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Siva in Linga rupa

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It cannot be sure that linga rupa emanated from the symbol of phallus as there

were certain parallel civilizations alongwith Vedic civilization. Rg veda,

Taittiriya Aranyaka and Atharvaveda mentions about the worship of rudra in the

form of *pillar of fire* which eventually gave rise to the worship of pillar

(refer Skambasukta) which was the symbol of fertility. Some of the parallel

civilisations based on tantric / tribal worship incorporated this *pillar*

worship and visualised the Phallus as the object of Fertility. Also veda prohits

the phallus worship (rg veda).


The *pillar of fire* should remind of the famous puranic story where brahma and

vishnu were not able to find out the beginning & end of the *pillar of fire*.

Also, the veda says *rudro va eshad agnih*. Rudra worship was the worship of

agni in the form of pillar of fire.


The concept of phallus and yoni were the later parts which were tantric / tribal

in approach.





, " Satish " <satisharigela wrote:


> , " Kumar Ramachandran " <kramach@> wrote:

> >

> > shrI gurubhyo namaH

> >

> > shrI mahAgaNapataye namaH

> >

> >

> >

> > dear Shri Satish:

> >

> >

> >

> > Out of all of the names in the shata rudriyam, how many pertain to the

> > phallus ? Please don't be selective in your interpretations.



> Namaste


> The name bhairava doesnt appear in shata rudrIyaM either. Does this mean we

conclude rudra and bhairava are not related?


> I am trying to say that there is no relation between not finding a name of

rudra which doesnt relate to the phallus and hence shiva linga being unrelated

to phallus.


> The purANa-s are very clear that it is the mighty rudra's penis which is

worshipped as a shiva linga and it is gaurI's yoni which is the base. There is

nothing to be ashamed about this. If the westerners you are arguing with

laugh/cackle, then use the same thing against them. Say that it is a million

times better than salughtering infants which the christians are so fond of. Put

them on the defensive by heaping criticisms because most likely they are not

arguing with you to learn about our traditions but only to do the " psychological

stoning " that I mentioned before.


> I am sure of one thing: If you continue with this mind set and look at our

scriptures like this there will come a point where you will abandon our

traditions. What is required is that we should try to understand our traditions

for what they are instead of comparing with christianity and islam. If this

mindset is because you wanted to make our traditions presentable to your western

audiences I have nothing to say. If they make fun of our traditions you should

fight back and show ours is the better way of looking at this cosmos snd not

wind our tails around our backs and submit to their criticism.


> If you need tools(sharp criticism) to hammer those maggots we can supply them.




> > If what people are saying about polytheism is true, then please >also look


> > Ganapathi Atharvasheersham, wherein Ganesha is called as Brahma, Vishnu and

> > is finally equated to PraNavam. How can this be true if the theories on

> > polytheism are true.


> That we are not monotheistic is true just because of the very fact that he is

equated with brahma, viShNu etc.

> Doesnt this mean that brahma and viShNu are equally important. If they are not

they would not have been mentioned in the first place right? If we are

monotheistic the text would have said brahma, viShNu are false only ganesha is

" ONE TRUE GAWD " . But it doesnt say that.


> At this stage it is very important that you read the following article






> PS: Many years back I was arguing with others about how shiva linga is totally

unrelated to anything phallic so I understand your concerns and your discomfort

atleast to some extent. :-)


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The only thing I would like to point is, tAntric is not equal to tribal. tantra

is a product of sophisticated philosophy, art, intuition and such things. One

can hardly expect tribal cultures to be able to comprehend tantrika matters.


There is also the mention of shishna deva-s in veda and erotic imagery/symbolism

is prevalent in vedic yaga-s and vedic rituals.


The prevalency of erotic symbolism in rituals need not necessarily mean they

came from tantra.


, " sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> It cannot be sure that linga rupa emanated from the symbol of phallus as there

were certain parallel civilizations alongwith Vedic civilization. Rg veda,

Taittiriya Aranyaka and Atharvaveda mentions about the worship of rudra in the

form of *pillar of fire* which eventually gave rise to the worship of pillar

(refer Skambasukta) which was the symbol of fertility. Some of the parallel

civilisations based on tantric / tribal worship incorporated this *pillar*

worship and visualised the Phallus as the object of Fertility. Also veda prohits

the phallus worship (rg veda).


> The *pillar of fire* should remind of the famous puranic story where brahma

and vishnu were not able to find out the beginning & end of the *pillar of

fire*. Also, the veda says *rudro va eshad agnih*. Rudra worship was the worship

of agni in the form of pillar of fire.


> The concept of phallus and yoni were the later parts which were tantric /

tribal in approach.


> regs,

> sriram


> , " Satish " <satisharigela@> wrote:

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, " sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:

>Fertility. Also veda prohits the phallus worship (rg veda).



Can you please quote this verse?


With best wishes,


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// sa shardhadaryo viSuNasya jantormA shishnadevA api gur ritam nah //


says the 21st sukta from 7th Mandala of Rg Veda.


which says that the phallus worshippers (worshippers of shishnadeva)

are forbidden from entering the *ritam*. Ritam also means cosmic order,

righteous path, path of truth / light.


Though the phallus worship was it seems popular during vedic times,

its worshippers were not allowed to participate in the vedic worships.


Similar mantras are also seen in 10th mandala.





, " MSR " <miinalochanii wrote:


> , " sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi@> wrote:

> >Fertility. Also veda prohits the phallus worship (rg veda).

> >


> Can you please quote this verse?


> With best wishes,

> Ravi


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When we are in Svaadhishtaana chakra with has a primary attribute of " reason " we

like to present collected/accumulated opinionated knowledge that is external to

us. We enjoy arguing trying to prove one point over the other.


Intellect or logic can not understand THAT so it cannot help. Feeling, belief or

Spirit can help us.


If we really, truly seriously want to (or better yet have a burning desire to

know) about the great unspeakable SivaLinga then one would be lifted up above

the strong clutches of this chakra into anaahata ,the chakra for direct

cognition (or the chakras above) and you would intuitively know the meaning of

Linga to some extent.


Because most of us can't do that, including myself, I am giving my opinion about

it collected from/influenced by the trilogy of my loving guru's guru Sivaya

Subramuniyaswami (Gurudeva). My intention is not to argue or convince any one

but put things in perspective from the point of a saivate for the benefit of my

fellow Saivaites on this forum.


Gurudeva says, " The Sivalinga was the first image of Divinity. After it all

other icons evolved from mystic visions. We contemplate God Siva as Parasiva

when we worship the Sivalinga. Its simple elliptical shape speaks silently of

God's unspeakable Absolute Being. "


Also from the lexicon of Dancing with Siva we can find that,


Sivalinga: " Mark, " " Token " or " Sign of Siva. " The most prevalent emblem of Siva,

found in virtually all Siva temples. A rounded, elliptical, aniconic image,

usually set on a circular base, or pitha, the Sivalinga is the simplest and most

ancient symbol of Siva, especially of Parashiva, God beyond all forms and

qualities. The pitha represents Parashakti, the manifesting power of God. Lingas

are usually of stone (carved or naturally existing, svayambhu, such as shaped by

a swift-flowing river), but may also be of metal, precious gems, crystal, wood,

earth or transitory materials such as ice. According to the Karana Agama (verse

6), a transitory Sivalinga may be made of 12 different materials: sand, rice,

cooked food, river clay, cow dung, butter, rudraksha seeds, ashes, sandalwood,

dharba grass, a flower garland or molasses.



Many are the meanings of Linga. Everything that we see is truly a mark or a sign

or a pointer or a linga. Our five senses point to things and interpret them as

real and make us aware of certain thing. If you know C or C++ you can understand

the concept of " pointers " very easily.


Similarly SivaLinga is pointer to THAT unspeakable, unimaginable ParamaSiva. But

if you have a bad/corrupted pointer then it points to something else and our

five senses interpret and make us aware of that something else.


What do we think of when we see elliptical (or oval shaped) galaxies swirling in

the universe?

What do we think of when we study the elliptical human aura?

What do we think of when we see the oval shaped " deepam " ?


Why ? What do we think of when we hear about US president's white oval office ?

Certainly we are not reminded of a male organ when we are aware of these oval

shaped objects.


Then why are we reminded of a male organ when we are aware of an oval shaped



Have we ever considered that there are visible and non-visible beings, inside or

outside of us, living their life and spending lots of energy to destroy Saivism?

It happened thousands of years ago, its happening now and it would probably

happen in the future. Apparently they have succeeded in their effort, because

they managed to put a doubt in the minds of such great Srividya or Siva upakasas

on this forum.


We just need to reprogram our corrupted pointer to point to THAT unspeakable

oval pure divine light or that one source from where everything comes and goes

or that absolute being beyong form, time and space or that most loving form of

Siva the one with crescent moon on his head when we see a Siva Linga.


We can easily do that with the grace of our loving mother Gauri (the great

sivagnana pradayani).



Sivaya namah






, " MSR " <miinalochanii wrote:


> , " sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi@> wrote:

> >Fertility. Also veda prohits the phallus worship (rg veda).

> >


> Can you please quote this verse?


> With best wishes,

> Ravi


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I hate to write this and dont want to be seen as a jerk but some things should

not be left to the whims and fancies of people. It helps no -one and such

shallow thoughts can be harmful in the long run.


, " shankar_mallampalli " <shankar.mallampalli



> When we are in Svaadhishtaana chakra with has a primary attribute >of " reason "

we like to present collected/accumulated opinionated >knowledge that is external

to us. We enjoy arguing trying to prove >one point over the other.


When we say something especailly related to sAdhana issues like ShaT-chakra

sAdhana, they should have some basis in shAstra.


For example: If someone tells you if your kundalini is not activated you will

never argue or if they say if you are in sahasrAra chakra you argue a lot - How

are going to validate this?




> Intellect or logic can not understand THAT so it cannot help. >Feeling, belief

or Spirit can help us.


Can you tell where AchArya shankara says that feeling, beleif or spirit will

help in knowing brahman.h?


Or does abhinavagupta or any other AchArya say this?


If none said this where is the authrity for this?


Please see Ravi's recent post titled ADMIN.


I will not say that all the contents of this post are baseless but most of it is

new age mumbo-jumbo without any authority. And sadly this has become common.

Empty and silly statments like " when all arguments stop you will know " that " or

they will know " this " ...are appealing because it is easy and does not require

any hard work like spending time studying the shastra-s.

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|Though the phallus worship was it seems popular during vedic times,

|its worshippers were not allowed to participate in the vedic |worships.


Sriram- you should look up Yaska and the more recent Sayana on this topic. Going

by what they state (shishnadeva abrahmacharyAh ity arthaH etc) Shishnadeva does

not mean Linga. That means for more almost 3 thousand years Hindus have

traditionally understood Shishnadeva differently from what you state. I also do

not think that we can objectively say anything about the popularity of

Shishnadevas from those mantras.


Something like a Shivalinga definitely has many facets to it: As you point out

it has an imagery shared with the Skambha or world axis. This is a thing shared

in the imagery of Nrisimha and Shiva: skambhodbhava mUrti and lingodbhava mUrti.

In another sense it is a fertility emblem. It is not as if only one is valid.

They all make sense in different contexts.



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