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Importance of diksha to one's wife

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A srividyopasaka in the kaula marga is instructed to have his wife initiated in

mula vidya. He has to get his wife initiated in mula vidya by his own guru.

The guru should initiate his disciple's wife with krama diksha considering her

to be his own daughter.


If the upasaka continues his upasana with his a-dIkShita patnI (whose is called

kula stri), such an upasana results in siddhi hani.


Gandharva Tantra says:



adIkShitAnganAsangAt siddhihAnirbhavet sivE

tasmAt sarvaprayatnEna dIkShayEnnijakaulinIm //


gurusEvaikamAtrENa yathA siddhirbhavEn nriNAm

mahApadmavanadhyAnAd yathA siddhIshwarO bhavet //


nija kAntAm samAnIya sushIlAm suyaShasvinIm

kulabhaktam gurum prApya dIkShayEt kulavidyayA //


dIkShayitvA gurustAm tu nijaputrIvadAcharEt

adya prabruti putrid tvam kulapUjArata bhava //




Several cases have been witnessed in the families of srividya upasakas whose

children suffer from physical & mental imbalances.


If the swa-stri is not properly initiated, children born to them either suffer

from mental / physical illness or their active family life gets disturbed

resulting in strained relationships.




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Is there any Prominent grantha Pramana for the following bold passage or is it

given by mere statistics.

As these Observations are usually magnified in the context of a Upasaka as the

normal feeling for such a category is that they are super humans and no pain or

ill-fate will never come to them.


Most importantly how is PROPER INITIATION established in such an issue. Because

it's usually the other way around ie., Since they were effected with ill-fate

there initiation get's Questioned.


Secondly Why is the Stri(female) alone considered for suc dire consequences and

the males get away with any kind of initiation however inconsistent they are ?


And what about Karma siddhanta ?





> Several cases have been witnessed in the families of srividya upasakas whose

children suffer from physical & mental imbalances.


> If the swa-stri is not properly initiated, children born to them either suffer

from mental / physical illness or their active family life gets disturbed

resulting in strained relationships.


> Regs,

> Sriram


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This answer was posted long ago by me.


I don't want to go deep into these details. But i would like to mention a

certain srividya guruparampara (name withheld).


The parampara itself is filled with doshas right from the propagator.


When they initiate the disciples, the women either attain widowhood or lose

their offsprings in accidents. If the children are born, either they are

physically handicapped or mentally imbalanced.

Several instances were witnessed where the couples (both husband & wife are

upasakas) are either issueless or the wife undergo abortions.


So, the sin committed by mantra guru gets transmitted to the disciple also and

vice versa.


And hence, while initiation, the guru should carefully select his disciple for

upadesa and the disciple should also check the character of his guru whether he

is sadachari or not. Shri Bhaskararaya in his Varivasya Rahasya mentions this.


Shri Tadepalli Raghavana Narayana Sastry advices the sishyas to wait and observe

the gurus for 1 year before taking initiation.


I would close this post by citing a prominent example of a great srividyopasaka

who wrote a commentary on " Chidgagana Chandrika " called " Chakora vyakhya " . He

was the only person who stood against Shri Kalyananda Bharati of Guntur. Divine

Mother used to give visions every night at the time of Antaryaga. A close friend

of my gurunatha.


A stallwart in Srividya who only wore kaupina on his body and used to walk with

danda and kamandala though he was a grihasta. Slept only on tiger skin

throughout his life. His name was Shri Karra Agnihotra Avadhanigal.


Did a small dosha in life during the devi upasana and the repercussions are just

unbearable. He had 2 sons. One is mentally retarted and good for nothing and

other is a leprosy patient.


So, karma & destiny are different; dosha in upasana is different. Only great

souls like Shri Tadepalli Raghavanarayana Sastrigal, my gurunatha can say who

are mantra siddhas and who are not.


So, tasmAt jagratta....







, " diwakar_narumanchi " <diwakarvlg wrote:



> Is there any Prominent grantha Pramana for the following bold passage or is it

given by mere statistics.

> As these Observations are usually magnified in the context of a Upasaka as the

normal feeling for such a category is that they are super humans and no pain or

ill-fate will never come to them.


> Most importantly how is PROPER INITIATION established in such an issue.

Because it's usually the other way around ie., Since they were effected with

ill-fate there initiation get's Questioned.


> Secondly Why is the Stri(female) alone considered for suc dire consequences

and the males get away with any kind of initiation however inconsistent they are



> And what about Karma siddhanta ?

> Namaste

> Diwakar


> >

> > Several cases have been witnessed in the families of srividya upasakas whose

children suffer from physical & mental imbalances.

> >

> > If the swa-stri is not properly initiated, children born to them either

suffer from mental / physical illness or their active family life gets disturbed

resulting in strained relationships.

> >

> > Regs,

> > Sriram

> >


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