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From :- lanka.krishnarao

Subject :- simhAsanESwri


ernakulam venugopalan to me


Om Nama Sivaya



>Dear Mr. Krishna Rao,



>> I have a question or rather a doubt and you probably can shed some

light intelligently, hence this mail.


>>In Srividya, mother Lalita or Tripurasundari is supreme,

parabhattarika. One of the several epithets is Bindumandalavasini.

Also She is Sivaasivashakti aikyarupini meaning She and Siva are one.

In many of Adi Shankara's compositions on Madurai Meenakshi She is

equated to Lalitambika


>> " srividyam sivavamabhaganilayam hreemkaramantrojwlam


Meenakshim pranatosmisantatamaham karunyavaarmnidhim.


>>According to my understanding Meenakshi is Matangi,Shyamala or

Mantrini and such how can She be equated to the Simhasaneshwari. May

be Shankara was seeing Godhood in an advaita aspect as everybody and

everything has that divine amsa.


>>Please clear this doubt for me. Maybe it is silly, but since L.S

clearly says Geyachakrarathaarooda Mantrini parisevita also Mantrini

nyastha rajyadu.

So I am wondering!

>>Hope evrything is fine with you. Many blessings.






mAnya SrI vENugOpAl,


Your confusion is nothing but that you are looking at all

these dEvatAs as different from you. Before entering into SrIvidya,

you have to remember your guru mantra which says that your guru is

" swarUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh " .

Who ever he introduces (initiates) to you as dEvata, you have to

understand, that dEvata is none else but your own self.

You would have taken births of so many forms like so many dEvatAs,

manuShyAs, rAkShasAs, piSAcAs, birds, snakes, creatures, stone, hills,

mountains, trees etc., and so many of course.


But we select only a few of them, to have the recollection of

memory of that life and know how great we are! " nAma smaraNam " means,

to recollect what we have forgotten (vismaraNam = to forget). We

recollect only the better side of our history and our greatness in

that birth because, we are aspiring to become divine. " mR^ityOr mA

amR^itam gamaya " . Not like 'Kamsa' who recollected his rAkShasa janma

of his previous birth and acquired all the rAkShasa qualities.


Coming to your point, we always do 'pancAyatana puja, while

doing pUjA for any particular dEvata. It means that you should not

perform pUjA for any particular dEvata in a lone form, because that

deity is not any single individual, but the collective form of so many

dEvatAs (samaShti) only. Just like you can not find any particular

thing as " forest " , but only the collection of so many trees.


When you perform pUja for 'Siva', the amba, viShnu, sUrya, gaNapati

etc., will become " anga dEvatAs " . When you do it for 'amba', Siva and

others become 'anga devatAs.


In the same way, when you meditate upon mInAkShi, the lalita

rAjarAjESwari and others will become 'anga dEvatAs'. Then the

" mInAkShi " will become " simhAsanESwari " .


Any way, you could have understood by this time, that you, who

is the " SAMASHTI' of all the dEvatAs, is the real " simhAsanESwari " .

Not any Lalita, rAjarAjESwari, Siva,viShNu or any one else. Of course

all of them are yourself. You are the " sarva dEvatA samaShti " and you

yourself is the real " simhAsanESwari "


" rUpai ranEkaIr bahudhAtma mUrtim kR^itwAmbikE tat prakarOti

kAnyA "


This is all the view of SrI SankarAcArya.


Yours always in the sevice of the mother,


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Dear Sir,


If Minakshi becomes the pradhAna devata and Lalitha becomes the anga

devata, Acharya Sankara would have comprehended Devi Minakshi amidst

the Matangi Yantra, per se. But as the stotra

says " SrichakrankitabindumadhyavasatIm..... " , which implies and

implied by that it is Srilalitha ParAbhattarika who is the supreme

queen flanked by Raja Shyamala and Maha Varahi.


Shri Syama Sastrigal in one of his Minakshi Navaratna Kritis, extols

Devi Minakshi as non-different from Srichakra Adhishtatri Devata

though She is Raja Matangi.


The reason being during the pancha (5)-panchika puja (A set of 5

Devatas and each set containing again 5 Devatas), the 5th one is

Pancha-RatnAmba pUja. This Pancha RatnAmba pUja is performed in the

Bindu sthAna. Among the 5 ratnAmbAs, two of them are

rAjamAtangEshwari ratnAmba and mahAvArAhi ratnAmba. This rAja-

mAtangEshwari is none other than Devi Minakshi. This rAja-

rAjEshwari dEvata is worshipped in the IshAnya Simhasana at Bindu

sthAna. And hence, she is extolled as non-different from Srichakra

Bindu MadhyavasatIm. Moreover, She is the consort of Shri

SundarEshwara who is non-different from KamEshwara.


Now, coming to the point.













Given below is the Bhuvaneshwari Mantra Mahatmya from Halasya

Mahatmya of Skanda Purana:


Shri Nilakanta Dikshitar while commenting on " hAlAsya mAhAtmya " ,

extols the Bhuvaneshwari Bija mahima saying thus:


vyOmbIjE mahEshAni – kailasAdi pratiShTitAm

vahnibIjAtsuvarnAdi – niShpannam bahudhA priyE

tEnAyam vartatE loko – bhumanDalasamAsthitah

turyaswarUpENa pAtALE – shESharUpENa dhAryatE

mahAbhUmanDalam – tasmAtvAlasyA(a)pi nayikA

binduchandrAmritam dEvi – srAvayantI jagatrayam

dravarUpA bhavEt tasmAt – srujantI chA(a)rdhasUtrayA

ata Eva mahEshAni - bhuvanEshIti kathyatE


" vyoma bija (h) bears the Kailasa tattva, agni [r} bears the suvarna

(dhatus) and the entire cosmos / mahabhumandalas till prithvi; " e "

represents the Adisesha tattva that bears Kailasa in the form of " h "

and mahabhumandalas in the form of r. ; Chandra bindu and

ardhamatra represents amrita that nourishes the entire cosmos with

her nectar of immortality which represents the principle of

sustenance and creation " .


This sloka also encodes the " tantric script " of Bhuvaneshwari Bija.

When the siva bija " H " , shakti bija " R " , Kamakala Ashara " E " and

Bindu are combined it becomes " HREEM " which is a bhuvaneshwari bija

mantra. The tantric script of this HREEM mantra looks similar to the

COILED SERPENT " . This Adi-sesha in the form of coiled serpent is

formed out of the combination of the tantric scripts of Circle of

Akasa Bija, Triangle of Agni Bija and the " inverted therefore " of

Kamakala Akshara. This serpent is the Adisesha ON WHICH RESTS THE

Entire Universe. It is this Coiled Serpent which bears the entire

universe on which rests the Vishnu alongwith His consort Lakshmi.


The Ratri Sukta of Rg Veda extols this " Bhuvaneshwari Tattva " . The

presiding deity of the Ratri Sukta is the Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.


Since, the entire cosmos in the form of Kailasa till Prithvi /

Bhumandala (BHUVANA) is in the " SEED FORM " of this mantra, the Deity

presiding over this Bija is " BHUVANA-ISHWARI " .



Now, why the tantric lipi of " h " & " r " is to be taken as " circle "

and " triangle " is given below.


Ham : Akasa Bija


This has been decoded from " Hari Padam " which means the " foot rest of

Hari " during Vamana Avatara. The first alphabet " H " is taken from

this. The letter H originates from neck during pronunciation and when

we pronounce zero shape (Hollowness) is formed in our mouth. In

phonetics, it is called " Aspirate " . Hence, in tantric lipi, Ham is

denoted by Circle.


Ram : Agni Bija


As per phonetics, the `R' is Cerebral. This sound is produced due to

friction between Upper Jaw and tip of the tongue. Since, fire is

produced out of friction, `R'is the bija of Agni. It is denoted by

Triangle (Trikona) in tantrika lipi as the fire looks broad at the

bottom and conical at the top.


Now, as discussed earlier, the Bhuvaneshwari Mantra is again non-

different from Kamakala Mantra. Let us analyse how.


This " Bhuvana-Ishwari " bija has four components: 1) h (akasa bija)

2) r (agni bija) 3) e (kamakala akshara) 4) m (bidu and ardha



Kamakala Akshara and Tantric Lipi


The Kamakala Akshara `E' is denoted as " Inverted Therefore " of

Mathematics in devanagari and sharadi lipi. The three dots of the

Kamakala Akshara denote the Sukla (Chandra) Bindu; Sonita (Agni)

Bindu and Misra (Rav) Bindu. This Tantric Script is encoded in the

saundaryalahari stotra " mukham bindum kritvA……. " .


Now, as per the srividya sampradaya, this Chandra bindu is

jnanaAtmaka which is Matangi swarupa; Agni Bindu is kriyAtmaka which

is Varahi swarupa; and misra bindu is siva-saktyAtmaka. The kAma-

kAmEshwari bhavana is done here. Matangi is contemplated as

JnAnakaLAtmaka and Varahi is contemplated as kriyAkaLAtmaka which are

abheda-tattvas of Misra-Bindu which is kamEshwari-kAmEshwarAtmaka.

Iccha sakti has inherently in itself has the principle of Jnana and

Kriya. When contemplated amidst the Great Kamakala Mantra rupa

Bhuvaneshwari Bija, all these three principles are one and the same.


Moreover, in extolling this Bhuvaneshwari Mantra, Shri Nilakanta

Dikshitar says:


" satswarupah parAkAro hakAro dharmatatparah

chidAkarah shivAkAro – rEpha sarvArthasiddidah

ananando rUpayo raikya – dIkArah sarvakAmadah

bindunAdou tadantasthA – bhavEtAm mokshadAyakau

satchidAnandarUpam tu – bIjam proktam manIShibhih

satchidAnandarUpam ya – tparam brahma tadEva hi


" h is sat-rupa; r is chid-rupa; e is ananda rupa; bindu and nada are

moksha-sanketAtmaka " ie., " hrIm " is the " satchidAnandAtmaka pUrna

parabrahma svarupa " .


At the end, I close this article with a wonderful sloka

from " Anandasagara Stavah " of Nilakanta Dikshtar which happens to be

my favorite couplet. This sloka describes Mother Minakshi

as " Brahmavidya Swarupini " that graces Her devotees and votaries with

Brahma Vidya.


" Chatur Adhyaye Rupam Kalahamsa Vyanjanam Jaganmatuh

Apara Brahmamayam Vapuh Antah Sasikhandamandana Mupase "


With warm regards and wishing you a happy and prosperous new year





, " krishnarao "

<sriparasukhanandanadha wrote:


> simhAsanESwari

> From :- lanka.krishnarao

> Subject :- simhAsanESwri


> ernakulam venugopalan to me


> Om Nama Sivaya



> >Dear Mr. Krishna Rao,



> >> I have a question or rather a doubt and you probably can shed


> light intelligently, hence this mail.


> >>In Srividya, mother Lalita or Tripurasundari is supreme,

> parabhattarika. One of the several epithets is Bindumandalavasini.

> Also She is Sivaasivashakti aikyarupini meaning She and Siva are


> In many of Adi Shankara's compositions on Madurai Meenakshi She is

> equated to Lalitambika


> >> " srividyam sivavamabhaganilayam hreemkaramantrojwlam

> shrichakrangitabindumadhyavasatim............

> Meenakshim pranatosmisantatamaham karunyavaarmnidhim.


> >>According to my understanding Meenakshi is Matangi,Shyamala or

> Mantrini and such how can She be equated to the Simhasaneshwari.


> be Shankara was seeing Godhood in an advaita aspect as everybody


> everything has that divine amsa.


> >>Please clear this doubt for me. Maybe it is silly, but since L.S

> clearly says Geyachakrarathaarooda Mantrini parisevita also


> nyastha rajyadu.

> So I am wondering!

> >>Hope evrything is fine with you. Many blessings.

> >Venugopal

> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


> ////////////////////////////////////////



> mAnya SrI vENugOpAl,


> Your confusion is nothing but that you are looking at


> these dEvatAs as different from you. Before entering into


> you have to remember your guru mantra which says that your guru is

> " swarUpa nirUpaNa hEtuh " .

> Who ever he introduces (initiates) to you as dEvata, you have to

> understand, that dEvata is none else but your own self.

> You would have taken births of so many forms like so many dEvatAs,

> manuShyAs, rAkShasAs, piSAcAs, birds, snakes, creatures, stone,


> mountains, trees etc., and so many of course.


> But we select only a few of them, to have the recollection of

> memory of that life and know how great we are! " nAma smaraNam "


> to recollect what we have forgotten (vismaraNam = to forget). We

> recollect only the better side of our history and our greatness in

> that birth because, we are aspiring to become divine. " mR^ityOr mA

> amR^itam gamaya " . Not like 'Kamsa' who recollected his rAkShasa


> of his previous birth and acquired all the rAkShasa qualities.


> Coming to your point, we always do 'pancAyatana puja, while

> doing pUjA for any particular dEvata. It means that you should not

> perform pUjA for any particular dEvata in a lone form, because that

> deity is not any single individual, but the collective form of so


> dEvatAs (samaShti) only. Just like you can not find any particular

> thing as " forest " , but only the collection of so many trees.


> When you perform pUja for 'Siva', the amba, viShnu, sUrya,


> etc., will become " anga dEvatAs " . When you do it for 'amba', Siva


> others become 'anga devatAs.


> In the same way, when you meditate upon mInAkShi, the lalita

> rAjarAjESwari and others will become 'anga dEvatAs'. Then the

> " mInAkShi " will become " simhAsanESwari " .


> Any way, you could have understood by this time, that you,


> is the " SAMASHTI' of all the dEvatAs, is the

real " simhAsanESwari " .

> Not any Lalita, rAjarAjESwari, Siva,viShNu or any one else. Of


> all of them are yourself. You are the " sarva dEvatA samaShti " and


> yourself is the real " simhAsanESwari "


> " rUpai ranEkaIr bahudhAtma mUrtim kR^itwAmbikE tat prakarOti

> kAnyA "


> This is all the view of SrI SankarAcArya.


> Yours always in the sevice of the mother,

> krishnarao.


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