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Jogulamba Ashottarashata Namavalih

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Dear Devotees,


Alampur is a town situated on the left bank of Tungbhadra river, in the state

of Andhra Pradesh. The place falls in the Mahabubnagar district which is about

200 kilometres from the famous city, Hyderabad. Kurnool town, which is also a

known place in Andhra Pradesh lies in the vicinity of around 30 kms. Alampur

town is about 15 kms away from NH-7. There is also a railway station which is

15 km away. Alampur can be reached by Hyderabad by rail on Hyderabad –




The holy place Srisailam lies at the western end of Alampur and hence, Alampur

considered to be the western gateway of Srisailam.


Siddhavattam, Tripurantakam and Umamaheswaram are called southern, eastern,

and northern gateways of Srisailam respectively.


Marvellous temples and remains of some ancient ones provide great specimens of

Badami Chalukyan architecture. The region, in the past, has been under the

influence of many South Indian dynasties.


The principal deities are Jogulamba and Balabrahmeshwara. Goddess Jogulamba

is the 5th Shakti Peeta among 18 shakta peetas in India. Goddess Jogulamba,

seated on the Corpse here sports with scorpion, frog, lizard on its head. She

is naked with her tongue stretched out. This is the fierce goddess that grants

the Siddhi in Yoga and hence she is called Jogulamba. This word is corrupted

form of “Yogula Amma†in telugu which implies Mother of Yogis. Her dhyana


runs as:


“Lamba Sthaneem Vikrutaaksheem – Ghora rupaam Mahaabalaam

Prethasana Samaarudhaam – Jogulaambaam Namamyahamâ€


There is a popular legend which says that there was a great saint in 6th

century by name Rasa Siddha who used to convert base metal into gold. It was

this saint in association with chalukya king Pulakesi II who was instrumental in

construction of chain of temples called ‘Nava Brahmas’. It is said that


is a secret tunnel from the garbhalaya of Bala Brahma leading to Srisailam.

According to the legend, these 9 names of Siva are the names of medicinal herbs

put forth by Rasa Siddhas.



Swarga Brahma Temple

Padma Brahma Temple

Arka Brahma Temple

Vishva Brahma Temple

Garuda Brahma Temple

Bala Brahma Temple

Taraka Brahma Temple

Kumara Brahma Temple

Vira Brahma Temple


The “Siddha Rasarnavamâ€, a tantric work on Alchemy prescribes certain


of Upasana in this place. If the upasana is done as per the prescribed Tantra,

the Mercury oozes from the Linga of Bala Brahma, Navel of Ganapati, Thighs of

Subramanya and Mouth of Mother Jogulamba. The Mercury thus got is used for

converting into Gold by using the medicinal herbs.




Apart from Jogulamba, Bala Bramheswara temples, there are marvelous cluster of

temples at Papanasam, a beautiful temple of exquisite sculpture by name Kudala

Sangameswara temple, Yoga Narasimha Temple and Suryanarayana Temple. Kudala

Sangameswara temple is a wonderful temple with exquisite chalukyan temple



Here is the ashtottara nama that is used for the worship of Mother Jogulamba.

There is a sriyantra and the worship is done as per Sringeri Sampradaya. Apart

from this worship, a special worship is performed on some occasions which is

called Kalaratri Puja which starts at Midnight.


Jogulamba Ashtottaramashata Namah




shrI vAgdEvIm mahAkALIm mahAlakshmIm saraswatIm

trishakti rUpiNIm ambAm jOguLAmbAm namAmyaham


lambastanIm vikrutAkshIm ghOra rUpAm mahAbalAm

prEtAsana samArUDhAm jOgulAmbAm namAmyaham



namastE dEva dEvEsha – shUlabhridvrishavAhana

jOgulAshtOttarashatam – vadamE karuNA nidhE


Ishwara uvAcha:


shruNu pArvati vakshyAmi sarva pApa praNAshanam

jnAnadam mOkshadam shrIdam nitya kalyANa vardhanam


// shrIkarI shrImahAdEvI chintitArtha pradAyinI

Shirah kapAla mAlADhyA vivEshI ghUrnitAnana


damshtrA karALa vadana rAkiNI ramyavigrahA

shavAsana samAsInA majja mAmsAsava priya


mAninI manjughOshA cha mAdhavArchita pAdukA

rudra manDalagA raudrI nagnA shushkOdarI shivA


ballI vrishchika ghUkAdi shirOlankAra manDita

chanDI chanDatarAkArA chanDakOpAti bhIshaNA


pAna pAtrAksha sUtrAsi kuThArAnchita satkarA

svambhU kusumaprItA kulamAtA krushOdarI


lambastanI lalajihvA lambamAna shirOruhah

DinDi vAdya priyAdiyA DhamaDhamaru nAdinI


kAmAkshI rENukA kALI kAlasamkarshiNI parA

nityA nityAnnadAtrI cha kumArI pUjanapriyA


yOgADyA yOgisEvyA yOgAnanda parAyaNA

brAhmyAdi mAtrikAyuktA vIra vIrAdhinAyikA



sarvavidyAmayi sarva shakti pITha svarUpiNi

hEmalApura samsthAnA haimA haimavatI sati


bhairavI bhIshaNA shyAmA bhairavAshTaka vanditA

kAla kalvA bhadrakALI chinnamastA matanginI


dhUmAvatI cha bagaLA shAmbhavI shambhumOhinI

svAhA svadhA vashaTkArA kshudhA trishNA matirdhritih


nidrA kshamA dayAshIlA mahAmAyA mahAbalA

indrajAlA mahEndrAdi jAla vidyAvinOdinI


panchaprANa mayItunga bhadrAmbu paritOshiNi

sarva siddhikarI satyabhAshiNI divyavigrahA


kAtyAyanI kamahantrI kalikalmasha nAshiNi

karuNArasasampUrNA kAla kAla vivarjitA


kalyANI kamala kalyA kOtisUryasamaprabhA

tryambakA tryambakArAdhyA dhIrA dhIrasamarchitA


shrIvidyA chitkaLA shAntA vEdavEdAnga gOchara

kAmA karshiNikA kAntA kELinI kulamAlinI


shAktamandala samtushtA shAktAnandatarangiNI

tantrNI vanamadhyasthA shrImAtA jOguLAmbikA //




iti tE kathitam dEvi jOguLAshTottara shatam

yah paThEt prayatObhaktyA shuchirEkAgramAnasah

tat kshNAt siddhi mApnOti satyamEtat na samshayah



It is a belief that the worship of Mother Jogulamba confer the siddhi and

success in the science of Alchemy ie., converting base metal into gold. This is

a wonderful 108 names where there are several references to tantric names like

Manjughosha, dasa mahavidyas etc. She has lizard, scorpion and bat as her

ornaments on her head and hence the names ballI, vrishchika ghUkAdi shirOlankAra

manDitA. She sits naked in yogic posture with legs lifted above. Her stomach

and back portion is so thin that both seem to touch each other and the ribs of

the Mother is exposed. Her breasts are long and sagging till her thighs

(lambasthanim). Her tongue is long, stretched out and elongated (lola jihva).

There is a small amount of Mercury in her mouth. She has long teeth on either

sides of the mouth (damshtra karala vadana). Her eyes are blood shot red



This is the description of Mother JogulAmba. Though this seems fearsome, to

the devotees who sincerely worships her, she gives the vision of Bala Tripura

Sundari a lovely wonderful beautiful girl of 6 years old. This is the true fact



With regards,





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