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Tripura Vidya

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Dear members,


This is a short information on “Tripura Vidyaâ€.


Brihadaranyakopanishad says “Ayam atma vangmayo manomayah pranamayahâ€.

Based on this statement, Tripura Vidya with 3 kutas has probably been evolved.

The tantric concept of Vagbhava, Kamaraja, Sakthi Kutas are based on the

principle of this Upanishad describing Vak, Manas and Prana.


Based on these 3 principles, 3 types of Tripura Vidyas are framed. They are

1) Tripura Bala 2) Tripura Bhairavi 3) Tripura Lalitha.


Upasakas are aware of Tripura Bala vidya. From this Bala Vidya, if

consonants are taken out, then the left over Bija mantras of the Bala is called

“Sanketa Sara Vidyaâ€.


Tripura Bhairavi Vidya is evolved using this Sanketa Sara Vidya. Using the 6

prastharas of Sanketa Sara Vidya, “Shatkuta Bhairavi Vidya†is formed.


This Tripura Bhairavi sits on Pancha SimhAsanasthita ie., presides over 5 main

vidyas spread over 5 directions. But Jnanarnava Tantra does not mention the 5th

ie., Urdha Simhasana.


Purva Simhasana:

Sampaprada Bhairavi, Chaitanya Bhairavi


Dakshina Simhasana:

Aghora Bhairavi


Paschima Simhasana:

Shatkuta Bhairavi, Nitya Bhairavi


Uttara Simhasana:

Bhuvaneswara Bhairavi, Kamalesha Bhairavi, Kulesha Bhairavi




The Tripura Lalitha Vidya consists of Panchadasi Vidya and its diagrammatic

representation in the form of Srichakra.


The ORIGIN of this Panchadasi Vidya and Srichakra is NAVARNA MAHA MERU

PRASTHARA VIDYA. This consists of mainly 9 principles from which originated

Panchadasi Vidya and Srichakra. They are:


1) Prithivi 2) Chandra 3) Siva 4) Maya 5) Sakthi 6) Agni 7) Kama 8) Ardha

Chandra 9) BIndu. These 9 consists of Navarna Maha Meru Prasthara. The tantra

sastra has the corresponding Bija Mantras for each of the Principle that has to

be learnt from Gurunatha.


From the principle of Prithvi, Bhupura evolved. From Chandra, the

corresponding 16 kalas (nithi nityas) / 16-petals. From Siva, 8-petalled lotus

(8 forms of Siva). From Maya, 14 triangles (14 bhuvanas) (chaturdasara). From

Sakthi, evolved Vishnu Sakthi and his 10 forms hence Bahirdasara. From Agni, 10

kalas of Agni and hence Antardasa. From Kama, Kameswara evolved which indicates

again 8 forms and hence Ashta-dala (8) Padma. From Ardha Chandra, Guna-trayas

evolved and hence Trikona. From Bindu, Union of Kameswara and Kameswari in the

form of Bindu evolved. This is the evolution of Srichakra from Navarna Maha








Now, there is a misinterpretation regarding the “Bhoga†aspect for the

upasakas of Srividya. Please refer:


“Sritripurasundari sevatatparaanaam – bhogascha mokshashcha karastha

eva†which is quite frequently quoted for Srividya Upasana.


People say that upasakas of Srividya have both Bhukti and Mukthi.


Here, Bhukti does not mean that upasakas would roll in wealth, would get 9

nidhis, 8 siddhis, 8 forms of material riches etc.


Bhukti is “contentment with what one hasâ€. This is the “mental

satisfaction†and “contentment†which is a state of mind. This is Bhukti.

People with this “Misconception of rolling in wealth†undertake the Srividya

Upasana and hence fail miserably.


With regards,





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Dear Members,


I beg to differ in one aspect. The true upasakas certainly get all purusharthas

as Lalitha Maha Tripurasundari possesses. You get the essence of what you

meditate. If one were to meditate on the sea he get the result - salt - and the

body salt content certainly increases. Similarly if one were to meditate on

Lalitha, then he get all SHE possesses including wealth, health and what not.

But that depends upon the fact whether the upasaka is able to get the total

grace and power of the guru mandala. I know several cases of srividhya upasakas

who were so poor and having a hell of a time in their life, becoming rich,

benovelent, compassionate and helping people without caste, creed, colour or any

difference at times of need.






: sriram_sapthasathi: Thu, 7 Aug

2008 09:57:45 +0100 Tripura Vidya


Now, there is a misinterpretation regarding the “Bhoga” aspect for the upasakas

of Srividya. Please refer:“Sritripurasundari sevatatparaanaam – bhogascha

mokshashcha karastha eva” which is quite frequently quoted for Srividya Upasana.

People say that upasakas of Srividya have both Bhukti and Mukthi. Here, Bhukti

does not mean that upasakas would roll in wealth, would get 9 nidhis, 8 siddhis,

8 forms of material riches etc. Bhukti is “contentment with what one has”. This

is the “mental satisfaction” and “contentment” which is a state of mind. This is

Bhukti. People with this “Misconception of rolling in wealth” undertake the

Srividya Upasana and hence fail miserably.

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