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pradhaana devi

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Dear devotees


Request your wisdom on a few elements.


While doing navAvarNa pooja, the sankalpa is taken to please sri



LS says SHE took that form due to the prayers of the devAs and for a particular

purpose.(devakArya samudhyata). So the ultimate SHE took a partcular form.


During navAvarNa pooja, when the mandala of the devI is drawn in the

viseshargyam, right at the bindu, instead of any of the manthras of sri

lalithamahaatripurasundari, ( either bala or panchadasi or shodasi), only the

kAmakalA bheejam is written and invoked.


Why is that in the most celebrated method of doing pooja to HER, are we not

invoking HER in HER ultimate form of rAjarAjeshwari or even invoking HER bheejA

right at the bindu of the core mandala.


All are HER forms, yes, but then what is the esoteric significance of not

invoking HER ultimate form in the core of the pooja?


Pl pardon my ignorance.


srI hari








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To deal with importance of KAMAKALA which is the core subject in Srividya, it

would take several posts for shed light on what exactly is the Kamakala which

also forms the " Heart of Srividya " . Concept of Kamakala can be termed as the

" Srividya Hridaya " . Shri Bhasakaraya says in Varivasya :


Iti kAmakala vidyA dEvI chakrAtmikA sEyam

viditA yEna sa muktO bhavati mahatripurasundarI rupah //


ie., One who knows the Kamakala become liberated souls by the attaining the

State of Tripurasundari.


Again while explaining the importance of Kamakala, Shri Bhaskararaya says in

Varivasya Rahasya as:


Satgurukulatah kripayA labdhA kAmAnIyam sUtE

nijabuddhmAtrajanyA pApam kanyA yathA svIyA //


The SrividyA and concept of Kamakala is only understood with the infinite grace

of Satguru hailing from Sat-sampradaya. It is a sin to understand these

concepts without the help of satguru. Further His Holiness Bhaskararaya says

that the person who tries to understand them with his own intelligence without

the help of gurunatha, would be succumbed to Yogini Shapa as commented below by



pAramparya-vihInA yE jnAnamAtrENa garvitAh

tEShAm samayalOpEna vikurvanti marIchayah //




LS says SHE took that form due to the prayers of the devAs and for a particular

purpose.(devakArya samudhyata). So the ultimate SHE took a partcular form.




kAmakaLa is nothing but ultimate SHE.



During navAvarNa pooja, when the mandala of the devI is drawn in the

viseshargyam, right at the bindu, instead of any of the manthras of sri

lalithamahaatripurasundari, (either bala or panchadasi or shodasi), only the

kAmakalA bheejam is written and invoked.




Don't underestimate the Kamakala Bija by saying " only kamakala " . Infact, the


BIJA IN THEM. It is because of the presence of Kamakala " EEM " which is called

Turiya Bija, Shri Bhasakaraya Makhin equates Tripurasundari with Kamakala



(Ref. kamakalarupa of LS).


Even Srisukta extols this Kamakala in the Rk " tAm padminIm " IM " sharaNam

prapadyE " . This IM is the Turiya Swarupa in Srividya Mantra.


To understand this Kamakala Mantra and its form, serious reading of the 19th

Sloka of Saundaryalahari " mukham bindum kritvA " is recommended. After than you

may refer Kamakala Vilasa of Punyanandanatha, 10th Patala of Gandharva Tantra

which extensively deals with " esoteric sense of Kamakala Mantra " .


Please note that here while drawing the mandala in Visesha Arghya, acharyas like

Shri Parashurama in his Kalpa Sutra, Shri Bhasakaraya Makhin in his works

Varivasya Rahasya & Sethubandha, Shri Umanandanatha in Nityotsava have used the

word " turIyasvara " for Kamakala lekhana.


By doing so, the Mandala becomes " JYOTIRMAYA " the viseshya arghya becomes

" AMRITA " – the Nectar. Because, Kamakala is also the Nitya Kala / Shodasi Kala

that helps in trickling of Nectar at Sahasrara Chakra.



Why is that in the most celebrated method of doing pooja to HER, are we not

invoking HER in HER ultimate form of rAjarAjeshwari or even invoking HER bheejA

right at the bindu of the core mandala.


All are HER forms, yes, but then what is the esoteric significance of not

invoking HER ultimate form in the core of the pooja?




Before answering this question, I would ask you that what is the form you are

invoking at the time of Japa of Mulavidya that succeeds after the worship of 9th

Avarana and subsequently the Sampradayika Kamakala Dhyana.


With regards,



// a-ka-thAsanam ha-lakShAntaram samAsAdya mAmakam jnAnam

mAmakamEvAnandam mahyam dadatO jayanti gurucharaNAh //







, Gopi <antarurjas wrote:


> Dear devotees


> Request your wisdom on a few elements.


> While doing navAvarNa pooja, the sankalpa is taken to please sri



> LS says SHE took that form due to the prayers of the devAs and for a

particular purpose.(devakArya samudhyata). So the ultimate SHE took a partcular



> During navAvarNa pooja, when the mandala of the devI is drawn in the

viseshargyam, right at the bindu, instead of any of the manthras of sri

lalithamahaatripurasundari, ( either bala or panchadasi or shodasi), only the

kAmakalA bheejam is written and invoked.


> Why is that in the most celebrated method of doing pooja to HER, are we not

invoking HER in HER ultimate form of rAjarAjeshwari or even invoking HER bheejA

right at the bindu of the core mandala.


> All are HER forms, yes, but then what is the esoteric significance of not

invoking HER ultimate form in the core of the pooja?


> Pl pardon my ignorance.


> srI hari

> gopi







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Sorry for the typo here " 10th Patala of Gandharva Tantra "


It is 30th patala of G.Tantra.





, " Venkata Sriram " <sriram_sapthasathi wrote:


> Pranams,


> To deal with importance of KAMAKALA which is the core subject in Srividya, it

would take several posts for shed light on what exactly is the Kamakala which

also forms the " Heart of Srividya " . Concept of Kamakala can be termed as the

" Srividya Hridaya " . Shri Bhasakaraya says in Varivasya :


> Iti kAmakala vidyA dEvI chakrAtmikA sEyam

> viditA yEna sa muktO bhavati mahatripurasundarI rupah //


> ie., One who knows the Kamakala become liberated souls by the attaining the

State of Tripurasundari.


> Again while explaining the importance of Kamakala, Shri Bhaskararaya says in

Varivasya Rahasya as:


> Satgurukulatah kripayA labdhA kAmAnIyam sUtE

> nijabuddhmAtrajanyA pApam kanyA yathA svIyA //


> The SrividyA and concept of Kamakala is only understood with the infinite

grace of Satguru hailing from Sat-sampradaya. It is a sin to understand these

concepts without the help of satguru. Further His Holiness Bhaskararaya says

that the person who tries to understand them with his own intelligence without

the help of gurunatha, would be succumbed to Yogini Shapa as commented below by



> pAramparya-vihInA yE jnAnamAtrENa garvitAh

> tEShAm samayalOpEna vikurvanti marIchayah //


> ************************


> LS says SHE took that form due to the prayers of the devAs and for a

particular purpose.(devakArya samudhyata). So the ultimate SHE took a partcular



> *******************************


> kAmakaLa is nothing but ultimate SHE.


> *******************************

> During navAvarNa pooja, when the mandala of the devI is drawn in the

> viseshargyam, right at the bindu, instead of any of the manthras of sri

lalithamahaatripurasundari, (either bala or panchadasi or shodasi), only the

kAmakalA bheejam is written and invoked.


> ********************************


> Don't underestimate the Kamakala Bija by saying " only kamakala " . Infact, the


BIJA IN THEM. It is because of the presence of Kamakala " EEM " which is called

Turiya Bija, Shri Bhasakaraya Makhin equates Tripurasundari with Kamakala



> (Ref. kamakalarupa of LS).


> Even Srisukta extols this Kamakala in the Rk " tAm padminIm " IM " sharaNam

prapadyE " . This IM is the Turiya Swarupa in Srividya Mantra.


> To understand this Kamakala Mantra and its form, serious reading of the 19th

Sloka of Saundaryalahari " mukham bindum kritvA " is recommended. After than you

may refer Kamakala Vilasa of Punyanandanatha, 10th Patala of Gandharva Tantra

which extensively deals with " esoteric sense of Kamakala Mantra " .


> Please note that here while drawing the mandala in Visesha Arghya, acharyas

like Shri Parashurama in his Kalpa Sutra, Shri Bhasakaraya Makhin in his works

Varivasya Rahasya & Sethubandha, Shri Umanandanatha in Nityotsava have used the

word " turIyasvara " for Kamakala lekhana.


> By doing so, the Mandala becomes " JYOTIRMAYA " the viseshya arghya becomes

" AMRITA " – the Nectar. Because, Kamakala is also the Nitya Kala / Shodasi Kala

that helps in trickling of Nectar at Sahasrara Chakra.


> **************************************

> Why is that in the most celebrated method of doing pooja to HER, are we not

invoking HER in HER ultimate form of rAjarAjeshwari or even invoking HER bheejA

right at the bindu of the core mandala.


> All are HER forms, yes, but then what is the esoteric significance of not

invoking HER ultimate form in the core of the pooja?


> ***********************


> Before answering this question, I would ask you that what is the form you are

invoking at the time of Japa of Mulavidya that succeeds after the worship of 9th

Avarana and subsequently the Sampradayika Kamakala Dhyana.


> With regards,

> Sriram


> // a-ka-thAsanam ha-lakShAntaram samAsAdya mAmakam jnAnam

> mAmakamEvAnandam mahyam dadatO jayanti gurucharaNAh //

, Gopi <antarurjas@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear devotees

> >

> > Request your wisdom on a few elements.

> >

> > While doing navAvarNa pooja, the sankalpa is taken to please sri


> >

> > LS says SHE took that form due to the prayers of the devAs and for a

particular purpose.(devakArya samudhyata). So the ultimate SHE took a partcular


> >

> > During navAvarNa pooja, when the mandala of the devI is drawn in the

viseshargyam, right at the bindu, instead of any of the manthras of sri

lalithamahaatripurasundari, ( either bala or panchadasi or shodasi), only the

kAmakalA bheejam is written and invoked.

> >

> > Why is that in the most celebrated method of doing pooja to HER, are we not

invoking HER in HER ultimate form of rAjarAjeshwari or even invoking HER bheejA

right at the bindu of the core mandala.

> >

> > All are HER forms, yes, but then what is the esoteric significance of not

invoking HER ultimate form in the core of the pooja?

> >

> > Pl pardon my ignorance.

> >

> > srI hari

> > gopi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Sriramgaru


Thanks for such an elaborate response. I see that details mentioned there, need

careful reading/re-reading/re-re-reading and janmaas of manana and tapas to even

understand, leave alone experience. Once again thanks a million.


Sir, just felt like clarifying that when I mentioned 'only kAmakalA bheejam', it

is not with any disrespect to HER at all. It was a way of expressing that this

bheejam alone is used and not panchadasi or shodasi( which basically is the

framework of my doubts, which you have clarified.) I by no means meant any

reduction in respect for the bheejam at all.



Before answering this question, I would ask you that what is the form

you are invoking at the time of Japa of Mulavidya that succeeds after

the worship of 9th Avarana.....


I visualise HER as mentioned in the dhyaana sloka of LS.


srI hari







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The basic underlying principle during Navavarana Archana is the

pUjaka-pUjya-abheda bhAvana ie., the Unity between the Worshipper and the

Worshipped. Have this constant feeling that you and Mother are ONE ENTITY.


Tantra Sastra lays importance to this abheda-bhavana . It is this advaita

bhavana that sanctifies the paraphernalia (dravya shuddhi) during navavarana



tAdrishIm ambikAm dhyAtva tridhAtmAnam cha tanmayam

tEnaiva mUlamantrENa shirOdEshE tadEva hi //


svakIyE kusumam dadyAnganyAsam punahstathA

chaitanyam sarvabhUtAnAm yad brahma soham ishwarah


soham ityasya satatam chintanAd dEvarUpatA

atmanO jAyatE samyagbhAvanAnnAtra samshayah


pUjopakaraNasyApi dEvatvamiha jAyatE

sarvEshAm dEvatAdriShTyA jAyatE shuddhatApi //


The success in Srividya is assured when you respect your wife and look down upon

every woman as an aspect of Tripurasundari. Respect your wife & never ever hurt

her feelings.


On a lighter note:


Don't pester your wife for naivedyas like pulihora, dadhyojana, payasam,

chakrapongali etc. If she readily & happily out of her own wish cooks them,

then offer it to the Sriyantra. Or else, as I said once in this forum, offer a

glass or milk. This is enough. Moreover, seasonal fruits are readily available

at an affordable price.








, Gopi <antarurjas wrote:


> Dear Sriramgaru


> Thanks for such an elaborate response. I see that details mentioned there,

need careful reading/re-reading/re-re-reading and janmaas of manana and tapas to

even understand, leave alone experience. Once again thanks a million.


> Sir, just felt like clarifying that when I mentioned 'only kAmakalA bheejam',

it is not with any disrespect to HER at all. It was a way of expressing that

this bheejam alone is used and not panchadasi or shodasi( which basically is the

framework of my doubts, which you have clarified.) I by no means meant any

reduction in respect for the bheejam at all.


> *******************

> Before answering this question, I would ask you that what is the form

> you are invoking at the time of Japa of Mulavidya that succeeds after

> the worship of 9th Avarana.....

> *******************

> I visualise HER as mentioned in the dhyaana sloka of LS.


> srI hari

> Gopi






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Namaste Sriramgaru.


Thanks for the mesgs. Will continue to pray to HER to be blessed with the



on a lighter note: This particular mesg of yours have been read by the us as a

family here. I am sure your last few sentenses will be used as blanket

permissions to prepare/not prepare neivedhyams. :-)...


srI hari







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