibanja, svijest je s druge strane svih tih kombinacija.

Poput kombinacija svih moguæih praznina, svijest je s druge strane

svih tih kombinacija.

Poput toèke, koja je u svemu vanjskom, svijest je u svemu unutra.

Poput tišine, koju je u svemu vanjskom, svijest je s druge strane


Poput linije, koja je u svemu, svijest je uvijek prva unutar svega.



1. budno osjeæajno - Bhakti

2. budno voljno - Maheshwara

3. san spoznajno - Prasada

4. san intuitivno - Pranalinga

5. duboki san izvršno - Sharana

6. duboki san jedinstvo - Aikya


To je stvaran red u ostvarenju sveukupne svijesti - i svaki nivo ima 36




Neka Bog blagoslovi tvoju dušu s mnogo više duboko svjesnih








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: mahapratibhawan: Tue, 29 Apr

2008 06:44:02 +0000 Meditation is beyond all activity





Few words about topic:Meditation is beyond all activityWhen soul doing, soul can

do great, or little, and this depend only outof: whereby is in present moment

involved of real intention to followtruth or isn't







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Shree Gurubhyo Namah


Dear Friends:


Smoking leads to addiction, and therefore physical attachment to the body. It

does not promote good health, and in fact, a smoker developes frequent coughing

and many other symptoms

related to the lungs, heart, and indigestion. (These are initial effects of

smoking, what to talk about effects of long term smoking).


These effects to the health are not conducive to higher levels of consciousness.


If one wants to achieve these higher levels of consciousness, then a Sattvic

form of life is a pre-requisite. Smoking has no place in this life style.


Just my thoughts.




Shree Maatre Namah.




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But how many can truely meditate - especially in the present world?


S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai wrote:


: mahapratibhawan: Tue, 29 Apr

2008 06:44:02 +0000 Meditation is beyond all activity


Few words about topic:Meditation is beyond all activityWhen soul doing, soul can

do great, or little, and this depend only outof: whereby is in present moment

involved of real intention to followtruth or isn't







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There are thousands of people meditating and when there is a will there is a

way. All upasanas end in meditation.




: kochu1tz: Fri, 2 May 2008

19:23:33 -0700RE: Meditation is beyond all activity





But how many can truely meditate - especially in the present world?S

Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai wrote: :

mahapratibhawan: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:44:02 +0000Subject:

Meditation is beyond all activityFew words about topic:Meditation is

beyond all activityWhen soul doing, soul can do great, or little, and this

depend only outof: whereby is in present moment involved of real intention to










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