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Realization of the absolute truth - pl read

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Dear Friends,


i have been a member of this esteemed group for a few years now and have seen

some beautiful notes coming out of members. I don't believe i have ever written

or posted any topic on this group in the past mostly because i felt i never had

that kind of depth in most of the topics on devi worship or for that matter god

realization. But today, i felt a very strong urge to pass on a message that i

know will benefit each and every one of you. The reason i humbly say this is

because something changed my life and now i can confidently say that i have been

extremely fortunate to realize the absolute or the ultimate truth. 


Before i tell you what it is,..let me give you a small background. i grew up in

hindu based family and for many years as a child associated god with my studies

etc. :) Then as i grew old i believed in god due to all superficial reasons.

(progress in work, power etc). Mostly over a period of time i started

associating god with ME...more than anything else and that lead me to become

someone moving completely away from my spirit/atma/self. In the process i did

things which made me egoistic and self centered. While i was going through this

phase i recited many types of mantras, visited different gurus etc. but in all

honesty was getting lost more and more.


At this stage i started realizing the true seeking that was coming out of me...a

simple question - what is the ultimate truth something that actually works,

improves you as a person, focuses on the whole rather on the selfishness, does

not focus on money or other things that are against basic ethics and morality ?


Then for some reason i decided i wanted to pursue devi worship with all rigour

and discipline. I tried and then suddenly felt that some very strong power above

me was watching me and trying to guide me...i just felt it (its difficult to

explain). It was definitly the devi / the mother who was trying to give me



Then one day i made a " pure " desire and requested the Devi that i wanted to see

her in sakshat form and did it with all my heart because the mantras and worship

that i doing still did not make me feel it was the ultimate. That very night an

event happened and i saw a dream - The dream had the beautiful goddess in front

of me but in a face that i had never seen before...it was Mother Durga in a very

powerful and indescribable form. She told me that  years back in college i had

experienced the truth but for a very short period and i needed to go back to it

....i woke up from the dream and immediately remembered a pamphlet my father had

passed to me years back while i was in college. I tried to remember very hard on

what it was and then it struck me that i had tried a meditation technique called

Sahaja yoga but did it only for 5 minutes and then threw the pamphlet away.


After that night, I got in touch with the local center for Sahaja yoga and then

the journey started. I cannot explain in words how life has changed and every

second i feel the presence of the Divine mother within me and in sakshat form as

well. The Goddess that appeared in my dreams was none other that Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - The founder of Sahaja yoga. I realized this after going to the

Sahaja yoga center for the first time.


Sahaja yoga focuses on the great primodial energy - Kundalini that lies in the

base of the spine in the sacrum bone. She is the part and parcel of the Adi

Shakti and when she is awakened with respect she like your mother clears all the

blockages and badhas across all chakras and gets you connected with the all

pervading power of God.


Sahaja yoga focuses and helps you imbibe qualities such as - purity, chastity,

innocence, forgiveness, guiltless mind, giving, inner security, sweetness and

many other great virtues that one only thinks to be present in ideal human

beings. i can tell you that my urge to attain thes qualities just increases by

the day and its truly an amazing feeling. It helps you attain thoughtless

awareness and thats when you truly get connected. Otherwise earlier even when i

was trying to meditate using mantras or some other technique then many thoughts

used to come in my mind...however now they are controlled much easily !!!


Reason why we get thoughts is due to a conditioning from the past (Super ego) or

due to some of our future aspirations (Ego). Sahaja yoga will help you get to a

balance that will completely eradicate these negative tendencies in any human

being. Also, what it has taught me is to be " collective " and thats where the

focus from ME has moved to US/Everyone.


Brother and Sisters, i have seen a huge improvement in my health, well being,

overall mentality and most of all - i feel a lot more connected and closer to my

atma. And, today i felt if i can feel it then all of you who are great seekers

will feel it even more and get established in the ultimate truth. Sahaja yoga is

like the beautiful and perfect culmination of all great religions and will

actually help you experience the ultimate truth through divine vibrations which

will reflect in the form of a cool breeze in your hands and flowing out of your

fontenelle bone (top of head). You will be able to become your own scientist and

know where and how to resolve your issues or issues of others !!!


About Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Shri Mataji as you will understand it once you

do Sahaja yoga is indeed the Adi Shakti / Comforter the one who has come to help

us with our last judgement. It is very difficult to understand this but can be

very easily experienced :) You will see that through your vibrations you are

able to feel her love and pure desire to help you ascend and get to the kingdom

of heaven ! Initially when i got into Sahaja yoga i too felt that how can a

human being be the Goddess ? But over a period of time as i started to see

myself improving as a person and saw the peace getting established within me i

too could not deny it. She is indeed the Mahamaya....


Friends, i can say more in this email (have probably already said too much !!)

but it will be best for you to go and experience the absolute truth for yourself



you can visit the website www.sahajayoga.org or another one which i really like

is www.freemeditation.ca


Maybe as a starting point it will be a great idea for you to experience the

truth by watching the video and going through the meditation session -




Brothers and Sisters,


There was a lot of emptiness in me and Sahaja yoga has helped me get into the

divine ocean of bliss and with every day passing i cannot tell you how much

beauty it creates in this life :) . I pass on this message to you all with a lot

of love and hope...


i sincerely encourage you all to try Sahaja yoga and hope by the blessings of

the devi you are able to reach great heights of bliss and realize the utimate

truth. This is the life time when all of us have been destined to achieve this

universal truth !


Thanks so much for reading through this email and in case any of you feel the

need to know more about Sahaja yoga kindly contact me or your local Sahaja yoga

meditation center.


All the best and may the blessings of the Goddess lead you in the right

direction :)


Best Wishes,













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Dear Athmabandhu,




Nice to know your experience. Get yourself connected with the Guru and see

whether you are being lifted up to reach your goal of human life. Competent guru

is most important. Scriptures say that one should throw away a Guru who is not

able to take the devotee or disciple to the highest level of human achievement -

total mergence with the ultimate reality - absolute power of god and the guru,

the guru mandalams. As a bee collects honey from a flower and goes to the next,

one should not rest unless he or she had found the real guru.




However one should understand that each guru coming into our life helps us to

that extent of his own achievement. Like a super speciality hospital, the

hospital management does nothing except to put the various doctors in position

to help the patient. Each plays his or her part and cures the patient to that

extent of his or her knowledge/experience. Similarly each guru help us. We

should not decry this or that guru for that purpose and accept as they come.




If that Guru's capacity is only such a state of being or becoming, then his help

will be to that extent only and will not affect one's progress or regress.

Competent Guru is always with the devotee under all circumstances and acts as a

filter to allow such things into the body, mind and soul of the devotee that is

necessary for progress.




God blss you.










Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:35:06 -0700

Realization of the absolute truth - pl read






Dear Friends,


i have been a member of this esteemed group for a few years now and have seen

some beautiful notes coming out of members. I don't believe i have ever written

or posted any topic on this group in the past mostly because i felt i never had

that kind of depth in most of the topics on devi worship or for that matter god

realization. But today, i felt a very strong urge to pass on a message that i

know will benefit each and every one of you. The reason i humbly say this is

because something changed my life and now i can confidently say that i have been

extremely fortunate to realize the absolute or the ultimate truth.


Before i tell you what it is,..let me give you a small background. i grew up in

hindu based family and for many years as a child associated god with my studies

etc. :) Then as i grew old i believed in god due to all superficial reasons.

(progress in work, power etc). Mostly over a period of time i started

associating god with ME...more than anything else and that lead me to become

someone moving completely away from my spirit/atma/self. In the process i did

things which made me egoistic and self centered. While i was going through this

phase i recited many types of mantras, visited different gurus etc. but in all

honesty was getting lost more and more.


At this stage i started realizing the true seeking that was coming out of me...a

simple question - what is the ultimate truth something that actually works,

improves you as a person, focuses on the whole rather on the selfishness, does

not focus on money or other things that are against basic ethics and morality ?


Then for some reason i decided i wanted to pursue devi worship with all rigour

and discipline. I tried and then suddenly felt that some very strong power above

me was watching me and trying to guide me...i just felt it (its difficult to

explain). It was definitly the devi / the mother who was trying to give me



Then one day i made a " pure " desire and requested the Devi that i wanted to see

her in sakshat form and did it with all my heart because the mantras and worship

that i doing still did not make me feel it was the ultimate. That very night an

event happened and i saw a dream - The dream had the beautiful goddess in front

of me but in a face that i had never seen before...it was Mother Durga in a very

powerful and indescribable form. She told me that years back in college i had

experienced the truth but for a very short period and i needed to go back to it

....i woke up from the dream and immediately remembered a pamphlet my father had

passed to me years back while i was in college. I tried to remember very hard on

what it was and then it struck me that i had tried a meditation technique called

Sahaja yoga but did it only for 5 minutes and then threw the pamphlet away.


After that night, I got in touch with the local center for Sahaja yoga and then

the journey started. I cannot explain in words how life has changed and every

second i feel the presence of the Divine mother within me and in sakshat form as

well. The Goddess that appeared in my dreams was none other that Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - The founder of Sahaja yoga. I realized this after going to the

Sahaja yoga center for the first time.


Sahaja yoga focuses on the great primodial energy - Kundalini that lies in the

base of the spine in the sacrum bone. She is the part and parcel of the Adi

Shakti and when she is awakened with respect she like your mother clears all the

blockages and badhas across all chakras and gets you connected with the all

pervading power of God.


Sahaja yoga focuses and helps you imbibe qualities such as - purity, chastity,

innocence, forgiveness, guiltless mind, giving, inner security, sweetness and

many other great virtues that one only thinks to be present in ideal human

beings. i can tell you that my urge to attain thes qualities just increases by

the day and its truly an amazing feeling. It helps you attain thoughtless

awareness and thats when you truly get connected. Otherwise earlier even when i

was trying to meditate using mantras or some other technique then many thoughts

used to come in my mind...however now they are controlled much easily !!!


Reason why we get thoughts is due to a conditioning from the past (Super ego) or

due to some of our future aspirations (Ego). Sahaja yoga will help you get to a

balance that will completely eradicate these negative tendencies in any human

being. Also, what it has taught me is to be " collective " and thats where the

focus from ME has moved to US/Everyone.


Brother and Sisters, i have seen a huge improvement in my health, well being,

overall mentality and most of all - i feel a lot more connected and closer to my

atma. And, today i felt if i can feel it then all of you who are great seekers

will feel it even more and get established in the ultimate truth. Sahaja yoga is

like the beautiful and perfect culmination of all great religions and will

actually help you experience the ultimate truth through divine vibrations which

will reflect in the form of a cool breeze in your hands and flowing out of your

fontenelle bone (top of head). You will be able to become your own scientist and

know where and how to resolve your issues or issues of others !!!


About Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Shri Mataji as you will understand it once you

do Sahaja yoga is indeed the Adi Shakti / Comforter the one who has come to help

us with our last judgement. It is very difficult to understand this but can be

very easily experienced :) You will see that through your vibrations you are

able to feel her love and pure desire to help you ascend and get to the kingdom

of heaven ! Initially when i got into Sahaja yoga i too felt that how can a

human being be the Goddess ? But over a period of time as i started to see

myself improving as a person and saw the peace getting established within me i

too could not deny it. She is indeed the Mahamaya....


Friends, i can say more in this email (have probably already said too much !!)

but it will be best for you to go and experience the absolute truth for yourself



you can visit the website www.sahajayoga.org or another one which i really like

is www.freemeditation.ca


Maybe as a starting point it will be a great idea for you to experience the

truth by watching the video and going through the meditation session -




Brothers and Sisters,


There was a lot of emptiness in me and Sahaja yoga has helped me get into the

divine ocean of bliss and with every day passing i cannot tell you how much

beauty it creates in this life :) . I pass on this message to you all with a lot

of love and hope...


i sincerely encourage you all to try Sahaja yoga and hope by the blessings of

the devi you are able to reach great heights of bliss and realize the utimate

truth. This is the life time when all of us have been destined to achieve this

universal truth !


Thanks so much for reading through this email and in case any of you feel the

need to know more about Sahaja yoga kindly contact me or your local Sahaja yoga

meditation center.


All the best and may the blessings of the Goddess lead you in the right

direction :)


Best Wishes,










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