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Homa Dravyas

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I was fortunate to wtness that from close quarters that day. Yad Yad Acarati

Sresthah Tad tad eve itaro janah can be our guiding principle in cases of any

sandeha which we may have due to our limited resources.



Hari Om



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My argument is that the dravyas offered into the fire treating the fire as a

carrier is simply for mundane benefits, whilst the prana (soul) offered into the

agni which is nothing but the energy of god is purely for the karana sareera and

beyond. Did our great rishis who lived in forests and did tapas, had sarees,

laddus etc. No. They simply offered fallen twigs and a little bit of ghee. That

is what Sgastya and Lopamudra did. There is no sanction whatsoever in Chandi

homam or srividhya homam to offer any of these items such as sarees, laddus,

mysorepak etc., and how they can be treated as guda anna. Let us not justify our

ignorant action as correct. Let us see realities. It is a waste of food and

other items which could have quenched the hunger of so many, their jataragni

would be very happy to receive and digest. Do you think that the energy of God

has any vastra or yagyopavita? None.


Again and again every one refers the action relative only to the body and mind

and not the soul.





Mon, 14 Dec 2009 07:46:10 -0800

Homa Dravyas


The subject of the 'Dravya' offered into fire is not as simple as Ghee and

twigs. The vicara in the Mimamsa granthas and the Brahmana sections clearly

point to the complexity of the issue. The Yaga paddhati is derived from the

principles of Srauta Yagas, the prayajas anuyajas etc. Hence it is not proper to

brush away the practice of offering vastra etc.


Very Well observed Sir.


During the Chandi homa conducted by Pujya goda sastrygal (on the guru aradhana

day) last sunday on 13th dec 09,there were not less than 200 rare herbs offered

in the homa kunda and it was also explained that any sweets like mysore pa laddu

etc offered in the agni could be considered as Guda anna during the anugraha

bhashana. There were also many sarees and blosue pcs used after purnahuthy.


With Warm Regards

Ganapathy -- Vijyalakshmy

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Respected Sri Sangaranarayanan,


You are repeatedly harping on homa dravyas and everytime you are calling it a

*WASTE*.  Even the little bit of ghee and the fallen twigs used are a *WASTE* as

per your definition, since the little bit of ghee can be used to mix with food

and the fallen twig can be used to light a fire in the harsh winter night.


The whole vegetation is a *WASTE* because all the sentient beings use the same

to lead their lives and only 0.00000000000001% of human population obtain mukti

or Sri Lalita sayujja.  I have seen HH of Sringeri Mutt pouring vastra, fruits

etc. in Sri Rudra-homan and I take it as a matha-adhipati he would definitely

know something more than as us, ordinary mortals.  


Dont you think the Mother has the capacity to understand the needs of poor and

needy and distribute her wealth in a much more egalitarian manner than we could

possibly conceive?


With regards,




--- On Tue, 12/15/09, S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai wrote:



S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai

RE: Homa Dravyas


Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 2:53 PM







My argument is that the dravyas offered into the fire treating the fire as a

carrier is simply for mundane benefits, whilst the prana (soul) offered into .












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Homa dravyas from Katyayani Tantra:


karShamANam ghritam; shukti sUtram payah; panchagavya madhUni tatsamAnAni;

dugdhAnnam akshamAtram; dadhi prasrutam; muShtirlAjyam; evam prithukasaktavah;

gUDasarkarEphalAni; grAsArdhA scharavah; ikShu parvAntah; patra puShpa pUpa

kadaLi nArangaphalAnyaikashah; mAtulungam chatuh khanDam; panasam dasakhanDam;

nArikELam muShTikhanDam; bilvam trikhanDam; kapittham trikhanDam; urvArukam

trikhanDam; phalAnya anya khanDAni; samidhO dasAnguLah; durvah trikayutAh;

guDUchi chaturangulA; vrIhI mudga mAsha yava krOdhava gOdhumA muShTi mAtrA;

tandUlA stdarthatah; tilasarShapAschulukamAnA; suktimAtram lavaNam;

marIchAnyEkavimshatih; puram badaramAtram; chandanAgaru karpura kasturi

kumkumAni tantrINi phalamAnAni //


The above names mentioned are ghee, milk, panchagavya, madhu, curd rice, curd,

jaggery, sugarcane, different types of leaves & fruits like kadali, naranji,

matulunga, kapittha, cucumber etc, durvah, cereals like mudga & masham etc.


Also the Katyayani Tantra says:


chandi sapthasathi mantraih pratyeka manyonya sahayena prata...

payasaih hutvA....uvacha mantra sthale patra pushpa phalaih

adhyayam cha mahAhuti ssaghrita kapitthAdidravyaischa hutvA //


Which says that for the havana with sapthasathi slokas, ahuti should be with

Ajya Misrita Payasanna; for " uvAcha " mantras, ahuti should be

patra-pushpa-phala and the end of the adhyaya / chapter kapittha etc. fruits

should be offered in the Homa Agni.


So, though laddu & mysurpA are not prescribed in Katyayani Tantra, it can be

considered as " madhUni tatsamAnAni " .


Offering of Silk Saris etc. though not prescribed in Sastra, it can be

considered as mangalapradayini as Mother is Sumangali. The purpose of offering

it to Mother is to get the grace of Mother in the form of Sumangali so that

Mother graces Her children with Saubhagya & Saumangalya.


As a side note:


You are free to follow your own path of tantra but I am very disappointed the

way Shri Goda Sastrigal has been commented in this forum.







With regards,





, S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai wrote:


> My argument is that the dravyas offered into the fire treating the fire as a

carrier is simply for mundane benefits, whilst the prana (soul) offered into the

agni which is nothing but the energy of god is purely for the karana sareera and

beyond. Did our great rishis who lived in forests and did tapas, had sarees,

laddus etc. No. They simply offered fallen twigs and a little bit of ghee. That

is what Sgastya and Lopamudra did. There is no sanction whatsoever in Chandi

homam or srividhya homam to offer any of these items such as sarees, laddus,

mysorepak etc., and how they can be treated as guda anna. Let us not justify our

ignorant action as correct. Let us see realities. It is a waste of food and

other items which could have quenched the hunger of so many, their jataragni

would be very happy to receive and digest. Do you think that the energy of God

has any vastra or yagyopavita? None.


> Again and again every one refers the action relative only to the body and mind

and not the soul.

> S.Shangaranarayanan



> srividya101

> Mon, 14 Dec 2009 07:46:10 -0800

> Homa Dravyas


> The subject of the 'Dravya' offered into fire is not as simple as Ghee and

twigs. The vicara in the Mimamsa granthas and the Brahmana sections clearly

point to the complexity of the issue. The Yaga paddhati is derived from the

principles of Srauta Yagas, the prayajas anuyajas etc. Hence it is not proper to

brush away the practice of offering vastra etc.


> Very Well observed Sir.


> During the Chandi homa conducted by Pujya goda sastrygal (on the guru aradhana

day) last sunday on 13th dec 09,there were not less than 200 rare herbs offered

in the homa kunda and it was also explained that any sweets like mysore pa laddu

etc offered in the agni could be considered as Guda anna during the anugraha

bhashana. There were also many sarees and blosue pcs used after purnahuthy.


> With Warm Regards

> Ganapathy -- Vijyalakshmy


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