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Prathyinkira vidhanam

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Dear sir,

Though I am unsure of the prescribed rituals, I know of a temple (I am not

sure if its Ayyavadi or Vakrakali) - one of them is a prathiyangira devi

temple where they have the practice of offering red chillies - I hear

despite the presence of so many chillies, there is no burning effect on the






On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 8:57 AM, S Sangaranarayanan





> Dear Sriram and devotees of the Divine Mother,


> I am republishing the Prathyinkira Vidhanam and I want to include more

> materials, if any of the devotees could send them to me.


> Incidentally, I would also like to know whether there is any prescribed

> ritual using chillies in the Prathyinkira homam and people claim that it is

> nikumbala yagam in which red chillies are used. According to me this is

> totally wrong and impossible, because red chillies was not available during

> the period of Indrajit. More so Hanuman destroyed the yagam done by Indragit

> and therefore doing Nikumbala yagam as claimed by does, cannot and will not

> be able to destroy the enemies. This misconception should be removed.


> I have the text of Nikumbala Yagam but there is no prescription for the

> same. Can any one help.


> Regards,









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Sri Gurubhyon Namha

Dear Sangarnarayan garu

You could contact one Sri Manikantha sharma of puddukotai bhuvaneshwari

adishtanam, or courtallam mouna swamy ashram, they would be able to help you out

with it, there is a Pratyangira temple in hyderabad that is governed by the

Courtallam swmiji, they do homa with dired red chillies,? and alcohol and other

things to kala bhirava, my knowledge is limited regarding the activities of the

ashram as i dont like and dont prefer to go there too often, there are other

books that have prtyangira shasranama, and the 3 pratyangira upasana?and



PS: Indrajit sucessfully did the yaga and thus he was able to bind both Rama and

Lakshamana, he was doing the yaga for the second time when it was interrupted by

Anjaniputra, at the advice of Vibhishana, who told Vayuputra that if Indrajit

were to complete the yaga no one would be able to defeat him.

Why go after all?this when it is given in Lalitha sahasranama phala shruthi that

Pratyangira protects the devotees of Ambal, and she is a?spec of Ambal's power,

just as you always say we should look at ambal in ourselves, not in the outside.


Sri Kamakshi






S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai


Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:57:46 AM

Prathyinkira vidhanam



Dear Sriram and devotees of the Divine Mother,


I am republishing the Prathyinkira Vidhanam and I want to include more

materials, if any of the devotees could send them to me.


Incidentally, I would also like to know whether there is any prescribed ritual

using chillies in the Prathyinkira homam and people claim that it is nikumbala

yagam in which red chillies are used. According to me this is totally wrong and

impossible, because red chillies was not available during the period of

Indrajit. More so Hanuman destroyed the yagam done by Indragit and therefore

doing Nikumbala yagam as claimed by does, cannot and will not be able to destroy

the enemies. This misconception should be removed.


I have the text of Nikumbala Yagam but there is no prescription for the same.

Can any one help.





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Dear sankaranarayanan,




The roots of pratyangira are found in Pippalada & Saunaka Samhita of Atharva

Veda. The Saunaka Sakha also gives out the prayoga vidhana of Pratyangira as a

counter to Kritya.


Also, the Meru Tantra gives out the details of Pratyangira Upasana but i have

not personally checked the Meru Tantra regarding this upasana.


As per the opinion of the learned atharva vedic scholars whom i know, mention 2

forms of prayoga that are mentioned in Saunaka Sakha of A. Veda.


Pratyangira is invoked using the Atharvana Bhadrakali Sukta, Vamadeva and

Rakshoghna Agni Suktas of A.Veda.


The other prayoga is a homa vidhana using *apamarga patra* while chanting

*apamarga sukta* of Saunaka sakha of Atharva Veda. Then with the mantra japa of

the famous rik *yAm kalpayanti........*, using the ghee of Goat, the oblations

are performed. The pippalada sakha prescribes the oblations of curd to Indra

with a

bali offering to paralyze the enemy.


During the evolutionary process, *vedic tantrisim* took different turns at

different times and during the course of time some tantras degenerated and bore

ugly faces.


As regards the pratyangira homa with chillies, as i said, this could be one of

the *degenerated* forms of upasana and fortunately or unfortunately, now-a-days,

most of the pithadhipatis / sanyasis are attracted to this form of homa.

Though, there is no scriptural evidence to this, Shri Siddheshwarananda Bharati

of Courtallam

Mouna Pitham has been following this pratyangira homa vidhana with red chillies.


Some of the books which i have seen do mention this procedure, but how far they

are scripturally correct, i am not able to judge as i am ignorant in Pratyangira



Not even pratyangira homa, but the Chandi Homa procedures that are followed by

some of the upasakas are *questionable* with ingredients like palm leaf trays

etc. My gurunatha objected to this usage of *palm leaf trays* as a part of

chandi homa. Only *ghee-misrita-payasanna* and *tila* should be used in Chandi



Similarly, Atharva Veda prescribes Apamarga Patra, Goat Ghee as a part of

Pratyangira Ritual.


Now as regards the mantra prayoga of Indrajit, Shri Anjaneya is the sarva mantra

swarupa having been emanated from Rudra virya. It is NOT that Nikumbila is

powerless but the *prarabdha karma* of Indrajit bore the fruit as he was

treading *adharma* marga.



May some of the members of this forum like Rajitha / Satish may help us out

regarding the usage of *red dried chillies* as i am not well versed in

Pratyangira Homa. Probably, Meru Tantra may be of use to you. Kindly refer that

in Adyar Library.


with regards,




, S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai wrote:


> Dear Sriram and devotees of the Divine Mother,




> I am republishing the Prathyinkira Vidhanam and I want to include more

materials, if any of the devotees could send them to me.


> Incidentally, I would also like to know whether there is any prescribed ritual

using chillies in the Prathyinkira homam and people claim that it is nikumbala

yagam in which red chillies are used. According to me this is totally wrong and

impossible, because red chillies was not available during the period of

Indrajit. More so Hanuman destroyed the yagam done by Indragit and therefore

doing Nikumbala yagam as claimed by does, cannot and will not be able to destroy

the enemies. This misconception should be removed.


> I have the text of Nikumbala Yagam but there is no prescription for the same.

Can any one help.


> Regards,




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, raghavender ganti <rganti9 wrote:


> PS: Indrajit sucessfully did the yaga and thus he was able to bind >both Rama

and Lakshamana, he was doing the yaga for the second time >when it was

interrupted by Anjaniputra, at the advice of Vibhishana, >who told Vayuputra

that if Indrajit were to complete the yaga no one >would be able to defeat him.

> Why go after all?this when it is given in Lalitha sahasranama phala >shruthi

that Pratyangira protects the devotees of Ambal, and she is >a?spec of Ambal's

power, just as you always say we should look at >ambal in ourselves, not in the





It is not without reason that we find these rituals in tantra.

I am unsure how seriously the phala shruti should be taken in this matter. IMHO

pratya~Ngira, sharabheshvara etc protecting devotee's of lalitA is nothing more

than an exaggeration.


People will say pratya~ngira is an a~Nga devata of lalita or in some x y z krama

pratya~Ngira mantra is said briefly etc etc and so this is true.


pratya~Ngira is to be invoked seperately to receive that deity's full

protection. Same for sharabheshvara and other devata-s. This is the reason

elaborate manuals exist for invoking them. If someone thinks this is not

correct, I am willing to see any reasoning behind that.


shrIvidyA is given too much importance these days. This is okay as long as it

does not reach a level where people say that other systems are redundant or just

dont care to study and preserve(by seeking initiation in non-shrIvidya tAntric

systems) them.



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Sri Gurubhyon Namaha

Dear Satish Ji

My apologies for saying that " Why go after all?this when it is given in Lalitha

sahasranama phala shruthi that Pratyangira protects the devotees of Ambal, and

she is a spec of Ambal's power " what i meant was that the upasana of these

dieties is meant for a mature person?, one who is devoid of the dualities. I

remember asking my guruji about it and he mentioned it to be very advanced ,very

powerful and potent prayogas assosciated with it, and it has to be learned and

practised under a able guru. He also mentioned of great amount of preparation

physically, mentally and spiritually?before and after the invocation of these

prayogas, else the man would be sapped of his energies rendering him useless.


But given the present worldly life we are in i felt it is not for me at this

point of time.



Sri Kamakshi







Satish <satisharigela


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:08:30 PM

Re: Prathyinkira vidhanam






@ .com, raghavender ganti <rganti9 > wrote:




It is not without reason that we find these rituals in tantra.

I am unsure how seriously the phala shruti should be taken in this matter. IMHO

pratya~Ngira, sharabheshvara etc protecting devotee's of lalitA is nothing more

than an exaggeration.


People will say pratya~ngira is an a~Nga devata of lalita or in some x y z krama

pratya~Ngira mantra is said briefly etc etc and so this is true.


pratya~Ngira is to be invoked seperately to receive that deity's full

protection. Same for sharabheshvara and other devata-s. This is the reason

elaborate manuals exist for invoking them. If someone thinks this is not

correct, I am willing to see any reasoning behind that.

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In the shrI pratya~Ngira temple in sholinganallur( right next to the OMR in

Chennai) also this practise of homa with red chillies is done. This particular

homa is done in the evenings/early night.


srI harI







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Dear Divine souls,


Let us not cross track. I know eprsonally a very powerful person want to a

prathyinkira upasaka and did several havans for the anihilation of the enemy

using red chillies in the proyoga. What happened was the enemy got more and more

powerful and the person who undertook the yagna, went down in personality,

environment etc. Further when red chillies are coated with Neem oil or even

castor oil and then put into fire it would not emit chillies gas and make the

devotee's eye swet.


Whatever said and done, no diety of the divine mother will anihilate any one,




The proyogas are meant purely to correct oneself - for instance if a person

comes to harm a upasaka, by chanting asvaruda, the intruder goes away because he

forgets his intention as he advances. There are a many number of personal





Let us be happy.








Tue, 16 Jun 2009 02:04:04 -0700

Re: Re: Prathyinkira vidhanam








Sri Gurubhyon Namaha

Dear Satish Ji

My apologies for saying that " Why go after all?this when it is given in Lalitha

sahasranama phala shruthi that Pratyangira protects the devotees of Ambal, and

she is a spec of Ambal's power " what i meant was that the upasana of these

dieties is meant for a mature person?, one who is

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Dear Divine Brother,


I do not believe in such harmful prayogas. Whatever said and done, Nikumbala

Yaga was destroyed. That is all. Thsi establishes the fact that none should do

this type of yaga to bring harm to others. Prathyinkira will never help.


Regarding using alcohol, I have an experience. Once i want to a temple of Kala

Bhairava where midnight puja was done, the sanctum sanctorum filled with total

alcohol for offering. None is allowed inside, but when the Pujari looked at me,

he asked me to come inside. i went there saw the whole offering and felt as if

the Bhairava telling me that they are offering me alcohol eventhough i am not a

drunkard. Thereafter as per the directions of my guru I transmitted the divine

energy when a strange thing happened - everyone including the pujari stood still

for a few seconds and even the harathi in his hand was held up without a

movement for a few seconds.


Thereafter the pujari was told to offer some kind of sharbath instead of country

liquor but he abused. That night the pujari had a dream and wanted sharbath to

be offered. Next day the Pujara approached us and told his experience and wanted

sharbath to be offered.



The dieties however fierce they may look, have a compassionate heart and soul

and they do no harm. Only our own thought, deed and action harms us.







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jnanatmanaya vidmahe, maha krityaya Dhimahi , tanah pratyangira pra...


Eedaneem paramam Saktim sarva Satru kshayakarim

chintayet paramesanim trylokya Bhaya naasanim


Dear Sadhaka


There are many versions spoken of Pratyangira. But for the sadhak's of

Pratyangira she is the Ulitimate Inspiration.


One of the story told on Pratyangira incarnation is that In battle between Devas

and Asuras even the Sudharshana chakra failed and all the deva's went to Siva

for future action. Siva then invoked Pratyangira sakthi here Pratyangira sakti

was Created with Pratyeka angas (half Lioness and half female) with the enormous

capacity of Para Mantra Yantra tantra Bakshini. Every thing in front of this

power just gets observed into it making it much more powerful. A wise Sadhaka

uses This Prayoga as a last resort and in grave situation like Dharma Samstapana

and for other Noble Causes as Pratyangira is nothing but Truth. Truth is fire

and its Prayoga cant be taken back hence the sadhaka should be aware that this

Prayoga backfire's. A wise person tries to successfully possess a Super power

and also knows that by having it his responsibility increases for not misusing

it. (We all know that few countries have enough Nuclear missiles to bombard the

earth many times ) and possessing such devastating power . Only sadhaka's who

have the capacity of upasamhara (diffuse) are eligible for it's Prayoga


there are Viloma Gayatri, Bhadrakali, Agneya, vayu, Bhoota nigraham and 6

abhicharaka's for prayogas


There are Pratyangira Stava,Kavacham,golakam, Ati bala and so on. for upasana


in Pratyangira Bhashya it's given as


Santih pustiScha vridischa apa mrithyu kshaya statha

abhicharika krutyacha santih pratyabhicharika

maha vishan haret sarvaan sarva papa haram param


Upasana is different from Prayoga's and Pratyangira upasana is a Glorious

protector of Sadhana and gives sampurnatha (completion) of upasana. May be it's

the perception of seeking the blessings of this great power which differs but

one thing is for sure mother will always bless her children.


Gayatri mantra which is considered as the santhi mantra when reversed becomes

the prathama Bhayankara Astra Brahma Astra. So Gayatri upasana on a logical

basis is becoming a ugra Sadhana. Now what are we left with.



jnanatmanaya vidmahe, maha krityaya Dhimahi ,

tanah pratyangira prachodayat



Using of chillies in Homa is definetly new age innovation as there are more and

more wants there will be such Innovations. usage of Ghee and Rice then came

Ksheerannam and thrimaduvu and there are prescribed texts for using

sesame,pepper and salt in the home why cant there be Red chillies after all red

chilled are grown from mother earth and it's doesn't fall into the catgory of

Pancha makaras






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2009/6/18 Diwakar N.V.L.G <diwakarvlg:


> Using of chillies in Homa is definetly new age innovation as there are more

> and more wants there will be such Innovations. usage of Ghee and Rice then

> came Ksheerannam and thrimaduvu and there are prescribed texts for using

> sesame,pepper and salt in the home why cant there be Red chillies after all

> red chilled are grown from mother earth and it's doesn't fall into the

> catgory of Pancha makaras



This is just a side note of historical interest. Chillies are native

to the American continent and were unknown in India until the 1500s.


So the use of chillies in homa-s or in any other aspect of Hindu life

is of relatively recent origin.


Potatoes and chillies are perhaps the two greatest American imports

into India over the last 500 years !!



santoá¹£aḥ paramo lÄbhaḥ satsaá¹…gaḥ paramÄ gatiḥ I

vicÄraḥ paramaá¹ jñÄnaá¹ Å›amo hi paramaá¹ sukham II

- Yoga VÄsiṣṭha

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