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Gurupaduka Panjara Stotram (Vamakeshwara Tantra)

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Dear members,


This Guru Paduka Panjara Stotram is from Vamakeshwara Tantra. This is a

wonderful hymn on the swarupa of Gurupaduka. As discussed earlier, Paduka is

the union of the principle of Siva and Shakti which is also called HAMSA. Ha is

Siva, Sa is Sakthi and both are united by Bindu which is denoted as ‘m’.

This Gurupaduka rupa Adi-Hamsa Tattva is contemplated at the Sahasrara Chakra on

the top of the head with Mrigi Mudra.


The English translation is just a liberal translation of mine which is just a

childish attempt. The members are requested to absorb the bhavana behind this

wonderful hymn. Because any chanting whether it is mantra of stotra, it is

useless unless the meaning is absorbed. Without the contemplation on the

meaning, it is as good as the chanting of rama’s name by the Parrot.




brahmarandhrasarasIruhOdarE nityalagnamavadAtamadbhutam

kundalIkanakakAndamanditam dvAdashAntasarasIruham bhaje ……….1


Beneath the Brahmarandhra, shines amazing sahasrara padma which is also called

Akula Padma. In the middle of this Akula Padma, shines the Sushumna Nadi which

is of the mixture of dazzling white and golden yellow. In this sushumna Nadi,

amidst the Akula Padma, sports the Divine Couple Siva and Shakti in the form of

HAMSA. I contemplate on such Dwadashanta Kamala (Akula Padma).


Note: This sloka describes the position of Gurupaduka which is beneath the

Brahmarandhra amidst Sahasrara Kamala. Akula Padma at Sahasrara is called

Dwadashanta Padma because it is of 12th in number of count of chakras from

Muladhara. The order is : Kula Padma with 1000 petals, Ashtadala Padma, Shadala

Padma, Muladhara, Svadhishtana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, LambikAgra

Ashtadala Padma, Ajna Chakra, Sukla Sahasrara Padma, Akula Padma (Bindu Sthana /




Tasya kandaLitakarNikApuTE kliptavarNam a-k-thAdirEkhayA

kONalakshita ha-La-ksha mandalam bhAvalakshya manalAlayam bhajE…….2



In the middle of Akula Padma, a YONI Chakra should be contemplated. This Yoni

Chakra is of the form of Urdhwa Trikona (Upward Triangle). Along the 3 sides of

the triangle a-varga, k-varga and tha-varga be placed. A-varga are the 16

vowels from a to ah; k-varga are the consonants k to ta; tha-varga are the

consonants tha to sa. Along the 3 angles of the triangle, ha-la-ksha letters

are placed. So, the entire vowels and consonants in the form of 50 Matrikas are

placed along this Triangle. This ha is also represented with A; ksha with Ha

and la with AHAM. This is also the AHAM Swarupa. Such a Triangle is called YONI

CHAKRA. The Pair of Gurupadukas in the form of HAMSA are contemplated in the

middle of this Yoni Chakra.


Such a Yoni Chakra I meditate





Note: When Gurupaduka Diksha is given, the Sishya experiences his gurunatha as

the Adinatha rupa Hamsa at Akula Padma offering his helping hand to the Sishya

in the Sudhasagara. Thus, the gurunatha makes the sishya cross the samsara




tatpuTE paTutaTitkaDAdimaspardhamAnaparipATalaprabham

chintayAmi hridi chinmayam sadA bindunAdamaNipIThamanDalam ……….3


In the YONI Chakra, shines the ManipITa Mandala. This Mandala sports with

Bindu and Nada which is of the form of CHIT. This is of the colour of mixture of

Golden Yellow and Lightening White.


Such Yoni Chakra alongwith Manipitha Mandala, I contemplate in my heart.


UrdhwamUlahutabhukchikhAruNam chidvilAsaparibr^mhaNAspadam

vishwaghasmaramahacchaTakulam bhAvayAmi yugamAdihamsayOh …….4


I contemplate the homogeneous union of Divine Couple Siva-Sakthi who are

called Adi-Hamsa. This Hamsa is an aspect of Chitkala that shines as flames of

fire without origin and end (infinite and omnipresent) and capable of dissolving

the entire cosmos.


Note: This Adi-Hamsa is of the combination of Ha-kara, Bindu and Sa-kara.

This is the Ajapa Mantra. Ha (Siva)+O (Bindu)+Sa (Sakti) = Ha-m-Sa > Hamsa


tatra nAthacharaNAravindayOssamvidAmritajhurImarandayOh

dvandvamindumakarandashItalam mAnasam smaratu mangaLAspadam ……5


I contemplate in my Mind such Divine Couple Siva-Sakti rupa Adi-Hamsa as the

DIVINE PAIR OF FEET OF GURUNATHA amidst Sahasrara Kamala which is as nourishing,

delightful, ecstatic and auspicious as the cool, nectar-like, delightful rays of

the Moon and is the form of Knowledge Absolute.



pAdukApanjara stOtram panchavaktrA dvinirgatam

shadAmnAyaphalam prOktam prapanchE chAtidurlabham

apramEyamahAvidyA shEkalAnchitamastakam

raktAnchaturbhujAm vandE srIvidyAgurupAdukAm


// Thus ends the gurupaduka panjara stotram which is from Vamakeshwara Tantra





With regards,



Namo namah srIgurupAdukAbhyAm…..




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