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Dear Divine Sridhar,


Trust this finds you in the best of health and cheers.


I am now in NJ, Gillette (908-903-9222) and I am sure one of these days we will

meet. I had a grand daughter born on the last week Thursday and both mother and

kid are fine and OK.


I need your help in the following matter and hope you would do the needful:


1. We are conducting a conference on Mantra-Tantra-Yantra-Agama in Hyderabad

sometime end of January 2009 and we are interested to invite genuine srividhya

upasakas and scholars, so that it will be a session of 3 days and give a lot of

opportunity for us to learn several aspects.


Our groups seem to have some of the best people and I am sure you can circulate

this request to everyone, requesting them to send their articles on matters

higherto not published - particularly enlightning upasakas about various aspects

of mantra, tantra, yantra, agama and its day to day application in our life,

vidhya being beyond caste, creed, colour, religion, region etc., and how and why

mantras are adopted by vaishnavas, saivas, madhwas and others, how there is

relativity in temple rituals in mantra,tantra, yantra aspects, some of the rare

mantras, the true aspect of constructing various chakras, vastu principles

applicable in upasana, and several other aspects, including those adopted by

christians, muslims, zorastrians, etc., comparitive aspects of kashir

saivism/sakthi cult vis-a-vis those prevalent elsewhere.


If you can give me the name and address of such upasakas whom you can can give

their biodata and also write up some articles for the souvenir, it will be

really nice.

For the conference we will provide hospitality free of cost, provided they can

travel to hyderabad. Programme and other aspects will be sent to you for

circulation to members.


Can you also find out whether there are merus for the various dasa maha vidhyas

like maha meru and if any one has the complete details of its constructions,

requirements etc., it will be nice. Similarly there are no merus for the tithy

nithyas. These are new fields that would be interesting. Further why people are

so crazy about dasa maha vidhyas and its relativity in ones life. What is the

importance of the Guru Mandalam, how its energies are distributed, and what are

the means and methods to remove blockade of divine energy pouring on the upasaka

from the Guru mandala, how one can interact for integration without body and

mind contact with the Guru mandalam etc., are subjects which require

contributions, research papers.


What are matruka aksharas and how they aspect the mantra, why so many askharas

are added to each core mantra - like Gam for ganapathy added with so many

letters - are also thought provoking aspects which can be presented lively.


In the Nyasas, we have several nyasas and why the same sanskrit matruka akshra

find different places in the body and what are its significance. What is the

disease that could be cured with the nyasas and how the energy is established in

the body part, is there any mantra for chanting to remove particular disease

from the body part, the respective havan etc.


I am sure you would give me your help for which i shall ever be grateful.

Kindest regards,









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