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Pseuda Brahmin and Hypocracy

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The author of the mail writes as :


This sort of shaucha niyamas & achara dharma of whether to offer *foreign*

fruits to Mother did not arise when we are earning *foreign* currencies in

dollars; breathing *foreign* oxygen; enjoying *foreign* luxuries etc. Suddenly

we are reminded of our achara dharma when it comes to offer seasonal fruits to

Mother Divinewhich i would say a sheer hypocricy and a show off of our

*pseudo-brahminism* . Please excuse me for my harsh tone here.


Nityotsava prescribes the *disposable* twiks. One should brush the teeth with

*Vanaspati Sukta* and go to the river, perform sankalpa by chanting

*Aghamarshukta* by offering the Arghya and

perform a ritualistic bath with Mula Vidya.


I am sorry to say that our day of Srividya Upasana starts with Colgate Paste /

Tooth Brush is whose usage is Ucchista. Then a cup of coffee (*kalau coffee

prANah says my gurunatha... ..).

Ritual of bath with municipal stale water that too in a couple of seconds;

Sandhya vandana thrown to winds with a maximum gayatri japa of 10. Then all the

mula mantras of dasa mahavidyas

alongwith purva / uttaranga (a min. of 10). Mahapaduka / Guru Traya / Maha

Shodasi / Nirvana Sundari blah blah ......... (a min. of 10). Navavarana Archana

......20 minutes...

By 9:00 AMentire Srividya Upasana is over, and off to Office. Once we land in

office, we lay our heads at the feet of our boss who could be a drunkard / chain

smoker / a corrupt official.




C'mon, let us shrug off pseudo-brahminism and be bold enough to confess that we

are *nothing* before the Divine Sport of Mother.





Comments :


The author’s observation  and emotional outburst is nothing but an exhibition

of  confusion of religious ,economic and civic persona of a Brahmin in the

contemporary times and  context of living and I think this sort of observation

could mislead unwittingly some devotees bringing in a  guilty feeling . I am

not making a judgement on my own but based on the Maha swamy of Kaanchi’s

voice of God.


In the lighter Vein. ( No harsh feelings Please )


It is ironical that while the author has made tall claims in several mails that

his rich spiritual lineage is traced to Kavaya kanda Ganapathy and it is

surprising in this mail ,he has  suddenly jumped down  and expressed his heart

as a “ pseudo Brahminâ€.


Now let us recall some of Maha Swamy’s speech.



Brahmins owing to their learning, conduct,character,and other qualitieswere

regarded by others as belonging to a higher plane and came to be called as

Ayyars ( Ayya is call with respect ) Even the term denotes a Jaathy and not a

race and to this race all varnas belong. The Brahmins while they are equal among

varnas also carry  a distinct identity which makes them a shoulder a


I have been prescribing several anushtanams  and among those please think over

as how many of them you are NOT doing, how many you can do and how many you are

able to do or not not capable of not doing based on your routine as you have all

taken to other vocation for a living. Please stick to whatever anushtanams you

can do without fail and atleast regret that you are unable to do others.


One should understand clearly that involving on once’s vocation to-day and

earning dharmically is NOT A LOWLY LIFE FOR A BRAHMIN.

Learning through higher education and acquiring skills in all fields of

education is very important and it helps us and our country in many ways for US



But owing to the limitation of time at-least after retirement pl observe the

achara anustanams and try to live a life of a Brahmin.


Take the retirement as a Vara Prasada and learn the achara and anustanams if not

known and with this mind set lead a life of Brahmin.




Being a member of this Ayyar community, I deem it to be  fortunate to have

been born in this noble community and believe that I have inherited some good

qualities from my lineage as outlined by Maha Swamy.

Earning Dharmically $ or Euro or any currency as a result of having acquired

higher  skills and having contributed to the exchequer of the punya Bhumi

thousands of $ and driving a BMW or any car would not make you per se a Pseudo



If the author thinks that we have to go to Stone age then it is not what the

Prathykshya Kaamakshy has reiterated as aforesaid. So this is MISLEADING and not

a Dharma pertaining to kala,desa,varthamana..


As per scriptures I believe in Dharmartha Kama Moksha and while I have achieved

by Ambaa’s grace Dharmartha and by this Kama fulfilled and

contented, through Her sincere Upasana look forward for Her Grace. She is Bhoga

Moksha Dhayini and pl do not have guilt if you are a Brahmin belonging to this

category and enjoy Bhoga by HER GRACE.


The author further writes :


Sandhya vandana thrown to winds with a maximum gayatri japa of 10. Then all the

mula mantras of dasa mahavidyas

alongwith purva / uttaranga (a min. of 10). Mahapaduka / Guru Traya / Maha

Shodasi / Nirvana Sundari blah blah ......... (a min. of 10). Navavarana Archana

......20 minutes...

By 9:00 AMentire Srividya Upasana is over, and off to Office. Once we land


Comments :


The author has thinks that what he is doing is irrelevant and I will deal on

this in my next mail purely quoting from Maha Swamy’s speech on Mantra Sastra.


Also on the Neiveidya offered to Ambaa which the author quotes, in my subsequent

mails, as it not exclusively right.


I do not claim any superior knowledge of scriptures or sri Vidya Sastras but by

Ambaa's grace I have been blessed with the contacts of Mahaans.


 With Warm Regards


Ganapathy -- Vijyalakshmy

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