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Lalita Sahasranama - Meaning

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Dear Shakta Bhandu's,

                                   Please find

some translation which I could able to do for the 1000 names of SHRI LALTIA




Lalita Sahasranamam

AUM Shri Lalita Maha Tripurasundari Svarupa Shri Minakshi Parameshvari

Paradevtambikayai Namah Dhyanam.H


Sinduraruna Vigraham Trinayanam Manikya Mauli Sphurat.H

Tara Nayaka Shekharam Smita Mukhim Apina Vakshoruham.H

Panibhyam Alipurna Ratna Chashhakam Raktotpalam Vibhratim

Saumyam Ratna Ghatastha Rakta Charanam Dhyayet.H Paramambikam.H


May we meditate on the DIVINE, whose body has the red hue of vermilion, who has

three eyes, Who wears a beautiful crown studded with rubies, who is adorned with

the crescent moon, Who face sports beautiful smile indicating compassion, who

has a beautiful limbs, whose hands holds a jewel studded golden vessel filled

with nectar, and in the other a red lotus flower.


Arunam Karuna Taran^Gitakshim

Dhr^Ita Pashan^Kusha Pushhpa Bana Chapam.H

Animadi Bhiravr^Itam Mayukhaih

Ahamityeva Vibhavaye Bhavanim.H


I meditate on the great empress. She is red in color, and her eyes are full of

compassion, and holds the noose, the goad, the bow and the flowery arrow in her

hands. She is surrounded on all sides by powers such as Anima for rays and she

is the self within me.


Dhyayet.H Padmasanastham Vikasitavadanam Padmapatrayatakshim

Hemabham Pitavastram Karakalitalasaddhemapadmam Varan^Gim.H

Sarvalan^Kara Yuktam Satatam Abhayadam Bhaktanamram Bhavanim

Shri Vidyam Shanta Murtim Sakala Suranutam Sarva Sampat.H Pradatrim.H


The divine goddess is to be meditated. Meditate upon as seated on the Lotus with

petal eyes. She is golden hued, and has lotus flowers in her hand. She dispels

fear of the devotees who bow Before her. She is the embodiment of peace,

knowledge (vidya),is praised by gods and grants every kind of wealth wished for.


Sakun^Kuma Vilepana Malikachumbi Kasturikam

Samanda Hasitekshanam Sashara Chapa Pashan^Kusham.H

Qasheshhajana Mohinim Aruna Malya Bhushhambaram

Japakusuma Bhasuram Japavidhau Smaredambikam.H


I meditate on the Mother, whose eyes are smiling, who holds the arrow, bow,

noose and the goad in her hand. She is glittering with red garlands and

ornaments. She is painted with kumkuma on her forehead and is red and tender

like the Japa flower.

Note: The simbol ‘ ^ ‘ represents the the Preslation Mark denotes the sound

Akara to be inserted at the corresponding place.


 Atha Shri Lalita Sahasranama


 AUM Aim Hrim Shrim aum Aim Hrim Shrim


> 1. Shri Mata                            She Who Is

The Auspicious Mother

> 2. Shri Maha Ragyi                  She Who Is The Empress

Of The Universe

> 3. Shrimat.H Simhasaneshvari   She Who Is The Queen Of The Most Glorious


> 4. Chit.H Agnikunda Sambhuta  She Who Was Born In The Fire-Pit Of Pure


> 5. Deva Karya Samudyata         She Who Is Intent On Fulfilling The

Wishes Of The Gods

> 6. Udyad.H Bhanu Sahasrabha   She Who Has The Radiance Of A Thousand Rising


> 7. Chatur.H Bahu Samanvita        She Who Is Four-Armed

> 8. Raga Svarupa Pashadhya       She Who Is Holding The Rope Of Love In

Her Hand

> 9. Krodha Karan^Kushojjvala       She Who Shines, Bearing The Goad Of


 10. Mano Rupekshu Kodanda        She Who Holds In Her Hand A Sugarcane

Bow That                              


        Represents The Mind

 11. Pajncha Tanmatra Sayaka       She Who Holds The Five Subtle Elements

As Arrows

 12. Nijaruna Prabhapura Majjad. She Who Immerses The Entire Universe In The

Red                                  H Brahmanda

Mandala            Efflugence Of Her Form

13. Champak.H Ashoka Punnaga     She Whose Hair Has Been Adorned With

Flowers Like                 Saugandhika Lasat.H Kacha

         Campaka, Ashoka, Punnaga And Saugandhika

14. Kuruvinda Manishreni Kanat.   She Who Is Resplendent With A Crown Adorned

With Rows      H Kotira

Manditate                               Of

Kuruvinda Gems

15. Ashhtami Chandra Vibhraja      She Whose Forehead Shines Like The

Cresent Moon Of                      padalikasthala Shobhita

                 The Eight Night OfThe Lunar Half-Month

16. Mukha Chandra Kalan^Kabha    She Who Wears A Musk Mark On Her Forehead

Which                       Mr^Iga Nabhi

Visheshhaka              Shines Like The Spot In The Moon

17. Vadana Smara Man^Galya          She Whose Eyebrows Shine Like The

Archways                      Gr^Iha Torana

Chillika                      Leading To The House Of Kama,

The God Of Love,



Which Her Face Resembles

18. Vakra Lakshmi Parivaha           She Whose Eyes Possess The Luster

Of The Fish That Chalan.H Minabha Lochana     Move About In The Stream Of

Beauty Flowing From Her Face

19. Nava Champaka Pushhpabha   She Who Is Resplendent With A Nose That Has The

Nasa       Danda


Beauty Of A Newly Blossoming Campaka Flower

20. Tara Kanti Tiraskari                   She Who Shines With

A Nose-Ornament That Excels                

            Nasabharana Bhasura         The Luster Of A Star

21. Kadamba Majnjari Klr^Ipta        She Who Is Captivating, Wearing

Bunches Of Kadamba            Karnapura

Manohara                   Flowers As Ear-Ornaments

22. Tatan^Ka Yugali Bhuta   She Who Wears The Sun And The Moon As A Pair Of

Large    Tapanodupa Mandala                     Earrings

23. Padma Raga Shila Darsha       She Whose Cheeks Excel Mirrors Made Of

Rubies In Their       Paribhavi Kapolabhuh               Beauty

24. Nava Vidruma Bimba Shri        She Whose Lips Excel Freshly Cut Coral

And Bimba Fruit In     Nyakkari Radanachchhada      Their Reflective


25. Shuddha Vidyan^Kurakara       She Who Has Radiant Teeth Which Resemble

The Buds Of      Dvija Pan^Kti Dvayojjvala              Pure




26. Karpura Vitika Moda                  She Who Is Enjoying A

Camphor-Laden Betel Roll, The             Samakarshhi Digantara 

     Fragrance Of Which Is Attracting People From All Directions

27. Nija Sallapa Madhurya   She Who Excels Even The Vina Of Sarasvati In The

       Vinirbhartsita Kachchhapi    Sweetnes Of Her Speech

28. Manda Smita Prabha Pura       She Who Submerges Even The Mind Of

Kamesha                     Majjat.H Kamesha Manasa   

(Lord Shiva) In The Radiance Of Her Smile

29. Anakalita Sadr^Ishya Chibuka   She Whose Chin Cannot Be Compared To

Anything(It Is                      Shri Virajita


    Beyond Camporison Because Of Its Unparalleled Beauty)

30. Kamesha Baddha Man^Galya   She Whose Neck Is Adorned With The Marriage

Thread           Sutra Shobhita Ka.Ndhara             Tied

By Kamesha

31. Kanakan^Gada Keyura               She Whose Arms Are

Beautifully Adorned With Golden            Kamaniya

Bhujanvita                  Armlets

32. Ratnagraiveya Chintaka Lola       She Whose Neck Is Resplendent With A

Gem-Studded          Mukta Phalanvita

                             Necklace With A Locket

Made Of Pearl

33. Kameshvara Prema Ratna          She Who Gives Her Breasts To

Kameshvara In Return For      Mani Pratipana Stani

                    The Gem Of Love He Bestows On Her

34. Nabhyalavala Romali Lata         She Whose Breasts Are The Fruits On

The Creeper Of The             Phalakuchadvayi 

                   Fine Hairline That Starts In The Depths Of

Her Navel                            


        And Spreads Upwards

35. Lakshya Roma Lata Dharata    She Who Has A Waist, The Existence Of Which

Can Only             Samunneya Madhyama         Be Inferred By

The Fact That The Creeper Of Her Hairline                  


          Springs From It

36. Stana Bhara Dalan.H Madhya   She Whose Abdomen Has Three Folds Which Form

A Belt             Pattabandha Vali Traya          To Support

Her Waist From Breaking Under The Weight                   


           Of Her Breasts

37. Arunaruna Kausumbha Vastr       She Whose Hips Are Adorned With A

Garment As Red As             Abhasvat.H

Katitati                  The Rising Sun, Which Is Dyed With An

Extract From                         


    Safflower(Kusumbha) Blossoms

38. Ratna Kin^Kini Karamya           She Who Is Adorned With A Girdle

Which Is Decorated With             Rashanadama Bhushhita

                Many Gem-Studded Bells

39. Kameshagyata Saubhagya       The Beauty And Softness Of Whose Thighs

Are Known Only     Mardavoru Dvayanvita     To Kamesha, Her Husband

40. Manikya Makutakara                  She Whose Knees Are Like

Crowns Shaped From The             Janudvaya

Virajita                        Precious Red Jewel,

Manikya (A Kind Of Ruby)

41. Indragopa Parikshipta               She Whose Calves Gleam Like

The Jewel-Covered Quiver             Smaratunabha

Ja.Mghika                Of The God Of Love

42. Gudha Gulpha                             She

Whose Ankles Are Hidden

43. Kurmapr^Ishhtha Jayishhnu       She Whose Feet Have Arches That Rival

The Back Of A            

Prapadanvita                         Tortoise In

Smooothness And Beauty

44. Nakhadidhiti Sa.Nchhanna        She Whose Toenails Give Out Such A

Radiance That All           Namajjana Tamoguna      The Darkness

Of Ignorance Is dispelled Completely From


                             Those Devotees Who

Prostrate At Her Feet

45. Pada Dvaya Prabhajala            She Whose Feet Defeat Lotus

Flowers In Radiance

            Parakr^ita Saroruha 

46. Sijnjana Manimajnjira Mandita   She Whose Auspicious Lotus Feet Are

Adorned With               Shri

Padambuja                            Gem-Studded

Golden Anklets That Tinkle Sweetly

47. Marali Manda Gamana              She Whose Gait Is As Slow And

Gentle As That Of A Swan

48. Maha Lavanya Shevadhih         She Who Is The Treasure House Of




She Who Is Entirely Red In Complexion

50. Anavadyan^gi                             She

Whose Body Is Worthy Of Worship

51. Sarvabharana Bhushhita           She Who Is Resplendent With All

Types Of Ornaments

52. Shiva Kameshvaran^kastha      She Who Sits In The Lap Of Shiva, Who Is

The Conqueror                    


        Of Desire


Shiva                                     Â\

 Â Â Â Â Â  She Who Bestows All That Is Auspicious

54. Svadhina Vallabha                     She Who Keeps Her

Husband Always Under Her Control

55. Sumeru Madhya Shr^in^gastha   She Who Sits On The Middle Peak Of Mount


56. Shriman.H Nagara Nayika        She Who Is The Mistress Of The Most

Auspicious (Or                           



57. Chintamani Gr^ihantastha         She Who Resides In A House Built Of

The Chintamani

58. Pajncha Brahmasanasthita       She Who Sits On A Seat Made Of Five


59. Maha Padmatavi Sa.nstha        She Who Resides In The Great Lotus


60. Kadamba Vana Vasini              She Who Resides In The Kadamba


61. Sudha Sagara Madhyastha      She Who Resides In The Center Of The Ocean

Of Nectar



She Whose Eyes Awaken Desire, Or She Who Has Beautiful



63. Kama Dayini                               She

Who Grants All Wishes

64. Devarshhi Gana Sa.nghata       She Whose Might Is The Subject Of Praise

By Multitudes Of      Stuya Manatma Vaibhava              Gods

And Sages

65. Bhandasura Vadhodyukta         She Who Is Endowed With An Army Of

Shaktis Intent On           Shakti Sena Samanvita       Slaying


66. Sampatkari Samarudha            Who Is Attended By A Herd Of

Elephants Ably Commanded     Si.ndhura Vrajasevita Whe        By


67. Ashva Rudhadhishhthitashva      She Who Is Surrounded By A Cavalry Of

Several Million                       Koti

Kotibhiravr^ita                       Horses Which Are

Under The Command Of The Shakti,




68. Chakra Raja Ratharudha           She Who Shines In Her Chariot

Chakraraja, Equipped With      Sarva Yudha Parishhkr^ita All Kinds Of


69. Geya Chakra Ratha Rudha       She Who Is Served By The Shakti Named

Mantrini Who            Mantrini

Parisevita                               Rides The

Chariot Known As Geyacakra

70. Kiri Chakra Ratha Rudhadanda     She Who Is Escorted By The Shakti Known

As                                  Natha

Puraskr^ita                             Dandanatha,

Seated In The Kirichakra Chariot

71. Jvala Malini Kakshipta Vahni                She Who Has Taken

Position At The Center Of The                    Prakara

Madhyaga               Fortress Of Fire Created By The Goddess,


72. Bhanda Sainya Vadhodyukta      She Who Rejoices At The Valor Of The

Shaktis Who Are        Shakti Vikrama

Harshhita                Intent On Destroying The Forces Of


73. Nitya Parakramatopa                            

She Who Delights In Seeing The Might And The Pride    Nirikshana

Samutsuka                 Of Her Nitya Deities

74. Bhanda Putra Vadhodyukta                  She Who Delights

In Seeing The Valor Of The     Bala    Vikrama

Nandita                       Goddess Bala Who Is Intent

On Killing The Sons Of Bhanda

75. Mantrini Amba Virachita                        She Who

Rejoices At The Destruction, In Battle, Of                    

Vishhan^ga Vadhatoshhita              The Demon Vishhan^Ga By The

Mantrini Shakti

76. Vishukra Pranaharana                           She

Who Is Pleased With The Prowess Of Varahi           Varahi Virya

Nandita             Who Took The Life Of Vishukra

77. Kameshvara Mukha Loka                     She Who Gives

Rise To Ganesha By A Glance At           Kalpita Shri Ganeshvara

                  The Face Of Kameshvara

78. Maha Ganesha Nirbhinna                      She Who

Rejoices When Ganesha Shatters All   Vighna Yantra Praharshhita  Obstacles

79. Bhandasurendra Nirmukta Shastra      She Who Showers Counter Weapons To

Each    Pratyastra Varshhini                   


Fired At Her By Bhandasura

80. Karan^guli Nakhotpanna Narayana      She Who Created From Her

Fingernails All Ten Dashakr^itih  


Incarnations Of Narayana (Vishhnu)

81. Maha Pashupatastragni                        She

Burned The Armies Of The Demonds In The Fire            

Nirdagdhasura Sainika                    Of The Missile,


82. Kameshvarastra Nirdagdha                  She Who Burned And

Destroyed Bhandasura And His             Sabhandasura

Shunyaka                 Capital Shunyaka With The Kameshvara


83. Brahmopendra Mahendradi Deva        She Whose Many Powers Are Extolled

By Brahma,        Sa.Nstuta

Vaibhava                                Vishhnu,

Shiva And Other Gods

84. Hara Netragni Sa.Ndagdha Kama       She Who Became The Life-Giving

Medicine For            

Sa.Njivanaushhadhih                        Kamadeva (The

God Of Love) Who Had Been Burned              


        To Ashes By The Fire From Shiva's (Third) Eye

85. Shrimad.h Vagbhava Kutaika               She Whose Lotus Face

Is The Auspicious                        Svarupa

Mukhapan^kaja                     Vagbhavakuta (A Group Of

Syllables Of The




Panchadashi Mantra)

86. Kanthadhah Katiparyanta                      She Who

From Her Beck To Her Waist Is Of The             Madhya Kuta

Svarupini                       Form Of The Madhyakuta

(The Middle Six Syllables



The Panchadashakshari Mantra)

87. Shakti Kutaika Tapanna                        She

Whose Form Below The Waist Is The Shaktikuta     Katyadho Bhaga

Dharini           (The Last Four Syllables Of The Pancadashakshari


88. Mula


She Who Is The Embodiment Of The Mula Mantra



                    (The Pancadashakshari Mantra)

89. Mula Kuta Traya Kalebara                     She Whose

(Subtle) Body Is Made Of The Three



                    Parts Of The Pancadashakshari Mantra

90. Kulamr^itaika Rasika                 She Who Is Especially

Fond Of The Nectar Known As Kula

91. Kula Sanketa Palini                    She Who Protects

The Code Of Rituals Of The Path Of



Known As Kula

92. Kulan^gana                                

She Who Is Well-Born (Who Is From A Good Family)

93. Kulantastha                                

She Who Resides In The Kula Vidya


Kaulini                                    Â\

 Â Â Â Â  She Who Belongs To The Kula

95. Kula

Yogini                                  She Who

Is The Deity In The Kulas


Akula                                     Â\

 Â Â Â Â Â  She Who Does Not Have A Family

97. Samayantastha                           She Who

Resides Inside " Samaya "

98. Samayachara Tatpara               She Who Is Attached To The

Samaya Form Of Worship

99. Muladharaika Nilaya                  She Whose Principal

Abode Is The Muladhara

100. Brahma Granthi Vibhedini       She Who Breaks Through The Knot Of


101. Manipurantarudita                    She Who Emerges In

The Manipura Cakra

102. Vishhnu Granthi Vibhedini       She Who Breaks Through The Knot Of


103. AGYA Chakrantaralastha        She Who Resides At The Center Of The

AGYA Chakra

104. Rudra Granthi Vibhedini          She Who Breaks Through The Knot

Of Shiva

105. Sahasrarambuja Rudha          She Who Ascends To The

Thousand-Petaled Lotus

106. Sudha Sarabhi Varshhini        She Who Pours Out Streams Of Ambrosia

107. Tatilh Lata Samaruchih            She Who Is As Beautiful As A

Flash Of Lightning

108. Shhat Chakropari Sa.Nsthita    She Who Resides Above The Six Chakras

109. Mahasaktih                               She

Who Is Greatly Attached To The Festive Union



        Of Shiva And Shakti



She Who Has The Form A Coil

111. Bisa Tantu Taniyasi                 She Who Is Fine And

Delicate As The Fiber Of The Lotus



She Who Is The Wife Of Bhava (Shiva)

113. Bhavana Gamya                       She Who Is

Unattainable Through Imagination Or Thought

114. Bhavaranya Kutharika She Who Is Like An Axe To Clear The Jungle Of Samsara

115. Bhadra Priya                             She

Who Is Fond Of All Auspicious Things, Who Gives All



        Auspicious Things

116. Bhadra Murtih               She Who Is The Embodiment Of

Auspiciousness Or Benevolence

117. Bhakta Saubhagya Dayini      She Who Confers Prosperity On Her


118. Bhakti Priya                              She

Who Is Fond Of (And Pleased By) Devotion

119. Bhakti Gamya                           She Who Is

Attained Only Through Devotion

120. Bhakti Vashya                          She Who Is

To Be Won Over By Devotion

121. Bhayapaha                                She

Who Dispels Fear

122. Shambhavi                                She

Who Is The Wife Of Shambhu (Shiva)

123. Sharadaradhya             She Who Is Worshipped By Sharada

(Sarasvati, The



Of Speech)



She Who Is The Wife Of Sharva (Shiva)

125. Sharmadayini                           She Who

Confers Happiness



She Who Gives Happiness


Shrikari                                    \

  She Who Bestows Riches In Abundance


Sadhvi                                     \

  She Who Is Chaste

129. Sharachchandra Nibhanana   She Whose Face Shines Like The Full Moon In

The Clear                    


        Autumn Sky

130. Shatodari                                 

She Who Is Slender-Waister

131. Shantimati                                

She Who Is Peaceful

132. Niradhara                                 

She Who Is Without Dependence

133. Nira.Njana                                

She Who Stays Unattached, Bound To Nothing


Nirlepa                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Is Free From All Impurities Arising From Action


Nirmala                                    Â\

  She Who Is Free From All Impurities


Nitya                                     Â\

 Â Â Â Â  She Who Is Eternal

137. Nirakara                       

            She Who Is Without Form



She Who Is Without Agitation


Nirguna                                    Â\

  She Who Is Beyond All Three Gunas Of Nature, Namely



        Sattva, Rajas And Tamas

140. Nishhkala                                 

She Who Is Without Parts


Shanta                                     \

  She Who Is Tranquil

142. Nishhkama                                She

Who Is Without Desire

143. Nirupaplava                               She

Who Is Indestructible

144. Nityamukta                               

She Who Is Ever Free From Worldly Bonds



She Who Is Unchanging

146. Nishhprapajncha                      She Who Is Not Of

This Universe

147. Nirashraya                                

She Who Does Not Depend On Anything

148. Nityashuddha                            She Who

Is Eternally Pure

149. Nityabuddha                              She

Who Is Ever Wise

150. Niravadya                                 

She Who Is Blameless Or She Who Is Praiseworthy



She Who Is All-Pervading

152. Nishhkarana                              She

Who Is Without Cause

153. Nishhkalan^ka                          She Who Is


154. Nirupadhih                                

She Who Is Not Conditioned Or Has No Limitations


Nirishvara                                  She

Who Has No Superior Or Protector


Niraga                                     \

   She Who Has No Desire

157. Ragamathani                            She Who

Destroys Desires (Passions)



She Who Is Without Pride

159. Mada Nashini                           She Who

Destroys Pride

160. Nishchinta                                

She Who Has No Anxiety In Anything

161. Niraha.Nkara                            She Who

Is Without Egoism. She Who Is Without The



Of " I " And " Mine "

162. Nirmoha                         She Who Is Free

From Delusion

163. Moha Nashini                            She Who

Destroys Delusion In Her Devotees

164. Nirmama                                  

She Who Has No Self-Interest In Anything

165. Mamatahantri                            She Who

Destroys The Sense Of Ownership

166. Nishhpapa                                

She Who Is Without Sin

167. Papa Nashini                She Who Destroys All The Sins Of

Her Devotees Nishhkrodha

168. Nishhkrodha                              She

Who Is Without Anger

169. Krodha Shamani                      She Who Destroys

Anger In Her Devotees



She Who Is Without Greed

171. Lobha Nashini                          She Who

Destroys Greed In Her Devotees

172. Nihsa.Nshaya                           She Who Is

Without Doubts

173. Sa.Nshayaghni             She Who Kills All Doubts



She Who Is Without Origin

175. Bhava Nashini                          She Who

Destroys The Sorrow O Samsara (The Cycle Of



        Birth And Death)


Nirvikalpa                                  She

Who Is Free Of False Imaginings

177. Nirabadha                                

She Who Is Not Disturbed By Anything


Nirbheda                                   She

Who Is Beyond All Sense Of Difference

179. Bheda Nashini                          She Who

Removes From Her Devotees All Sense Of



        Differences Born Of Vasanas



She Who Is Imperishable

181. Mr^ityu Mathani             She Who Destroys Death

182. Nishhkriya                                

She Who Remains Without Action

183. Nishhparigraha             She Who Does Not Acquire Or Accept



Nistula                                    Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is Incomparable, Unequalled

185. Nila Chikura                              She

Who Has Shining Black Hair



She Who Is Imperishable



She Who Cannot Be Transgressed



She Who Is Won Only With Much Difficulty

189. Durgama                                  

She Who Is Approachable Only With Extreme Effort


Durga                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is The Goddess Durga

191. Duhkhahantri                             She

Who Is The Destroyer Of Sorrow

192. Sukha Prada                             She Who

Is The Giver Of Happiness

193. Dushhta Dura                            She Who

Is Unapproachable By Sinners

194. Durachara Shamani                 She Who Stops Evil


195. Doshha Varjita                          She Who Is

Free From All Faults


Sarvagya                                   She

Who Is Omniscient

197. Sandrakaruna                           She Who

Shows Intense Compassion

198. Samanadhika Varjita               She Who Has Neither Equal

Not Superior

199. Sarva Shaktimayi         She Who Has All The Divine Powers (She Who

Is Omnipotent)

200. Sarva Man^gala                       She Who Is The

Source Of All That Is Auspicious

201. Sadgatiprada                           She Who

Leads Into The Right Path

202. Sarveshvari                               She

Who Rules Over All The Living And Non-Living Things

203. Sarvamayi                                

She Who Pervades Every Living And Non-Living Thing

204. Sarva Mantra Svarupini           She Who Is The Essence Of All

The Mantras

205. Sarva Yantratmika                    She Who Is The Soul

Of All Yantras

206. Sarva Tantra Rupa                   She Who Is The

Soul(Embodiment) Of All Tantras

207. Manonmani                               She

Who Is Shiva's Shakti

208. Maheshvari                               She

Who Is The Wife Of Maheshvara

209. Mahadevi                                 

She Who Has The Immeasurable Body

210. Mahalakshmi                            She Who

Is The Great Goddess Lakshmi

211. Mr^ida Priya                              She

Who Is The Beloved Of Mr^ida (Shiva)

212. Maha Rupa                               She

Who Has A Great Form

213. Maha Pujya                               She

Who Is The Greatest Object Of Worship

214. Maha Pataka Nashini              She Who Destroys Even The

Greatest Of Sins

215. Maha Maya                               She

Who Is The Great Illusion

216. Maha Sattva                              She

Who Possesses Great Sattva

217. Maha Shaktih                            She Who

Has Great Power

218. Maha Ratih                               

She Who Is Boundless Delight

219. Maha Bhoga                             She Who

Has Immense Wealth

220. Mahaishvarya                           She Who

Has Supreme Sovereignty

221. Maha Virya                               

She Who Is Supreme In Valor

222. Maha Bala                                

She Who Is Supreme In Might

223. Maha Buddhih                          She Who Is

Supreme In Intelligence

224. Maha Siddhih                           She Who Is

Endowed With The Highest Attainments

225. Maha Yogeshvareshvari          She Who Is The Object Of Worship

Even By The Greatest                    


        Of Yogis

226. Maha Tantra                              She

Who Is Worshipped By The Great Tantras Such As



        Kularnava And Jnanarnava

227. Maha Mantra                             She Who

Is The Greatest Mantra

228. Maha Yantra                              She

Who Is In The Form Of The Great Yantras

229. Mahasana                                

She Who Is Seated On Great Seats

230. Maha Yaga Kramaradhya       She Who Is Worshipped By The Ritual Of


231. Maha Bhairava Pujita              She Who Is Worshipped Even

By Mahabhairava (Shiva)

232. Maheshvara Mahakalpa          She Who Is The Witness Of The Great

Dance Of  (Shiva)                       Mahatandava

Sakshini         MaheshvaraAt The End Of The Great Cycle Of Creation

233. Maha Kamesha Mahishhi       She Who Is The Great Queen Of

Mahakameshvara (Shiva)

234. Maha Tripura Sundari              She Who Is The Great


235. Chatushhshhashht.Hyupacharadhya         She Who Is Adored In

Sixty-Four Ceremonies

236. Chatushhshhashhti Kalamayi  She Who Embodies The Sixty-Four Fine Arts

237. Mahachatushhshhashhti           She Who Is Attended (Served) By

Sixty-Four Crores Of                         Koti Yogini

Gana Sevita               Bands Of Yoginis

238. Manu Vidya                               She

Who Is The Embodiment Of Manuvidya

239. Chandra Vidya                         She Who Is

The Embodiment Of Chandravidya

240. Chandramandala Madhyaga    She Who Resides In The Center Of



T          The Moon's Disc

241. Charu Rupa                               She

Who Has A Beauty That Does Not Wax Or Wane

242. Charu Hasa                               She

Who Has A Beautiful Smile

243. Charu Chandra Kaladhara      She Who Wears Of Beautiful Crescent Moon

That Does Not                


        Wax Or Wane

244. Charachara Jagannatha          She Who Is The Ruler Of The Animate

And Inanimate                            


245. Chakra Raja Niketana She Who Abides In The Shri Chakra


Parvati                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Is The Daughter Of The Mountain (Mount Himavat



        Or Himalaya)

247. Padma Nayana                        She Who Has Eyes

That Are Long And Beautiful Like The                    


        Petals Of The Lotus Flower

248. Padma Raga Samaprabha    She Who Has A Resplendent Red Complexion Like




249. Pajncha Pretasana Sina         She Who Sits On The Seat Formed By

The Five Corpses

250. Pajncha Brahma Svarupini     She Whose Form Is Composed Of The Five



Chinmayi                                   She

Who Is Consciousness Itself

252. Paramananda                           She Who Is

Supreme Bliss

253. Vigyana Ghana Rupini She Who Is The Embodiment Of All-Pervading Solid




254. Dhyanadhyatr^idhyeya Rupa  She Who Shines As Meditation, Meditator And The



        Object Of Meditation

255. Dharma Adharma Vivarjita                 She Who Is Devoid

Of(Who Transcends) Both Virtue                 


                    And Vice

256. Vishvarupa                               

She Who Has The Whole Universe As Her Form



She Who Is In The Waking State, Or She Who Assumes The    


                                    Form Of

The Jiva Who Is In The Waking State



She Who Is In The Dream State Or She Who Assumes The



        Form Of The Jiva In The Dream State

259. Taijasatmika                             She

Who Is The Soul Of Taijasa (Jiva In The Dream State,



        Proud Of Its Subtle Body)


Supta                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is In The Deep-Sleep State Or Assumes The Form


                                    Of The

Jiva Experiencing Deep Sleep

261. Pragyatmika                             She Who

Is Not Separate From Pragya (Deep Sleep)


Turya                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Is In The State Of Turya (Fourth State In Which



        The Ultimate Realization Of Atman Is Obtained)

263. Sarvavastha Vivarjita               She Who Transcends All


264. Sr^ishhti Kartri                          She Who

Is The Creator

265. Brahma Rupa                           She Who Is

In The Form Of Brahma


Goptri                                     \

    She Who Protects

267. Govinda Rupini             She Who Has Assumed The Form Of

Govinda (Vishhnu) For                           

                        The Preservation Of The Universe

268. Sa.Nharini                                

She Who Is The Destroyer Of The Universe

269. Rudra Rupa                               She

Who Is Has Assumed The Form Of Rudra (Shiva) For



        The Dissolution Of The Universe

270. Tirodhanakari                           She Who

Causes The Disappearance Of All Things


Ishvari                                    Â\

 Â Â  She Who Protects And Rules Everything


Sadahiva                                   She

Who Is Sadasiva, One Who Always Bestows




273. Anugrahada                              She

Who Confers Blessing

274. Pajncha Kr^itya Parayana       She Who Is Devoted To The Five

Functions (Of Creation,                     


        Preservation, Destruction, Annihilation And Reappearance)

275. Bhanu Mandala Madhyastha              She Who Abides At The

Center Of The Sun's Disc



She Who Is The Wife Of Bhairava (Shiva)

277. Bhagamalini                              She

Who Wears A Garland Made Of The Six Excellences


Auspiciousness, Supremacy, Fame, Valor, Detachment And Knowledge)

278. Padmasana                              She Who

Is Seated In The Lotus Flower

279. Bhagavati                                 

She Who Protects Those Who Worship Her

280. Padmanabha Sahodari           She Who Is Vishhnu's Sister

281. Unmeshha Nimishhotpanna    She Who Causes A Series Of Worlds To Arise And

                  Vipanna Bhuvanavali   Disappear With The

Opening And Closing Of Her Eyes

282. Sahasra Shirshha Vadana      She Who Has A Thousand Heads And Faces

283. Sahasrakshi                              She

Who Has A Thousand Eyes

284. Sahasra Pat h                           She Who

Has A Thousand Feet

285. Abrahma Kita Janani               She Who Is The Mother Of

Everything From Brahma To The                 



286. Varnashrama Vidhayini           She Who Established The Order Of

The Social Division In                    



287. Nijagya Rupanigama               She Whose Commands Take The

Form Of The Vedas

288. Punya Apunya Phala Prada    She Who Dispenses The Fruits Of Both Good

And Evil                         


289. Shrutisimantasinduri                She Is The One The Dust

From Whose Feet Forms The                        

Kr^itapadabjadhulika            Vermillion Marks At The Parting Line

Of The Hair Of The                       


        Shruti Devatas (Vedas Personified As Goddesses)

290. Sakalagama Sandoha            She Who Is The Pearl Enclosed In

The Shell Made Of All           Shukti Samputa Mauktika

               The Scriptures

291. Purushhartha Prada                 She Who Grants The

(Four-Fold) Objects Of Human Life


Purna                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is Always Whole, Without Growth Or Decay


Bhogini                                    Â\

  She Who Is The Enjoyer

294. Bhuvaneshvari                          She Who Is

The Ruler Of The Universe



She Who Is The Mother Of The Universe

296. Anadi Nidhana                          She Who Has

Neither Beginning Nor End

297. Hari Brahmendra Sevita          She Who Is Attended By Brahma,

Vishhnu And Indra

298. Narayani           

                        She Who Is The Female Counterpart

Of Narayana

299. Nadarupa                                 

She Who Is In The Form Of Sound

300. Nama Rupa Vivarjita                She Who Has No Name Or




She Who Is The Form Of Syllable " Hrim "


Hrimati                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Is Endowed With Modesty


Hr^idya                                    Â\

  She Who Abides In The Heart

304. Heyopadeya Varjita                 She Who Has Nothing To

Reject Or Accept

305. Rajarajarchita                           She Who

Is Worshipped By The King Of Kings


Ragyi                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is The Queen Of Shiva, The Lord Of All Kings


Ramya                                     Â\

  She Who Gives Delight; She Who Is Lovely

308. Rajiva Lochana             She Whose Eyes Are Like Rajiva



Ranjani                                    Â\

  She Who Delights The Mind



She Who Gives Joy


Rasya                                     Â\

 Â  She Who Is To Be Enjoyed; She Who Enjoys

312. Ranath Kin^Kini Mekhala        She Who Wears A Girdle Of Tinkling



Rama                                      \

   She Who Has Become Lakshmi And Sarasvati

314. Rakendu Vadana                     She Who Has A

Delightful Face Like The Full Moon

315. Rati Rupa                                 

She Who Is In The Form Of Rati, The Wife Of Kama

316. Rati

Priya                                  She Who

Is Fond Of Rati; She Who Is Served By Rati

317. Raksha Kari                              She

Who Is The Protector

318. Rakshasaghni                           She Who Is

The Slayer Of The Entire Race Of Demons


Rama                                      \

   She Who Gives Delight

320. Ramanalampata                       She Who Is

Devoted To The Lord Of Her Heart, Lord Shiva


Kamya                                     Â\

  She Who Is To Be Desired

322. Kama Kala Rupa                      She Who Is In The

Form Of Kamakala

323. Kadamba Kusuma Priya         She Who Is Especially Fond Of Kadamba



Kalyani                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Bestows Auspiciousness

325. Jagatikanda                              She

Who Is The Root Of The Whole World

326. Karuna Rasa Sagara               She Who Is The Ocean Of




She Who Is The Embodiment Of All Arts



She Who Speaks Musically And Sweetly


Kanta                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is Beautiful

330. Kadambari Priya                      She Who Is Fond

Of Mead



She Who Grants Boons Generously

332. Vama Nayana                           She Who Has

Beautiful Eyes

333. Varuni Mada Vivhala               She Who Is Intoxicated By

Varuni (Ambrosial Drink)

334. Vishvadhika                              She

Who Transcends The Universe

335. Veda Vedya                              She

Who Is Known Through The Vedas

336. Vindhyachala Nivasini She Who Resides In The Vindhya Mountains


Vidhatri                                    \

  She Who Creates And Sustains This Unverse

338. Veda Janani                             She Who

Is The Mother Of The Vedas

339. Vishhnu Maya                           She Who Is

The Illusory Power Of Vishhnu


Vilasini                                    \

   She Who Is Playful

341. Kshetra Svarupa                      She Whose Body Is


342. Kshetreshi                                

She Who Is The Wife Of Kshetresha (Shiva)

343. Kshetra Kshetragya Palini      She Who Is The Protector Of Matter And

The Knower Of                       


        Matter, Therefore The Protector Of Body And Soul

344. Kshaya Vr^iddhi Vinirmukta    She Who Si Free From Growth And Decay

345. Kshetra Pala Samarchita        She Who Is Worshipped By Kshetrapala

(Shiva In Infant                        




Vijaya                                     \

    She Who Is Ever-Victorious


Vimala                                     \

  She Who Is Without A Trace Of Impurity



She Who Is Adorable, Worthy Of Worship

349. Vandaru Jana Vatsala      She Who Is Full Of Motherlly Love For Those

Who Worship Her

350. Vagh Vadini                              She

Who Speaks

351. Vama Keshi                              She

Who Has Beautiful Hair

352. Vahni Mandala Vasini             She Who Resides In The Disc Of


353. Bhaktimat.H Kalpalatika          She Who Is The Kalpa

(Wish-Granting) Creeper To Her                        



354. Pashupasha Vimochini           She Who Releases The Ignorant From


355. Samhr^ita Sheshha Pashhanda         She Who Destroys All Heretics

356. Sadachara Pravartika             She Who Is Immersed In (And

Inspires Others To Follow)                      


        Right Conduct

357. Tapatrayagnisa.Ntapta            She Who Is The Moonlight That

Gives Joy To Those Burned             Samahladana Chandrika

                By The Tripe Fire Of Misery


Taruni                                     \

    She Who Is Ever Young

359. Tapasaradhya                          She Who Is

Worshipped By Ascetics

360. Tanu Madhya                            She Who

Is Slender-Waisted

361. Tamopaha                                

She Who Removes The Ignorance Born Of Tamas

362. Chit.h (Chitih)                            She

Who Is In The Form Of Pure Intelligence

363. Tath Pada Lakshyartha           She Who Is The Embodiment Of

Truth (Which Is Indicated                     


        By The Word " Tat " )

364. Chideka Rasa Rupini              She Who Is Of The Nature Of

The Pure Intelligence. She                       


        Who Is The Cause Of Knowledge

365. Svatmanandalavi Bhuta           She Who Makes The Bliss Of Brahma

And Others          Brahmadyananda Sa.Ntatih        Insignificant

Compared To Her Own Bliss


Para                                      \

     She Who Is The Supreme; She Who Transcends All

367. Pratyak.h Chiti Rupa                She Who Is Of The Nature

Of Unmanifested Consciousness                 


        Or Of Unmanifested Brahman

368. Pashyanti                                 

She Who Is Pashyanti, The Second Level Of Sound After



        Para In The Svadishhtana Chakra

369. Para Devata                             She Who

Is The Supreme Deity; Parashakti

370. Madhyama                                She

Who Stays In The Middle

371. Vaikhari Rupa                           She Who

Is In The Form Of Vaikhari (Sound In The



        Manifested, Audible Form)

372. Bhakta Manasa Ha.Nsika       She Who Is The Swan In The Minds Of Her


373. Kameshvara Prana Nadi         She Who Is The Very Life Of

Kameshvara, Her Consort



She Who Knows All Of Our Actions As They Occur

375. Kama Pujita                              She

Who Is Worshipped By Kama

376. Shr^in^gara Rasa Sanpurna               She Who Is Filled

With The Essence Of Love

377. Jaya                               She Who Is

Victorious Always And Everywhere

378. Jalandhara Sthita         She Who Resides In The Jalandhara Pitha

(In The Throat Region)

379. Odyana Pitha Nilaya    She Whose Abode Is The Center Known As Odyana



        (In The AGYA Chakra)

380. Bindumandala Vasini  She Who Resides In The Bindumandala (In Shri Chakra)

381. Rahoyaga Kramaradhya         She Who Is Worshipped In Secret

Through Sacrificial Rites

382. Rahastarpana Tarpita              She Who Is To Be Gratified

By The Secret Rites Of Worship

383. Sadyah Prasadini                    She Who Bestows Her

Grace Immediately

384. Vishva Sakshini                        She Who Is

Witness To The Whole Universe

385. Sakshi Varjita                           She Who

Has No Other Witness

386. Shhadan^ga Devata Yukta      She Who Is Accompanied By The Deities Of

The Six                             


        Angas(Heart, Head, Hair, Eyes, A  rmor And Weapons)

387. Shhad.Hgunya Paripurita        She Who Is Fully Endowed With The Six

Good Qualities                       


        (Prosperity, Valor, Dispassion, Fame, Wealth And Wisdom)

388. Nitya Klinna                              

She Who Is Ever Compassionate

389. Nirupama                                 

She Who Is Incomparable

390. Nirvana Sukhadayini                She Who Confers The Bliss

Of Liberation

391. Nitya Shhodashika Rupa         She Who Is In The Form Of The

Sixteen Daily Deities (I.E.,                   


        Kameshvari, Bhagamalini, Nityaklinna,Bherunda,




Vahnivasini, Mahavajreshvari, Shivaduti, Tvarita,



                        Kulasundari, Nitya, Nilapatakini,

Vijaya, Sarvamangala,


                                Jvalamalini, Citra

And Tripurasundari)

392. Shri Kanthardha Sharirini        She Who Possesses Half Of The Body

Of Shrikantha                            


        (Shiva). She Who Is In The Form Of Ardhanarishvara

393. Prabhavati                                

She Who Is Effulgent

394. Prabha Rupa                            She Who

Is Effulgence

395. Prasiddha                                

She Who Is Celebrated

396. Parameshvari                           She Who Is

The Supreme Sovereign

397. Mula Prakr^iti                            She

Who Is The First Cause Of The Entire Universe


Avyakta                                    Â\

  She Who Is Unmanifested

399. Vyaktavyakta Svarupini           She Who Is In The Manifested And

Unmanifested Forms


Vyapini                                    Â\

  She Who Is All-Pervading

401. Vividhakara                               She

Who Has A Multitude Of Forms

402. Vidya Avidya Svarupini           She Who Is The Form Of Both

Knowledge And Ignorance

403. Maha Kamesha Nayana          She Whois The Moonlight That Gladdens

The Water-Lilies             Kumudahlada Kaumudi        That

Are Mahakamesha's Eyes

404. Bhakta Harda Tamo Bheda    She Who Is The Sunbeam Which Dispels The

Darkness             Bhanumadh Bhanusantatih  From The Heart Of Her


405. Shivaduti           She For Whom Shiva Is The Messenger; She Who

Is Shiva's Messenger

406. Shivaradhya                              She

Who Is Worshipped By Shiva

407. Shiva Murtih                              She

Whose Formis Shiva Himself

408. Shiva.n kari                              

She Who Confers Prosperity (Auspiciousness, Happiness).



        She Who Turns Her Devotees Into Shiva

409. Shiva Priya                               

She Who Is Beloved Of Shiva

410. Shiva Para                               

She Who Is Solely Devoted To Shiva

411. Shishhteshhta                           She Who

Is Loved By The Righteous; She Who Is The


                        Chosen Deity Of Devotees; She Who

Loves Righteous People

412. Shishhta Pujita                          She Who

Is Always Worshipped By The Righteous

413. Aprameya                                

She Who Is Immeasurable By The Senses

414. Svaprakasha                            She Who

Is Self-Luminous

415. Mano Vachamagochara          She Who Is Beyond The Range Of Mind

And Speech

416. Chichchhaktih                           She Who

Is The Power Of Consciousness

417. Chetanarupa                             She Who

Is Pure Consciousness

418. Jadashaktih                              She

Who Is The Maya That Has Transformed Itself As The



        Power Of Creation

419. Jadatmika                                

She Who Is In The Form Of The Inanimate World


Gayatri                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Is The Gayatri Mantra



She Who Is In The Nature Of Utterance; She Who Presides



        Over The Power Of Speech

422. Sa.Ndhya                                 

She Who Is In The Form Of Twilight

423. Dvija Br^inda Nishhevita         She Who Is Worshipped By The


424. Tatvasana                     She Who Has Tattvas As

Her Seat; She Who Abides In Tattva

425. Tat

h                                       Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is Meant By " That " , The Supreme Truth, Brahman


Tvam                                      \

    She Who Is Referred To, By " Thou "


Ayi                                      Â\

 Â Â Â Â Â Â  Oh, Mother!

428. Pajncha Koshantara Sthita     She Who Resides Within The Five Sheaths

429. Nihsima Mahima                      She Whose Glory Is


430. Nitya Yauvana                           She Who

Is Ever Youthful

431. Madashalini                              She

Who Is Shining In A State Of Inebriation Or Intoxication

432. Mada Ghurnita Raktakshi        She Whose Eyes Are Reddened, Rolling

With Rapture And                 



433. Mada Patala Gandabhuh        She Whose Cheeks Are Rosy With Rapture

434. Chandana Drava Digdhan^gi  She Whose Body Is Smeared With Sandalwood Paste

435. Champeya Kusuma Priya       She Who Is Especially Fond Of Champaka




She Who Is Skillful

437. Komalakara                              She

Who Is Graceful In Form

438. Kurukulla                        She Who Is The

Shakti, Kurukulla (Residing In Kuruvinda Ruby)

439. Kuleshvari                                

She Who Is The Ruler Of Kula (The Triad Of Knower, The



        Known And Knowledge)

440. Kulaku Ndalaya                        She Who Abides

In The Kulakunda (The Bindu At The


                                    Center Of

The Pericarp In Muladhara Chakra

441. Kaula Marga Tatpara Sevita   She Who Is Worshipped By Those Devoted To

The Kaula                    



442. Kumara Gana Natha Amba    She Who Is The Mother Of Kumara(Subrahmanya)




443. Tushhtih                         She Who Is Ever


444. Pushhtih                         She Who Is The

Power Of Nourishment


Matih                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Manifests As Intelligence


Dhr^itih                                    \

  She Who Is Fortitude


Shantih                                    Â\

  She Who Is Tranquility Itself

448. Svastimati                                

She Who Is The Ultimate Truth


Kantih                                     \

   She Who Is Effulgence


Nandini                                    Â\

  She Who Gives Delight

451. Vighna Nashini                         She Who

Destroys All Obstacles


Tejovati                                    \

  She Who Is Effulgent

453. Tri Nayana                                

She Who Has The Sun, Moon And Fire As Her Three Eyes

454. Lolakshi Kamarupini                She Who Is In The Form Of

Love In Women


Malini                                     \

    She Who Is Wearing Garlands



She Who Is Not Separate From Hamsas (The Yogins Who



        Have Reached Great Spiritual Heights)


Mata                                      \

     She Who Is The Mother Of The Universe

458. Malayachala Vasini                  She Who Resides In The

Malaya Mountain



She Who Has A Beautiful Face


Nalini                                     \

     She Whose Body Is Soft And Beautiful Like Lotus Petals

461. Subhruh                         She Who Has

Beautiful Eyebrows

462. Shobhana                                 

She Who Is Always Radiant

463. Suranayika                               

She Who Is The Leader Of The Gods

464. Kalakanthi                                

She Who Is The Wife Of Shiva



She Who Is Radiant

466. Kshobhini                                 

She Who Creates Upheaval In The Mind

467. Sukshmarupini                          She Who Has

A Form That Is Too Subtle To Be Perceived                   


        By The Sense Organs

468. Vajreshvari                               

She Who Is Vajreshvari, The Sixth Daily Deity

469. Vama Devi                                She

Who Is The Wife Of Vama Deva (Shiva)

470. Vayovastha Vivarjita                She Who Is Exempt From

Changes Due To Age (Time)

471. Siddheshvari                             She

Who Is The Goddess Worshipped By Spiritual Adepts

472. Siddha Vidya                            She Who

Is In The Form Of Siddhavidya, The



        Syllabled Mantra

473. Siddha Mata                             She Who

Is The Mother Of Siddhas

474. Yashasvini                                

She Who Is Of Unequalled Renown

475. Vishuddhi Chakra Nilaya         She Who Resides In The Vishuddhi


476. Araktavarna                              She

Who Is Of Slightly Red (Rosy) Complexion

477. Tri Lochana                               She

Who Has Thhree Eyes

478. Khatvan^gadi Praharana         She Who Is Armed With A Club And

Other Weapons

479. Vadanaika Samanvita             She Who Possesses Only One Face

480. Payasannapriya                       She Who Is

Especially Fond Of Sweet Rice



She Who Is The Deity Of The Organ Of Touch (Skin)

482. Pashuloka Bhaya.Nkari           She Who Fills With Fear The

Mortal Beings Bound By                           



483. Amr^itadi Maha Shakti Samvr^ita      She Who Is Surrounded By Amr^Ita

And Other Shakti                



484. Dakinishvari                              She

Who Is The Dakini Deity

485. Anahatabja Nilaya                    She Who Resides In

The Anahata Lotus In The Heart

486. Shyamabha                               She

Who Is Black In Complexion

487. Vadana Dvaya                          She Who Has

Two Faces

488. Da.Nshhtrojjvala                       She Who Has

Shining Tusks

489. Aksha Maladi Dhara                She Who Is Wearing

Garlands Of Rudraksha Beads And                      


        Other Things

490. Rudhira Sa.Nsthita                   She Who Presides

Over The Blood In The Bodies Of Living                 



491. Kala Ratryadi Shaktyaughavr^ita       She Who Is Surrounded By

Kalaratri And Other                          



492. Snigdhaudana Priya                She Who Is Fond Of Food

Offerings Containing Ghee, Oil                    


        And Other Substances Containing Fats

493. Maha Virendra Varada            She Who Bestows Boons On Great


494. Rakinyamba Svarupini            She Who Is In The Form Of The

Rakini Deity

495. Manipurabja Nilaya                  She Who Resides In The

Ten-Petaled Lotus In The



        Manipuraka Chakra

496. Vadana Traya Sa.nyuta           She Who Has Three Faces

497. Vajradikayudhopeta                 She Who Holds The Vajra

(Lightning Bolt) And Other




498. Damaryadibhiravr^ita              She Who Is Surrounded By

Damari And Other Attending                       



499. Rakta Varna                              She

Who Is Red In Complexion

500. Ma.nsa Nishhtha                       She Who

Presides Over The Flesh In Living Beings

501. Gudanna Prita Manasa           She Who Is Fond Of Sweet Rice Made

With Raw Sugar

502. Samasta Bhakta Sukhada      She Who Confers Happiness On All Her


503. Lakinya.nbasvarupini               She Who Is In The Form Of

The Lakini Yogini

504. Svadhishhthana.nbu Jagata    She Who Resides In The Six-Petaled Lotus In



         Svadhishhtana, Kakini Yogini

505. Chatur.H Vaktra Manohara     She Who Has Four Beautiful Faces

506. Shuladyayudha Sa.npanna       She Who Possesses The Trident And Other

Weapons (I.E.,               


  Noose, Skull And Abhaya)

507. Pita Varna                                

She Who Is Yellow In Color

508. Ati Garvita                                

She Who Is Very Proud

509. Medo Nishhtha                         She Who

Resides In The Fat In Living Beings

510. Madhu Prita                  She Who Is Fond Of Honey And

Other Offerings Made With Honey

511. Bandhinyadi Samanvita          She Who Is Accompanied By Bandhini

And Other Shaktis

512. Dadhyannasakta Hr^idaya      She Who Is Particularly Fond Of Offerings

Made With Curd

513. Kakini Rupadharini                  She Who Is In The Form

Of Kakini Yogini

514. Muladharambujarudha She Who Is Resident In The Lotus In The Muladhara

515. Pajncha Vaktra             She Who Has Five Faces

516. Asthi Sa.nsthita                        She Who

Resides In The Bones

517. An^kushadi Praharana            She Who Holds The Goad And Other


518. Varadadi Nishhevita                She Who Is Attended By

Varada And Other Shaktis

519. Mudgaudanasakta Chitta        She Who Is Particularly Fond Of Food

Offerings Made Of                     


        Mudga, A Lentil

520. Sakinya.nba Svarupini She Who Is In The Form Of Sakini Yogini

521. AGYA Chakrabja Nilaya          She Who Resides In The Two-Petaled

Lotus In The                                



522. Shukla Varna                            She Who

Is White In Color

523. Shhadanana                             She Who

Has Six Faces

524. Majja Sa.nstha                          She Who Is

The Presiding Deity Of The Bone Marrow

525. Ha.Nsavati Mukhya                  She Who Is Accompanied

By The Shaktis Hamsavati And         Shakti

Samanvita                  Kshamavati (In The Two Petals Of The


526. Haridrannaika Rasika              She Who Is Fond Of Food

Seasoned With Turmeric

527. Hakini Rupa Dharini                 She Who Is In The Form

Of Hakini Devi

528. Sahasra Dala Padmastha      She Who Resides In The Thousand-Petaled


529. Sarva Varnopa Shobhita         She Who Is Radiant In Many Colors

530. Sarvayudha Dhara                   She Who Holds All The

Known Weapons

531. Shukla Sa.nsthita                     She Who Resides

In The Semen

532. Sarvato Mukhi                           She Who

Has Faces Turned In All Directions

533. Sarvaudana Prita Chitta          She Who Is Pleased By All

Offerings Of Food

534. Yakinyamba Svarupini She Who Is In The Form Of The Yakini Yogini


Svaha                                     Â\

 Â  She Who Is The Object Of The Invocation " Svaha " At The



        End Of Mantras Chanted While Offering Oblations To The


                                    Fire In

Yaga Ceremonies



She Who Is The Object Of The " Svadha " Invocation At The



        End Of Mantras


Amatih                                     \

  She Who Is In The Form Of Ignorance Or Nescience


Medha                                     Â\

  She Who Is In The Form Of Wisdom (Knowledge)


Shrutih                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Is In The Form Of The Vedas



She Who Is In The Form Of Smr^Iti (Works Based On The



        Meaning Of Vedas)


Anuttama                                   She

Who Is The Best; She Who Is Not Excelled By Anyone

542. Punyakirtih                               

She Whose Fame Is Sacred Or Righteous

543. Punyalabhya                             She Who

Is Attained Only By Righteous Souls

544. Punya Shravana Kirtana          She Who Bestows Merit On Anyone

Who Hears Of Her And                 


        Praises Her

545. Pulomajarchita                          She Who Is

Worshipped By Pulomaja (Indra's Wife)

546. Bandha Mochani                      She Who Is Free

From Bonds; She Who Gives Release                       


        From Bondage

547. Barbaralaka                              She

Who Has Wavy Locks Of Hair;

548. Vimarsha Rupini           She Who Is In The Form Of Vimarsha

(Reflection Or Meaning)


Vidya                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is In The Form Of Knowledge

550. Viyadadi Jagat.h Prasuh         She Who Is The Mother Of The

Universe, Which Is The                          


Of All The Elements Starting With The Ether

551. Sarva Vyadhi Prashamani      She Who Removes All Diseases And Sorrows

552. Sarva Mr^ityu Nivarini              She Who Guards Her

Devotees From All Kinds Of Death

553. Agraganya                                She

Who Is To Be Considered The Foremost

554. Achintya Rupa                          She Who Is

Of A Form Beyond The Reach Of Thought

555. Kali Kalmashha Nashini          She Who Is The Destroyer Of The

Sins Of The Age Of Kali

556. Katyayani                                 

She Who Is The Daughter Of A Sage Named Kata

557. Kala Hantri                               

She Who Is The Destroyer Of Time (Death)

558. Kamalaksha Nishhevita           She In Whom Vishhnu Takes Refuge

559. Tambula Purita Mukhi              She Whose Mouth Is Full From

Chewing Betel

560. Dadimi Kusuma Prabha          She Who Shines Like A Pomegranate


561. Mr^igakshi                     She Whose Eyes Are Long

And Beautiful Like Those Of A Doe


Mohini                                     \

   She Who Is Enchanting



She Who Is The First

564. Mr^Idani                         She Who Is The

Wife Of Mr^Ida (Shiva)

565. Mitrarupini                                

She Who Is The Friend Of Everyone (Universe)

566. Nitya tr^Ipta                              

She Who Is Eternally Contented

567. Bhaktanidhih                             She

Who Is The Treasure Of The Devotees


Niyantri                                    \

  She Who Controls And Guides All Beings On The Right Path

569. Nikhileshvari                             She

Who Is The Ruler Of All

570. Maitryadi Vasana Labhya       She Who Is To Be Attained By Love And

Other Good                            



571. Maha Pralaya Sakshini           She Who Is Witness To The Great


572. Para Shaktih                             She Who

Is The Original, Supreme Power

573. Para Nishhtha                           She Who

Is The Supreme End, The Supreme Abidance

574. Pragyana Ghanarupini She Who Is Pure, Condensed Knowledge

575. Madhvipanalasa                       She Who Is

Languid From Drinking Wine; She Who Is Not



        Eager For Anything


Matta                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Is Intoxicated

577. Matr^ika Varna Rupini She Who Is In The Form Of The Letters Of The Alphabet

578. Maha Kailasa Nilaya                She Who Resides In The

Great Kailasa

579. Mr^inala Mr^idu Dorlata           She Whose Arms Are As Soft And

Cool As The Lotus Stem


Mahaniya                                   She

Who Is Adorable

581. Daya Murtih                               She

Who Is The Personification Of Compassion

582. Maha Samrajya Shalini           She Who Controls The Great Empire

Of The Three Worlds

583. Atma Vidya                               She

Who Is The Knowledge Of The Self

584. Maha Vidya                               She

Who Is The Seat Of Exalted Knowledge, The



        Knowledge Of The Self

585. Shri Vidya                                

She Who Is Sacred Knowledge (Pa.Nchadashi Mantra)

586. Kama Sevita                             She Who

Is Worshipped By Kamadeva

587. Shri Shhodashakshari Vidya  She Who Is In The Form Of The

Sixteen-Syllabled Mantra


Trikuta                                    Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is In The Three Parts (Of Pa.Nchadashi Mantra)

589. Kama Kotika                 She, Of Whom Kama (Shiva) Is A

Part Or An Approximate Form

590. Kataksha Kin^kari Bhuta         She Who Is Attended By Millions Of

Lakshmis Who Are             Kamalakoti

Sevita                Subdued By Her Mere Glances

591. Shirah Sthita                             She

Who Resides In The Head

592. Chandra Nibha                         She Who Is

Resplendent Like The Moon

593. Phalastha                      She Who Resides In The

Forehead (Between The Eyebrows)

594. Indra Dhanuh Prabha               She Who Is Resplendent Like

The Rainbow

595. Hr^idayastha                             She

Who Resides In The Heart

596. Ravi Prakhya                            She Who

Shines With The Special Brilliance Of The Sun

597. Trikonantara Dipika                 She Who Shines As A

Light Within The Triangle

598. Dakshayani                               She

Who Is Satidevi, The Daughter Of Daksha Prajapati

599. Daitya Hantri                             She

Who Is The Killer Of Demons

600. Daksha Yagya Vinashini         She Who Is The Destroyer Of The

Sacrifice Conducted By                   



601. Darandolita Dirghakshi           She Who Has Long, Tremulous Eyes

602. Dara Hasojjvalan Mukhi           She Whose Face Is Radiant With A


603. Guru Murtih                               

She Who Has Assumed A Severe Form Or One Who Has



        Assumed The Form Of The Guru

604. Guna Nidhih                              She

Who Is The Treasure House Of All Good Qualities

605. Go

Mata                                    She

Who Became Surabhi, The Cow That Grants All Wishes

606. Guha Janma Bhuh                    She Who Is The Mother

Of Guha (Subramanya)



She Who Is The Protector Of The Gods

608. Danda Nitistha                          She Who

Maintains The Rules Of Jusstice Without The




609. Daharakasha Rupini                She Who Is The Subtle Self

In The Heart

610. Pratipan.h Mukhya Rakanta    She Who Is Worshipped Daily Starting With

Pratipad (First                   Tithi Mandala Pujita 

            Day Of The Lunar Half-Month) & Ending With The Full Moon

611. Kalatmika                                 

She Who Is In The Form Of The Kalas

612. Kalanatha                                 

She Who Is The Mistress Of All The Kalas

613. Kavyalapa Vinodini                  She Who Delights In

Hearing Poetry

614. Sachamara Rama Vani           She Who Is Attended By Lakshmi On

The Left Side And                        Savya Dakshina

Sevita        Sarasvati On The Right Side, Bearing Ceremonial Fans

615. Adi Shaktih                               She

Who Is The Primordial Power, The Parashakti Who Is



        The Cause Of The Universe


Ameya                                     Â\

  She Who Is Not Measurable By Any Means

617.Atma                                    \

       She Who Is The Self In All



She Who Is The Supreme

619. Pavanakr^itih                            She Who

Is Of Sacred Form

620. Aneka Koti Brahmanda Janani     She Who Is The Creator Of Many Crores

Of Worlds

621. Divya Vigraha                           She Who

Has A Divine Body



She Who Is Creator Of The Syllable " Klim "


Kevala                                     \

  She Who Is The Absolute, As She Is Complete, Independent



Without Any Attributes


Guhya                                     Â\

 Â  She Who Is To Be Known In Secret

625. Kaivalya Pada Dayini              She Who Bestows Liberation


Tripura                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Is Older Than The Three (Trinity Of Brahma,



And Shiva)

627. Trijagadvandya             She Who Is Adored By The Inhabitants

Of All Three Worlds

628. Trimurtih            She Who Is The Aggregate Of The Trinity

(Brahma, Vishhnu And Shiva)

629. Tridasheshvari                          She Who Is

The Ruler Of The Gods

630. Tryakshhari       She Whose Form Consists Of Three Letters Or

Syllables (Om = A U M)

631. Divya Gandhadhya                   She Who Is Richly

Endowed With Divine Fragrance

632. Sindura Tilakajnchita               She Who Shines Witha

Vermillion Mark On Her Forehead;                   

                                    She Who

Is Decorated With A Special Paste Made Of Vermilion


Uma                                      Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Is Parvati Devi

634. Shailendra Tanaya                   She Who Is The

Daughter Of Himavat, The King Of The




Gauri                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Has A Fair Complexion

636. Gandharva Sevita                    She Who Is Served By

Gandharvas (Like Vishvavasu)

637. Vishva Garbha                          She Who

Contains The Whole Universe In Her Womb

638. Svarna Garbha             She Who Is The Cause Of The Universe



She Who Destroys The Unholy

640. Vagadhishvari                          She Who

Presides Over Speech

641. Dhyana Gamya             She Who Is To Be Attained Through


642. Aparichchhedya                       She Whose Limits

Cannot Be Ascertained (Unlimited)



She Who Gives Knowledge Of The Self

644. Gyana Vigraha                         She Who Is

Sthe Embodiment Of Knowledge Itself

645. Sarva Vedanta Sa.nvedya      She Who Is Known By All Of Vedanta

646. Satyananda Svarupini She Whose Form Is Existence And Bliss

647. Lopamudrarchita                      She Who Is

Worshipped By Lopamudra (Wife Of Sage



648. Lila Kl^ipta Brahmanda           She Who Has Created And

Maintained The Universe Purely    

Mandala                                    As

A Sport

649. Adr^ishya                                 

She Who Is Not Perceived By Sense Organs (Normal Eyes)

650. Dr^ishya Rahita                        She Who Has

Nothing To See

651. Vigyatri 

                                    She Who

Knows The Truth Of The Physical Universe

652. Vedya Varjita                            She Who

Has Nothing Left To Know


Yogini                                     \

    She Who Is Constantly United With Parashiva; She Who



        Possesses The Power Of Yoga



She Who Bestows The Power Of Yoga


Yogya                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Deserves Yoga Of All Kinds

656. Yogananda                                She

Who Is The Bliss Attained Through Yoga; She Who



        Enjoys The Bliss Of Yoga

657. Yuga.Ndhara                             She Who

Is The Bearer Of The Yugas

658. Ichchhashakti Gyanashakti      She Who Is In The Form Of The Powers Of

Will, Knowledge             Kriyashakti

Svarupini            And Action

659. Sarvadhara                               She

Who Is The Support Of All

660. Supratishhtha                            She Who

Is Firmly Established

661. Sadasad Rupa Dharini            She Who Assumes The Forms Of

Both Being And Non-                        


662. Ashhta Murtih                            She Who

Has Eight Forms

663. Aja

Jaitri                                    She

Who Conquers Ignorance

664. Loka Yatra Vidhayini                She Who Directs The

Course Of The Worlds


Ekakini                                    Â\

  She Who Is The Lone One

666. Bhumarupa                               She

Who Is The Aggregate Of All Existing Things



She Who Is Without The Sense Of Duality

668. Dvaita Varjita                            She

Who Is Beyond Duality



She Who Is The Giver Of Good To All Living Things



She Who Is The Giver Of Wealth



She Who Is Ancient

672. Brahmatmaikya Svarupini       She Whose Nature Is The Union Of

Brahman And Atman


Br^ihati                                    \

  She Who Is Immense


Brahmani                                   She

Who Is Predominantly Sattvic


Brahmi                                     \

  She Who Presides Over Speech

676. Brahmananda                           She Who Is

Ever Immersed In The Bliss Of Brahman

677. Bali

Priya                                   She

Who Is Especially Fond Of Sacrificial Offerings

678. Bhashha Rupa                          She Who Is

In The Form Of Language

679. Br^ihat.h Sena                          She Who

Has A Vast Army

680. Bhavabhava Vivarjita               She Who Is Beyond Being

And Non-Being

681. Sukharadhya                             She Who

Is Easily Worshipped

682. Shubha Kari                              She

Who Does Good

683.Shobhana Sulabha Gatih         She Who Is Attained Through A Bright

And Easy Path

684. Raja Rajeshvari                        She Who Is

The Ruler Of Kings And Emperors

685. Rajya Dayini                              She

Who Gives Dominion

686. Rajya Vallabha                         She Who

Protects All The Dominions

687. Rajatkr^ipa                               

She Who Has A Compassion That Captivates Everyone

688. Raja Pitha Niveshita                She Who Establishes On

Royal Thrones Those Who Take         Nijashrita

                                    Refuge In


689. Rajya Lakshmi                          She Who Is

The Embodiment Of The Prosperity Of The



690. Kosha Natha                             She Who

Is The Mistress Of The Treasury

691. Chaturan^ga Baleshvari          She Who Commands Armies Of Four


692. Samrajya Dayini                       She Who Is The

Bestower Of Imperial Dominion

693. Satyasa.ndha                            She Who

Is Devoted To (Or Maintains) Truth

694. Sagara Mekhala                       She Who Is

Girdled By The Oceans



She Who Is Under A Vow

696. Daitya Shamani                        She Who

Destroys The Demons, Wicked Forces

697. Sarva Loka Vasha.nkari          She Who Keeps All The Worlds Under

Her Control

698. Sarvartha Datri                         She Who

Grants All Desires


Savitri                                    Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is The Creative Power In The Universe

700. Sacchidananda Rupini            She Who Is Of The Nature Of

Existence, Consciousness                       


        And Bliss

701. Desha Kala Parichchhinna     She Who Is Not Limited By Time And Space;

She Who Is                     


        Not Measured By Time And Space



She Who Pervades All The Worlds And All The Living And



        Non-Living Things; She Who Is Omnipresent

703. Sarva Mohini                             She

Who Deludes All



She Who Is In The Form Of Knowledge

705. Shastra Mayi                             She

Who Is In The Form Of The Scriptures; She Whose



        Limbs Are The Scriptures

706. Guhamba                                 

She Who Is The Mother Of Guha (Subramanya); She Who


                                    Dwells In

The Cave Of The Heart

707. Guhya Rupini                            She Who

Has A Secret Form

708. Sarvopadhi Vinirmukta            She Who Is Free From All


709. Sada Shiva Pativrata               She Who Is Sadashiva's

Devoted Wife

710. Sampradayeshvari                   She Who Is The

Guardian Of Sacred Traditions


Sadhu                                     Â\

 Â  She Who Possesses Equanimity


I                                       Â\

 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  She Who Is The Symbol " I "

713. Guru Mandala Rupini               She Who Embodies In Herself

The Lineage Of Gurus



She Who Transcends The Senses

715. Bhagaradhya                            She Who

Is Worshipped In The Sun's Disc


Maya                                      \

    She Who Is Illusion

717. Madhumati                                She

Whose Nature Is As Sweet As Honey


Mahi                                      \

     She Who Is The Goddess Earth

719. Ganamba                                 

She Who Is The Mother Of Shiva's Attendants

720. Guhyakaradhya                        She Who Is

Worshipped By Guhyakas (A Kind Of Devas)

721. Komalan^gi                               She

Who Has Beautiful Limbs

722. Guru Priya                                

She Who Is Beloved Of The Gurus



She Who Is Free From All Limitations

724.Sarva Tantreshi             She Who Is The Goddess Of All


725. Dakshina Murti Rupini She Who Is In The Form Of Dakshina Murti

726. Sanakadi Samaradhya           She Who Is Worshipped By Sanaka And

Other Sages

727. Shiva Gyana Pradayini            She Who Bestows The Knowledge

Of Siva



She Who Is The Consciousness In Brahman

729. Ananda Kalika                          She Who Is

The Bud Of Bliss

730. Premarupa                                She

Who Is Pure Love

731. Priya.Nkari                               

She Who Grants What Is Dear To Her Devotees

732. Nama Parayana Prita              She Who Is Pleased By The

Repetition Of Her Names

733. Nandi Vidya                              She

Who Is The Deity Worshipped By The Nandi Mantra

734. Nateshvari                                

She Who Is The Wife Of Natesha (Shiva)

735. Mithya Jagad.h Adhishhthana   She Who Is The Basis Of The Illusory



Muktida                                    Â\

  She Who Gives Liberation

737. Mukti Rupini                              She

Who Is In The Form Of Liberation

738. Lasya Priya                               She

Who Is Fond Of The Lasya Dance

739. Laya

Kari                                   She Who

Causes Absorption


Lajja                                     Â\

 Â Â Â Â  She Who Exists As Modesty In Living Beings

741. Rambhadi Vandita                   She Who Is Adored By

The Celestial Damsels Such As                        



742. Bhava Dava Sudha Vr^ishhtih  She Who Is The Rain Of Nectar Falling On The


                                    Fire Of

Worldly Existence

743. Paparanya Davanala               She Who Is Like Wild Fire To

The Forest Of Sins

744. Daurbhagya Tula Vatula          She Who Is The Gale That Drives

Away The Cotton Wisps                   


        Of Misfortune

745. Jara Dhvanta Ravi Prabha      She Who Is The Sunlight That Dispels The

Darkness Of Old                 



746. Bhagyabdhi Chandrika            She Who Is The Full Moon To The

Ocean Of Good Fortune

747. Bhakta Chitta Keki Ghanaghana        She Who Is The Cloud That

Gladdens The Peacocks                


                    Who Are The Hearts Of Her Devotees

748. Roga Parvata Dambholi          She Who Is The Thunderbolt That

Shatters The Mountain Of                 


749. Mr^ityu Daru Kutharika            She Who Is The Axe That Cuts

Down The Tree Of Death

750. Maheshvari                               She

Who Is The Supreme Goddess

751. Maha Kali                                 

She Who Is The Great Kali

752. Maha Grasa          She Who Devours Everything Great; She Who Is

The Great Devourer

753. Maha Shana                             She Who

Eats Everything That Is Great


Aparna                                     \

  She Who Owes No Debt


Chandika                                   She

Who Is Angry (At The Wicked)

756. Chanda Mundasura Nishhudini    She Who Killed Chanda, Munda And Other


757. Ksharaksharatmika                  She Who Is In The Form

Of Both The Perishable And



        Imperishable Atman

758. Sarva Lokeshi                          She Who Is

The Ruler Of All Worlds

759. Vishva Dharini                          She Who

Supports The Universe

760. Tri Varga Datri                          She Who

Bestows The Three Goals Of Life



She Who Is The Seat Of All Prosperity

762. Tryambaka                                She

Who Has Three Eyes

763. Trigunatmika                             She

Who Is The Essence Of The Three Gunas

764. Svargapavargada                    She Who Bestows

Heaven And Liberation



She Who Is The Purest

766. Japa Pushhpa Nibhakr^itih     She Whose Body Is Like The Hibiscus



Ojovati                                    Â\

 Â  She Who Is Full Of Vitality

768. Dyuti Dhara                               She

Who Is Full Of Light And Splendor; She Who Has An



        Aura Of Light

769. Yagya Rupa                              She

Who Is In The Form Of Sacrifice

770. Priya Vrata                               

She Who Is Fond Of Vows

771. Duraradhya                               She

Who Is Difficult To Worship

772. Duradharshha                           She Who Is

Difficult To Control

773. Patali Kusuma Priya                She Who Is Fond Of The

Patali Flower (The Pale Red                           




Mahati                                     \

   She Who Is Great; She Who Is In The Form Of Mahatti




775. Meru Nilaya                               She

Who Resides In The Meru Mountain

776. Mandara Kusuma Priya           She Who Is Fond Of The Mandara


777. Viraradhya                               

She Who Is Worshipped By Heroic Persons

778. Virad.Hrupa                              She

Who Is In The Form Of The Cosmic Whole


Viraja                                     \

    She Who Is Without Rajas (Desire And Anger)

780. Vishvato Mukhi             She Who Faces All Directions

781. Pratyagrupa                              She

Who Is The Indwelling Self

782. Parakasha                                She

Who Is The Transcendental Ether (Which Is The



        Material Cause Of The Cosmic And Individual Bodies)



She Who Is The Giver Of Life

784. Prana Rupini                             She

Who Is The Nature Of Life

785. Martanda Bhairava Aradhya     She Who Is Worshipped By Martandabhairava

786. Mantrini Nyasta Rajya Dhuh      She Who Has Entrusted Her Regal

Responsibilities To Her                




Tripureshi                                  She

Who Is The Goddess Of Tripura

788. Jayatsena                      She Who Has An Army

Which Is Accustomed Only To Victory

789. Nistraigunya                              She

Who Is Devoid Of The Three Gunas


Parapara                                   She

Who Is Both Para And Apara

791. Satya Gyana Ananda Rupa    She Who Is Truth, Knowledge And Bliss

792. Samarasya Parayana              She Who Is Immersed In A State

Of Steady Wisdom

793. Kapardini                      She Who Is The Wife Of

Kapardi (Shiva, One With Matted Hair)

794. Kala Mala                                 

She Who Wears All Sixty-Four Forms Of Art As A Garland

795. Kamadhuk.h                              She

Who Fulfills All Desires

796. Kama Rupini                             She Who

Has A Desirable Form

797. Kala Nidhih                               She

Who Is The Treasurehouse Of All Arts

798. Kavya Kala                               

She Who Is The Art Of

Poetry                                     \


Rasagya                                 She Who

Knows All The Rasas

800. Rasa Shevadhih                       She Who Is The

Treasurehouse Of Rasa



She Who Is Always Full Of Vigor, Nourishment



She Who Is Ancient


Pujya                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Is Worthy Of Worship By All

804. Pushhkara                                

She Who Is Complete; She Who Gives Bourishment To All

805. Pushhkarekshana                    She Who Has Eyes Like

Lotus Petals

806. Param Jyotih                             She

Who Is The Supreme Light

807. Param Dhama                          She Who Is

The Supreme Abode

808. Paramanuh                               She

Who Is The Subtlest Particle

809. Paratpara                                 

She Who Is Tshe Most Supreme Of The Supreme Ones

810. Pasha Hasta                             She Who

Holds A Noose In Her Hand

811. Pasha Hantri                             She

Who Destroys The Bonds

812. Para Mantra Vibhedini            She Who Breaks The Spell Of The

Evil Mantras Of The                         



Murta                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Has Forms


Amurta                                     \

  She Who Has No Definite Form

815. Anitya Tr^ipta                            She

Who Is Satisfied Even By Our Perishable Offerings

816. Muni Manasa Ha.Nsika           She Who Is The Swan In The Manasa

Lake Of The Minds Of                


817. Satya Vrata                               She

Who Abides Firmly In Truth

818. Satya Rupa                               She

Who Is Truth Itself

819. Sarvantaryamini                       She Who Dwells

Inside All


Sati                                      \

      She Who Is Reality, The Eternal Being


Brahmani                                   She

Who Is The Tail That Is Brahman; The Support For All



She Who Is Brahman


Janani                                     \

   She Who Is The Mother

824. Bahu Rupa                                She

Who Has A Multitude Of Forms

825. Budharchita                               She

Who Is Worshipped By The Wise



She Who Is Mother Of The Universe

827. Prachanda                                She

Who Is Full Of Awe-Inspiring Wrath


AGYA                                      \

   She Who Is Divine Commandment Herself

829. Pratishhtha                               

She Who Is The Foundation

830. Prakata Kr^itih                          She Who

Is Manifested In The Form Of The Universe

831. Praneshvari                               She

Who Lords Over The Five Pranas And The Senses

832. Pranadatri                                

She Who Is The Giver Of Life

833. Pajnchashat.H Pitha Rupini    She Who Has Fifty Centers Of Worship

834. Vishr^in^khala                           She Who

Is Unfettered, Free In Every Way

835. Viviktastha                               

She Who Abides In Secluded Places

836. Vira Mata                                 

She Who Is The Mother Of The Valiant

837. Viyatprasuh                               She

Who Is The Mother To The Ether



She Who Gives Salvation

839. Mukti Nilaya                              She

Who Is The Abode Of Salvation

840. Mula Vigraha Rupini                She Who Is The Root Form

Of Everything

841. Bhavagya                                 

She Who Is The Knower Of All Thoughts And Sentiments

842. Bhava Rogaghni                       She Who

Eradicates The Diseases Of The Cycle Of Birth



        And Death

843. Bhava Chakra Pravartini         She Who Turns The Wheel Of The

Cycle Of Birth And Death

844. Chhandah Sara                        She Who Is The

Essence Of All The Vedas

845. Shastra Sara                            She Who

Is The Essence Of All Scriptures

846. Mantra Sara                              She

Who Is The Essence Of All Mantras



She Who Is Slender-Waisted

848. Udara Kirtih                              

She Who Possesses Exalted Fame

849. Uddama Vaibhava                   She Whose Prowess Is


850. Varna Rupini                             She

Who Is In The Form Of The Letters Of The Alphabets

851. Janma Mr^ityu Jara Tapta       She Who Gives Peace And Repose To Those

Who Are            Jana Vishranti Dayini         Afflicted By

Birth, Death And Decrepitude

852. Sarvopanishhad.h Udghushhta     She Who Is Celebrated By All The


853. Shantyatita Kalatmika              She Who Transcends The

State Of Peace

854. Gambhira                                 

She Who Is Unfathomable

855. Gaganantastha             She Who Resides In The Ether, Space

856. Garvita              

                        She Who Is Proud

857. Gana Lolupa                             She Who

Delights In Music

858. Kalpana Rahita             She Who Is Free From Imaginary



Kashhtha                                   She

Who Dwells In The Highest State (Beyond Which There



        Is Nothing)


Akanta                                     \

  She Who Ends All Sins And Sorrows

861. Kantardha Vigraha                   She Who Is Half The

Body Of Her Husband

862. Karya Karana Nirmukta           She Who Is Free From The Bond Of

Cause And Effect

863. Kama Keli Taran^Gita             She Who Is Overflowing With

Please In The Union With                         



864. Kanat.h Kanaka Tatan^ka       She Who Wears Glittering Gold Ear


865. Lila Vigraha Dharini                 She Who Assumes

Various Glorious Forms As A Sport


Aja                                      Â\

 Â Â Â Â Â Â  She Who Has No Birth

867. Kshaya Vinirmukta                   She Who Is Free From




She Who Is Captivating In Her Beauty

869. Kshipra Prasadini                    She Who Is Quickly


870. Antarmukha Samaradhya       She Who Is To Be Worshipped Internally


871. Bahirmukha Sudurlabha          She Who Is Difficult To Attain By

Those Whose Attention Is                   


        Directed Outwards


Trayi                                     Â\

 Â Â Â Â  She Who Is The Three Vedas

873. Trivarga Nilaya             She Who Is The Abode Of The

Threefold Aims Of Human Life


Tristha                                    Â\

 Â Â  She Who Resides In The Three Worlds

875. Tripura Malini                            She

Who Is The Goddess Of The Antardashara Chakra Of



            The Shri Chakra


Niramaya                                   She

Who Is Free From Diseases Of All Kinds

877. Niralamba                                

She Who Depends On None

878. Svatmarama                             She Who

Rejoices In Her Own Self

879. Sudhasrutih                               She

Who Is The Source Of Nectar

880. Sa.nsara Pan^ka Nirmagna    She Who Is Skilled In Raising Those Who Are

Immersed In             Samuddharana Pandita       The Mire Of

Transmigratory Life

881. Yagya Priya                               She

Who Is Fond All Sacrifices And Other Rituals

882. Yagya Kartri                              She

Who Is The Doer Of Sacrificial Rites

883. Yajamana Svarupini                 She Who Is In The Form

Of Yajamana, Who Directs



        Sacrificial Rites

884. Dharmadhara                           She Who Is

The Support Of The Code For Righteous Living

885. Dhanadhyaksha                       She Who Oversees


886. Dhana Dhanya Vivardhini       She Who Increases Wealth And Harvests

887. Vipra Priya                               

She Who Is Fond Of The Learned

888. Vipra Rupa                               

She Who Is In The Form Of A Knower Of The Self

889. Vishva Bhramana Karini         She Who Makes The Universe Go Around

Through Her                         

                                    Power Of


890. Vishva Grasa                            She Who

Devours The Universe

891. Vidrumabha                              She

Who Shines Like Coral (With Her Red Complexion)

892. Vaishhnavi                               

She Who Is In The Form Of Vishhnu

893. Vishhnu Rupini                          She Who Is

In A Form That Extends Over The Whole





Ayonih                                     \

   She Who Is Without Origin

895. Yoni Nilaya                               

She Who Is The Seat Of All Origins



She Who Remains Unchanged Like The Anvil


Kularupini                                  She

Who Is The Deity Of The Kaula Path

898. Vira Goshhthi Priya                  She Who Is Fond Of

The Assembly Of Warriors

899. Vira       

                                    She Who

Is Heroic

900. Naishhkarmya                           She Who

Abstains From Actions

901. Nada Rupini                              She

Who Is In The Form Of The Primal Sound

902. Vigyana Kalana                        She Who

Realizes The Knowledge Of Brahman


Kalya                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Is Capable Of Creation

904. Vidagdha                                 

She Who Is Expert In Everything

905. Baindavasana                          She Who Is

Seated In The Baindava (Spot Between The



        Eyebrows) Chakra

906. Tattvadhika                               She

Who Transcends All Cosmic Categories

907. Tattvamayi                                

She Who Is Reality Itself; She Who Is Shiva Himself

908. Tattvamartha Svarupini            She Who Is The Meaning Of Tat

(That) And Tvam (Thou)

909. Sama Gana Priya                    She Who Is Fond Of

The Chanting Of The Sama Veda



She Who Is Benign And Gentle In Nature; Of A Cool, Gentle



        Nature As The Moon

911. Sada Shiva Kutumbini She Who Is The Wife Of Sadashiva

912. Savyapasavya Margastha       She Who Occupies (Or Can Be Reached By)

Both The Left                 


        And Right Paths Of Worship

913. Sarvapad.h Vinivarini              She Who Removes All Dangers

914. Svastha                         She Who Abides In

Herself; She Who Is Free From All Afflictions

915. Svabhava Madhura                  She Who Is Sweet In Her

Inherent Nature


Dhira                                     Â\

 Â Â Â  She Who Is Wise; She Who Gives Wisdom

917. Dhira Samarchita                     She Who Is

Worshipped By The Wise

918. Chaitanyarghya Samaradhya   She Who Is Worshipped With Consciousness As



919. Chaitanya Kusuma Priya         She Who Is Fond Of The Flower That

Is Consciousness


Sadodita                                   She

Who Is Ever Shining

921. Sada Tushhta                           She Who Is

Ever Pleased

922. Tarunaditya Patala                   She Who Is Rosy Like

The Morning Sun

923. Dakshinadakshinaradhya       She Who Is Adored By Both Right And




924. Darasmera Mukhambuja         She Whose Lotus Face Holds A Sweet


925. Kaulini Kevala                           She Who

Is Worshipped As Pure Knowledge      



        (Consciousness) By The Spiritual Aspirants Following The




926. Anarghya Kaivalya Pada Dayini  She Who Confers The Priceless Fruit Of

Final Liberation

927. Stotra Priya                              

She Who Is Fond Of Hymns In Her Praise

928. Stuti

Mati                                   She Who

Is The True Object, The Essence, Of All Praises

929. Shruti Sa.nstuta Vaibhava       She Whose Glory Is Celebrated In The


930. Manasvini                                 

She Who Is Well-Known For Her Mind



She Who Is High-Minded; She Who Has Great Fame

932. Maheshi                         She Who Is The Wife

Of Mahesha (Shiva)

933. Ma.Ngala Kr^itih                       She Who Is Of

Auspicious Form

934. Vishva Mata                              She

Who Is The Mother Of The Universe

935. Jagad.h Dhatri              She Who Is The Mother Who Protects

And Sustains The World

936. Vishalakshi                               She

Who Has Large Eyes


Viragini                                    \

  She Who Is Dispassionate

938. Pragalbha                                

She Who Is Skillful And Confident

939. Paramodara                             She Who

Is Supremely Generous

940. Para Moda                                She

Who Is Supremely Joyful

941. Manomayi                                

She Who Is In The Form Of The Mind

942. Vyoma Keshi                            She Who

Has The Sky As Her Hair

943. Vimanastha                               She

Who Is Seated In Her Celestial Chariot; She Who



In Her Celestial Chariot Along With The Gods


Vajrini                                    Â\

 Â Â  She Who Bears The Vajra (Thunderbolt) Weapon

945. Vamakeshvari                          She Who Is

The Presiding Deity Of The Vamakeshvara




946. Pajncha Yagya Priya                She Who Is Fond Of The

Five Forms Of Sacrifices



        (Agnihotra, Darshapurnamasa, Caturmasya, Goyagya And




947. Pajncha Preta Majnchadhi      She Who Reclines On A Couch Made Of The




948. Pajnchami                     She Who Is The Fifth

(After Brahma, Vishhnu, Rudra And Ishvara)

949. Pajncha Bhuteshi                     She Who Is The

Goddess Of The Five Elements

950. Pajncha Samkhyopacharini    She Who Is Worshipped Using Five Objects (



        Flower, Incense, Lamp And Food) Of Worship

951. Shashvati                                 

She Who Is Eternal

952. Shashvataishvarya                   She Who Holds Eternal


953. Sharmada                                

She Who Is The Giver Of Happiness

954. Shambhu Mohini                      She Who Deludes



Dhara                                     Â\

 Â Â  She Who Is Mother Earth

956. Dhara Suta                               

She Who Is The Daughter Of Dhara (Himavat)

957. Dhanya              She Who Possessses Great Wealth; She Who

Is Extremely Blessed



She Who Is Righteous

959. Dharma Vardhini                      She Who Promotes




She Who Transcends The Worlds

961. Gunatita                         She Who Transcends

The Gunas



She Who Transcends Everything

963. Shamatmika                             She Who

Is Of The Nature Of Peace And Bliss

964. Bandhuka Kusuma Prakhya   She Who Resembles The Bandhuka Flower In Beauty





Bala                                      \

     She Who Never Forsakes The Nature Of A Child

966. Lila Vinodini                              She

Who Delights In Her Sport

967. Suman^gali                               She

Who Is Eternally Auspicious; She Who Never Becomes



        A Widow

968. Sukha Kari                               

She Who Gives Happiness

969. Suveshhadhya                          She Who Is

Very Attractive In Her Beautiful Rich Garments



        And Ornaments

970. Suvasini                         She Who Is Ever

Auspiciously Married

971. Suvasinyarchana Prita She Who Is Pleased By The Worship Performed By



972. Ashobhana                                She

Who Is Always Radiant

973. Shuddha Manasa                     She Who Is Of Pure

Mind; One Who Purifies The Mind Of                     


        Her Worshipped

974. Bindu Tarpana Sa.Ntushhta    She Who Is Pleased By Offerings To The

Bindu (Of Shri                       




Purvaja                                    Â\

  She Who Is Ahead Of Everyone; First Born

976. Tripurambika                            She Who

Is The Mother Of The Tripuras (Three Cities)

977. Dasha Mudra Samaradhya     She Who Is Worshipped By Ten Mudras (Sarva



Sa.Nkshobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarvakarshini, Sarva



Sarvonmadini, Sarva Mahankusha, Sarva


                      Khechari, Sarva Bija, Sarva Yoni,

Sarva Trikhanda)

978. Tripura Shri Vasha.Nkari         She For Whom Tripurashri In Under


979. Gyana Mudra                            She Who

Is In The Form Of The Gyana Mudra

980. Gyana Gamya                           She Who Is

To Be Attained Through The Yoga Of




981. Gyana Gyeya Svarupini           She Who Is Both Knowledge And The


982. Yoni Mudra                               

She Who Is In The Form Of The Yoni Mudra

983. Tri Khandeshi                           She Who

Is The Ruler Of The Tenth Mudra, The Trikhanda


Triguna                                    Â\

  She Who Is Endowed With The Three Gunas Of Sattva,



        Rajas And Tamas


Amba                                      \

   She Who Is Mother Of All Beings; Mother Of The Universe

986. Tri Konaga                               

She Who Resides In The Triangle

987. Anagha                         

            She Who Is Sinless

988. Adbhuta Charitra                      She Whose Deeds

Are Marvelous

989. Vajnchhitartha Pradayini         She Who Gives All The Desired


990. Abhyasatishaya Gyata She Who Is Known Only Through The Exceedingly




Practice Of Spiritual Discipline

991. Shhadadhvatita Rupini            She Whose Form Transcends The

Six Paths

992. Avyajakaruna Murtih                 She Who Is Pure


993. Agyana Dhvanta Dipika          She Who Is The Bright Lamp That

Dispels The Darkness Of                 



994. Abala Gopa Vidita                   She Who Is Known Well

By All, Even By Children And



995. Sarvanulla.Nghya Shasana     She Whose Commands Are Not Disobeyed By


996. Shri Chakra Raja Nilaya          She Who Abides In Shri Chakra,

The King Of Chakras

997. Shrimat.h Tripura Sundari       She Who Is The Divine Tripurasundari


998. Shri

Shiva                                  She Who

Is The Auspicious And Divine Shiva

999. Shivashaktaikya Rupini           She Who Is The Union Of Shiva

And Shakti Into One Form

1000. Lalitambika                             She

Who Is The Divine Mother Lalita



> Shrim Hrim Aim AUM Evam Shrilalitadevya Namnam Sahasrakam Jaguh Iti Shri

Brahmandapurane Uttarakhande Shri

Hayagrivagastyasa.Nvade Shrilalitasahasranama Stotra Kathanam Sampurnam



Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devoai Namo Namoh!







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