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Ambaa's protection - Shocked

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I always had enormous respect for your goodself and this post of yours did not

change that. So please do not feel offended by this post.


, ganapathy = = vijaya <srividya101 wrote:


> ?One need not be unnecessarily perturbed over Christians conversion >of hindus

or the Muslims on slaught on hindus or the discrimintion >of?a

particular?community in Hindus over others.


I am appalled by this post of yours!! If this is what bhoja and other kings who

fought against muslim onslaught thought we will not be discussing all these

devotional texts now in this forum, for there would be no Hinduism left.



> To quote Maha Swamy -- The Santana Dharma, is like the ottahi Adi >Padai ( the

path or the impression on the ground?formed naturally by >constant walking on a

particular route ) unlike the other religions >which are like tarmac roads

requiring constant upkeep.


These consoling statments actually do more danger than the onslaught itself




> So the Dharma will continue to exist as it existed before from time

>immemorial. The fire continues to exist and becomes visible as flame >when

there is wind and during other times it is still with the fire >power on.


Dharma exists now because those that defended dharma did not think on the lines

above. They did not dream that dharma will continue to exist. They made it exist

by their actions i.e. by countering the onslaught and by taking active steps to

preserve it.


Keep thinking like this and I assure you that Hindusim will be wiped away in no



> So one need not be excessively concerned on these issues, as these >are in the

leela of Ambaaji


The statment makes me sick and I am shocked to see this. What is the leela of

Ambaa? Mass conversions? So teh inference from this is that Ambaa wanted those

people to convert to christianity or get slaughtered my muslims? Do you even

know what are you talking about?


So by this logic Ambaa approves conversion to Christianity? Then why dont we all

get converted now itself?



> Maha Swamy furhter?confirms that if one belongs to christianity or >Islam and

truly believes and follow it,that person?is also entitled >and reaches?to Brahma

Lokam. ( Voice Of God 6Th part ).


Your mahA svAmi is totally wrong then. You dont need to be genius to see why he

is wrong. Can we use our brains a little here other than just say mahAsvAmi said

this or that?


So by this logic they reach brahma lokam if they foe example kill a Hindu

sanyasi i.e. Laxmananda Saraswati?


Yes the book of ezekiel which is part of old bible clearly says that non

Christians should be slaughtered and that the vigrahas should be burnt. So are

you saying that they reach brahma lokam by doing these acts.. since they are

following what they are entitled to, by taking part in this murder and



Are so we lacking in common sense?


>That is why >we accept Christ and not necessarily the Churchianity. >simialrly

>with Islam while we?do not agree with their >fundamentalism and its



We accept? Who? Which veda, purANa, Agama or tantra accepts christ?

What do you mean by accepting christ anyway?

None of my gurus taught me to perform pUja to christ. Probably your teacher

taught you this?


I am simply shocked. Is this the same Vijaya Ganapathy that I know or is your

email id hacked and someone else is writing this?



> When a devotee asked Bhagwaan Ramana, what should I do for the >socitey, he

replied to take care of himself first and? the society >will take care of



Can you give a little thought into what will happen if everybody follows this?

we would have been dead long back if for example the Indian Army followed this.


As a learned member just posted " Let us be practical.. "


I request not to get offended with this. The tone is not an un-controlled

outburst. It is intended.



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Sri gurubhyo namaha.


 >If this is what bhoja and other kings who fought against muslim onslaught

thought we will not be discussing all these devotional texts now in this forum,

for there would be no Hinduism left.>


This defies any logic in terming ours as sanAtana dharmA. If such a time will

come where there would be no Hinduism left, the unbroken continuity of the

scriptures will be challenged.


>Dharma exists now because those that defended dharma did not think on the lines

above. They did not dream that dharma will continue to exist. They made it exist

by their actions i.e. by countering the onslaught and by taking active steps to

preserve it.>


To imagine dharma exists or can exist only through the active measures of some

humans to preserve it is quite egotistical. Dharma exists eternally. Perhaps the

degree of its impact in the everday activities of the world changes with the

passage of the epochs (viz.the four legs of dharma being reduced to one by the

advent of kali etc). But to doubt that dharma will continue to exist is childish

and is contrary to all that is said in the scriptures - re the absolute nature

of dharma.


>The statment makes me sick and I am shocked to see this. What is the leela of

Ambaa? Mass conversions? So teh inference from this is that Ambaa wanted those

people to convert to christianity or get slaughtered my muslims? Do you even

know what are you talking about?


So by this logic Ambaa approves conversion to Christianity? Then why dont we all

get converted now itself?>


This seems to be fairly biased and out of context when you take ganapathy ji's

or paramAcharyA's words out of context. If the entire and eternally repeated

appearance and dissolution of the world systems are all seen to be the play of

the supreme devi, then why can everything in it not be Her play?? What goes to

say there cannot be any conversions or pains and discomforts in the play?Her

play is not limited to Mass conversions, and neither is it obsessed with trikAla

sandhyAvandanA. She is all encompassing and thus All is Her play.There is no

inference here that Amba wants anyone to get converted or die at the hand of

muslims. AmbA does not want anything from anyone. If we do not accept the truth

that the supreme is unconditioned and unbiased with regard to the creation, then

it leaves us in a place where our supreme creator has the flaws of nishkArunyA

etc. That as all of us know is not true. ''annEna atirOhatI'' Purusha suktam.

This world experience is

a result of each our delusions and the karma performed under the influence of

such delusion. Those suffering do not suffer because amba wants them to and

neither are those who are enjoying comforts doing so because amba wants them to.

Further, there is nothing in this stream of thought to suggest that all of us

need to be converted as you suggest sarcastically. We see people die everyday,

so do we just say that as death happens amba approves death so lets all just die



>Your mahA svAmi is totally wrong then. You dont need to be genius to see why he

is wrong. Can we use our brains a little here other than just say mahAsvAmi said

this or that?


So by this logic they reach brahma lokam if they foe example kill a Hindu

sanyasi i.e. Laxmananda Saraswati?>


Please see what ganapathyji has said carefully again. Not all christians are out

there to convert and kill hindus. And I dont for a moment think that a true

follower of christ (not just christian by birth) will kill.



Please do not take this post as something that encourages conversions or murder

in the name of god. I am a Brahmin and quite happy and content being one. But we

have to evaluate a few things that question our own deepest beliefs in proper

light and not with the sensationalist/emotive angle. Do you really believe that

christians and muslims and others out side of the varnA system are not children

of the same amba we worship? Do you think the maximum scope of something which

is known as sanatana and that which speaks in cosmic terms is limited to the

tiny land mass of India and her peoples? Do you think that if someone born

muslim and thus believing in a different god/creator to you and me is outside

the scope of ambas radar? The elders say ' sarva darshanA nanindhA'

- Kalpasutra. There is no need for you and me to go and embrace another religion

or method, but once you know what is true for you there is no virtue in decrying

or slandering what is someone

else's path.


I have been a silent observer (apart from a few posts here and there) of this

group. I did not actually want to interfere in this thread either - but I could

not refrain this time. Not just in this forum, but in many other places too

there seems to be a kind of black and white sort of attitude to other religions

etc. Not all christians and bad, not all hindus are good, and not all muslims

have bombs strapped to their stomachs. If only things were so simple! If one

felt that the mass conversions etc were a great onslaught to our dharma, then we

have to take a mature look at it - something deeper than the fire brand/tabloid

kind of response to it. Why do the conversions happen?What are the root causes?

Surely its not a problem caused only because of the missionaries alone? What

have we hindus done to contribute to it? What can we do constructively to

address those flaws?I could go on endlessly. If one's sAdhanA and guru does not

remove his/her

bias,anger,hate etc then what is the point of any of it?


Every jivA is in the pursuit of the same thing - sukhA or happiness. Every

mother experienced intense pain in bringing the child from within her womb into

the world. Though the painting is one composed of many colours and forms it is

all on the same wall.


I hope that this post has not come across as one in defence of conversions and I

also hope that is has not offended anyone with intent to take offence;) I am

also sure that a topic so capable of pushing the wrong buttons like the one here

will bring the heat of all the firebrand folk straight to my door, but then

again I dont do this too often!


Always at the feet of my guru


a concerned jiva.

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, gautham karthik <manalianamika wrote:


<<This defies any logic in terming ours as sanAtana dharmA. If such a time will

come where there would be no Hinduism left, the unbroken continuity of the

scriptures will be challenged.>>


That is why it is being said that those forces which are intent on eradicating

our traditions should be contained. Traditions dont live in books. It lives in

the people who practice them. Among many other things which can hamper this

unbroken continuity,making people abandoning the tradition is one such. And

traditions are abandoned when one changes religion.


<<To imagine dharma exists or can exist only through the active measures of some

humans to preserve it is quite egotistical. Dharma exists eternally. Perhaps the

degree of its impact in the everday activities of the world changes with the

passage of the epochs (viz.the four legs of dharma being reduced to one by the

advent of kali etc). But to doubt that dharma will continue to exist is childish

and is contrary to all that is said in the scriptures - re the absolute nature

of dharma.>>


It is clear that you are going by a higher definition of dharma. No problem with

that. Ever heard the sentence " dharmo rakShati rakShitaH " ? Dharma protects those

who protect it.

It is clear that dharma(among other higher things) is something that needs to be

protected. This in turns means that it requires human action to preserve it, no?

This shows that your first and last sentences in the above passage are wrong.


<<This seems to be fairly biased and out of context when you take ganapathy


or paramAcharyA's words out of context. If the entire and eternally repeated

appearance and dissolution of the world systems are all seen to be the play of

the supreme devi, then why can everything in it not be Her play??>>


Nope. He said all is Amba-s leela including the onslaught on Hinduism.

I objected not to the fact that it is nature's way. My objection is to the fact

that a destructive onslaught on Hinduism is shrugged off(yes he explicitly said

we need not be concerned with that) as nature's play.


If you near and dear ones are at the point of getting slaughtered what do you

do? Just say it is Amba's play? It is true that it is nature's play but it would

be inappropriate on your part to say to yourself, " I should not be too

concerned..it is after all Ambaa's will " instead of fighting with the aggressors


<<She is all encompassing and thus All is Her play.There is no

inference here that Amba wants anyone to get converted or die at the hand of

muslims. >>


I already explained my position on this above


<<AmbA does not want anything from anyone. >>


Yes it doesnt need anything from Humans.. So..?


<<Those suffering do not suffer because amba wants them to and

neither are those who are enjoying comforts doing so because amba wants them to.

Further, there is nothing in this stream of thought to suggest that all of us

need to be converted as you suggest sarcastically. We see people die everyday,

so do we just say that as death happens amba approves death so lets all just die



I already explained the context as to why I said that. To repeat.. it is the

situation where ones loved ones are at the point of getting slaughtered and

he/she simply says " This is Amba's leela "


It is correct from a philosohhical standpoint. No problem. But it is wrong to

say it from a dhArmic and a sociological point of view. This is what I was

hitting at.


<<Please see what ganapathyji has said carefully again. Not all christians are


there to convert and kill hindus.>>


Even a child will understand this. What makes you think it never occured to me

or others? Why are we concerned with those that dont hurt us? They lead their

lives. Our concern is with those among them who seek to make our traditions



<<And I dont for a moment think that a true follower of christ (not just

christian by birth) will kill.>>


The Spanish Inquisition, the hundreds of thousands of deaths in the crusades,

the spanish slaughter of native South Americans, the killing of south american

infants by dashing them aginst the wall,

the burning of witches and many other mass murders related to christianity were

inspired by quotes from the bible. Are you so blind to all this? I know there is

also a political angle to some of these but that does not mean the absence of

religious angle.


<<Do you really believe that christians and muslims and others out side of the

varnA system are not children

of the same amba we worship? Do you think the maximum scope of something which

is known as sanatana and that which speaks in cosmic terms is limited to the

tiny land mass of India and her peoples? Do you think that if someone born

muslim and thus believing in a different god/creator to you and me is outside

the scope of ambas radar? >>


The answer to all your questions is no. Hope that will clarify a lot of --your


Which means.. Yes I consider all humans(including muslims and christians) as

children of devI.. and I do not consider sanAtana dharma as limited to India

and ofcourse muslims and christians are definitely on Amba's so called radar :)


This does not mean you let come them and make our traditions extinct. Nor does

it mean that you should say it is Amba's leela and just watch with folded hands


<<The elders say ' sarva darshanA nanindhA'

- Kalpasutra. There is no need for you and me to go and embrace another religion

or method, but once you know what is true for you there is no virtue in decrying

or slandering what is someone else's path.>>


You are off the mark on this one. sarva darshanAnindA applies to various

darshana-s within the Hindu fold including bauddha and jaina. Not for

christianity and islam simply because they are not darshana-s


<<Not all christians and bad, not all hindus are good, and not all muslims

have bombs strapped to their stomachs. >>


What makes you think me or others do not know this? Most(not all) of the

dialogues in your post are just naive like this one.

I have a few Christian friends whom I respect a lot...


<<If one felt that the mass conversions etc were a great onslaught to our

dharma, then we have to take a mature look at it - something deeper than the

fire brand/tabloid kind of response to it. Why do the conversions happen?What

are the root causes?

Surely its not a problem caused only because of the missionaries alone? What

have we hindus done to contribute to it? What can we do constructively to

address those flaws?>>


Many others already did this research as to the why of this problem. They

matched with my observations and my own studies

Please go familiarise yourself with that. Conversion has been a problem in

central Asia and europe once ..long back when Christianity wasnt popular.It is

still a problem outside India i.e.in many other nations. It doesnt mean there is

a problem in all these nations.

It points to evidence that the evangelists are bent of adding more people to

their faith.. which means reducing people in

other faiths.. this is another way of saying destroying that other faith whether

it be Hinduism of the celtic, druidic or any other traditions. Because a

tradition ceases to be whenever no one practices it...


Do you see the problem? You are getting the wrong inferences.


<< If one's sAdhanA and guru does not remove his/her bias,anger,hate etc then

what is the point of any of it?>>


What you did not, in your so called broad-mindedness grasp is...defending one's

traditions from others does not require hate.

All it takes is a concern for one's tradition. I hope it is not so hard for you

to understand this simple fact.

There is no need to hate the Christians or Muslims. From when is condemning

inhuman/barbaric actions of others a hateful act?


<<I hope that this post has not come across as one in defence of conversions and


also hope that is has not offended anyone with intent to take offence;)>>


I for one did not see the post as a defence against conversions and I am

certainly not offended. What I have observed from your post is that you view of

tradition , dharma, conversion are short sighted. That is all I have observed in

this post. A true understanding

of how socities interact, knowledge of the history of christianity & Islam is

severely lacking. You could improve on that.


dharmo rakShati rakShitaH!

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Sri gurubhyo namaha.


First of all, I appreciate the fact that you have taken the time and more

importantly a contained stance to reply to my post. Many thanks!


>Among many other things which can hamper this

unbroken continuity,making people abandoning the tradition is one such. And

traditions are abandoned when one changes religion.>


I fully aggree. I would also like to point out (I am not assuming here that you

do not know it already, but merely stating it here again) that traditions are

abandoned due to a lot of factors apart from changing religion. The seeds of

conversion are sown way more covertly these days as against the inquisition

style. I would imagine the effect of television, electronic media like the

internet, etc etc all to be factors that result in the traditions being

abandoned. Besides, changing attitudes, different world view etc are all

factors. In the days of my grandfather it was perfectly normal for him (he was a

head master of a school) to arrive late to work on amavasyas etc after

performing the tarpanas. Todays children would think twice before going to

school or college with their viboothi pattai. Trikala sandhyavandana etc seem to

be chores and old fashioned and pointless excercises steeped in superstition to

the youth of today - is that a result of the

missionaries converting people forcibly or is it their own ignorance of the

validity of the vedic truth? More often than not, these traditions are abandoned

or diluted in the pursuit of a 'successful' career or such.Traditions are

abandoned when we have chosen to work in a multitude of fields rather than stick

to the varna based proffessions. So a brahmin of today (though not converted to

christianity or the like) is often following nothing of his/her dharma.


>Ever heard the sentence " dharmo rakShati rakShitaH " ? Dharma protects those

who protect it.

It is clear that dharma(among other higher things) is something that needs to be

protected. This in turns means that it requires human action to preserve it,



Being a life long follower of paramAcharyA, I am well accquainted with the

sentence of '' dharmo rakShati rakShitaH'' .Though I have perhaps understood the

action of persuing my own dharmA (swadharma) to the best of my ability to be the

way to protect dharma. I.E. observing the nitya and naimitta karmAs, swashAka

adhyayanA etc.


>The Spanish Inquisition, the hundreds of thousands of deaths in the crusades,

the spanish slaughter of native South Americans, the killing of south american

infants by dashing them aginst the wall,

the burning of witches and many other mass murders related to christianity were

inspired by quotes from the bible. Are you so blind to all this? I know there is

also a political angle to some of these but that does not mean the absence of

religious angle.>


No. I am not so blind. Living in Ireland for over 14 years and generally having

my eyes open, I can see ample instances in history (and even in the now) where

there is a severe religious angle to it. But I hope we as a whole can understand

from history rather than repeat the same brutality, albeit in a different



>You are off the mark on this one. sarva darshanAnindA applies to various

darshana-s within the Hindu fold including bauddha and jaina. Not for

christianity and islam simply because they are not darshana-s>


Perhaps. I am not erudite enough to argue that one. I simply understand that to

mean any method or path that enable one to realise the supreme as a darshana. As

to each person their own path is as important as mine is to me.


>What makes you think me or others do not know this? Most(not all) of the

dialogues in your post are just naive like this one.

I have a few Christian friends whom I respect a lot...>


I do not mean to question your understanding of the situation. When you mention

that the christians are converting etc etc, it just comes across as generalising

the whole lot, thats all.


>What you did not, in your so called broad-mindedness grasp is...defending one's

traditions from others does not require hate.

All it takes is a concern for one's tradition. I hope it is not so hard for you

to understand this simple fact.

There is no need to hate the Christians or Muslims. From when is condemning

inhuman/barbaric actions of others a hateful act?>


Noted. It is not the condemning of inhuman/barbaric actions of others that is a

hateful act. I would also be one to defend my tradition if challenged - most

certainly. What I would like to not loose sight of though is the fact that

others have also their traditions which for them would be as valid as mine is to



>I for one did not see the post as a defence against conversions and I am

certainly not offended. What I have observed from your post is that you view of

tradition , dharma, conversion are short sighted. That is all I have observed in

this post. A true understanding

of how socities interact, knowledge of the history of christianity & Islam is

severely lacking. You could improve on that.>


I am glad at least my intentions have come across clearly and it has caused you

no offence. I will try and work on my understanding of tradition,dharma and

conversion, not to forget the history of christianity and Islam!!:)


sadgurupAdukA jayathI.









--- On Fri, 5/6/09, Satish <satisharigela wrote:



Satish <satisharigela

Re: Ambaa's protection - Shocked


Friday, 5 June, 2009, 4:07 PM

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Ok. To all those who are thinking this is outside list scope will you be quiet

for sometime please??

Or do you have a blind belief(which is so common) that the list policies are

apauruSheya :-))

Do you realize I carry on this discussion somewhat unwillingly and wish to end

it at the earliest?



Take note of the last few lines towards the end of the post



Onto discussion..


, gautham karthik <manalianamika wrote:


> >Among many other things which can hamper this

> unbroken continuity,making people abandoning the tradition is one such. And

> traditions are abandoned when one changes religion.>


> is that a result of the

> missionaries converting people forcibly or is it their own >ignorance of the

validity of the vedic truth? More often than not, >these traditions are

abandoned or diluted in the pursuit of >a 'successful' career or such.


Yeah. I said something similar in a comment yesterday I think.

Though I do not disagree with you i will add that:

Even though diluted, they remain somewhat Hindu albeit marginally. I used to

have a brahmin friend who does not peform anything, not beleive in devata-s,

rituals etc but if a christian tries to convert he would argue for Hindusim.

There are many people like these.


Conversion is altogether a different game. Sometimes new converts are filled

with a zeal and actively try to prevent family members who chose to remain

Hindu. Like the example of the tamil son who converted and prevented his mother

from doing pooja-s.


So you see the difference?


> Being a life long follower of paramAcharyA, I am well accquainted >with the

sentence of '' dharmo rakShati rakShitaH'' .Though I have >perhaps understood

the action of persuing my own dharmA (swadharma) >to the best of my ability to

be the way to protect dharma. I.E. >observing the nitya and naimitta karmAs,

swashAka adhyayanA etc.


My understanding is that it has two parts. First part is what you have said.

Second is towards society. As brAhmana for example I think you are also required

to teach. So it extends beyond the individual.


> But I hope we as a whole can understand from history rather than >repeat the

same brutality, albeit in a different context.


Dont tell me you thought it looked like I am about to start some Hindu

inquisition.. :-) What do I sound like??


> Perhaps. I am not erudite enough to argue that one. I simply >understand that

to mean any method or path that enable one to >realise the supreme as a

darshana. As to each person their own path >is as important as mine is to me.


To my knowledge there arent any sanskrit works treating these religions as

darshana-s and refuting them. They just dont fit anywhere. There is a

possibility that there are such works but as we see, they are not studied

seriously even if they exist.


> I do not mean to question your understanding of the situation. When >you

mention that the christians are converting etc etc, it just >comes across as

generalising the whole lot, thats all.


Well, glad to see that it is clear now.


> Noted. It is not the condemning of inhuman/barbaric actions of >others that is

a hateful act. I would also be one to defend my >tradition if challenged - most

certainly. What I would like to not >loose sight of though is the fact that

others have also their >traditions which for them would be as valid as mine is

to me.


Here is the tricky part. So if it is my christian tradition/or belief(i.e. my

god-yehovah says so) that your tradition should not exist, will you let me

follow my tradition(since in you rown words my tradition is valid for me)?


> I am glad at least my intentions have come across clearly and it >has caused

you no offence. I will try and work on my understanding >of tradition,dharma and

conversion, not to forget the history of >christianity and Islam!!:)


Not as bad as you came across in the first post :)



To others:

What is objective of this thread? Why are we(I am) spending this much time even

though it is outside the scope of this list?


Some members seem to beleive that the attacks on Hinduism are not that much of a

concern. It was even projected(not directly said) that somehow all this is will

be miraculously taken care of, and nothing needs to be done. History has shown

that quite a few civilizations were wiped out because of such line of thought.

Hence this concern and small attempt to show the danger in such thinking to this

limited group of people. The more people we rid of such thinking the more we are

aware. Sometimes just being alert, being well aware and understanding well the

scope and background of a threat - in itself mitigates it.

I want to say more on this and will stop...There are already people howling

about this whole thread being outside list scope.


You think your texts will grow hands and legs to save your traditions?? Sigh!

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Dear All,

 I have been reading these posts and I am not really surprised at the thoughts

expressed by some of the very learned members here.  This kind of thinking seems

to be the general pattern of almost all our Hindu brethren.  We seem to live in

a different and impracticle world of our own when it comes to our religion. 

Neither do we understand our own history of the near past and neither do we

understand the history of other civilizations and religions which are now exist

only in books.


I ask you all in the same way as Satish has,  have you considered what would

have been the situation today if


1) Vidyaranya Swami had remained secluded and continued with his tapas in some

cave, instead of inspiring Harihara raya and Bukkaraya to estabilish the

Vijayanagar Empire.


2) Swami Ramdas had remained in his Ram bhakti singing abhangs only , instead of

helping Shivaji to build his Hindavi Swaraj?


Just two examples , but they should suffice to enlighten us.  


Dharma does not exist in books or mere sayings of great men.  Dharma will only

exisit in action, in the actual performance of Dharma. Without " achar " no Dharma

will ever exist. This is the plain and simple fact. If there are no Hindus to

pactise Hindusim,  how will it exisit?


Relying on some avatars to save our Dharma, relying on Bhagavan /Amba etc to

save us and our religion,  is nothing but abdication of our responsibilty

towards our Dharma.  If we do not pro actively make efforts to preserve and

propogate our way of life, who will? Why should Bhagavan/Amba do it?


The entire creation and all that happens in it , is Ambaa's leela, is entirely

correct, but then the defending ,protecting and preserving our faith and

traditions and keeping them vibrant and robust is also Amba's leela. 


Having given us this great Sanatan Vedic Dharma , She expects us to preserve and

protect it , add to it and pass it down to our further generations. It is our

duty to do so.  What kind of children of Ambaa are we, if we cannot carry out

Her wishes? 


No Mother likes her children to be cowards and keep going back to her

crying.  Dont we see this in our lives? Likewise, I am sure our Mother does also

not appreaciate our cowardice, falling back on Her, dependence  upon Her and

worse, calling this dependence and cowardice Bhakti. 


We Hindus need to understand and realise quickly, that we are the custodians of

our Dharma and being so, are necessarily the guardians of the same.  No one is

going to protect our Dharma, no foreigner, no muslim, no christian, no anybody,

and above all not Ambaa.     If we dont, nobody will!


 There is  great truth in the statement: " dharmo rakshati rakshitah " .  Dharma

will protect us only if  protected, in the first place.  


I do not have even an iota of knowledge, which some of the very learned members

of this group have. But I know this for sure, Our Dharma lives in us and 

manifests in our  " achar and vichar "  , it does not live in texts, and scriptures

and neither will all the texts and scriptures protect it.  No amount of

perverted logic or sophistry is going to convince me otherwise.


Shrug off this " chalta hai "  attitude in respect of our Dharma.  Our Sanatan

Dharma  is just too valuable , and does not merit this attitude.

















Satish <satisharigela


Saturday, 6 June, 2009 12:38:45 AM

Re: Ambaa's protection - Shocked






Ok. To all those who are thinking this is outside list scope will you be quiet

for sometime please??

Or do you have a blind belief(which is so common) that the list policies are

apauruSheya :-))

Do you realize I carry on this discussion somewhat unwillingly and wish to end

it at the earliest?


Take note of the last few lines towards the end of the post


Onto discussion..


@ .com, gautham karthik <manalianamika@ ...> wrote:


> >Among many other things which can hamper this

> unbroken continuity,making people abandoning the tradition is one such. And

> traditions are abandoned when one changes religion.>


> is that a result of the

> missionaries converting people forcibly or is it their own >ignorance of the

validity of the vedic truth? More often than not, >these traditions are

abandoned or diluted in the pursuit of >a 'successful' career or such.


Yeah. I said something similar in a comment yesterday I think.

Though I do not disagree with you i will add that:

Even though diluted, they remain somewhat Hindu albeit marginally. I used to

have a brahmin friend who does not peform anything, not beleive in devata-s,

rituals etc but if a christian tries to convert he would argue for Hindusim.

There are many people like these.


Conversion is altogether a different game. Sometimes new converts are filled

with a zeal and actively try to prevent family members who chose to remain

Hindu. Like the example of the tamil son who converted and prevented his mother

from doing pooja-s.


So you see the difference?


> Being a life long follower of paramAcharyA, I am well accquainted >with the

sentence of '' dharmo rakShati rakShitaH'' .Though I have >perhaps understood

the action of persuing my own dharmA (swadharma) >to the best of my ability to

be the way to protect dharma. I.E. >observing the nitya and naimitta karmAs,

swashAka adhyayanA etc.


My understanding is that it has two parts. First part is what you have said.

Second is towards society. As brAhmana for example I think you are also required

to teach. So it extends beyond the individual.


> But I hope we as a whole can understand from history rather than >repeat the

same brutality, albeit in a different context.


Dont tell me you thought it looked like I am about to start some Hindu

inquisition. . :-) What do I sound like??


> Perhaps. I am not erudite enough to argue that one.. I simply >understand that

to mean any method or path that enable one to >realise the supreme as a

darshana. As to each person their own path >is as important as mine is to me.


To my knowledge there arent any sanskrit works treating these religions as

darshana-s and refuting them. They just dont fit anywhere. There is a

possibility that there are such works but as we see, they are not studied

seriously even if they exist.


> I do not mean to question your understanding of the situation. When >you

mention that the christians are converting etc etc, it just >comes across as

generalising the whole lot, thats all.


Well, glad to see that it is clear now.


> Noted. It is not the condemning of inhuman/barbaric actions of >others that is

a hateful act. I would also be one to defend my >tradition if challenged - most

certainly. What I would like to not >loose sight of though is the fact that

others have also their >traditions which for them would be as valid as mine is

to me.


Here is the tricky part. So if it is my christian tradition/or belief(i.e. my

god-yehovah says so) that your tradition should not exist, will you let me

follow my tradition(since in you rown words my tradition is valid for me)?


> I am glad at least my intentions have come across clearly and it >has caused

you no offence. I will try and work on my understanding >of tradition,dharma and

conversion, not to forget the history of >christianity and Islam!!:)


Not as bad as you came across in the first post :)


To others:

What is objective of this thread? Why are we(I am) spending this much time even

though it is outside the scope of this list?


Some members seem to beleive that the attacks on Hinduism are not that much of a

concern. It was even projected(not directly said) that somehow all this is will

be miraculously taken care of, and nothing needs to be done. History has shown

that quite a few civilizations were wiped out because of such line of thought.

Hence this concern and small attempt to show the danger in such thinking to this

limited group of people. The more people we rid of such thinking the more we are

aware. Sometimes just being alert, being well aware and understanding well the

scope and background of a threat - in itself mitigates it.

I want to say more on this and will stop...There are already people howling

about this whole thread being outside list scope.


You think your texts will grow hands and legs to save your traditions?? Sigh!






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Satish's clarity in face of the confusion displayed by so many here should be

congratulated. People make many logical errors. The dharma does not have " God " .

This is a unique term to Abrahmic religions. Abrahmic religions have no

parallels to dharma. Christism and Islam have only brought misery to the world

have absolutely nothing positive in them. This is because they combine the basic

monotheism of Abrahmism with the murderous urge towards others. These ideologies

should not confused their followers -- it is the mistake of confusing software

for hardware.

We only have brahman, atman, deva/devI and some people might believe in a

concept of Ishvara. It is a huge misunderstanding to think brahman and god are

the same. The Hindus who think Christism or Muhammadi are like our dharma do not

understand those religions. Rather than lecturing other Hindu about

same-same-vAda about them they should spend time reading from primary sources of

those religions.


Another confusion is between bhakti mArga, mantra mArga and j~nAna mArga. Using

mantra mArga is not like bhakti marga. So it is wrong to confuse using a mantra

according to mantramArga with a stuti on the same devatA in bhakti mArga. One

cannot interchange for the other. Having blind bhakti is not an appropriate

qualification for a person to participate in mantra mArga. So statements like

" mAtA's protection will be available for all " will hold in bhakti mArga but not

in mantramArga. Common people in India have become oriented toward bhakti mArga

but most of them do not even understand the basics of mantra mArga to be

qualified to used. Not all gurus who give mantras are even conversant in the

whole package of mantra mArga called mantra-shAstra. It is from people who

known that you will get a better a understanding of the dharma because mImAmsa

is called the root of dharma. Yes mantra mArga looks fascinating from outside

but is a lot of hard work to get it working.


That mercury guru reported in an earlier post seems to be suffering from mercury

poisoning. In modern India some yogis have died while playing with mercury. We

must take any claim of doing rasastambhana these days skeptically. It is good to

avoid all commercial Paradalingas because they appear fakes. I also know of an

elderly lady in India who took some Rasas from a " Siddha " and go mercury



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dear rohit,


Namaste. A sigh of relief from you!


with regards,



, rohit kumtha <rohitkumtha wrote:


> Dear All,

>  I have been reading these posts and I am not really surprised at the thoughts

expressed by some of the very learned members here.  This kind of thinking seems

to be the general pattern of almost all our Hindu brethren.  We seem to live in

a different and impracticle world of our own when it comes to our religion. 

Neither do we understand our own history of the near past and neither do we

understand the history of other civilizations and religions which are now exist

only in books.


> I ask you all in the same way as Satish has,  have you considered what would

have been the situation today if


> 1) Vidyaranya Swami had remained secluded and continued with his tapas in some

cave, instead of inspiring Harihara raya and Bukkaraya to estabilish the

Vijayanagar Empire.


> 2) Swami Ramdas had remained in his Ram bhakti singing abhangs only , instead

of helping Shivaji to build his Hindavi Swaraj?


> Just two examples , but they should suffice to enlighten us.  


> Dharma does not exist in books or mere sayings of great men.  Dharma will only

exisit in action, in the actual performance of Dharma. Without " achar " no Dharma

will ever exist. This is the plain and simple fact. If there are no Hindus to

pactise Hindusim,  how will it exisit?


> Relying on some avatars to save our Dharma, relying on Bhagavan /Amba etc to

save us and our religion,  is nothing but abdication of our responsibilty

towards our Dharma.  If we do not pro actively make efforts to preserve and

propogate our way of life, who will? Why should Bhagavan/Amba do it?


> The entire creation and all that happens in it , is Ambaa's leela, is entirely

correct, but then the defending ,protecting and preserving our faith and

traditions and keeping them vibrant and robust is also Amba's leela. 


> Having given us this great Sanatan Vedic Dharma , She expects us to preserve

and protect it , add to it and pass it down to our further generations. It is

our duty to do so.  What kind of children of Ambaa are we, if we cannot carry

out Her wishes? 


> No Mother likes her children to be cowards and keep going back to her

crying.  Dont we see this in our lives? Likewise, I am sure our Mother does also

not appreaciate our cowardice, falling back on Her, dependence  upon Her and

worse, calling this dependence and cowardice Bhakti. 


> We Hindus need to understand and realise quickly, that we are the custodians

of our Dharma and being so, are necessarily the guardians of the same.  No one

is going to protect our Dharma, no foreigner, no muslim, no christian, no

anybody, and above all not Ambaa.     If we dont, nobody will!


>  There is  great truth in the statement: " dharmo rakshati rakshitah " .  Dharma

will protect us only if  protected, in the first place.  


> I do not have even an iota of knowledge, which some of the very learned

members of this group have. But I know this for sure, Our Dharma lives in us

and  manifests in our  " achar and vichar "  , it does not live in texts, and

scriptures and neither will all the texts and scriptures protect it.  No amount

of perverted logic or sophistry is going to convince me otherwise.


> Shrug off this " chalta hai "  attitude in respect of our Dharma.  Our Sanatan

Dharma  is just too valuable , and does not merit this attitude.


> Regards

> Rohit













> ________________________________

> Satish <satisharigela


> Saturday, 6 June, 2009 12:38:45 AM

> Re: Ambaa's protection - Shocked






> Ok. To all those who are thinking this is outside list scope will you be quiet

for sometime please??

> Or do you have a blind belief(which is so common) that the list policies are

apauruSheya :-))

> Do you realize I carry on this discussion somewhat unwillingly and wish to end

it at the earliest?


> Take note of the last few lines towards the end of the post


> Onto discussion..


> @ .com, gautham karthik <manalianamika@ ...> wrote:

> >  

> > >Among many other things which can hamper this

> > unbroken continuity,making people abandoning the tradition is one such. And

> > traditions are abandoned when one changes religion.>

> >  

> > is that a result of the

> > missionaries converting people forcibly or is it their own >ignorance of the

validity of the vedic truth? More often than not, >these traditions are

abandoned or diluted in the pursuit of >a 'successful' career or such.


> Yeah. I said something similar in a comment yesterday I think.

> Though I do not disagree with you i will add that:

> Even though diluted, they remain somewhat Hindu albeit marginally. I used to

have a brahmin friend who does not peform anything, not beleive in devata-s,

rituals etc but if a christian tries to convert he would argue for Hindusim.

There are many people like these.


> Conversion is altogether a different game. Sometimes new converts are filled

with a zeal and actively try to prevent family members who chose to remain

Hindu. Like the example of the tamil son who converted and prevented his mother

from doing pooja-s.


> So you see the difference?


> > Being a life long follower of paramAcharyA, I am well accquainted >with the

sentence of '' dharmo rakShati rakShitaH'' .Though I have >perhaps understood

the action of persuing my own dharmA (swadharma) >to the best of my ability to

be the way to protect dharma. I.E. >observing the nitya and naimitta karmAs,

swashAka adhyayanA etc.


> My understanding is that it has two parts. First part is what you have said.

Second is towards society. As brAhmana for example I think you are also required

to teach. So it extends beyond the individual.


> > But I hope we as a whole can understand from history rather than >repeat the

same brutality, albeit in a different context.


> Dont tell me you thought it looked like I am about to start some Hindu

inquisition. . :-) What do I sound like??


> > Perhaps. I am not erudite enough to argue that one.. I simply >understand

that to mean any method or path that enable one to >realise the supreme as a

darshana. As to each person their own path >is as important as mine is to me.


> To my knowledge there arent any sanskrit works treating these religions as

darshana-s and refuting them. They just dont fit anywhere. There is a

possibility that there are such works but as we see, they are not studied

seriously even if they exist.


> > I do not mean to question your understanding of the situation. When >you

mention that the christians are converting etc etc, it just >comes across as

generalising the whole lot, thats all.


> Well, glad to see that it is clear now.


> > Noted. It is not the condemning of inhuman/barbaric actions of >others that

is a hateful act. I would also be one to defend my >tradition if challenged -

most certainly. What I would like to not >loose sight of though is the fact that

others have also their >traditions which for them would be as valid as mine is

to me.


> Here is the tricky part. So if it is my christian tradition/or belief(i.e. my

god-yehovah says so) that your tradition should not exist, will you let me

follow my tradition(since in you rown words my tradition is valid for me)?


> > I am glad at least my intentions have come across clearly and it >has caused

you no offence. I will try and work on my understanding >of tradition,dharma and

conversion, not to forget the history of >christianity and Islam!!:)


> Not as bad as you came across in the first post :)


> To others:

> What is objective of this thread? Why are we(I am) spending this much time

even though it is outside the scope of this list?


> Some members seem to beleive that the attacks on Hinduism are not that much of

a concern. It was even projected(not directly said) that somehow all this is

will be miraculously taken care of, and nothing needs to be done. History has

shown that quite a few civilizations were wiped out because of such line of

thought. Hence this concern and small attempt to show the danger in such

thinking to this limited group of people. The more people we rid of such

thinking the more we are aware. Sometimes just being alert, being well aware and

understanding well the scope and background of a threat - in itself mitigates


> I want to say more on this and will stop...There are already people howling

about this whole thread being outside list scope.


> You think your texts will grow hands and legs to save your traditions?? Sigh!






> Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with India

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