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Matsyendranatha and the Kaula Achara

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Dear devi bhaktas,


I would like to deal certain important aspects of the upasana paddhati of the

Natha Sampradaya in my forthcoming posts.


But here is a glimpse of Matsyendranatha who propagated the Natha Order starting

from Siva who is called *Adi Natha*.


There are several legends that are told related to the birth of Matsyendranatha

that have been twisted as per the folk lore of the local people. Some say that

he belonged to the fishermen community and hence the name *Mina*; somesay that

he was Avalokiteshwara of Tibbet; Whatever may be the legend, to me the *Nitya

Ahnika Tilaka* seems to be quite believable that is preserved in the Nepal

Library. Infact, he influenced quite a lot of shaktas near the belt of Nepal,

Assam etc.


As per " Nitya Ahnika Tilaka " , there 25 Kaula Siddha Acharyas and details out

their nama, jati, janma sthana, charya nama, gupta nama, kirti nama and their

corresponding consorts who are called *Saktis*. Among the 25 kaula acharyas,

one of the great kaula siddha who propagated *Natha Parampara*. His details are:


nama = Vishnu Sarma

Janma Bhumi = Bengal

Puja Nama = Shri Pippalishadeva

Jati = Brahmana

Charya Nama = Shri Gaudishadeva

Gupta Nama = Shri Bhairavanandanatha


As far as Kirti Nama is concerned, there were 3 names with respect to his

siddhis and miraculous powers. The first kirti nama is Shri Viranandanath; the

2nd kirti nama is Indranandanatha and the 3 rd kirti nama is Minanatha alias

*Matsyendranatha*. His consort was *Lalitha Bhairavai Amba*.


It is this 3rd Kirti Nama which became quite popular among nava-nathas who was

instrumental in Kaulachara at Kamarupa Kshetra who

authored the magnum opus " Kaulavali Nirnaya " .


It is a known fact that Natha Sampradaya propagated Kaula Siddhanta which is a

typical yoga sampradaya which defines the term *Kula* as follows:


The chapter of *Para Pindotpattih* details out the *Kula Panchaka* which are as



The 50th sutra says:


// satvam rajah tamah kalah jivah - iti kula panchakam//


Satva is divided as:


daya, dharma, kriya, bhakti, shraddha


rajah is divided as:


dana, bhoga, shringara, vastu grahana, svartha sangrahana


tamas is divided as:


vivada, kalaha, shoka, vadha, vanchana


Kala is divided as:


kalana, kalpana, bhranti, pramada, anartha


Jiva is divided as:


Jagrat, Svapna, Sushupti, Turiya, Turiyatita



After detailing out these tattvas, there are several yogic bandhas that detail

out the tattva shodhana and the achara involving the tattva shodhana of the

above mentioned *Kula* is called

*Kaula Achara*


The 48th Sutra of 6th patala of *Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati* defines a shakta as:


// kulam sarvAtmakam pindam akulam sarvatomukham; tayoraikya padam shaktiryastAm

veda sa shaktibhAk//


// kaulam sarvakalAgrAsah sa kritah satatam yayA

tAm shaktim yo vijAnAti shaktijnAnI sa kathyatE //


// jnAtva kulAkulam tatvam sakramENa kramENa tu

svaprakAShamahAshaktyA tatah shaktipadam labhEt //


Which implies:


The entire cosmos which is *kArya* (Effect) which is Non-different from Siva is

called *Kula* and the *kAraNa tattva* (Cause) of this *kArya* (Effect) which is

the nirmala, niranjana swarupa is Siva which is otherwise called *Akula*.


The Upasaka who contemplates on the aikya bhava of this kula-akula tattva is

called as *Shakti Upasaka*.


During the contemplation of this *Aikya Bhavana*, the Shakta has to offer 5 Ms

or 5 Makaras.


The 50th sutra of Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati of 6th Patala describes symbolically

what are the 5 Ms:


// madau madhyam matirmudrA maya mInam manah palam

mUrchanam maithunam yasya tEnAsau shAkta uchyatE //


1) The Ahamkara of the Jiva is the Madhya

2) The Kamana (abhilasha / Iccha) of the Jiva is the Mudra

3) The Maya Jala of the Jiva is the Mina

4) The Manas (Mind) of the Jiva is the Mamsa

5) The aikya of Prana & Apana in the Jiva is the Maithuna


By offering these chitta vrittis, the Jiva meditating on the Aikya Bhavana of

the Kula & Akula tattvas becomes a KULA SHAKTA - Per se.


The Celebrated Yogis of Natha Order belong to this Kaula Natha Parampara who are

ever engrossed in the kula-akula tattva



with regards,


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