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Chidvilasa Stavah (26th - 30th slokas)

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Chidvilasa Stavah




vAksahaiva manasA nivartatE

prApya niShkalaniranjanA dyatah

tatra nirmanasi sabdavarjitE

dhAmni misramaNa muttamo japah //....................26


The objective of Japa is mentioned here.


Where the Mind & Speech cannot reach, that which Mind cannot comprehend and

Speech cannot express, such a state is called Nishkala / Niranjana Paratattva.

To abide in such a Nishkala Nija Sthiti is the vastava japa lakshana.


bimbitam sphurati yatra samvido

rUpamAntara midamtayA bahih

vishwa mEtadakhilam charAcharam

darpaNam hridayadarpaNam param //..................27


The rahasya of the darpana (showing of mirror) upachara is mentioned.


The hridaya of the Prakasa tattva is *Shuddha Samvit* (Vimala Jnana). This

Vimala Jnana / Shuddha Samvit with the help of Upadhi (medium) in the hridaya

kamala of the jiva, reflects the manifold-creation of jagat with the bhavana of

*aham* & *idam*. Contemplation of the Prakasa & Samvit in the hridaya darpana

that reflects the prapancha as *Idam* is the darpana upachara rahasya.


cchAdayannikhila mAtmasamvidA

trAyatE nikhilatApasamkaTAt

ya cchidambaragatam shivAtmakam

cchatra matra kamalam sudhA(a)malam //..................28


The upachara rahasya of *sveta chatra* is mentioned.


In the hridaya of the Jiva, there is a hridya akasa / chidakasa / chidambara.

There is a hrid-kamala in the Chidakasa. In the hrid-kamala, the prakasa &

vimarsa tattva in the form of samvit* tattva is contemplated. This *samvit*

with the Antahkarana as upadhi, covers the entire manifold creation which is

Jagat. Because the *Samvit* shines in all places the Jiva is able to *perceive*

the Jagat as Jagat. As the entire creation can be brought under the *umbrella*

of *Samvit*, the contemplation of this Shuddha Nirmala Jnana in the Hirdaya

Akasa is the Rahasya of Sveta Chatra Dharana Upachara.


panchadhA sphuraNamEva samvida

schAmaram vividhachAturakramam


svEkShaNam paramakampadam tapah //................29


////// another pATha bhEda ///////


panchadhA sphuraNamEva samvida

schAmaram vividhachAruchamkramam


svEkShaNakShaNabhavo bhavantapah //................29


The rahasya of chamara vijana is mentioned.


There are 5 ways of chamara vijana:


1) From left to right 2) right to left 3) from down to up 4) from up to down 5)

from all directions.


The Jiva Chaitanya with the upadhi of Antahkarana alongwith 5 jnanendriyas & 5

karmendriyas assume 5 stages ie., from vishwa, taijasa, pranjna, turiya,



This *experience* of the Jiva Avasthas have to be correlated with 5 ways of

Chamara Vijana.



EShaNAtrayamayasya varShmaNa

stattvasamchayamayasya samvidi

dhAmni tattvasamatItatattvagE

svAtmanah khalu nivEdanam matam //....................30


As long as the Jiva in bahirmukha (extrovert), his sukshma sarira & sthula

sarira which is the product of 36 principles alongwith his antahkarana

chatushtaya, is filled with IShaNa traya (Triad of Desires) ie., 1) dArEShaNa 2)

dhanEShaNa 3) putrEShaNa. By becomming Antarmukha and dissolving IShaNa trayAs

alongwith his antahkarana chatushtaya, sthula & sukshma sariras consisting of 36

principles in the *Samvit* tattva which is the *Source of all tattvas and

sariras*, and the contemplation of that anAkhya tattva again & again till the

*mano / chitta laya* is achived, is the Nivedana Rahasya to Devi.



//////////////////////to be Continued //////////////////////


with regs,


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