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Sivaanandalahari - 44

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Sivaanandalahari - 44

करलगà¥à¤¨à¤®à¥ƒà¤—: करीनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°-भंगो


: ।

गिरिशो विशादाकृतिशà¥â€à¤š चेत:


पंचमà¥à¤–ोसà¥à¤¤à¤¿ मे कà¥à¤¤à¥‹ भी: ॥ ४४ ॥




karalagnamRuga: karIndra-BaMgo

ghanaSArdUla-vikhaNDano & sta-jantu: |

giriSo viSAdAkRutiS^cha cheta: kuhare

paMchamuKosti me kuto BI: || 44 ||




This Verse has two meanings with one of them relating to a Lion and the

other relating Lord Shiva. The two are as under:

Lion: In the den of my mind is a Lion, which holds a deer in the hand, wins

over the king of elephants, kills the ferocious tiger, annihilates other

animals, which also resides in hills and has a white body. Ho will fear come

to me ?

Shiva: In the den of my mind is Lord Parameswara, with five faces, white

body, who resides in the Mountains, who is in all beings, who has killed

cruel Vyagrasura, and Gajasura and holds the deer in his hand. How will bear

come to me ?




*karalagramruga: = the one who is holding the deer in his hands;

kareendrabhanga: = one who has gajaasura (as his garment);

ghanasaardhoolavikandana: one who has destoyed or destroys the wicked tiger

called vyaagraasura;

asthajanthu: = one who has those beasts that were destroyed or one who

destroys the beasts;

girisa: one who is in the mountain or that which is in the mountain;

visadhaakruthischa = one who has the white body or that which is white;

panchamukha: = ParamEswara who has five faces or indicating the lion;

mE = my;

chetha: kuharE = in the cave of my mind;

asthi: = He resides or it stays;

atha: therefore;

bhee: the fear;

kutha: where is it? (meaning it does not exist).


AachaaryaaL continues to employ slEdai (double meaning) in his poetry.




Saakshaath ParamEswaran remains nibidaanandaswaroopi holding the four Vedas

that are the rig, yajus, saama and atharvaNa. At the same time he destroys

the mahaa asuras such as gajaasura and vyagraasura and brings maNgalam to

the fourteen lOkas. Also during praLayam he destroys the amoeba to

Hiranyagabha and remain Eki (One) nibidaanandaswaroopi. The saasthra says:


" Siva: sarvaaNi bhoothaani sivadhanyath na kinchana "


Siva remains the root cause and support of the entire universe by being

'sarvavyaapi'. To speak the truth there is no dwaitha prapancham apart from

the Paramasiva who is Satchitaananda. From this we do realize that

everying has come out of Paramasiva, everything is protected by Paramasiva

and everying ultimately finds its layam in Paramasiva and therefore clearly

only Paramasiva is the sathya vasthu.


Hey! Girisa of this remarkable mahima! Living with Ambika in mahaakailash,

and adorned with the purest viboothi you teach the entire world that it is

being burnt down in gnaanaagni into ashes. When this glorious ParamEswara

lives in the cave of my mind as His simhaasanam where will be any fear for

me? In what way can the most terrible samsaara saagaram threaten me. Or

even the frightful yama who takes away people's lives for that matter.


As long as my mind remains the cave, that is, it remains antharmukham, so

long will ParamEswara live in there. Again knowing that the mind that is

bent on running after the vishayas must be deflected to remain inwards to

form into a cave fit for the lion of ParamEswara to reside and this effort

is known as Raja Yoga.


ஆராலà¯à®®à¯ எனà¯à®©à¯ˆ அமடà¯à®Ÿ


சீரார௠பிரான௠வநà¯à®¤à¯†à®©à¯ சிநà¯à®¤à¯ˆ


சீராடி யஙà¯à®•à¯‡ திரிவதலà¯à®²à®¾à®²à¯


யாரà¯à®ªà®¾à®Ÿà¯à®žà¯ சாரா




“பாலà¯à®¨à®¿à®©à¯ˆà®¨à¯ தூடà¯à®Ÿà¯à®¨à¯

தாயினà¯à®žà¯ சாலப௠பரிநà¯à®¤à¯à®¨à¯€

பாவியே னà¯à®Ÿà¯ˆà®¯

ஊனினை உரà¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿ உளà¯à®³à¯Šà®³à®¿

பெரà¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿ உலபà¯à®ªà®¿à®²à®¾ ஆனநà¯à®¤ மாய

தேனினைச௠சொரிநà¯à®¤à¯ பà¯à®±à®®à¯à®ªà¯à®±à®¨à¯

திரிநà¯à®¤ செலà¯à®µà®®à¯‡ சிவபெர௠மானே

யானà¯à®©à¯ˆà®¤à¯ தொடரà¯à®¨à¯à®¤à¯ சிகà¯à®•à¯†à®©à®ªà¯

பிடிதà¯à®¤à¯‡à®©à¯ எஙà¯à®•à¯†à®´à¯à®¨à¯ தரà¯à®³à¯à®µ


Pidiththa Paththu)


Aum Namasivaya




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