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Reg. bypassing of Bala Mantra in Srividya

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Dear ravi,

Namaste.  It seems there is a security problem with my system because I have

posted this article twice but could not be seen in the forum.  So, I am posting

this again. 


What you have said may be an exception (which is also questionable as the

satguru never trespasses and violates his guru parampara) which I have never

heard among the sadacharis belonging to the sat-sampradaya in srividya. 

Shodasi is never prescribed by bypassing of bala which is like studying Post

Graduation without Graduation degree.  Such certificate is of no use. 


This reminds me the words of Brahmasri Tadepalli Raghavana Narayana Sastry in

one of his works on Srividya which gives the esoteric significance on


Bala is paroksha-brahmavidya swarupini which represents sravana; Panchadasi is

Aparoksha-Brahmavidya swarupini which represents manana; Shodasi is

Nidhidhyasana; The Lalithopakhyana is the episode that gives out the esoteric

sense of Srividya anga devatas, Srividya bahya varivasya and Srividya

Antarvarivasya.  Bala is result of Bahaya Varivasya Siddhi and Lalitha is the

result of Antar varivasya siddhi.  The episode goes like this:


When Bhandasura was creating havoc in three worlds, Sage Narada approaches

Vishnu and seeks his refuge.  Pleased thus, the Vishnu gives a Mantra Kalpa

Grantha and directs Narada to preside over the Bahiryaga Krama at Himavat

Parvata with utmost care as per the varivasya given in Kalpa.  Also instructs

the devatas to maintain " extreme care " during the performance of vedic rituals

and karma kanda at the Bahiryaga Krama.  Saying this, Vishnu creates two

damsels to infatuate the ministers of Bhandasura.  Thus, presided by Narada and

supervised by Vishnu, the devatas perform the Bahiryaga and get immense power,

strength, stamina, valour.  When the devatas performed the yajna, pleased with

them, resulted in the emergence of Bala Tripurasundari with Book, Rosary, Varada

and Abhaya Mudras who is none other than Paroksha Brahmavidya.  The book

denotes the Vaidika Karmanushtana and Rosary denotes the Mantra Anushtana.  The

Bala addressing the conference of

Devatas says that she is Vishnu Yaga Siddhi Rupini and cannot annihilate the

Bhadasura completely but can enslave only.  Saying thus, instructs the Devatas

in conference to perform the Kalpokta-Antaryaga as per the Grantha which I have

and hands over the book and rosary that was in Her hands.  Saying so disappears

in  Chidakasa and contemplates on Antaryami Purusha.  The Antaryami

Parameshwara appears before Her (Bala).  Bala pleads the Antaryami Purusha to

preside over the Antaryaga Upasana by placing Chidagni Kunda.  Thus, the

Antaryami Purusha rupa Ishwara takes upon himself the responsibility of

Antaryaga Krama Diksha.  In this Antaryaga karma, the Mind acted as Ajya,

Chitta vritti as Havish and Jnana as Agni.  Thus culminated the Antaryaga

Upasana Paddhati as per the Mantra Kalpa presented by Bala.  Pleased with this

Antaryaga Paddhati, Lalitha manifests from the Chidagni Kunda.  As per the loka

dharma and vyavahara, the women should not

remain as unmarried and hence devatas plead Her to get married.  Lalitha

contemplates on " HER SELF " .  As a result, manifested the " Kameshwara " .  Since,

he manifested instantaneously he is called " Sadyojata " .  Thus, the Lalitha

marries the Kameshwara and the Divine Couple is known as

" Kameshwara-Kameshwari " . 


So, the moral of this episode as well as the Srividya Guru Sampradaya says that

Bahirjayaga / Bahya Varivasya Siddhi as per the Vedoktha Vidhi is conferred by

Bala which represents the Karma Anushtana and Antaryaga / Srividya

Antarvarivasya Siddhi which represents the Jnana is conferred by Lalitha

(Panchadasi / Shodasi). 


Bala and Panchadasi – Both are complementary to each other and both should not

be separated as Bala is Daughter and Lalitha is Mother. 









By the way, I received a personal mail whether Shri Bhaskara quoted anywhere

about the adhikara nirnaya of the parayana of Lalitha Sahasranama without

Panchadasi Mantra. 


My answer is Yes.  Shri Bhaskara says in Purva-pithika that " mantra rAhityE

nAmakIrtanE(a)adhikArAbhAvEnAdhikAri niShTasya………… " which says that

without the Mula Mantra Upadesa the Parayana of LS is useless.  Here he

stresses on " Mantra rAjam srIvidyAm…… " which means the PANCHADASI VIDYA AND

NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH BALA.  Mantra rajam srividyam is Panchadasi only. 


With regards,





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Respected Sriram


1) Not just your message, at least a dozen messages get marked as SPAM

every week by . Some of the reasons for this are: copying

all the previous messages, having special characters, etc. In your

case, you message had some control characters. Please use a text

editor to edit your messages.


2) baalaa can be an end in itself - rather than a prerequisite for

something. Ultimately for an advaitin, mantra japa is a karma and at

the best give only chitta shuddhi (and communion with that devata as

stated by patanjali). In that sense, bala, shhoDhashi, or panchaaxari

done with shraddha is just enough. For a dvija, again the first

priority is gaayatri. What really confuses me why this endless

variation of shhoDhasi, adding more and more syllables to it. Even the

shhoDhashi as it is initiated mixes baala in it and make it more than 16.


In my previous post, all I intended to say was a guru can override

prerequisites if he chooses to. I did not say that is the norm. But I

have seen this done. Just because he did it, does not make him a

lesser guru. Lot of people get a honorary PhD without even a high

school diploma. Not that they do not deserve. They have spent so much

time in their sphere of activity - that work qualifies them for it (of

course, do not consider the politicians getting this honorary degree).

This has happened to some scientists also.


With best regards,



, venkata sriram

<sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


<I deleted all the previous message, at it had some special

unprintable control characters>

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, " MSR " <miinalochanii wrote:

> What really confuses me why this endless

> variation of shhoDhasi, adding more and more syllables to it. Even


> shhoDhashi as it is initiated mixes baala in it and make it more

>than 16.


In most old shrIkula paramparas the ShoDhashi actually meant only a 16

syllabled mantra derived from the underlying pa~nchadashi and nothing

more. I am told a guru may teach some kind of saMpuTikaraNas with

tripurashekhara or tripurabhairavi for it is considered best for a

student especially those not of the atimArga to to derive various

artha-s. If we look at the older shrIkula shAstra-s we realize that

these " ati-ShoDhashis " with many new syllables are recent innovation -

- especially some modern paramparas where the ShoDhashi dIkSha is

granted relatively easily need more steps in the ladder above it.


To my understanding paramaparas closely linked to the old shAstras the

majority of dIkShitas are only doing tripurashekhara or

tripurabhairavi and few get pa~nchadashAkShari and only the minority

who are considered fully accomplished in shAstras and yoga are given

ShoDhashi with 16 syllables. I can frankly state that most common

people do not have the wherewithal to understand or deal with

ShoDhashi and giving them that mantra might have negative effects.


BTW since someone asked tripurashekhara is bAlA -- this term is more

common in lineages originally coming from Kashmir.


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Dear rajitha,


<<..To my understanding paramaparas closely linked to the old

shAstras the

majority of dIkShitas are only doing tripurashekhara or

tripurabhairavi and few get pa~nchadashAkShari and only the minority

who are considered fully accomplished in shAstras and yoga are given

ShoDhashi with 16 syllables. I can frankly state that most common

people do not have the wherewithal to understand or deal with

ShoDhashi and giving them that mantra might have negative effects...>


Well said.


But Jnanarnava Tantra (vide 27 & 28 sloka) gives out 28 lettered

Shodasi Mantra and this tantra is supposed to be the oldest and most

pramanika tantra grandha which also details out Meru Mantra Vidhana,

Tripura Bala, Tripura Bhairavi and Tripura Lalitha.


So, 28-lettered Shodasi which is the prefix & suffix of some bijas

alongwith Panchadasi may not be of recent origin as it was given out

in Jn.Tan.


Waiting for your comments...







, " rajita_rajvasishth "

<rajita_rajvasishth wrote:


> , " MSR " <miinalochanii@> wrote:

> > What really confuses me why this endless

> > variation of shhoDhasi, adding more and more syllables to it.


> the

> > shhoDhashi as it is initiated mixes baala in it and make it more

> >than 16.


> In most old shrIkula paramparas the ShoDhashi actually meant only a


> syllabled mantra derived from the underlying pa~nchadashi and


> more. I am told a guru may teach some kind of saMpuTikaraNas with

> tripurashekhara or tripurabhairavi for it is considered best for a

> student especially those not of the atimArga to to derive various

> artha-s. If we look at the older shrIkula shAstra-s we realize that

> these " ati-ShoDhashis " with many new syllables are recent

innovation -

> - especially some modern paramparas where the ShoDhashi dIkSha is

> granted relatively easily need more steps in the ladder above it.


> To my understanding paramaparas closely linked to the old shAstras


> majority of dIkShitas are only doing tripurashekhara or

> tripurabhairavi and few get pa~nchadashAkShari and only the


> who are considered fully accomplished in shAstras and yoga are


> ShoDhashi with 16 syllables. I can frankly state that most common

> people do not have the wherewithal to understand or deal with

> ShoDhashi and giving them that mantra might have negative effects.


> BTW since someone asked tripurashekhara is bAlA -- this term is


> common in lineages originally coming from Kashmir.

> RR


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, " sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi


> But Jnanarnava Tantra (vide 27 & 28 sloka) gives out 28 lettered

> Shodasi Mantra and this tantra is supposed to be the oldest and most

> pramanika tantra grandha which also details out Meru Mantra Vidhana,

> Tripura Bala, Tripura Bhairavi and Tripura Lalitha.


> So, 28-lettered Shodasi which is the prefix & suffix of some bijas

> alongwith Panchadasi may not be of recent origin as it was given out

> in Jn.Tan.


> Waiting for your comments...


Shriram- I am sorry if I have said something in ignorance. I am

providing below my understanding of the above matter. Firstly I should

mention that I am not saying that tantras do not give a ShoDashi-like

mantra with higher syllable counter. I was only saying that the

" ladder of escalation " of higher and higher ShoDashis is a later



Like you I also accept the j~nAnArNava tantraM as a valid shAstra

praMaNa, though I cannot claim to be completely knowledgeable in it.

It may not be older than nityAShoDashikArNava or tantrarAja but it is

an important pramaNa. I believe you are talking about chapter 13

titled: " ShoDashIvidyAvivaraNaM "

If I get it correct the relevant verses are:

AdyabIjadvayaM bhadre viparItakrameNa hi |

vilikhya parameshAni tato.anyAni samuddharet ||

antarmukhA varArohe kumArI tripureshvarI |

ebhistu pa~nchasaMkhyAkair bIjaiH saMpuTitA yajet ||

ShaTkUTA parameshAni vidyeyaM ShoDashAkSarI |

trikUTA sakalA bhadre ShoDashArNA bhavanti hi ||

vaiShNavy ekonaviMshArNA shaivI saptadashAkSarI |

vaktra koTisahasraistu jihvA koTishatairapi ||


These give derivations of deployed versions of the ShoDashi which have

a saMpuTa of 3 additional syllables - vaiShNavI or shaivI with 1

additional syllable. But the core is still the ShoDashArNa.


The related tantra the gandharva tantra gives a longer derivative of

the ShoDashArNa but calls it the rAjarAjeshvarI vidyA.

Let me know if I am reading it wrongly.


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Dear rajitha,


Exactly. The 27th & 28th sloka of trayodasa patala gives out Shatkuta






, " rajita_rajvasishth "

<rajita_rajvasishth wrote:


> , " sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi@>

> wrote:

> > But Jnanarnava Tantra (vide 27 & 28 sloka) gives out 28 lettered

> > Shodasi Mantra and this tantra is supposed to be the oldest and most

> > pramanika tantra grandha which also details out Meru Mantra Vidhana,

> > Tripura Bala, Tripura Bhairavi and Tripura Lalitha.

> >

> > So, 28-lettered Shodasi which is the prefix & suffix of some bijas

> > alongwith Panchadasi may not be of recent origin as it was given out

> > in Jn.Tan.

> >

> > Waiting for your comments...


> Shriram- I am sorry if I have said something in ignorance. I am

> providing below my understanding of the above matter. Firstly I should

> mention that I am not saying that tantras do not give a ShoDashi-like

> mantra with higher syllable counter. I was only saying that the

> " ladder of escalation " of higher and higher ShoDashis is a later

> phenomenon.


> Like you I also accept the j~nAnArNava tantraM as a valid shAstra

> praMaNa, though I cannot claim to be completely knowledgeable in it.

> It may not be older than nityAShoDashikArNava or tantrarAja but it is

> an important pramaNa. I believe you are talking about chapter 13

> titled: " ShoDashIvidyAvivaraNaM "

> If I get it correct the relevant verses are:

> AdyabIjadvayaM bhadre viparItakrameNa hi |

> vilikhya parameshAni tato.anyAni samuddharet ||

> antarmukhA varArohe kumArI tripureshvarI |

> ebhistu pa~nchasaMkhyAkair bIjaiH saMpuTitA yajet ||

> ShaTkUTA parameshAni vidyeyaM ShoDashAkSarI |

> trikUTA sakalA bhadre ShoDashArNA bhavanti hi ||

> vaiShNavy ekonaviMshArNA shaivI saptadashAkSarI |

> vaktra koTisahasraistu jihvA koTishatairapi ||


> These give derivations of deployed versions of the ShoDashi which have

> a saMpuTa of 3 additional syllables - vaiShNavI or shaivI with 1

> additional syllable. But the core is still the ShoDashArNa.


> The related tantra the gandharva tantra gives a longer derivative of

> the ShoDashArNa but calls it the rAjarAjeshvarI vidyA.

> Let me know if I am reading it wrongly.

> RR


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Dear learned members of this forum,


although i know that this forum is not to discuss personal grieviances,

i can't help but to seek some help, advice ad guidance from elders and lear=

ned members.Most people would say design your destiny, you have to do karma=

etc etc.

and finally if nothing works out they say it's your previous karma etc etc.

what if a person seriously thinks that GOD is going to help out and expects=

a miracle to happen is it foolishness?

I have been advised by people to chant Tulasi Kavacham, chant Shiva Sahasra=

m, Laxmi Sahasram etc to get marital bliss and end to domestic violence.I h=

ave been doing these for the past 8 yrs, but is it worth if a person does n=

ot change, and still thinks of leaving a relationship and now i'm questioni=

ng my sanity as to why i should think of being in a relationship when the o=

ther person does not want it.

People look at horoscopes and say separation or divoce is not in my horosco=

pe, and that nothing give away this danam that etc and also warn that nothi=

ng can give permanent effect and that impossible to change a person's perso=



Now i may sound immature, or stupid but is it true that no one can change a=

person?what about daivanugraham? is'nt it powerful that grahanugraham?

then why am i doing all these in the hope that one day i will happy married=



Please give me some guidance or advice on this.


I wish i could give up everything and live a monk's life, but i have a 5yr =

old daughter who depends on me. i can't even runaway.I feel trapped as i do=

n't have guts.

Although i know about nothing touches soul, god dwells in everyone etc is i=

t what i'm finally supposed to get? do i have to just get another birth to =

have a normal happy life that i imagine? what about my pain now? what shoul=

d i do about it?shuld i just think i'm indifferent, i have no pleasure or p=

ain? how can i attain that stage?



--- On Wed, 28/1/09, sriram <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:

sriram <sriram_sapthasathi

Re: Reg. bypassing of Bala Mantra in Srividya


Wednesday, 28 January, 2009, 9:52 AM

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Dear Divine,


Please note that worship of the Divine latent and potent energy called Shakti

and shiva or Devi is enough to bring absolute harmony in one's life, because

both these sakthis are inseparable. Bala is anga of Panchadasi and a true

upasaka will not cross the barriers of having all the anga, upanga, prathyinga

and gurupaduka sahita panchadasi or any other mantra for that matter.


One should ensure that he or she does not give strength to negative thoughts.

Give and forgive is the basic requirement in any married life. Any mantra

chanting will be useless unles the Guru who initiated is capable of transmitting

the total divine energy of that devata to the devotee or sishya intoto. Mere

mantras will not help, as a recorded message repeated over and over does not

produce results.


Contemplate on the form of the guru as a living master and interact with Him

which will ensure that all samskaras are removed and harmony, prosperity,

purity, plenty comes down from the Karana sareer of the guru parampara and

blesses the disciple.


Blessings to all.


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